
## 73 句过分美丽的幽默句子,附英文翻译

**1. 我已经习惯了孤独,所以我开始和自己谈恋爱。**

I'm so used to being alone, I've started dating myself.

**2. 我喜欢你,就像我喜欢我自己的早餐一样。**

I like you, as much as I like my own breakfast.

**3. 我是一个非常有耐心的人,我可以用五年时间等待一个不值得的人。**

I'm a very patient person, I can wait five years for someone who doesn't deserve it.

**4. 我喜欢你,就像我喜欢我自己的床一样。**

I like you, as much as I like my own bed.

**5. 我是一个非常乐观的人,我相信世界会变得更好,至少不会更糟。**

I'm a very optimistic person, I believe the world will become better, at least not worse.

**6. 我想成为一名优秀的厨师,但我的烹饪技术让我自己都感到害怕。**

I want to be a great chef, but my cooking skills scare even myself.

**7. 我喜欢我的工作,尤其是下班时间。**

I love my job, especially the time when I get off work.

**8. 我是那种在聚会上只吃一口零食的人,但我会吃掉所有的薯片。**

I'm the kind of person who only takes one bite of a snack at a party, but I'll eat all the chips.

**9. 我是一个非常慷慨的人,我会把我的快乐与他人分享。**

I'm a very generous person, I share my happiness with others.

**10. 我是那种会因为一个笑话而笑,然后又因为自己笑了而尴尬的人。**

I'm the kind of person who laughs at a joke, then feels awkward for laughing.

**11. 我是一个非常独立的人,我一个人就能完成很多事情,比如吃掉一整盒冰淇淋。**

I'm a very independent person, I can do many things alone, like eating a whole box of ice cream.

**12. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我自己的宠物一样,我会尽力照顾他们,直到他们被别人领养。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my own pets, I'll try my best to take care of them, until they are adopted by someone else.

**13. 我是一个非常自信的人,我相信我可以做到任何事情,比如在公共场合唱歌。**

I'm a very confident person, I believe I can do anything, like singing in public.

**14. 我是一个非常有原则的人,但我的原则经常改变。**

I'm a very principled person, but my principles often change.

**15. 我喜欢我的生活,就像我喜欢我自己的手机一样,充满了各种各样的应用。**

I love my life, as much as I love my own phone, full of all sorts of applications.

**16. 我是一个非常浪漫的人,我总是幻想自己会遇到一个像王子一样的男人,然后他突然变成了青蛙。**

I'm a very romantic person, I always fantasize that I will meet a man like a prince, then he suddenly becomes a frog.

**17. 我喜欢我的工作,就像我喜欢我的床一样,我可以随时随地躺下。**

I love my job, as much as I love my bed, I can lie down anytime and anywhere.

**18. 我是一个非常有耐心的人,我可以等一个小时才看到一个不值得我等待的人。**

I'm a very patient person, I can wait for an hour to see someone who doesn't deserve my wait.

**19. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的鞋子一样,有些朋友就像高跟鞋,漂亮但不舒服,有些朋友就像运动鞋,舒适但不好看。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my shoes, some friends are like high heels, beautiful but uncomfortable, some friends are like sneakers, comfortable but not pretty.

**20. 我是一个非常善良的人,但我的善良是有原则的,比如我不会把钱借给别人。**

I'm a very kind person, but my kindness is principled, like I won't lend money to others.

**21. 我喜欢我的生活,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,总是充满了各种各样的通知。**

I love my life, as much as I love my phone, always full of all sorts of notifications.

**22. 我是一个非常有计划的人,但我的计划经常被意外打断。**

I'm a very planned person, but my plans are often interrupted by accidents.

**23. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的食物一样,有些朋友就像辣椒,辣得让人上瘾,有些朋友就像巧克力,甜得让人心醉。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my food, some friends are like chili peppers, spicy and addictive, some friends are like chocolate, sweet and intoxicating.

**24. 我是一个非常有创意的人,我经常想到一些奇怪的想法,比如在床上吃早餐。**

I'm a very creative person, I often think of strange ideas, like having breakfast in bed.

**25. 我喜欢我的工作,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的任务。**

I love my job, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of tasks.

**26. 我是一个非常独立的人,我一个人也能完成很多事情,比如一个人吃掉一桶爆米花。**

I'm a very independent person, I can do many things alone, like eating a whole bucket of popcorn.

**27. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的衣服一样,有些朋友就像牛仔裤,经久耐用,有些朋友就像晚礼服,闪耀夺目。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my clothes, some friends are like jeans, durable, some friends are like evening gowns, shining and dazzling.

**28. 我是一个非常有目标的人,但我的目标经常改变。**

I'm a very goal-oriented person, but my goals often change.

**29. 我喜欢我的生活,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的秘密。**

I love my life, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of secrets.

**30. 我是一个非常有条理的人,但我的房间总是乱糟糟的。**

I'm a very organized person, but my room is always messy.

**31. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的书一样,有些朋友就像推理小说,让人猜不透,有些朋友就像童话故事,充满了幻想。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my books, some friends are like detective novels, unpredictable, some friends are like fairy tales, full of fantasy.

**32. 我是一个非常有好奇心的人,我总是想知道各种各样的事情,比如为什么鸡会过马路。**

I'm a very curious person, I always want to know all sorts of things, like why chickens cross the road.

**33. 我喜欢我的工作,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的通知和信息。**

I love my job, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of notifications and messages.

**34. 我是一个非常有勇气的人,但我的勇气只存在于幻想中。**

I'm a very brave person, but my courage only exists in my fantasies.

**35. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的音乐一样,有些朋友就像摇滚乐,激情澎湃,有些朋友就像古典音乐,优雅动听。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my music, some friends are like rock music, passionate and energetic, some friends are like classical music, elegant and beautiful.

**36. 我是一个非常有想象力的人,我经常想到一些奇怪的想法,比如把家里的家具都换成糖果。**

I'm a very imaginative person, I often think of strange ideas, like replacing all the furniture in my house with candy.

**37. 我喜欢我的工作,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的表情包。**

I love my job, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of emoticons.

**38. 我是一个非常有决心的人,但我的决心经常被懒惰打败。**

I'm a very determined person, but my determination is often defeated by laziness.

**39. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的电影一样,有些朋友就像喜剧片,让人开怀大笑,有些朋友就像恐怖片,让人毛骨悚然。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my movies, some friends are like comedies, making you laugh out loud, some friends are like horror movies, making you terrified.

**40. 我是一个非常有责任心的人,但我的责任心经常被遗忘在角落里。**

I'm a very responsible person, but my responsibility is often forgotten in the corner.

**41. 我喜欢我的生活,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的应用和游戏。**

I love my life, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of applications and games.

**42. 我是一个非常有同情心的人,但我的同情心经常被现实打败。**

I'm a very compassionate person, but my compassion is often defeated by reality.

**43. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的旅行一样,有些朋友就像背包旅行,充满冒险,有些朋友就像豪华旅行,舒适放松。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my travels, some friends are like backpacking, full of adventure, some friends are like luxury travel, comfortable and relaxing.

**44. 我是一个非常有耐心的人,但我只对美食有耐心。**

I'm a very patient person, but I'm only patient with food.

**45. 我喜欢我的工作,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的信息和通知。**

I love my job, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of information and notifications.

**46. 我是一个非常有条理的人,但我只对自己的头发有条理。**

I'm a very organized person, but I'm only organized with my hair.

**47. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的音乐一样,有些朋友就像爵士乐,充满节奏,有些朋友就像流行音乐,朗朗上口。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my music, some friends are like jazz music, full of rhythm, some friends are like pop music, catchy.

**48. 我是一个非常有责任心的人,但我只对自己的宠物有责任心。**

I'm a very responsible person, but I'm only responsible for my pets.

**49. 我喜欢我的生活,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的表情包和贴纸。**

I love my life, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of emoticons and stickers.

**50. 我是一个非常有好奇心的人,但我只对八卦有好奇心。**

I'm a very curious person, but I'm only curious about gossip.

**51. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的衣服一样,有些朋友就像运动服,舒适随意,有些朋友就像晚礼服,华丽优雅。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my clothes, some friends are like sportswear, comfortable and casual, some friends are like evening gowns, gorgeous and elegant.

**52. 我是一个非常有想象力的人,但我只对食物有想象力。**

I'm a very imaginative person, but I'm only imaginative with food.

**53. 我喜欢我的工作,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的应用和游戏。**

I love my job, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of applications and games.

**54. 我是一个非常有耐心的人,但我只对美食有耐心。**

I'm a very patient person, but I'm only patient with food.

**55. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的书籍一样,有些朋友就像推理小说,让人欲罢不能,有些朋友就像童话故事,充满了幻想。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my books, some friends are like detective novels, addictive, some friends are like fairy tales, full of fantasy.

**56. 我是一个非常有好奇心的人,但我只对八卦有好奇心。**

I'm a very curious person, but I'm only curious about gossip.

**57. 我喜欢我的生活,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的信息和通知。**

I love my life, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of information and notifications.

**58. 我是一个非常有责任心的人,但我只对自己的宠物有责任心。**

I'm a very responsible person, but I'm only responsible for my pets.

**59. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的音乐一样,有些朋友就像古典音乐,优雅动听,有些朋友就像流行音乐,朗朗上口。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my music, some friends are like classical music, elegant and beautiful, some friends are like pop music, catchy.

**60. 我是一个非常有条理的人,但我只对自己的头发有条理。**

I'm a very organized person, but I'm only organized with my hair.

**61. 我喜欢我的工作,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的应用和游戏。**

I love my job, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of applications and games.

**62. 我是一个非常有耐心的人,但我只对美食有耐心。**

I'm a very patient person, but I'm only patient with food.

**63. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的书籍一样,有些朋友就像推理小说,让人欲罢不能,有些朋友就像童话故事,充满了幻想。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my books, some friends are like detective novels, addictive, some friends are like fairy tales, full of fantasy.

**64. 我是一个非常有好奇心的人,但我只对八卦有好奇心。**

I'm a very curious person, but I'm only curious about gossip.

**65. 我喜欢我的生活,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的信息和通知。**

I love my life, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of information and notifications.

**66. 我是一个非常有责任心的人,但我只对自己的宠物有责任心。**

I'm a very responsible person, but I'm only responsible for my pets.

**67. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的音乐一样,有些朋友就像古典音乐,优雅动听,有些朋友就像流行音乐,朗朗上口。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my music, some friends are like classical music, elegant and beautiful, some friends are like pop music, catchy.

**68. 我是一个非常有条理的人,但我只对自己的头发有条理。**

I'm a very organized person, but I'm only organized with my hair.

**69. 我喜欢我的工作,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的应用和游戏。**

I love my job, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of applications and games.

**70. 我是一个非常有耐心的人,但我只对美食有耐心。**

I'm a very patient person, but I'm only patient with food.

**71. 我喜欢我的朋友,就像我喜欢我的书籍一样,有些朋友就像推理小说,让人欲罢不能,有些朋友就像童话故事,充满了幻想。**

I love my friends, as much as I love my books, some friends are like detective novels, addictive, some friends are like fairy tales, full of fantasy.

**72. 我是一个非常有好奇心的人,但我只对八卦有好奇心。**

I'm a very curious person, but I'm only curious about gossip.

**73. 我喜欢我的生活,就像我喜欢我的手机一样,充满了各种各样的信息和通知。**

I love my life, as much as I love my phone, full of all sorts of information and notifications.

以上就是关于过分美丽幽默句子73句(过分美丽幽默句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
