
## 过年鲜花句子 (78句)


1. 红红火火,新年吉祥!
2. 花开富贵,吉祥如意!
3. 春意盎然,新年新气象!
4. 恭喜发财,万事胜意!
5. 新年快乐,幸福美满!
6. 年年有余,岁岁平安!
7. 花开富贵,财源广进!
8. 新的一年,新的希望!
9. 花香四溢,新年喜悦!
10. 万事如意,吉祥平安!
11. 喜气洋洋,新年新气象!
12. 红红火火,好运连连!
13. 迎春接福,新年快乐!
14. 恭喜发财,步步高升!
15. 花开富贵,幸福美满!
16. 年年有余,财源滚滚!
17. 万事亨通,新年大吉!
18. 花开富贵,吉祥如意!
19. 恭喜发财,心想事成!
20. 新年快乐,幸福美满!
21. 吉祥如意,福寿安康!
22. 花开富贵,财源广进!
23. 新年新气象,万事皆顺意!
24. 恭喜发财,心想事成!
25. 花香四溢,新年喜气!
26. 万事如意,步步高升!
27. 喜气洋洋,新年快乐!
28. 红红火火,新年吉祥!
29. 迎春接福,新年新气象!
30. 花开富贵,吉祥如意!


31. 祝你新年快乐,万事如意!
32. 祝你财源广进,幸福美满!
33. 祝你身体健康,平安顺遂!
34. 祝你新年新气象,步步高升!
35. 祝你心想事成,万事胜意!
36. 祝你事业顺利,家庭和睦!
37. 祝你爱情甜蜜,生活美满!
38. 祝你新年吉祥,好运连连!
39. 祝你年年有余,岁岁平安!
40. 祝你花开富贵,吉祥如意!
41. 祝你万事亨通,新年大吉!
42. 祝你心想事成,梦想成真!
43. 祝你幸福安康,快乐无忧!
44. 祝你新年快乐,平安吉祥!
45. 祝你财源滚滚,事业兴旺!
46. 祝你家庭美满,幸福永远!
47. 祝你身体健康,精神抖擞!
48. 祝你新年新气象,前途无量!
49. 祝你万事顺利,事事如愿!
50. 祝你心想事成,幸福美满!


51. 一束鲜花,送去新年的祝福!
52. 鲜花盛开,新年新气象!
53. 送你一束鲜花,愿你新年快乐!
54. 鲜花点缀,新年喜气洋洋!
55. 新春佳节,送你一束花!
56. 用鲜花表达新年的祝福!
57. 鲜花盛开,美好祝福!
58. 新年送花,祝你幸福美满!
59. 鲜花传递,新年的喜悦!
60. 一束鲜花,传递新年问候!


61. 鲜花点缀新年,喜气洋洋!
62. 花开富贵,新年吉祥!
63. 新年送花,传递祝福!
64. 春意盎然,鲜花盛开!
65. 鲜花点缀,新年喜庆!
66. 新年新气象,花香满园!
67. 鲜花盛开,美好祝福!
68. 新年快乐,鲜花相伴!
69. 花开富贵,财源滚滚!
70. 新年送花,祝你幸福美满!
71. 鲜花盛开,新年祝福!
72. 新春佳节,鲜花点缀!
73. 鲜花传递,新年喜悦!
74. 花开富贵,吉祥如意!
75. 新年快乐,鲜花陪伴!
76. 春意盎然,鲜花盛放!
77. 鲜花点缀,新年喜气!
78. 新年送花,传递爱意!

## 英文翻译


1. Red and prosperous, a happy New Year!

2. Flowers blooming for prosperity, auspiciousness and good fortune!

3. Spring is in the air, a new year and new prospects!

4. Wishing you prosperity and success in everything!

5. Happy New Year, happiness and fulfillment!

6. Abundance every year, peace and safety year after year!

7. Flowers blooming for prosperity, wealth pouring in!

8. A new year, new hopes!

9. Fragrant flowers everywhere, New Year's joy!

10. May all your wishes come true, auspiciousness and peace!

11. Cheerful and festive, a new year and new prospects!

12. Red and prosperous, good luck constantly!

13. Welcoming spring and accepting blessings, happy New Year!

14. Wishing you prosperity, steady progress and advancement!

15. Flowers blooming for prosperity, happiness and fulfillment!

16. Abundance every year, wealth rolling in!

17. Everything goes smoothly, a happy New Year!

18. Flowers blooming for prosperity, auspiciousness and good fortune!

19. Wishing you prosperity, may all your wishes come true!

20. Happy New Year, happiness and fulfillment!

21. Auspiciousness and good fortune, longevity and health!

22. Flowers blooming for prosperity, wealth pouring in!

23. New year, new prospects, everything goes as you wish!

24. Wishing you prosperity, may all your wishes come true!

25. Fragrant flowers everywhere, New Year's cheer!

26. May all your wishes come true, steady progress and advancement!

27. Cheerful and festive, happy New Year!

28. Red and prosperous, a happy New Year!

29. Welcoming spring and accepting blessings, a new year and new prospects!

30. Flowers blooming for prosperity, auspiciousness and good fortune!


31. Wishing you a happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!

32. Wishing you wealth pouring in, happiness and fulfillment!

33. Wishing you good health, peace and smooth sailing!

34. Wishing you a new year and new prospects, steady progress and advancement!

35. Wishing you may all your wishes come true, success in everything!

36. Wishing you success in your career, a harmonious family!

37. Wishing you sweet love, a happy life!

38. Wishing you a happy New Year, good luck constantly!

39. Wishing you abundance every year, peace and safety year after year!

40. Wishing you flowers blooming for prosperity, auspiciousness and good fortune!

41. Wishing you everything goes smoothly, a happy New Year!

42. Wishing you may all your wishes come true, dreams come true!

43. Wishing you happiness and health, worry-free and joyful!

44. Wishing you a happy New Year, peace and auspiciousness!

45. Wishing you wealth rolling in, prosperous business!

46. Wishing you a harmonious family, happiness forever!

47. Wishing you good health, full of energy!

48. Wishing you a new year and new prospects, unlimited potential!

49. Wishing you everything goes smoothly, everything goes as you wish!

50. Wishing you may all your wishes come true, happiness and fulfillment!


51. A bouquet of flowers, sending New Year's blessings!

52. Flowers in full bloom, a new year and new prospects!

53. Sending you a bouquet of flowers, wishing you a happy New Year!

54. Flowers embellishing, New Year's cheer and festivity!

55. Spring Festival, sending you a bouquet of flowers!

56. Expressing New Year's blessings with flowers!

57. Flowers in full bloom, beautiful blessings!

58. Sending flowers for the New Year, wishing you happiness and fulfillment!

59. Flowers conveying, New Year's joy!

60. A bouquet of flowers, conveying New Year's greetings!


61. Flowers embellishing the New Year, cheer and festivity!

62. Flowers blooming for prosperity, a happy New Year!

63. Sending flowers for the New Year, conveying blessings!

64. Spring is in the air, flowers in full bloom!

65. Flowers embellishing, New Year's joy!

66. New year, new prospects, flowers fragrant everywhere!

67. Flowers in full bloom, beautiful blessings!

68. Happy New Year, flowers accompany!

69. Flowers blooming for prosperity, wealth rolling in!

70. Sending flowers for the New Year, wishing you happiness and fulfillment!

71. Flowers in full bloom, New Year's blessings!

72. Spring Festival, flowers embellishing!

73. Flowers conveying, New Year's joy!

74. Flowers blooming for prosperity, auspiciousness and good fortune!

75. Happy New Year, flowers accompany!

76. Spring is in the air, flowers in full bloom!

77. Flowers embellishing, New Year's joy!

78. Sending flowers for the New Year, conveying love!

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