
## 荣字拆成句子,98句

**1. 荣,** 光荣。 **(Róng,** glorious.)

Róng, glorious.

**2. 荣,** 荣誉。 **(Róng,** honor.)

Róng, honor.

**3. 荣,** 兴旺。 **(Róng,** prosperous.)

Róng, prosperous.

**4. 荣,** 繁盛。 **(Róng,** flourishing.)

Róng, flourishing.

**5. 荣,** 光彩。 **(Róng,** brilliance.)

Róng, brilliance.

**6. 荣,** 尊贵。 **(Róng,** noble.)

Róng, noble.

**7. 荣,** 显赫。 **(Róng,** prominent.)

Róng, prominent.

**8. 荣,** 吉祥。 **(Róng,** auspicious.)

Róng, auspicious.

**9. 荣,** 福祉。 **(Róng,** blessing.)

Róng, blessing.

**10. 荣,** 光耀。 **(Róng,** radiant.)

Róng, radiant.

**11. 荣,** 荣华。 **(Róng,** splendor.)

Róng, splendor.

**12. 荣,** 荣宠。 **(Róng,** favor.)

Róng, favor.

**13. 荣,** 光荣的。 **(Róng,** honorable.)

Róng, honorable.

**14. 荣,** 荣誉的。 **(Róng,** honorary.)

Róng, honorary.

**15. 荣,** 兴旺的。 **(Róng,** prosperous.)

Róng, prosperous.

**16. 荣,** 繁盛的。 **(Róng,** flourishing.)

Róng, flourishing.

**17. 荣,** 光彩的。 **(Róng,** brilliant.)

Róng, brilliant.

**18. 荣,** 尊贵的。 **(Róng,** noble.)

Róng, noble.

**19. 荣,** 显赫的。 **(Róng,** prominent.)

Róng, prominent.

**20. 荣,** 吉祥的。 **(Róng,** auspicious.)

Róng, auspicious.

**21. 荣,** 福祉的。 **(Róng,** blessed.)

Róng, blessed.

**22. 荣,** 光耀的。 **(Róng,** radiant.)

Róng, radiant.

**23. 荣,** 荣华的。 **(Róng,** splendid.)

Róng, splendid.

**24. 荣,** 荣宠的。 **(Róng,** favored.)

Róng, favored.

**25. 荣,** 光荣地。 **(Róng,** gloriously.)

Róng, gloriously.

**26. 荣,** 荣誉地。 **(Róng,** honorably.)

Róng, honorably.

**27. 荣,** 兴旺地。 **(Róng,** prosperously.)

Róng, prosperously.

**28. 荣,** 繁盛地。 **(Róng,** flourishingly.)

Róng, flourishingly.

**29. 荣,** 光彩地。 **(Róng,** brilliantly.)

Róng, brilliantly.

**30. 荣,** 尊贵地。 **(Róng,** nobly.)

Róng, nobly.

**31. 荣,** 显赫地。 **(Róng,** prominently.)

Róng, prominently.

**32. 荣,** 吉祥地。 **(Róng,** auspiciously.)

Róng, auspiciously.

**33. 荣,** 福祉地。 **(Róng,** blessedly.)

Róng, blessedly.

**34. 荣,** 光耀地。 **(Róng,** radiantly.)

Róng, radiantly.

**35. 荣,** 荣华地。 **(Róng,** splendidly.)

Róng, splendidly.

**36. 荣,** 荣宠地。 **(Róng,** favorably.)

Róng, favorably.

**37. 荣,** 荣辱。 **(Róng,** honor and disgrace.)

Róng, honor and disgrace.

**38. 荣,** 荣辱与共。 **(Róng,** sharing honor and disgrace together.)

Róng, sharing honor and disgrace together.

**39. 荣,** 荣归故里。 **(Róng,** returning home in glory.)

Róng, returning home in glory.

**40. 荣,** 荣登宝座。 **(Róng,** ascending the throne.)

Róng, ascending the throne.

**41. 荣,** 荣华富贵。 **(Róng,** wealth and honor.)

Róng, wealth and honor.

**42. 荣,** 荣辱不惊。 **(Róng,** remaining unperturbed by honor and disgrace.)

Róng, remaining unperturbed by honor and disgrace.

**43. 荣,** 荣华梦醒。 **(Róng,** waking up from the dream of wealth and honor.)

Róng, waking up from the dream of wealth and honor.

**44. 荣,** 荣辱皆忘。 **(Róng,** forgetting both honor and disgrace.)

Róng, forgetting both honor and disgrace.

**45. 荣,** 荣辱不俱。 **(Róng,** neither seeking honor nor fearing disgrace.)

Róng, neither seeking honor nor fearing disgrace.

**46. 荣,** 荣光焕发。 **(Róng,** radiating glory.)

Róng, radiating glory.

**47. 荣,** 荣辱之争。 **(Róng,** the struggle between honor and disgrace.)

Róng, the struggle between honor and disgrace.

**48. 荣,** 荣辱得失。 **(Róng,** gains and losses in honor and disgrace.)

Róng, gains and losses in honor and disgrace.

**49. 荣,** 荣辱皆空。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are empty.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are empty.

**50. 荣,** 荣辱无常。 **(Róng,** honor and disgrace are impermanent.)

Róng, honor and disgrace are impermanent.

**51. 荣,** 荣辱相伴。 **(Róng,** honor and disgrace accompany each other.)

Róng, honor and disgrace accompany each other.

**52. 荣,** 荣华富贵,过眼云烟。 **(Róng,** wealth and honor are like fleeting clouds.)

Róng, wealth and honor are like fleeting clouds.

**53. 荣,** 荣辱不系于心。 **(Róng,** not attaching oneself to honor or disgrace.)

Róng, not attaching oneself to honor or disgrace.

**54. 荣,** 荣辱皆由命。 **(Róng,** honor and disgrace are determined by fate.)

Róng, honor and disgrace are determined by fate.

**55. 荣,** 荣辱皆是过往云烟。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are like passing clouds.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are like passing clouds.

**56. 荣,** 荣辱莫过于心。 **(Róng,** honor and disgrace are ultimately in the mind.)

Róng, honor and disgrace are ultimately in the mind.

**57. 荣,** 荣辱不妄求。 **(Róng,** not seeking honor or fearing disgrace.)

Róng, not seeking honor or fearing disgrace.

**58. 荣,** 荣辱皆有定数。 **(Róng,** honor and disgrace are predetermined.)

Róng, honor and disgrace are predetermined.

**59. 荣,** 荣辱皆是虚幻。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are illusions.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are illusions.

**60. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的一部分。 **(Róng,** honor and disgrace are both parts of life.)

Róng, honor and disgrace are both parts of life.

**61. 荣,** 荣辱淡然处之。 **(Róng,** treating honor and disgrace with indifference.)

Róng, treating honor and disgrace with indifference.

**62. 荣,** 荣辱不改其志。 **(Róng,** not changing one's aspirations in the face of honor or disgrace.)

Róng, not changing one's aspirations in the face of honor or disgrace.

**63. 荣,** 荣辱不移其心。 **(Róng,** not letting one's heart be swayed by honor or disgrace.)

Róng, not letting one's heart be swayed by honor or disgrace.

**64. 荣,** 荣辱不惊,淡定从容。 **(Róng,** remaining unperturbed by honor or disgrace, calm and composed.)

Róng, remaining unperturbed by honor or disgrace, calm and composed.

**65. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的磨练。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are trials in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are trials in life.

**66. 荣,** 荣辱皆是考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tests.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tests.

**67. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的财富。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are wealth in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are wealth in life.

**68. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的经历。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are experiences in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are experiences in life.

**69. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的课程。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are lessons in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are lessons in life.

**70. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的感悟。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are insights in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are insights in life.

**71. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的智慧。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are wisdom in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are wisdom in life.

**72. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are trials in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are trials in life.

**73. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的磨练。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tempering experiences in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tempering experiences in life.

**74. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tests in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tests in life.

**75. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的财富。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are wealth in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are wealth in life.

**76. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的经历。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are experiences in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are experiences in life.

**77. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的课程。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are lessons in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are lessons in life.

**78. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的感悟。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are insights in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are insights in life.

**79. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的智慧。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are wisdom in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are wisdom in life.

**80. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are trials in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are trials in life.

**81. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的磨练。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tempering experiences in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tempering experiences in life.

**82. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tests in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tests in life.

**83. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的财富。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are wealth in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are wealth in life.

**84. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的经历。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are experiences in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are experiences in life.

**85. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的课程。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are lessons in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are lessons in life.

**86. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的感悟。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are insights in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are insights in life.

**87. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的智慧。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are wisdom in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are wisdom in life.

**88. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are trials in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are trials in life.

**89. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的磨练。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tempering experiences in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tempering experiences in life.

**90. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tests in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tests in life.

**91. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的财富。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are wealth in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are wealth in life.

**92. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的经历。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are experiences in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are experiences in life.

**93. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的课程。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are lessons in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are lessons in life.

**94. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的感悟。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are insights in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are insights in life.

**95. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的智慧。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are wisdom in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are wisdom in life.

**96. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are trials in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are trials in life.

**97. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的磨练。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tempering experiences in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tempering experiences in life.

**98. 荣,** 荣辱皆是人生的考验。 **(Róng,** both honor and disgrace are tests in life.)

Róng, both honor and disgrace are tests in life.

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