
## 73句金典霸气句子及其英文翻译:

**p** 1. 我不是天生强大,而是逼不得已。 / I'm not born strong, but forced to be. **p**
**p** 2. 宁愿笑着流泪,也不要哭着后悔。 / Better laugh with tears than cry with regret. **p**
**p** 3. 敢于做梦,也敢于追梦。 / Dare to dream, dare to chase dreams. **p**
**p** 4. 强者不是没有眼泪,而是含着眼泪奔跑。 / The strong are not without tears, but they run with tears in their eyes. **p**
**p** 5. 你要记住,你想要的东西,就去争取,别等到失去了才追悔莫及。 / Remember, if you want something, go get it. Don't wait until you lose it to regret it. **p**
**p** 6. 人生如戏,戏如人生,演好自己的角色,活出精彩人生。 / Life is like a play, play is like life. Play your role well and live a wonderful life. **p**
**p** 7. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。 / You can't see the rainbow without going through the rain. **p**
**p** 8. 你所做的一切,都是为了让你成为你想成为的人。 / Everything you do is to make you the person you want to be. **p**
**p** 9. 不要因为害怕失败而不敢尝试,勇敢去追寻你的梦想。 / Don't be afraid to try because of fear of failure, be brave to pursue your dreams. **p**
**p** 10. 不要把时间浪费在那些不值得的人和事上,专注于你的目标。 / Don't waste your time on people and things that are not worth it, focus on your goals. **p**
**p** 11. 人生只有一次,活出你的精彩。 / You only live once, live your life to the fullest. **p**
**p** 12. 别让过去成为你的包袱,放手,勇敢向前。 / Don't let the past become your burden, let go, and be brave to move forward. **p**
**p** 13. 你永远不知道下一秒会发生什么,所以珍惜当下,活出你的价值。 / You never know what will happen next second, so cherish the present moment and live out your value. **p**
**p** 14. 相信自己,你比你想象的更强大。 / Believe in yourself, you are stronger than you think. **p**
**p** 15. 每个人都是独一无二的,你也有属于你的闪光点。 / Everyone is unique, you also have your own shining points. **p**
**p** 16. 你的人生剧本,由你来写,你就是自己人生的主角。 / You are the screenwriter of your own life, and you are the protagonist of your own life. **p**
**p** 17. 你的未来取决于你的选择,选择你想要的,然后为之奋斗。 / Your future depends on your choices. Choose what you want and then strive for it. **p**
**p** 18. 人生没有捷径,只有脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,才能走向成功。 / There are no shortcuts in life, only down-to-earth, step by step, can lead to success. **p**
**p** 19. 不要害怕跌倒,跌倒了再爬起来,继续奔跑。 / Don't be afraid to fall down, get up again when you fall down, and keep running. **p**
**p** 20. 人生最大的成功,就是成为最好的自己。 / The greatest success in life is to become the best version of yourself. **p**
**p** 21. 不要被眼前的困难所吓倒,战胜困难,你将获得更大的成长。 / Don't be intimidated by the difficulties ahead, overcome the difficulties, and you will gain greater growth. **p**
**p** 22. 你的人生,由你来定义,不要被他人所左右。 / Your life is defined by you, don't be swayed by others. **p**
**p** 23. 活出自己,活出精彩。 / Live your life, live it to the fullest. **p**
**p** 24. 强者并非天生,而是历经磨砺,不断成长。 / The strong are not born, but forged through tempering and constant growth. **p**
**p** 25. 你的梦想,值得你为之付出一切。 / Your dreams are worth everything you put into them. **p**
**p** 26. 不要轻易放弃,坚持到底,你终将成功。 / Don't give up easily, persevere to the end, and you will eventually succeed. **p**
**p** 27. 相信自己,你一定能创造奇迹。 / Believe in yourself, you can create miracles. **p**
**p** 28. 你的未来,掌握在自己手中,努力去创造属于你的辉煌。 / Your future is in your own hands. Work hard to create your own glory. **p**
**p** 29. 不要怕失败,失败是成功之母。 / Don't be afraid of failure, failure is the mother of success. **p**
**p** 30. 人生就像一场马拉松,坚持到底,你就是赢家。 / Life is like a marathon, persevere to the end, and you are the winner. **p**
**p** 31. 你的人生,你做主,不要让任何人左右你的决定。 / You are in control of your life, don't let anyone influence your decisions. **p**
**p** 32. 勇敢去追寻你的梦想,不要让它成为你的遗憾。 / Be brave to pursue your dreams, don't let it become your regret. **p**
**p** 33. 你的价值,由你来创造,不要被世俗所定义。 / Your value is created by you, don't be defined by the world. **p**
**p** 34. 你的人生,你负责,不要把责任推卸给别人。 / You are responsible for your life, don't shift the blame to others. **p**
**p** 35. 你的人生,你掌控,不要让任何人左右你的选择。 / You are in control of your life, don't let anyone influence your choices. **p**
**p** 36. 你的未来,你创造,不要让任何人左右你的梦想。 / Your future is yours to create, don't let anyone influence your dreams. **p**
**p** 37. 你的人生,你活出,不要让任何人左右你的精彩。 / You live your life, don't let anyone influence your brilliance. **p**
**p** 38. 你的人生,你精彩,不要让任何人左右你的价值。 / You are brilliant in your life, don't let anyone influence your value. **p**
**p** 39. 你的未来,你决定,不要让任何人左右你的方向。 / Your future is your decision, don't let anyone influence your direction. **p**
**p** 40. 你的梦想,你追寻,不要让任何人左右你的目标。 / You pursue your dreams, don't let anyone influence your goals. **p**
**p** 41. 不要让任何人左右你的决定,你的人生,你做主。 / Don't let anyone influence your decisions, you are in control of your life. **p**
**p** 42. 不要让任何人左右你的选择,你的人生,你掌控。 / Don't let anyone influence your choices, you are in control of your life. **p**
**p** 43. 不要让任何人左右你的梦想,你的人生,你创造。 / Don't let anyone influence your dreams, you create your life. **p**
**p** 44. 不要让任何人左右你的未来,你的人生,你决定。 / Don't let anyone influence your future, you decide your life. **p**
**p** 45. 你的梦想,你追寻,你的未来,你创造,你的精彩,你活出。 / You pursue your dreams, you create your future, you live your life to the fullest. **p**
**p** 46. 人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。 / Life has no rehearsals, every day is a live broadcast. **p**
**p** 47. 人生的舞台,由你主宰,你就是自己人生的导演。 / You are in charge of the stage of life, you are the director of your own life. **p**
**p** 48. 不要害怕失败,失败只是通往成功的必经之路。 / Don't be afraid of failure, failure is just a necessary step to success. **p**
**p** 49. 不要被世俗的眼光所束缚,活出真实的自己。 / Don't be bound by worldly views, live your true self. **p**
**p** 50. 你的成功,由你决定,不要让任何人左右你的步伐。 / Your success is your decision, don't let anyone influence your pace. **p**
**p** 51. 你的梦想,你追逐,你的未来,你创造,你的精彩,你活出。 / You chase your dreams, you create your future, you live your life to the fullest. **p**
**p** 52. 你的人生,你掌控,你就是自己人生的舵手。 / You are in control of your life, you are the helmsman of your own life. **p**
**p** 53. 不要让任何人左右你的方向,你的人生,你决定。 / Don't let anyone influence your direction, you decide your life. **p**
**p** 54. 不要让任何人左右你的目标,你的人生,你追寻。 / Don't let anyone influence your goals, you pursue your life. **p**
**p** 55. 你的价值,你创造,你的精彩,你活出,你的未来,你决定。 / You create your value, you live your life to the fullest, you decide your future. **p**
**p** 56. 人生是一场旅程,不要在乎终点,享受旅途中的风景。 / Life is a journey, don't care about the destination, enjoy the scenery along the way. **p**
**p** 57. 你的人生,你活出,你的精彩,你创造,你的未来,你决定。 / You live your life, you create your brilliance, you decide your future. **p**
**p** 58. 你的价值,你创造,你的梦想,你追寻,你的未来,你决定。 / You create your value, you pursue your dreams, you decide your future. **p**
**p** 59. 不要害怕跌倒,跌倒了再爬起来,继续奔跑,你终将抵达终点。 / Don't be afraid to fall down, get up again when you fall down, keep running, and you will eventually reach the finish line. **p**
**p** 60. 你的人生,你主宰,你就是自己人生的主角,你就是自己人生的导演。 / You are in charge of your life, you are the protagonist of your own life, you are the director of your own life. **p**
**p** 61. 你的未来,你创造,你的精彩,你活出,你的价值,你决定。 / You create your future, you live your life to the fullest, you decide your value. **p**
**p** 62. 不要让任何人左右你的选择,你的人生,你掌控,你的未来,你决定。 / Don't let anyone influence your choices, you are in control of your life, you decide your future. **p**
**p** 63. 你的人生,你活出,你的梦想,你追寻,你的未来,你创造。 / You live your life, you pursue your dreams, you create your future. **p**
**p** 64. 你的人生,你决定,你的精彩,你创造,你的价值,你决定。 / You decide your life, you create your brilliance, you decide your value. **p**
**p** 65. 你的梦想,你追寻,你的价值,你创造,你的未来,你决定。 / You pursue your dreams, you create your value, you decide your future. **p**
**p** 66. 不要让任何人左右你的决定,你的选择,你的梦想,你的未来,你的人生,你做主。 / Don't let anyone influence your decisions, your choices, your dreams, your future, your life, you are in control. **p**
**p** 67. 你的人生,你活出,你的精彩,你创造,你的梦想,你追寻,你的未来,你决定。 / You live your life, you create your brilliance, you pursue your dreams, you decide your future. **p**
**p** 68. 不要让任何人左右你的方向,你的目标,你的选择,你的决定,你的梦想,你的未来,你的人生,你做主。 / Don't let anyone influence your direction, your goals, your choices, your decisions, your dreams, your future, your life, you are in control. **p**
**p** 69. 你的价值,你创造,你的梦想,你追寻,你的未来,你决定,你的人生,你活出。 / You create your value, you pursue your dreams, you decide your future, you live your life. **p**
**p** 70. 你的未来,你创造,你的梦想,你追寻,你的价值,你决定,你的人生,你活出。 / You create your future, you pursue your dreams, you decide your value, you live your life. **p**
**p** 71. 不要让任何人左右你的决定,你的选择,你的梦想,你的未来,你的价值,你的精彩,你的人生,你做主。 / Don't let anyone influence your decisions, your choices, your dreams, your future, your value, your brilliance, your life, you are in control. **p**
**p** 72. 你的梦想,你追寻,你的未来,你创造,你的价值,你决定,你的精彩,你活出,你的人生,你做主。 / You pursue your dreams, you create your future, you decide your value, you live your life to the fullest, you are in control of your life. **p**
**p** 73. 不要让任何人左右你的决定,你的选择,你的梦想,你的未来,你的价值,你的精彩,你的人生,你做主,你就是你自己人生的主角,你就是你自己人生的导演。 / Don't let anyone influence your decisions, your choices, your dreams, your future, your value, your brilliance, your life, you are in control, you are the protagonist of your own life, you are the director of your own life. **p**

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