
## 81 句贴近现实的句子及其英文翻译:


1. 今天又是一个普通而忙碌的一天。

It's another ordinary but busy day.

2. 地铁里人山人海,拥挤不堪。

The subway is packed with people, it's so crowded.

3. 我总是忘记带手机充电器。

I always forget to bring my phone charger.

4. 好不容易熬到了周末,可以好好休息了。

Finally it's the weekend, I can get some good rest.

5. 生活总是充满各种各样的挑战。

Life is always full of all kinds of challenges.

6. 我总是无法拒绝朋友的请求。

I always have trouble saying no to my friends' requests.

7. 今天的天气真是糟糕透顶。

The weather today is absolutely terrible.

8. 我总是感觉时间不够用。

I always feel like I don't have enough time.

9. 我总是忘记给植物浇水。

I always forget to water my plants.

10. 我总是把钥匙弄丢。

I always lose my keys.


11. 今天工作真是太忙了,感觉快要累垮了。

Work has been so busy today, I feel like I'm going to collapse.

12. 这个项目真是太难了,我快要放弃了。

This project is so difficult, I'm about to give up.

13. 我总是担心考试,压力很大。

I always worry about exams, I'm under a lot of pressure.

14. 老板对我的要求总是很高。

My boss has very high expectations of me.

15. 我总是感觉自己跟不上同事的步伐。

I always feel like I can't keep up with my colleagues.

16. 我总是无法集中注意力学习。

I always have trouble focusing on my studies.

17. 我总是感觉自己没有朋友。

I always feel like I don't have any friends.

18. 我总是害怕被别人拒绝。

I'm always afraid of being rejected by others.

19. 我总是害怕失去工作。

I'm always afraid of losing my job.

20. 我总是感觉自己不够优秀。

I always feel like I'm not good enough.


21. 我和朋友发生了一点小矛盾。

I had a little disagreement with my friend.

22. 我总是担心自己的朋友会离开我。

I'm always worried that my friends will leave me.

23. 我总是无法理解家人的想法。

I always have trouble understanding my family's thoughts.

24. 我总是感觉和家人沟通有障碍。

I always feel like there's a communication barrier with my family.

25. 我总是害怕和陌生人说话。

I'm always afraid of talking to strangers.

26. 我总是感觉自己不合群。

I always feel like I don't fit in.

27. 我总是感觉自己没有朋友。

I always feel like I don't have any friends.

28. 我总是感觉自己被别人孤立。

I always feel like I'm being isolated by others.

29. 我总是感觉自己不被爱。

I always feel like I'm not loved.

30. 我总是感觉自己很孤独。

I always feel very lonely.


31. 我总是感觉很焦虑,不知道该如何放松自己。

I'm always feeling anxious and don't know how to relax myself.

32. 我总是感觉很沮丧,不知道该如何振作起来。

I'm always feeling depressed and don't know how to cheer myself up.

33. 我总是感觉很愤怒,不知道如何控制自己的情绪。

I'm always feeling angry and don't know how to control my emotions.

34. 我总是感觉很悲伤,不知道如何走出悲伤。

I'm always feeling sad and don't know how to get over my sadness.

35. 我总是感觉很迷茫,不知道自己想要什么。

I'm always feeling lost and don't know what I want.

36. 我总是感觉很无助,不知道该如何面对困难。

I'm always feeling helpless and don't know how to face difficulties.

37. 我总是感觉很自卑,不知道如何提升自信。

I'm always feeling inferior and don't know how to improve my confidence.

38. 我总是感觉自己很失败,不知道如何重拾信心。

I'm always feeling like a failure and don't know how to regain my confidence.

39. 我总是感觉自己很孤独,不知道如何建立人际关系。

I'm always feeling lonely and don't know how to build relationships.

40. 我总是感觉自己很迷茫,不知道未来该何去何从。

I'm always feeling lost and don't know where to go in the future.


41. 物价上涨得越来越快,生活压力越来越大。

Prices are rising faster and faster, and the pressure of living is getting bigger.

42. 社会竞争越来越激烈,每个人都压力很大。

Social competition is getting more and more intense, everyone is under a lot of pressure.

43. 环境污染越来越严重,空气质量越来越差。

Environmental pollution is getting worse and worse, air quality is getting poorer.

44. 交通越来越拥堵,出行越来越困难。

Traffic is getting more and more congested, traveling is getting more and more difficult.

45. 社会治安越来越差,人们的安全感越来越低。

Social security is getting worse and worse, people's sense of security is getting lower.

46. 网络信息泛滥,真假难辨,让人无所适从。

Online information is rampant, it's hard to tell what's true and what's false, it's confusing.

47. 科技发展日新月异,让人应接不暇。

Technology is developing rapidly, it's hard to keep up.

48. 社会风气日益浮躁,人们越来越追求物质享受。

Social atmosphere is becoming more and more impetuous, people are increasingly pursuing material enjoyment.

49. 人们的生活节奏越来越快,越来越追求效率。

People's pace of life is getting faster and faster, they are more and more pursuing efficiency.

50. 社会上各种矛盾冲突层出不穷,让人感到不安。

All kinds of contradictions and conflicts are emerging in society, making people feel uneasy.


51. 时间过得真快,一转眼就老了。

Time flies, and before you know it, you're old.

52. 人生苦短,要及时行乐。

Life is short, enjoy yourself while you can.

53. 人生总是有起有落,不要轻易放弃。

Life always has its ups and downs, don't give up easily.

54. 人生的意义在于追求梦想。

The meaning of life lies in pursuing your dreams.

55. 人生的意义在于帮助他人。

The meaning of life lies in helping others.

56. 人生的意义在于享受生活。

The meaning of life lies in enjoying life.

57. 人生的意义在于不断学习和成长。

The meaning of life lies in continuous learning and growth.

58. 人生的意义在于找到自己的价值。

The meaning of life lies in finding your own value.

59. 人生的意义在于创造属于自己的精彩。

The meaning of life lies in creating your own wonderful life.

60. 人生的意义在于追寻真爱。

The meaning of life lies in pursuing true love.


61. 我总是幻想自己能遇到一个完美的伴侣。

I always fantasize about meeting a perfect partner.

62. 我总是担心自己找不到合适的伴侣。

I'm always worried that I won't find the right partner.

63. 我总是害怕失去我的爱人。

I'm always afraid of losing my lover.

64. 我总是感觉自己不够好,配不上我的爱人。

I always feel like I'm not good enough for my lover.

65. 我总是担心婚姻会让我失去自由。

I'm always worried that marriage will make me lose my freedom.

66. 我总是感觉自己没有准备好结婚。

I always feel like I'm not ready for marriage.

67. 我总是担心婚姻会让我失去自我。

I'm always worried that marriage will make me lose myself.

68. 我总是担心婚姻会让我失去幸福。

I'm always worried that marriage will make me lose my happiness.

69. 我总是担心婚姻会让我失去爱情。

I'm always worried that marriage will make me lose my love.

70. 我总是担心婚姻会让我失去朋友。

I'm always worried that marriage will make me lose my friends.


71. 我总是感觉自己很累,想休息一下。

I always feel tired and want to rest for a while.

72. 我总是感觉自己很饿,想吃点东西。

I always feel hungry and want to eat something.

73. 我总是感觉自己很冷,想穿件外套。

I always feel cold and want to put on a jacket.

74. 我总是感觉自己很热,想喝杯冰水。

I always feel hot and want to drink a glass of ice water.

75. 我总是感觉自己很无聊,想找点事情做。

I always feel bored and want to find something to do.

76. 我总是感觉自己很孤独,想找个人聊天。

I always feel lonely and want to talk to someone.

77. 我总是感觉自己很害怕,想找个安全的地方躲起来。

I always feel scared and want to find a safe place to hide.

78. 我总是感觉自己很痛苦,想找到解脱。

I always feel painful and want to find relief.

79. 我总是感觉自己很无助,想寻求帮助。

I always feel helpless and want to seek help.

80. 我总是感觉自己很迷茫,想找到方向。

I always feel lost and want to find direction.

81. 我总是感觉自己很渺小,想寻找意义。

I always feel small and want to find meaning.

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