
## 费劲心思的句子 (74句)

**1. 他费尽心思地想出一个好主意,却发现只是徒劳无功。**

He racked his brains to come up with a good idea, only to find it was all in vain.

**2. 为了赢得她的芳心,他费尽心思地准备了一场浪漫的约会。**

He went to great lengths to prepare a romantic date to win her heart.

**3. 他费尽心思地想要解释,却越解释越乱。**

He tried his best to explain, but the more he explained, the more confused it became.

**4. 他们费尽心思地想要隐藏真相,却最终还是被揭穿了。**

They tried their best to hide the truth, but it was eventually exposed.

**5. 他费尽心思地想要找到一份好工作,却发现竞争异常激烈。**

He went to great lengths to find a good job, only to discover that the competition was fierce.

**6. 她费尽心思地想要改变自己的命运,却发现一切都是徒劳。**

She went to great lengths to change her fate, only to discover that it was all in vain.

**7. 为了完成这个项目,他们费尽心思地克服了种种困难。**

They went to great lengths to overcome all kinds of difficulties in order to complete this project.

**8. 他费尽心思地想要得到她的原谅,却发现她已经对他失望透顶了。**

He went to great lengths to get her forgiveness, only to find that she was completely disillusioned with him.

**9. 他费尽心思地想要掩盖自己的错误,却最终还是被揭穿了。**

He went to great lengths to cover up his mistakes, but they were eventually exposed.

**10. 她费尽心思地想要留住他的心,却发现他早已心有所属。**

She went to great lengths to keep his heart, only to discover that he was already in love with someone else.

**11. 他费尽心思地想要逃离这个地方,却发现自己无路可逃。**

He went to great lengths to escape from this place, only to find that there was nowhere to run.

**12. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个合适的解决方案,却发现问题越来越复杂。**

They went to great lengths to find a suitable solution, only to find that the problem was becoming more and more complex.

**13. 她费尽心思地想要改变他的想法,却发现他固执己见。**

She went to great lengths to change his mind, only to find that he was stubborn.

**14. 他费尽心思地想要追回失去的爱情,却发现一切都回不去了。**

He went to great lengths to reclaim his lost love, only to find that it was all gone.

**15. 他们费尽心思地想要创造一个美好的未来,却发现现实充满了残酷。**

They went to great lengths to create a brighter future, only to find that reality was full of cruelty.

**16. 他费尽心思地想要寻找生命的意义,却发现答案就在他自己的内心。**

He went to great lengths to find the meaning of life, only to discover that the answer was within him.

**17. 她费尽心思地想要克服自己的恐惧,却发现恐惧无法被完全战胜。**

She went to great lengths to overcome her fears, only to find that fear could not be completely defeated.

**18. 他费尽心思地想要拯救世界,却发现自己只是一个渺小的人。**

He went to great lengths to save the world, only to find that he was just a small person.

**19. 他们费尽心思地想要改变世界,却发现世界不会因为他们而改变。**

They went to great lengths to change the world, only to find that the world wouldn't change because of them.

**20. 他费尽心思地想要赢得比赛,却发现自己只是在追逐一个虚幻的梦想。**

He went to great lengths to win the competition, only to find that he was merely chasing a phantom dream.

**21. 她费尽心思地想要找到真正的幸福,却发现幸福就在她的身边。**

She went to great lengths to find true happiness, only to discover that happiness was all around her.

**22. 他费尽心思地想要隐藏自己的真实面目,却发现真相永远无法被掩盖。**

He went to great lengths to hide his true face, only to find that the truth could never be concealed.

**23. 他们费尽心思地想要创造一个完美的未来,却发现完美是无法达成的。**

They went to great lengths to create a perfect future, only to find that perfection was unattainable.

**24. 她费尽心思地想要逃避现实,却发现现实无法被逃避。**

She went to great lengths to escape from reality, only to find that reality could not be escaped.

**25. 他费尽心思地想要追求成功,却发现成功只是人生的一部分。**

He went to great lengths to pursue success, only to find that success was just a part of life.

**26. 他们费尽心思地想要找到生命的意义,却发现生命的意义在于体验。**

They went to great lengths to find the meaning of life, only to discover that the meaning of life is to experience it.

**27. 她费尽心思地想要改变自己,却发现自己无法改变。**

She went to great lengths to change herself, only to find that she could not change.

**28. 他费尽心思地想要控制自己的命运,却发现命运掌握在自己手中。**

He went to great lengths to control his destiny, only to find that destiny was in his own hands.

**29. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的世界,却发现完美的世界并不存在。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect world, only to discover that a perfect world did not exist.

**30. 他费尽心思地想要赢得她的爱,却发现她并不爱他。**

He went to great lengths to win her love, only to discover that she didn't love him.

**31. 她费尽心思地想要追求自己的梦想,却发现梦想需要付出努力才能实现。**

She went to great lengths to pursue her dreams, only to discover that dreams require effort to realize.

**32. 他费尽心思地想要保护自己,却发现真正的安全感来自于内心。**

He went to great lengths to protect himself, only to find that true security came from within.

**33. 他们费尽心思地想要找到快乐,却发现快乐就在身边。**

They went to great lengths to find happiness, only to discover that happiness was all around them.

**34. 她费尽心思地想要逃避痛苦,却发现痛苦是人生的一部分。**

She went to great lengths to escape from pain, only to find that pain was a part of life.

**35. 他费尽心思地想要找到一个安全的港湾,却发现真正的安全感来自于自己。**

He went to great lengths to find a safe haven, only to find that true security came from within himself.

**36. 他们费尽心思地想要创造一个美好的世界,却发现美好的世界需要每个人共同努力。**

They went to great lengths to create a beautiful world, only to find that a beautiful world requires the collective effort of everyone.

**37. 她费尽心思地想要找到自己的价值,却发现自己的价值就在于做自己。**

She went to great lengths to find her value, only to discover that her value lay in being herself.

**38. 他费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的人生,却发现完美的人生并不存在。**

He went to great lengths to find a perfect life, only to discover that a perfect life did not exist.

**39. 他们费尽心思地想要改变命运,却发现命运是无法改变的。**

They went to great lengths to change fate, only to find that fate cannot be changed.

**40. 她费尽心思地想要寻找真爱,却发现真爱就在她的身边。**

She went to great lengths to find true love, only to discover that true love was all around her.

**41. 他费尽心思地想要找到一份安全感,却发现真正的安全感来自于内心。**

He went to great lengths to find a sense of security, only to discover that true security came from within.

**42. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个值得信赖的朋友,却发现真正的朋友是需要时间和经历去培养的。**

They went to great lengths to find a trusted friend, only to discover that true friends need time and experience to cultivate.

**43. 她费尽心思地想要寻找生命的意义,却发现生命的意义就在于活出精彩。**

She went to great lengths to find the meaning of life, only to discover that the meaning of life is to live it to the fullest.

**44. 他费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的答案,却发现答案是多种多样的。**

He went to great lengths to find a perfect answer, only to discover that answers are diverse.

**45. 他们费尽心思地想要寻找一个完美的世界,却发现真正的世界是充满挑战和机遇的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect world, only to discover that the real world is full of challenges and opportunities.

**46. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的伴侣,却发现真正的爱是相互理解和支持。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect partner, only to discover that true love is mutual understanding and support.

**47. 他费尽心思地想要找到一份工作,却发现工作的意义在于实现自我价值。**

He went to great lengths to find a job, only to discover that the meaning of work lies in realizing one's self-worth.

**48. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的家,却发现家是充满温暖和关爱的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect home, only to discover that home is full of warmth and love.

**49. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的答案,却发现答案就在她的内心。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect answer, only to discover that the answer was within her.

**50. 他费尽心思地想要找到一个安全的港湾,却发现真正的安全感来自于内心。**

He went to great lengths to find a safe haven, only to find that true security came from within himself.

**51. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的世界,却发现真正的世界是充满挑战和机遇的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect world, only to discover that the real world is full of challenges and opportunities.

**52. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的伴侣,却发现真正的爱是相互理解和支持。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect partner, only to discover that true love is mutual understanding and support.

**53. 他费尽心思地想要找到一份工作,却发现工作的意义在于实现自我价值。**

He went to great lengths to find a job, only to discover that the meaning of work lies in realizing one's self-worth.

**54. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的家,却发现家是充满温暖和关爱的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect home, only to discover that home is full of warmth and love.

**55. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的答案,却发现答案就在她的内心。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect answer, only to discover that the answer was within her.

**56. 他费尽心思地想要找到一个安全的港湾,却发现真正的安全感来自于内心。**

He went to great lengths to find a safe haven, only to find that true security came from within himself.

**57. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的世界,却发现真正的世界是充满挑战和机遇的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect world, only to discover that the real world is full of challenges and opportunities.

**58. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的伴侣,却发现真正的爱是相互理解和支持。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect partner, only to discover that true love is mutual understanding and support.

**59. 他费尽心思地想要找到一份工作,却发现工作的意义在于实现自我价值。**

He went to great lengths to find a job, only to discover that the meaning of work lies in realizing one's self-worth.

**60. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的家,却发现家是充满温暖和关爱的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect home, only to discover that home is full of warmth and love.

**61. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的答案,却发现答案就在她的内心。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect answer, only to discover that the answer was within her.

**62. 他费尽心思地想要找到一个安全的港湾,却发现真正的安全感来自于内心。**

He went to great lengths to find a safe haven, only to find that true security came from within himself.

**63. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的世界,却发现真正的世界是充满挑战和机遇的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect world, only to discover that the real world is full of challenges and opportunities.

**64. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的伴侣,却发现真正的爱是相互理解和支持。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect partner, only to discover that true love is mutual understanding and support.

**65. 他费尽心思地想要找到一份工作,却发现工作的意义在于实现自我价值。**

He went to great lengths to find a job, only to discover that the meaning of work lies in realizing one's self-worth.

**66. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的家,却发现家是充满温暖和关爱的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect home, only to discover that home is full of warmth and love.

**67. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的答案,却发现答案就在她的内心。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect answer, only to discover that the answer was within her.

**68. 他费尽心思地想要找到一个安全的港湾,却发现真正的安全感来自于内心。**

He went to great lengths to find a safe haven, only to find that true security came from within himself.

**69. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的世界,却发现真正的世界是充满挑战和机遇的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect world, only to discover that the real world is full of challenges and opportunities.

**70. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的伴侣,却发现真正的爱是相互理解和支持。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect partner, only to discover that true love is mutual understanding and support.

**71. 他费尽心思地想要找到一份工作,却发现工作的意义在于实现自我价值。**

He went to great lengths to find a job, only to discover that the meaning of work lies in realizing one's self-worth.

**72. 他们费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的家,却发现家是充满温暖和关爱的。**

They went to great lengths to find a perfect home, only to discover that home is full of warmth and love.

**73. 她费尽心思地想要找到一个完美的答案,却发现答案就在她的内心。**

She went to great lengths to find a perfect answer, only to discover that the answer was within her.

**74. 他费尽心思地想要找到一个安全的港湾,却发现真正的安全感来自于内心。**

He went to great lengths to find a safe haven, only to find that true security came from within himself.

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