
## 贾宝玉经典语录(51句)

1.“女儿是水做的骨肉,男人是泥做的骨肉。” -"Girls are made of water and flesh, while men are made of mud and flesh."

2.“我真不明白,好好的一个女儿,怎么就成了赔钱货了呢?” -"I truly don't understand why a good daughter is considered a burden."

3.“林妹妹,你叫我一声宝玉,我便不能不爱你。” -"Lin Sister, if you call me Baoyu, I cannot help but love you."

4.“女孩儿家,脸皮薄,羞臊,都是正常的。” -"It is natural for girls to have thin skin and be shy."

5.“世人都说神仙好,只有痴儿不解其中妙。” -"Everyone says immortals are good, only a fool wouldn't understand the hidden beauty."

6.“我偏要和他们不一样,我偏要爱惜女儿。” -"I refuse to be like them, I will cherish girls."

7.“我宁愿做个痴情种,也不愿做个无情郎。” -"I'd rather be a foolish lover than a heartless man."

8.“人生不过是一场梦,何必苦苦追求?” -"Life is but a dream, why bother pursuing it so hard?"

9.“我常说,世间最美好的东西,莫过于真心。” -"I often say, the most beautiful thing in the world is true love."

10.“林妹妹,你不知道,你一笑,我的心就化了。” -"Lin Sister, you don't know, when you smile, my heart melts."

11.“我恨这世俗的眼光,把女子看得如此卑微。” -"I hate this worldly view, that makes women appear so lowly."

12.“我宁愿在花丛中做个无忧无虑的浪子,也不愿做个受人束缚的官二代。” -"I'd rather be a carefree wanderer among flowers than a bound official's son."

13.“我总觉得,我与这世间格格不入。” -"I always feel like I don't belong in this world."

14.“林妹妹,你是我生命中的唯一,我永远不会忘记你。” -"Lin Sister, you are the only one in my life, I will never forget you."

15.“我讨厌这世俗的礼教,它禁锢了人的灵魂。” -"I hate this worldly etiquette, it confines the human soul."

16.“我宁愿做一个自由的灵魂,也不愿做个被命运安排的傀儡。” -"I'd rather be a free soul than a puppet controlled by fate."

17.“我渴望爱情,渴望自由,渴望做回真正的自己。” -"I crave love, freedom, and to return to being my true self."

18.“林妹妹,你是我心中的白月光,照亮了我前行的道路。” -"Lin Sister, you are the white moonlight in my heart, illuminating my path."

19.“我宁愿做一个无名小卒,也不愿做个碌碌无为的富二代。” -"I'd rather be an unknown nobody than a useless rich second-generation."

20.“我渴望自由,渴望爱情,渴望拥有一个幸福的人生。” -"I crave freedom, love, and a happy life."

21.“林妹妹,你的温柔,你的善良,你的才华,让我着迷。” -"Lin Sister, your tenderness, your kindness, your talent, captivate me."

22.“我讨厌这世俗的虚伪,它遮蔽了人的真心。” -"I hate this worldly hypocrisy, it conceals people's true hearts."

23.“我宁愿做一个穷困潦倒的读书人,也不愿做个虚伪的富贵人。” -"I'd rather be a poor scholar than a hypocritical wealthy person."

24.“我渴望爱情,渴望自由,渴望在爱情中得到慰藉。” -"I crave love, freedom, and to find solace in love."

25.“林妹妹,你是我心中的女神,我永远爱你。” -"Lin Sister, you are the goddess in my heart, I love you forever."

26.“我讨厌这世俗的功名利禄,它蒙蔽了人的双眼。” -"I hate this worldly fame and fortune, it blinds people's eyes."

27.“我宁愿做一个不求名利的人,也不愿做个只求功名利禄的人。” -"I'd rather be someone who doesn't seek fame and fortune than someone who only seeks them."

28.“我渴望爱情,渴望自由,渴望拥有一个真挚的感情。” -"I crave love, freedom, and a genuine love."

29.“林妹妹,你是我生命中的宝藏,我永远珍惜你。” -"Lin Sister, you are the treasure of my life, I will always cherish you."

30.“我讨厌这世俗的冷酷,它吞噬了人的温暖。” -"I hate this worldly coldness, it devours people's warmth."

31.“我宁愿做一个善良的人,也不愿做个冷酷无情的人。” -"I'd rather be a kind person than a cold and ruthless one."

32.“我渴望爱情,渴望自由,渴望拥有一个美好的未来。” -"I crave love, freedom, and a bright future."

33.“林妹妹,你是我心中的明灯,照亮了我的未来。” -"Lin Sister, you are the beacon in my heart, illuminating my future."

34.“我讨厌这世俗的束缚,它禁锢了人的思想。” -"I hate this worldly confinement, it restricts people's thoughts."

35.“我宁愿做一个思想自由的人,也不愿做个思想禁锢的人。” -"I'd rather be someone with free thoughts than someone with restricted thoughts."

36.“我渴望爱情,渴望自由,渴望在自由中找到爱情。” -"I crave love, freedom, and to find love in freedom."

37.“林妹妹,你是我心中的希望,你带给我希望和光明。” -"Lin Sister, you are the hope in my heart, you bring me hope and light."

38.“我讨厌这世俗的假象,它掩盖了人的真面目。” -"I hate this worldly illusion, it hides people's true faces."

39.“我宁愿做一个真诚的人,也不愿做个虚伪的人。” -"I'd rather be a sincere person than a hypocritical one."

40.“我渴望爱情,渴望自由,渴望拥有一个真挚的爱情。” -"I crave love, freedom, and a true love."

41.“林妹妹,你是我心中的彩虹,点缀了我的人生。” -"Lin Sister, you are the rainbow in my heart, you adorn my life."

42.“我讨厌这世俗的贪婪,它吞噬了人的良知。” -"I hate this worldly greed, it devours people's conscience."

43.“我宁愿做一个无私的人,也不愿做个自私的人。” -"I'd rather be a selfless person than a selfish one."

44.“我渴望爱情,渴望自由,渴望拥有一个值得托付的人。” -"I crave love, freedom, and someone worthy of my trust."

45.“林妹妹,你是我心中的灯塔,指引我走向光明。” -"Lin Sister, you are the lighthouse in my heart, guiding me towards the light."

46.“我讨厌这世俗的冷漠,它冻结了人的真心。” -"I hate this worldly indifference, it freezes people's true hearts."

47.“我宁愿做一个热情的人,也不愿做个冷漠的人。” -"I'd rather be a passionate person than a cold one."

48.“我渴望爱情,渴望自由,渴望拥有一个充满爱的世界。” -"I crave love, freedom, and a world filled with love."

49.“林妹妹,你是我心中的玫瑰,美丽而芬芳。” -"Lin Sister, you are the rose in my heart, beautiful and fragrant."

50.“我讨厌这世俗的虚荣,它遮蔽了人的真善美。” -"I hate this worldly vanity, it conceals people's true goodness and beauty."

51.“我宁愿做一个朴实的人,也不愿做个虚荣的人。” -"I'd rather be a simple person than a vain one."

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