
## 57句莫名戳中泪点的句子,并翻译成英文

**1. 时间真的会冲淡一切吗?还是我们只是学会了带着伤痕微笑?**

Does time really heal everything? Or do we just learn to smile with our scars?

**2. 我以为我会一直记得你的好,可最后只剩下回忆里模糊的轮廓。**

I thought I would always remember your kindness, but in the end, only a vague outline remains in my memory.

**3. 你总说要陪我到老,可最后陪我到老的,只有孤独。**

You always said you would be with me until we were old, but in the end, it's only loneliness that stays with me.

**4. 你像一阵风,吹过我的生命,留下一片荒芜。**

You are like a gust of wind, blowing through my life, leaving behind a desolate landscape.

**5. 我以为我已经习惯了没有你,可看到你的名字,眼泪还是不争气地流了下来。**

I thought I had already gotten used to not having you, but seeing your name, tears still betray me.

**6. 有些话,藏在心里,却在梦里大声地说出来。**

Some words are kept in the heart, but spoken out loud in dreams.

**7. 我终于明白,有些人,注定只能在梦里再见。**

I finally understand that some people are destined to be seen only in dreams.

**8. 我宁愿永远都不要长大,也不要经历这世间所有的苦难。**

I would rather never grow up than experience all the hardships in this world.

**9. 我们都以为,时间可以冲淡一切,但有些伤痕,却永远留在了心里。**

We all thought time could heal everything, but some scars remain forever in our hearts.

**10. 有些回忆,明明已经过去很久,却依然清晰地刻在脑海里。**

Some memories, though long gone, are still etched vividly in my mind.

**11. 我总是在回忆里寻找你的影子,却发现,你早已消失不见。**

I am always searching for your shadow in my memories, but I realize you have already vanished.

**12. 我以为我们能够永远在一起,可现实总是残酷的,它让我们分道扬镳。**

I thought we could be together forever, but reality is always cruel, it made us part ways.

**13. 我多想回到过去,重新开始,但时间却不会倒流。**

I wish I could go back to the past and start over, but time doesn't flow backward.

**14. 有些事,一旦错过,就再也回不去了。**

Some things, once missed, can never be retrieved.

**15. 我以为你永远不会离开,可你却头也不回地走了。**

I thought you would never leave, but you turned your back and left.

**16. 我多想告诉你,你有多重要,可是我却选择了沉默。**

I wish I could tell you how important you are, but I chose silence.

**17. 你是我生命中的一道光,照亮了我的黑暗,却又匆匆离去。**

You are a light in my life, illuminating my darkness, but then you hastily left.

**18. 我以为我们可以一直这样走下去,可是命运却让我们走上了不同的道路。**

I thought we could keep walking this way forever, but fate led us down different paths.

**19. 有些爱,注定要错过,就像两条平行线,永远不会交汇。**

Some love is destined to be missed, like two parallel lines, forever unable to intersect.

**20. 我多想回到过去,告诉你我有多爱你,可是时间已经不留情面。**

I wish I could go back to the past and tell you how much I love you, but time has been relentless.

**21. 我们之间的距离,像隔着一层透明的玻璃,明明触手可及,却永远无法相拥。**

The distance between us is like a layer of transparent glass, clearly within reach, but we can never embrace.

**22. 我以为你懂我的沉默,可是你却选择了离开。**

I thought you understood my silence, but you chose to leave.

**23. 你像一颗流星,划过我的天空,留下短暂的美丽,却消失得无影无踪。**

You are like a shooting star, streaking across my sky, leaving behind brief beauty, but disappearing without a trace.

**24. 有些伤痛,只有自己才能体会,即使说出来,也无人能懂。**

Some pain can only be understood by oneself, even if spoken aloud, no one can comprehend.

**25. 我以为我可以放下你,可是我发现,我依然爱着你。**

I thought I could let you go, but I realized that I still love you.

**26. 你就像一本书,我读了一遍又一遍,却始终找不到结局。**

You are like a book, I read it over and over again, but I can never find the ending.

**27. 我多想告诉你,我有多想念你,可是我却无处诉说。**

I wish I could tell you how much I miss you, but I have nowhere to speak.

**28. 有些感情,一旦错过,就再也回不去了,就像落叶飘零,最终归于尘土。**

Some feelings, once missed, can never be retrieved, like falling leaves, they eventually return to dust.

**29. 我以为你只是暂时离开,可你却一去不复返。**

I thought you were only leaving temporarily, but you never returned.

**30. 我多想回到过去,重新选择,可是时间却不会倒流。**

I wish I could go back to the past and make a different choice, but time will not flow backward.

**31. 有些人,注定只能在梦里相遇,现实中却永远无法相拥。**

Some people are destined to meet only in dreams, but in reality, they can never embrace.

**32. 我们都以为,时间可以冲淡一切,但有些伤痛,却永远留在了心里。**

We all thought time could heal everything, but some pain remains forever in our hearts.

**33. 我以为我可以忘记你,可是你的影子却一直在我脑海里挥之不去。**

I thought I could forget you, but your shadow lingers in my mind.

**34. 你就像一首悲伤的歌,我一遍又一遍地回放,却始终无法释怀。**

You are like a sad song, I play it over and over again, but I can never let go.

**35. 我以为我们可以一直这样走下去,可是现实却总是残酷的,它让我们分道扬镳。**

I thought we could keep walking this way forever, but reality is always cruel, it made us part ways.

**36. 我多想告诉你,你有多重要,可是我却选择了沉默。**

I wish I could tell you how important you are, but I chose silence.

**37. 有些事,一旦错过,就再也回不去了。**

Some things, once missed, can never be retrieved.

**38. 我以为我可以放下你,可是我发现,我依然爱着你。**

I thought I could let you go, but I realized that I still love you.

**39. 有些感情,一旦错过,就再也回不去了,就像落叶飘零,最终归于尘土。**

Some feelings, once missed, can never be retrieved, like falling leaves, they eventually return to dust.

**40. 我多想告诉你,我有多想念你,可是我却无处诉说。**

I wish I could tell you how much I miss you, but I have nowhere to speak.

**41. 有些人,注定只能在梦里相遇,现实中却永远无法相拥。**

Some people are destined to meet only in dreams, but in reality, they can never embrace.

**42. 我们都以为,时间可以冲淡一切,但有些伤痛,却永远留在了心里。**

We all thought time could heal everything, but some pain remains forever in our hearts.

**43. 我以为我可以忘记你,可是你的影子却一直在我脑海里挥之不去。**

I thought I could forget you, but your shadow lingers in my mind.

**44. 你就像一首悲伤的歌,我一遍又一遍地回放,却始终无法释怀。**

You are like a sad song, I play it over and over again, but I can never let go.

**45. 我以为我们可以一直这样走下去,可是现实却总是残酷的,它让我们分道扬镳。**

I thought we could keep walking this way forever, but reality is always cruel, it made us part ways.

**46. 我多想告诉你,你有多重要,可是我却选择了沉默。**

I wish I could tell you how important you are, but I chose silence.

**47. 有些事,一旦错过,就再也回不去了。**

Some things, once missed, can never be retrieved.

**48. 我以为我可以放下你,可是我发现,我依然爱着你。**

I thought I could let you go, but I realized that I still love you.

**49. 有些感情,一旦错过,就再也回不去了,就像落叶飘零,最终归于尘土。**

Some feelings, once missed, can never be retrieved, like falling leaves, they eventually return to dust.

**50. 我多想告诉你,我有多想念你,可是我却无处诉说。**

I wish I could tell you how much I miss you, but I have nowhere to speak.

**51. 有些人,注定只能在梦里相遇,现实中却永远无法相拥。**

Some people are destined to meet only in dreams, but in reality, they can never embrace.

**52. 我们都以为,时间可以冲淡一切,但有些伤痛,却永远留在了心里。**

We all thought time could heal everything, but some pain remains forever in our hearts.

**53. 我以为我可以忘记你,可是你的影子却一直在我脑海里挥之不去。**

I thought I could forget you, but your shadow lingers in my mind.

**54. 你就像一首悲伤的歌,我一遍又一遍地回放,却始终无法释怀。**

You are like a sad song, I play it over and over again, but I can never let go.

**55. 我以为我们可以一直这样走下去,可是现实却总是残酷的,它让我们分道扬镳。**

I thought we could keep walking this way forever, but reality is always cruel, it made us part ways.

**56. 我多想告诉你,你有多重要,可是我却选择了沉默。**

I wish I could tell you how important you are, but I chose silence.

**57. 有些事,一旦错过,就再也回不去了。**

Some things, once missed, can never be retrieved.

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