
## 费加罗的婚礼 名句 (100句)


1. **伯爵:** 哦,我的爱人,你的柔情如甜蜜的毒药,让我醉心其中。

Count: Oh, my love, your tenderness is like a sweet poison, intoxicating me.

2. **苏珊娜:** 伯爵夫人,您的善良让我感动,但您的丈夫,我实在无法忍受。

Suzanne: Countess, your kindness moves me, but your husband, I can't stand him.

3. **费加罗:** 我要娶苏珊娜,她就像玫瑰花一样美丽,她的爱情就像晨曦一样灿烂。

Figaro: I will marry Suzanne, she is as beautiful as a rose, and her love is as bright as the dawn.

4. **伯爵夫人:** 费加罗,你对爱情的忠诚让我敬佩,你是我心中唯一的依靠。

Countess: Figaro, your faithfulness to love impresses me, you are the only one I rely on in my heart.

5. **巴尔托洛:** 我要阻止这桩婚事,我不能眼睁睁地看着我的财产被别人夺走。

Bartolo: I will stop this wedding, I can't bear to see my property taken away by others.

6. **凯鲁比诺:** 我的心充满了爱情,我爱着伯爵夫人,我也爱着苏珊娜。

Cherubino: My heart is filled with love, I love the Countess, and I love Suzanne.

7. **费加罗:** 我要证明,爱情是世界上最伟大的力量,它可以战胜一切。

Figaro: I will prove that love is the greatest force in the world, it can conquer everything.

8. **伯爵:** 我拥有权力,我拥有财富,我拥有爱情,难道还不够吗?

Count: I have power, I have wealth, I have love, isn't that enough?

9. **伯爵夫人:** 我渴望自由,我渴望爱情,我渴望摆脱这牢笼般的婚姻。

Countess: I crave freedom, I crave love, I crave to escape this cage-like marriage.

10. **苏珊娜:** 我爱费加罗,我愿意为他付出一切,即使是我的生命。

Suzanne: I love Figaro, I am willing to give everything for him, even my life.

11. **巴尔托洛:** 我要报复,我要让你们付出代价!

Bartolo: I will take revenge, I will make you pay!

12. **凯鲁比诺:** 我是一个可怜的年轻人,我被爱情折磨着,我无处可逃。

Cherubino: I am a poor young man, I am tormented by love, I have nowhere to escape.

13. **费加罗:** 我是一个机智的理发师,我可以用我的智慧战胜任何困难。

Figaro: I am a witty barber, I can overcome any difficulty with my intelligence.

14. **伯爵夫人:** 爱情是一场游戏,我们都在这场游戏中扮演着不同的角色。

Countess: Love is a game, we all play different roles in this game.

15. **伯爵:** 我要控制一切,我要让所有人都服从我的意志。

Count: I will control everything, I will make everyone obey my will.

16. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个独立的女性,我不会屈服于任何人的淫威。

Suzanne: I am an independent woman, I will not yield to anyone's tyranny.

17. **巴尔托洛:** 我要利用我的智慧,我要战胜他们所有人。

Bartolo: I will use my intelligence, I will defeat them all.

18. **凯鲁比诺:** 我是一个充满激情的人,我无法控制自己的感情。

Cherubino: I am a passionate person, I cannot control my emotions.

19. **费加罗:** 我要为我的爱情而战,我不会放弃。

Figaro: I will fight for my love, I will not give up.

20. **伯爵夫人:** 我要夺回我的爱情,我要让我的丈夫重新爱上我。

Countess: I will reclaim my love, I will make my husband love me again.


21. **伯爵:** 费加罗,你是一个聪明的家伙,你总是能找到解决问题的办法。

Count: Figaro, you are a clever fellow, you always find a way to solve problems.

22. **费加罗:** 伯爵,您的要求让我为难,但我只能尽力而为。

Figaro: Count, your request makes me difficult, but I can only do my best.

23. **苏珊娜:** 我要利用这个机会,我要让伯爵夫人重新得到伯爵的爱情。

Suzanne: I will take advantage of this opportunity, I will make the Countess win the Count's love again.

24. **巴尔托洛:** 我的计划已经开始实施,我要让他们的计划彻底失败。

Bartolo: My plan has begun to be implemented, I will make their plan completely fail.

25. **凯鲁比诺:** 我要躲起来,我要避免被伯爵发现。

Cherubino: I'm going to hide, I have to avoid being discovered by the Count.

26. **伯爵夫人:** 我要伪装成苏珊娜,我要接近我的丈夫。

Countess: I will disguise myself as Suzanne, I will approach my husband.

27. **费加罗:** 伯爵,我只能保证一件事,那就是我会尽力让您满意。

Figaro: Count, I can only guarantee one thing, and that is that I will do my best to satisfy you.

28. **苏珊娜:** 我要利用我的智慧,我要让伯爵夫人重新得到幸福。

Suzanne: I will use my intelligence, I will make the Countess happy again.

29. **巴尔托洛:** 我的机会来了,我要抓住这次机会,我要让伯爵夫人身败名裂。

Bartolo: My chance has come, I will seize this opportunity, I will make the Countess lose face.

30. **凯鲁比诺:** 我要勇敢一些,我要向伯爵夫人表白我的爱意。

Cherubino: I will be brave, I will confess my love to the Countess.

31. **费加罗:** 我是一个机智的理发师,我不会被任何人吓倒。

Figaro: I am a witty barber, I will not be intimidated by anyone.

32. **伯爵夫人:** 我要勇敢地面对挑战,我要重新夺回我的尊严。

Countess: I will bravely face the challenge, I will regain my dignity.

33. **伯爵:** 我要抓住机会,我要让我的妻子尝尝苦头。

Count: I will seize the opportunity, I will make my wife suffer.

34. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个善良的女孩,我不会背叛我的朋友。

Suzanne: I am a kind girl, I will not betray my friends.

35. **巴尔托洛:** 我要利用我的财富,我要让所有的人都服从我。

Bartolo: I will use my wealth, I will make everyone obey me.

36. **凯鲁比诺:** 我是一个痴情的少年,我无法控制自己的感情。

Cherubino: I am a lovesick teenager, I can't control my feelings.

37. **费加罗:** 我是一个忠诚的丈夫,我会永远守护我的爱情。

Figaro: I am a loyal husband, I will always protect my love.

38. **伯爵夫人:** 我是一个坚强的女性,我不会被任何人打败。

Countess: I am a strong woman, I will not be defeated by anyone.

39. **伯爵:** 我是一个暴躁的丈夫,我无法忍受任何背叛。

Count: I am a grumpy husband, I can't tolerate any betrayal.

40. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个勇敢的女孩,我不会害怕任何挑战。

Suzanne: I am a brave girl, I will not fear any challenge.


41. **伯爵:** 我要揭穿他们,我要让他们付出代价!

Count: I will expose them, I will make them pay!

42. **费加罗:** 伯爵,您的怀疑是错误的,您误会了我的忠诚。

Figaro: Count, your suspicions are wrong, you misunderstand my loyalty.

43. **苏珊娜:** 我要利用我的智慧,我要揭穿伯爵的阴谋。

Suzanne: I will use my intelligence, I will expose the Count's conspiracy.

44. **巴尔托洛:** 我要利用这个机会,我要让伯爵夫人身败名裂。

Bartolo: I will take advantage of this opportunity, I will make the Countess lose face.

45. **凯鲁比诺:** 我要逃跑,我要躲避伯爵的追捕。

Cherubino: I'm going to run away, I have to avoid the Count's pursuit.

46. **伯爵夫人:** 我要勇敢地面对一切,我要为我的爱情而战。

Countess: I will bravely face everything, I will fight for my love.

47. **费加罗:** 我要利用我的智慧,我要帮助伯爵夫人摆脱困境。

Figaro: I will use my intelligence, I will help the Countess out of trouble.

48. **苏珊娜:** 我要利用我的美貌,我要让伯爵相信我的爱情。

Suzanne: I will use my beauty, I will make the Count believe in my love.

49. **巴尔托洛:** 我的计划就要成功了,我要让伯爵夫人彻底绝望。

Bartolo: My plan is about to succeed, I will make the Countess completely desperate.

50. **凯鲁比诺:** 我要勇敢一些,我要向伯爵夫人表白我的爱意。

Cherubino: I will be brave, I will confess my love to the Countess.

51. **伯爵:** 我要让所有人都知道我的愤怒,我要让所有人都为我的愤怒而颤抖。

Count: I will let everyone know my anger, I will make everyone tremble for my anger.

52. **费加罗:** 我是一个忠诚的丈夫,我会永远守护我的爱情。

Figaro: I am a loyal husband, I will always protect my love.

53. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个坚强的女性,我不会被任何人的淫威所吓倒。

Suzanne: I am a strong woman, I will not be intimidated by anyone's tyranny.

54. **巴尔托洛:** 我要利用我的智慧,我要战胜所有的人。

Bartolo: I will use my intelligence, I will defeat everyone.

55. **凯鲁比诺:** 我是一个充满激情的人,我无法控制自己的感情。

Cherubino: I am a passionate person, I cannot control my emotions.

56. **伯爵夫人:** 我要夺回我的爱情,我要让我的丈夫重新爱上我。

Countess: I will reclaim my love, I will make my husband love me again.

57. **伯爵:** 我要控制一切,我要让所有人都服从我的意志。

Count: I will control everything, I will make everyone obey my will.

58. **费加罗:** 我要为我的爱情而战,我不会放弃。

Figaro: I will fight for my love, I will not give up.

59. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个独立的女性,我不会屈服于任何人的淫威。

Suzanne: I am an independent woman, I will not yield to anyone's tyranny.

60. **巴尔托洛:** 我要利用我的智慧,我要战胜他们所有人。

Bartolo: I will use my intelligence, I will defeat them all.


61. **伯爵:** 我被爱情蒙蔽了双眼,我犯下了不可饶恕的错误。

Count: I was blinded by love, I made an unforgivable mistake.

62. **费加罗:** 伯爵,您的错误是显而易见的,您应该为您的行为负责。

Figaro: Count, your mistake is obvious, you should be responsible for your actions.

63. **苏珊娜:** 伯爵夫人,您是一个善良的人,您应该原谅伯爵的错误。

Suzanne: Countess, you are a kind person, you should forgive the Count's mistakes.

64. **巴尔托洛:** 我的计划已经失败了,我的阴谋被揭穿了。

Bartolo: My plan has failed, my conspiracy has been exposed.

65. **凯鲁比诺:** 我的爱情是真诚的,但它也是致命的,它让我陷入无尽的痛苦。

Cherubino: My love is sincere, but it is also deadly, it plunges me into endless pain.

66. **伯爵夫人:** 我原谅了伯爵,但我不会忘记他的错误。

Countess: I forgive the Count, but I will not forget his mistakes.

67. **费加罗:** 我要为我的爱情而战,我要让伯爵知道我的忠诚。

Figaro: I will fight for my love, I will let the Count know my loyalty.

68. **苏珊娜:** 我要帮助伯爵夫人,我要帮助她重新获得伯爵的爱情。

Suzanne: I will help the Countess, I will help her regain the Count's love.

69. **巴尔托洛:** 我要离开这里,我要永远消失在这个世界上。

Bartolo: I will leave here, I will disappear forever in this world.

70. **凯鲁比诺:** 我要离开这里,我要寻找我的幸福。

Cherubino: I will leave here, I will find my happiness.

71. **伯爵:** 我要向我的妻子道歉,我要弥补我的过错。

Count: I will apologize to my wife, I will make up for my mistakes.

72. **费加罗:** 我是一个机智的理发师,我可以用我的智慧解决任何问题。

Figaro: I am a witty barber, I can solve any problem with my intelligence.

73. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个善良的女孩,我不会让任何人受到伤害。

Suzanne: I am a kind girl, I will not let anyone get hurt.

74. **巴尔托洛:** 我的计划已经失败了,我将永远不会再尝试。

Bartolo: My plan has failed, I will never try again.

75. **凯鲁比诺:** 我的爱情是美好的,它让我充满了希望。

Cherubino: My love is beautiful, it fills me with hope.

76. **伯爵夫人:** 我要重新开始,我要寻找我的幸福。

Countess: I will start over, I will find my happiness.

77. **伯爵:** 我要改变我的行为,我要成为一个更好的丈夫。

Count: I will change my behavior, I will be a better husband.

78. **费加罗:** 我是一个忠诚的丈夫,我会永远守护我的家庭。

Figaro: I am a loyal husband, I will always protect my family.

79. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个勇敢的女孩,我不会害怕任何挑战。

Suzanne: I am a brave girl, I will not fear any challenge.

80. **巴尔托洛:** 我的失败让我心灰意冷,我将不再介入任何事情。

Bartolo: My failure disheartens me, I will no longer intervene in anything.


81. **伯爵:** 我终于明白了,爱情是世界上最伟大的力量,它可以战胜一切。

Count: I finally understand, love is the greatest force in the world, it can conquer everything.

82. **费加罗:** 伯爵,您终于明白了爱情的真谛,这真是可喜可贺。

Figaro: Count, you finally understand the true meaning of love, it's really a cause for celebration.

83. **苏珊娜:** 伯爵夫人,您是一个勇敢的女性,您终于获得了幸福。

Suzanne: Countess, you are a brave woman, you finally got happiness.

84. **巴尔托洛:** 我是一个可怜的老人,我被爱情所抛弃。

Bartolo: I am a poor old man, I am abandoned by love.

85. **凯鲁比诺:** 我的爱情是美好的,它让我充满了希望。

Cherubino: My love is beautiful, it fills me with hope.

86. **伯爵夫人:** 我要感谢费加罗,我要感谢他为我的爱情所做的一切。

Countess: I want to thank Figaro, I want to thank him for everything he did for my love.

87. **伯爵:** 我要向我的妻子道歉,我要向她表达我的爱意。

Count: I will apologize to my wife, I will express my love to her.

88. **费加罗:** 我是一个机智的理发师,我可以用我的智慧解决任何问题。

Figaro: I am a witty barber, I can solve any problem with my intelligence.

89. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个善良的女孩,我不会让任何人受到伤害。

Suzanne: I am a kind girl, I will not let anyone get hurt.

90. **巴尔托洛:** 我要离开这里,我要寻找我的平静。

Bartolo: I will leave here, I will find my peace.

91. **凯鲁比诺:** 我的爱情是美好的,它让我充满了希望。

Cherubino: My love is beautiful, it fills me with hope.

92. **伯爵夫人:** 我要重新开始,我要寻找我的幸福。

Countess: I will start over, I will find my happiness.

93. **伯爵:** 我要改变我的行为,我要成为一个更好的丈夫。

Count: I will change my behavior, I will be a better husband.

94. **费加罗:** 我是一个忠诚的丈夫,我会永远守护我的家庭。

Figaro: I am a loyal husband, I will always protect my family.

95. **苏珊娜:** 我是一个勇敢的女孩,我不会害怕任何挑战。

Suzanne: I am a brave girl, I will not fear any challenge.

96. **巴尔托洛:** 我的失败让我心灰意冷,我将不再介入任何事情。

Bartolo: My failure disheartens me, I will no longer intervene in anything.

97. **凯鲁比诺:** 我是一个可怜的年轻人,我被爱情折磨着,我无处可逃。

Cherubino: I am a poor young man, I am tormented by love, I have nowhere to escape.

98. **费加罗:** 我是一个机智的理发师,我可以用我的智慧战胜任何困难。

Figaro: I am a witty barber, I can overcome any difficulty with my intelligence.

99. **伯爵夫人:** 爱情是一场游戏,我们都在这场游戏中扮演着不同的角色。

Countess: Love is a game, we all play different roles in this game.

100. **伯爵:** 我要控制一切,我要让所有人都服从我的意志。

Count: I will control everything, I will make everyone obey my will.

以上就是关于费加罗的婚礼句子100句(费加罗的婚礼句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
