
## 金刚芭比撒娇句子,71句

1. 人家好累,你抱抱我嘛~

2. 你看看人家,是不是很可怜?

3. 人家想吃好吃的,你带我去嘛~

4. 人家想喝奶茶,你陪我去买嘛~

5. 人家想看电影,你陪我去看嘛~

6. 人家想玩游戏,你陪我一起玩嘛~

7. 人家想睡觉觉,你帮我盖被子嘛~

8. 人家想你,你什么时候回来呀?

9. 人家今天心情不好,你哄哄我嘛~

10. 人家好想你,你快来陪我嘛~

11. 人家好无聊,你陪我聊聊天嘛~

12. 你对我真好,人家好爱你呀~

13. 你好厉害,人家好崇拜你呀~

14. 你对我太温柔了,人家好幸福呀~

15. 你要一直陪着人家,好吗?

16. 人家想吃你做的饭,你快去做嘛~

17. 人家想穿你买的衣服,你快去买嘛~

18. 人家想听你唱歌,你快唱嘛~

19. 人家想看你跳舞,你快跳嘛~

20. 人家想你亲亲我,你快亲亲我嘛~

21. 你就是我的宝贝,人家最爱你啦!

22. 你就是我的全世界,人家离不开你啦!

23. 你对我太好啦,人家都要感动哭了!

24. 你快来陪我玩游戏,人家打不过怪兽啦!

25. 你快来帮我做作业,人家不会做啦!

26. 你快来帮我整理房间,人家懒得整理啦!

27. 你快来帮我洗碗,人家不想洗碗啦!

28. 你快来帮我做饭,人家不想做饭啦!

29. 你快来帮我搬东西,人家搬不动啦!

30. 你快来帮我拿快递,人家拿不到啦!

31. 你快来帮我修电脑,人家不会修啦!

32. 你快来帮我换灯泡,人家换不了啦!

33. 你快来帮我擦窗户,人家擦不到啦!

34. 你快来帮我浇花,人家忘了浇花啦!

35. 你快来帮我喂猫,人家忘了喂猫啦!

36. 你快来帮我遛狗,人家不想遛狗啦!

37. 你快来帮我买东西,人家买不到啦!

38. 你快来帮我取钱,人家没带钱啦!

39. 你快来帮我充话费,人家手机没电啦!

40. 你快来帮我找东西,人家找不到啦!

41. 你快来帮我解决问题,人家解决不了啦!

42. 你快来帮我做决定,人家不知道选哪个啦!

43. 你快来帮我出主意,人家想不出办法啦!

44. 你快来帮我排忧解难,人家遇到难题啦!

45. 你快来帮我分担压力,人家压力太大啦!

46. 你快来帮我放松心情,人家心情不好啦!

47. 你快来帮我安慰我,人家好难受呀!

48. 你快来帮我打败敌人,人家打不过他们啦!

49. 你快来帮我保护我,人家好害怕呀!

50. 你快来帮我照顾我,人家好需要你呀!

51. 你快来帮我完成任务,人家完成不了啦!

52. 你快来帮我实现梦想,人家想要实现梦想啦!

53. 你快来帮我创造奇迹,人家想要创造奇迹啦!

54. 你快来帮我改变世界,人家想要改变世界啦!

55. 你快来帮我拯救地球,人家想要拯救地球啦!

56. 你快来帮我打怪升级,人家想要变强啦!

57. 你快来帮我收集宝藏,人家想要成为富翁啦!

58. 你快来帮我征服宇宙,人家想要成为宇宙之王啦!

59. 你快来帮我找到真爱,人家想要找到真爱啦!

60. 你快来帮我实现幸福,人家想要获得幸福啦!

61. 你快来帮我创造未来,人家想要创造未来啦!

62. 你快来帮我改变命运,人家想要改变命运啦!

63. 你快来帮我实现一切,人家想要实现一切啦!

64. 你快来帮我完成心愿,人家想要完成心愿啦!

65. 你快来帮我满足愿望,人家想要满足愿望啦!

66. 你快来帮我实现梦想,人家想要实现梦想啦!

67. 你快来帮我改变世界,人家想要改变世界啦!

68. 你快来帮我征服宇宙,人家想要征服宇宙啦!

69. 你快来帮我找到真爱,人家想要找到真爱啦!

70. 你快来帮我实现幸福,人家想要获得幸福啦!

71. 你快来帮我创造未来,人家想要创造未来啦!

## 英文翻译

1. I'm so tired, can you hold me?~

2. Look at me, don't I look pitiful?

3. I want to eat delicious food, can you take me?

4. I want to drink milk tea, can you accompany me to buy it?

5. I want to watch a movie, can you accompany me?

6. I want to play games, can you play with me?

7. I want to sleep, can you help me cover the blanket?

8. I miss you, when will you come back?

9. I'm in a bad mood today, can you coax me?

10. I miss you so much, come and keep me company!

11. I'm so bored, can you chat with me?

12. You're so good to me, I love you so much!

13. You're so amazing, I admire you so much!

14. You're so gentle to me, I'm so happy!

15. You have to stay with me, okay?

16. I want to eat your cooking, hurry up and make it!

17. I want to wear the clothes you bought, hurry up and buy them!

18. I want to hear you sing, hurry up and sing!

19. I want to watch you dance, hurry up and dance!

20. I want you to kiss me, hurry up and kiss me!

21. You are my treasure, I love you the most!

22. You are my whole world, I can't live without you!

23. You're too good to me, I'm about to cry from being moved!

24. Come and play games with me, I can't beat the monsters!

25. Come and help me with my homework, I don't know how to do it!

26. Come and help me tidy up my room, I'm too lazy to do it!

27. Come and help me wash the dishes, I don't want to wash them!

28. Come and help me cook, I don't want to cook!

29. Come and help me move things, I can't move them!

30. Come and help me get the package, I can't reach it!

31. Come and help me fix my computer, I don't know how!

32. Come and help me change the light bulb, I can't do it!

33. Come and help me wipe the windows, I can't reach them!

34. Come and help me water the flowers, I forgot to water them!

35. Come and help me feed the cat, I forgot to feed it!

36. Come and help me walk the dog, I don't want to walk it!

37. Come and help me buy things, I can't buy them!

38. Come and help me withdraw money, I didn't bring any money!

39. Come and help me recharge my phone, my phone is out of power!

40. Come and help me find things, I can't find them!

41. Come and help me solve problems, I can't solve them!

42. Come and help me make a decision, I don't know which one to choose!

43. Come and help me come up with ideas, I can't think of any solutions!

44. Come and help me solve my problems, I'm having trouble!

45. Come and help me share the pressure, I'm under too much pressure!

46. Come and help me relax, I'm in a bad mood!

47. Come and comfort me, I feel so bad!

48. Come and help me defeat the enemy, I can't beat them!

49. Come and help me protect me, I'm so scared!

50. Come and help me take care of me, I need you so much!

51. Come and help me complete the task, I can't do it!

52. Come and help me achieve my dreams, I want to achieve my dreams!

53. Come and help me create miracles, I want to create miracles!

54. Come and help me change the world, I want to change the world!

55. Come and help me save the earth, I want to save the earth!

56. Come and help me level up, I want to become stronger!

57. Come and help me collect treasure, I want to become a rich person!

58. Come and help me conquer the universe, I want to become the king of the universe!

59. Come and help me find true love, I want to find true love!

60. Come and help me achieve happiness, I want to be happy!

61. Come and help me create the future, I want to create the future!

62. Come and help me change my destiny, I want to change my destiny!

63. Come and help me achieve everything, I want to achieve everything!

64. Come and help me fulfill my wishes, I want to fulfill my wishes!

65. Come and help me satisfy my desires, I want to satisfy my desires!

66. Come and help me achieve my dreams, I want to achieve my dreams!

67. Come and help me change the world, I want to change the world!

68. Come and help me conquer the universe, I want to conquer the universe!

69. Come and help me find true love, I want to find true love!

70. Come and help me achieve happiness, I want to be happy!

71. Come and help me create the future, I want to create the future!

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