
## 贵与便宜价格经典句子(78句)


1. 便宜没好货,好货不便宜。

Cheap goods are not good, and good goods are not cheap.

2. 物有所值,一分钱一分货。

You get what you pay for.

3. 贵的东西不一定好,但好的东西一定不便宜。

Expensive things may not be good, but good things are definitely not cheap.

4. 高价往往代表着品质的保证。

A high price often represents a guarantee of quality.

5. 付出更多,收获更多。

The more you pay, the more you get.

6. 宁愿花高价买好东西,也不愿花低价买劣质品。

It's better to pay a high price for a good thing than to pay a low price for a bad one.

7. 好东西不怕贵,便宜货不耐用。

Good things are not afraid of being expensive, cheap goods are not durable.

8. 贵的东西往往能带来更高的价值。

Expensive things often bring higher value.

9. 高价意味着更高的成本和投入。

A high price means higher costs and investment.

10. 贵的东西通常代表着更好的服务和体验。

Expensive things usually represent better service and experience.


11. 物美价廉,物超所值。

Good quality at a low price, value for money.

12. 便宜不一定不好,但便宜的东西往往质量不高。

Cheap doesn't necessarily mean bad, but cheap things often have low quality.

13. 便宜货往往是物美价廉的代名词。

Cheap goods are often synonymous with good quality at a low price.

14. 省钱不等于省心。

Saving money doesn't necessarily mean saving worry.

15. 便宜的东西往往是应急之需。

Cheap things are often for emergencies.

16. 便宜货往往是物有所值,但也有可能质量不高。

Cheap goods are often value for money, but they can also be low quality.

17. 一分钱一分货,但便宜货往往是物美价廉的。

You get what you pay for, but cheap goods are often good quality at a low price.

18. 便宜的东西不一定差,但贵的也不一定好。

Cheap things are not necessarily bad, but expensive things are not necessarily good.

19. 便宜的东西往往是性价比高的。

Cheap things are often good value for money.

20. 便宜的东西可以节省开支,但也有可能浪费时间和精力。

Cheap things can save money, but they can also waste time and effort.


21. “没有免费的午餐。” - 经济学原理

"There is no free lunch." - Economic principle

22. “时间就是金钱。” - 本杰明·富兰克林

"Time is money." - Benjamin Franklin

23. “一分钱一分货。” - 中国谚语

"You get what you pay for." - Chinese proverb

24. “不要为便宜货而烦恼,也不要为昂贵的物品而悲伤。” - 莎士比亚

"Don't fret over cheap things, nor grieve over expensive items." - Shakespeare

25. “最昂贵的东西通常是最便宜的。” - 约翰·洛克

"The most expensive things are often the cheapest." - John Locke

26. “价格是人们愿意为一项商品或服务支付的最高金额。” - 经济学定义

"Price is the highest amount that people are willing to pay for a good or service." - Economics definition

27. “价格战不是持久之计。” - 商业策略

"Price wars are not a sustainable strategy." - Business strategy

28. “价格反映了供求关系。” - 经济学原理

"Price reflects supply and demand." - Economic principle

29. “价格只是价值的一个指标。” - 营销理念

"Price is just an indicator of value." - Marketing concept

30. “价格是市场力量的产物。” - 经济学原理

"Price is a product of market forces." - Economic principle


31. “价格只是一个数字,重要的是价值。” - 哲学观点

"Price is just a number, value is what matters." - Philosophical perspective

32. “价格无法衡量一切。” - 哲学观点

"Price cannot measure everything." - Philosophical perspective

33. “价格是相对的,取决于个人的需求和价值观。” - 哲学观点

"Price is relative, depending on individual needs and values." - Philosophical perspective

34. “价格只是价值的体现,并非价值本身。” - 哲学观点

"Price is just a reflection of value, not value itself." - Philosophical perspective

35. “价格与价值之间存在着微妙的平衡。” - 哲学观点

"There is a delicate balance between price and value." - Philosophical perspective

36. “价格是市场对价值的评估。” - 哲学观点

"Price is the market's assessment of value." - Philosophical perspective

37. “价格是一种语言,传达着商品或服务的价值。” - 哲学观点

"Price is a language, conveying the value of goods or services." - Philosophical perspective

38. “价格是一个重要的决定因素,但并非唯一的因素。” - 哲学观点

"Price is an important determinant, but not the only one." - Philosophical perspective

39. “价格是市场力量和价值判断的结合。” - 哲学观点

"Price is a combination of market forces and value judgments." - Philosophical perspective

40. “价格是沟通价值的桥梁。” - 哲学观点

"Price is a bridge for communicating value." - Philosophical perspective


41. “物有所值,贵有贵的道理,便宜有便宜的理由。”

You get what you pay for, there are reasons for expensive things being expensive, and reasons for cheap things being cheap.

42. “价格只是相对的,重要的是找到适合自己的。”

Price is only relative, what matters is finding what suits you.

43. “不要被价格所迷惑,要用心感受价值。”

Don't be fooled by price, feel the value with your heart.

44. “价格是不可避免的,但价值是永恒的。”

Price is inevitable, but value is eternal.

45. “价格只是一个数字,重要的是它所带来的体验。”

Price is just a number, what matters is the experience it brings.

46. “价格可以是负担,也可以是投资。”

Price can be a burden, or an investment.

47. “价格可以改变,但价值不会。”

Price can change, but value doesn't.

48. “价格是一把双刃剑,既可以带来利益,也可以带来损失。”

Price is a double-edged sword, it can bring both benefits and losses.

49. “价格只是价值的象征,并非价值本身。”

Price is just a symbol of value, not value itself.

50. “价格是市场力量的产物,也是消费者价值判断的结果。”

Price is a product of market forces, and a result of consumer value judgments.


51. “便宜没好货,好货不便宜,所以我要买贵的。”

"Cheap goods are not good, good goods are not cheap, so I'm going to buy the expensive ones."

52. “我的钱包很薄,但是我的品味很高。”

"My wallet is thin, but my taste is high."

53. “我宁愿花高价买一样好东西,也不愿花低价买一堆垃圾。”

"I'd rather pay a high price for one good thing than pay a low price for a pile of garbage."

54. “价格只是数字,重要的是它能让我开心。”

"Price is just a number, what matters is that it makes me happy."

55. “便宜的东西往往是便宜货,贵的也不一定是好货,所以我要根据自己的需求选择。”

"Cheap things are often cheap goods, and expensive things are not necessarily good, so I'll choose according to my needs."

56. “价格只是一个数字,重要的是它能给我带来什么。”

"Price is just a number, what matters is what it can give me."

57. “我宁愿花高价买一样能让我满意的东西,也不愿花低价买一样让我后悔的东西。”

"I'd rather pay a high price for something that satisfies me than pay a low price for something that makes me regret it."

58. “价格只是一串数字,重要的是它能带给我什么价值。”

"Price is just a string of numbers, what matters is what value it can bring me."

59. “我宁愿花高价买一样能让我炫耀的东西,也不愿花低价买一样让我丢脸的东西。”

"I'd rather pay a high price for something that makes me show off than pay a low price for something that makes me lose face."

60. “价格只是数字,重要的是它能让我感受到快乐。”

"Price is just a number, what matters is that it makes me feel happy."


61. “便宜的东西就像纸老虎,看着厉害,实际上不堪一击。”

"Cheap things are like paper tigers, they look powerful but are actually weak."

62. “贵的東西就像金子,越用越值钱。”

"Expensive things are like gold, they become more valuable the more you use them."

63. “便宜的东西往往是物美价廉,但也有可能是偷工减料。”

"Cheap things are often good value for money, but they can also be shoddy."

64. “贵的東西往往是匠心独运,但也有可能是华而不实。”

"Expensive things are often handcrafted, but they can also be showy without substance."

65. “便宜的東西就像快餐,吃起来方便,但缺乏营养。”

"Cheap things are like fast food, convenient to eat but lacking in nutrition."

66. “贵的東西就像大餐,吃起来美味,但价格不菲。”

"Expensive things are like banquets, they taste delicious but are expensive."

67. “便宜的東西就像玩具,玩起来有趣,但很快就会厌倦。”

"Cheap things are like toys, they are fun to play with but you get bored with them quickly."

68. “贵的東西就像艺术品,欣赏起来有价值,但并非人人能拥有。”

"Expensive things are like art, they are valuable to appreciate but not everyone can own them."

69. “便宜的東西就像流水线产品,大量生产,缺乏个性。”

"Cheap things are like mass-produced products, produced in large quantities and lacking individuality."

70. “贵的東西就像手工制品,精雕细琢,独一无二。”

"Expensive things are like handcrafted items, meticulously crafted and unique."


71. “不要被低价所诱惑,要警惕质量问题。”

"Don't be tempted by low prices, be wary of quality problems."

72. “不要贪图便宜,否则你会得不偿失。”

"Don't be greedy for cheap things, or you'll get more than you bargained for."

73. “便宜的东西往往是陷阱,要谨慎选择。”

"Cheap things are often traps, choose carefully."

74. “一分钱一分货,不要指望便宜的东西能有多好。”

"You get what you pay for, don't expect cheap things to be very good."

75. “便宜的东西往往是质量不过关,不要为了省钱而买劣质品。”

"Cheap things are often of poor quality, don't buy inferior goods to save money."

76. “不要被价格所蒙蔽,要擦亮眼睛,明辨是非。”

"Don't be blinded by price, open your eyes and distinguish right from wrong."

77. “不要为了便宜而买东西,要根据自己的需求和预算选择。”

"Don't buy things just because they are cheap, choose according to your needs and budget."

78. “不要因为便宜而忽略了价值,要找到物美价廉的商品。”

"Don't ignore value because of cheapness, find goods that are good quality at a low price."

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