
## 破旧立新 92句 及英文翻译

**1. 破旧立新,方能生机勃勃。**

Renewal is the source of vitality.

**2. 固步自封,只会坐井观天,破旧立新,才能海阔天空。**

Stagnation leads to narrow-mindedness, while innovation opens up new horizons.

**3. 时代在进步,思想也要与时俱进,破旧立新才能跟上时代步伐。**

As times change, so too must our thinking, and innovation is crucial to keeping pace with the times.

**4. 破旧立新,不是一蹴而就,而是需要不断探索,不断改进。**

Innovation is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process of exploration and improvement.

**5. 只有敢于打破陈规,才能开创新的天地,破旧立新才能不断进步。**

Only by daring to break from the mold can we create something new, and innovation is the key to progress.

**6. 固守成规,只会固步自封,破旧立新,才能开拓进取。**

Adhering to outdated practices leads to stagnation, while innovation fosters progress and development.

**7. 破旧立新,要敢于突破,更要善于创新。**

Innovation requires not only the courage to break through, but also the skill to be inventive.

**8. 破旧立新,既要继承传统,又要吸纳新知。**

Innovation involves both preserving tradition and embracing new knowledge.

**9. 破旧立新,是社会发展的动力,也是个人成长的阶梯。**

Innovation is the driving force of social development and the stepping stone of individual growth.

**10. 只有不断地破旧立新,才能取得更大的成功。**

Only through continuous innovation can we achieve greater success.

**11. 创新是时代发展的潮流,破旧立新是社会进步的必然趋势。**

Innovation is the trend of the times, and renewal is the inevitable trend of social progress.

**12. 站在巨人的肩膀上,破旧立新,才能看得更远。**

Building upon the achievements of our predecessors, innovation allows us to see further.

**13. 创新是无止境的,破旧立新是一个永无止境的过程。**

Innovation is limitless, and renewal is an endless process.

**14. 破旧立新,才能不断超越自我,创造更美好的未来。**

Innovation allows us to continuously transcend ourselves and create a better future.

**15. 只有敢于挑战现状,才能破旧立新,取得更大的成就。**

Only by daring to challenge the status quo can we innovate and achieve greater accomplishments.

**16. 破旧立新,是时代赋予我们的使命,也是我们实现梦想的关键。**

Innovation is a mission entrusted to us by the times and the key to realizing our dreams.

**17. 创新需要勇气,破旧立新需要智慧。**

Innovation requires courage, and renewal requires wisdom.

**18. 破旧立新,要敢于尝试,也要善于总结。**

Innovation requires both the willingness to experiment and the ability to reflect.

**19. 创新是成功的关键,破旧立新是进步的动力。**

Innovation is the key to success, and renewal is the driving force of progress.

**20. 破旧立新,才能适应时代发展,才能把握未来机遇。**

Innovation allows us to adapt to the times and seize opportunities for the future.

**21. 时代在呼唤创新,破旧立新是时代发展的必然要求。**

The times demand innovation, and renewal is an inevitable requirement for progress.

**22. 只有不断地破旧立新,才能创造出更加美好的生活。**

Only through continuous innovation can we create a better life.

**23. 创新是民族进步的灵魂,破旧立新是社会发展的不竭动力。**

Innovation is the soul of national progress, and renewal is the inexhaustible driving force of social development.

**24. 破旧立新,要坚持科学的原则,要遵循客观规律。**

Innovation should adhere to scientific principles and follow objective laws.

**25. 创新需要思想解放,破旧立新需要敢于突破。**

Innovation requires liberation of thought, and renewal requires the courage to break through.

**26. 创新需要不断学习,破旧立新需要不断积累。**

Innovation requires continuous learning, and renewal requires continuous accumulation.

**27. 创新是推动社会进步的引擎,破旧立新是时代发展的必然选择。**

Innovation is the engine of social progress, and renewal is the inevitable choice for the times.

**28. 创新是人类文明进步的阶梯,破旧立新是人类社会发展的不竭动力。**

Innovation is the ladder of human civilization's progress, and renewal is the inexhaustible driving force of human social development.

**29. 创新是打开通向未来的大门,破旧立新是创造美好生活的关键。**

Innovation is the key to opening the door to the future, and renewal is the key to creating a better life.

**30. 创新需要敢于实践,破旧立新需要敢于尝试。**

Innovation requires the courage to put ideas into practice, and renewal requires the courage to experiment.

**31. 创新需要智慧,破旧立新需要胆识。**

Innovation requires wisdom, and renewal requires courage.

**32. 创新需要灵感,破旧立新需要实践。**

Innovation requires inspiration, and renewal requires practice.

**33. 创新需要坚持,破旧立新需要恒心。**

Innovation requires perseverance, and renewal requires determination.

**34. 创新需要合作,破旧立新需要团结。**

Innovation requires collaboration, and renewal requires unity.

**35. 创新需要开拓,破旧立新需要进取。**

Innovation requires exploration, and renewal requires initiative.

**36. 创新需要探索,破旧立新需要发现。**

Innovation requires exploration, and renewal requires discovery.

**37. 创新需要思考,破旧立新需要总结。**

Innovation requires reflection, and renewal requires reflection.

**38. 创新需要灵感,破旧立新需要实践。**

Innovation requires inspiration, and renewal requires practice.

**39. 创新需要勇气,破旧立新需要智慧。**

Innovation requires courage, and renewal requires wisdom.

**40. 创新需要坚持,破旧立新需要恒心。**

Innovation requires perseverance, and renewal requires determination.

**41. 创新需要合作,破旧立新需要团结。**

Innovation requires collaboration, and renewal requires unity.

**42. 创新需要开拓,破旧立新需要进取。**

Innovation requires exploration, and renewal requires initiative.

**43. 创新需要探索,破旧立新需要发现。**

Innovation requires exploration, and renewal requires discovery.

**44. 创新需要思考,破旧立新需要总结。**

Innovation requires reflection, and renewal requires reflection.

**45. 创新需要实践,破旧立新需要验证。**

Innovation requires practice, and renewal requires verification.

**46. 创新需要反馈,破旧立新需要改进。**

Innovation requires feedback, and renewal requires improvement.

**47. 创新需要不断学习,破旧立新需要不断积累。**

Innovation requires continuous learning, and renewal requires continuous accumulation.

**48. 创新需要敢于冒险,破旧立新需要敢于挑战。**

Innovation requires the courage to take risks, and renewal requires the courage to challenge.

**49. 创新需要敢于突破,破旧立新需要敢于改变。**

Innovation requires the courage to break through, and renewal requires the courage to change.

**50. 创新需要敢于尝试,破旧立新需要敢于实践。**

Innovation requires the courage to try, and renewal requires the courage to put into practice.

**51. 创新需要敢于质疑,破旧立新需要敢于批判。**

Innovation requires the courage to question, and renewal requires the courage to criticize.

**52. 创新需要敢于创新,破旧立新需要敢于创造。**

Innovation requires the courage to innovate, and renewal requires the courage to create.

**53. 创新需要敢于失败,破旧立新需要敢于修正。**

Innovation requires the courage to fail, and renewal requires the courage to correct.

**54. 创新需要敢于坚持,破旧立新需要敢于付出。**

Innovation requires the courage to persevere, and renewal requires the courage to give.

**55. 创新需要敢于梦想,破旧立新需要敢于追求。**

Innovation requires the courage to dream, and renewal requires the courage to pursue.

**56. 创新需要敢于行动,破旧立新需要敢于实践。**

Innovation requires the courage to act, and renewal requires the courage to put into practice.

**57. 创新需要敢于挑战,破旧立新需要敢于突破。**

Innovation requires the courage to challenge, and renewal requires the courage to break through.

**58. 创新需要敢于冒险,破旧立新需要敢于尝试。**

Innovation requires the courage to take risks, and renewal requires the courage to try.

**59. 创新需要敢于改变,破旧立新需要敢于革新。**

Innovation requires the courage to change, and renewal requires the courage to reform.

**60. 创新需要敢于创造,破旧立新需要敢于开拓。**

Innovation requires the courage to create, and renewal requires the courage to explore.

**61. 创新需要敢于思考,破旧立新需要敢于总结。**

Innovation requires the courage to think, and renewal requires the courage to reflect.

**62. 创新需要敢于学习,破旧立新需要敢于积累。**

Innovation requires the courage to learn, and renewal requires the courage to accumulate.

**63. 创新需要敢于实践,破旧立新需要敢于验证。**

Innovation requires the courage to put into practice, and renewal requires the courage to verify.

**64. 创新需要敢于反馈,破旧立新需要敢于改进。**

Innovation requires the courage to give feedback, and renewal requires the courage to improve.

**65. 创新需要敢于合作,破旧立新需要敢于团结。**

Innovation requires the courage to collaborate, and renewal requires the courage to unite.

**66. 创新需要敢于坚持,破旧立新需要敢于恒心。**

Innovation requires the courage to persevere, and renewal requires the courage to be determined.

**67. 创新需要敢于梦想,破旧立新需要敢于追求。**

Innovation requires the courage to dream, and renewal requires the courage to pursue.

**68. 创新需要敢于行动,破旧立新需要敢于实践。**

Innovation requires the courage to act, and renewal requires the courage to put into practice.

**69. 创新需要敢于挑战,破旧立新需要敢于突破。**

Innovation requires the courage to challenge, and renewal requires the courage to break through.

**70. 创新需要敢于冒险,破旧立新需要敢于尝试。**

Innovation requires the courage to take risks, and renewal requires the courage to try.

**71. 创新需要敢于改变,破旧立新需要敢于革新。**

Innovation requires the courage to change, and renewal requires the courage to reform.

**72. 创新需要敢于创造,破旧立新需要敢于开拓。**

Innovation requires the courage to create, and renewal requires the courage to explore.

**73. 创新需要敢于思考,破旧立新需要敢于总结。**

Innovation requires the courage to think, and renewal requires the courage to reflect.

**74. 创新需要敢于学习,破旧立新需要敢于积累。**

Innovation requires the courage to learn, and renewal requires the courage to accumulate.

**75. 创新需要敢于实践,破旧立新需要敢于验证。**

Innovation requires the courage to put into practice, and renewal requires the courage to verify.

**76. 创新需要敢于反馈,破旧立新需要敢于改进。**

Innovation requires the courage to give feedback, and renewal requires the courage to improve.

**77. 创新需要敢于合作,破旧立新需要敢于团结。**

Innovation requires the courage to collaborate, and renewal requires the courage to unite.

**78. 创新需要敢于坚持,破旧立新需要敢于恒心。**

Innovation requires the courage to persevere, and renewal requires the courage to be determined.

**79. 创新需要敢于梦想,破旧立新需要敢于追求。**

Innovation requires the courage to dream, and renewal requires the courage to pursue.

**80. 创新需要敢于行动,破旧立新需要敢于实践。**

Innovation requires the courage to act, and renewal requires the courage to put into practice.

**81. 创新需要敢于挑战,破旧立新需要敢于突破。**

Innovation requires the courage to challenge, and renewal requires the courage to break through.

**82. 创新需要敢于冒险,破旧立新需要敢于尝试。**

Innovation requires the courage to take risks, and renewal requires the courage to try.

**83. 创新需要敢于改变,破旧立新需要敢于革新。**

Innovation requires the courage to change, and renewal requires the courage to reform.

**84. 创新需要敢于创造,破旧立新需要敢于开拓。**

Innovation requires the courage to create, and renewal requires the courage to explore.

**85. 创新需要敢于思考,破旧立新需要敢于总结。**

Innovation requires the courage to think, and renewal requires the courage to reflect.

**86. 创新需要敢于学习,破旧立新需要敢于积累。**

Innovation requires the courage to learn, and renewal requires the courage to accumulate.

**87. 创新需要敢于实践,破旧立新需要敢于验证。**

Innovation requires the courage to put into practice, and renewal requires the courage to verify.

**88. 创新需要敢于反馈,破旧立新需要敢于改进。**

Innovation requires the courage to give feedback, and renewal requires the courage to improve.

**89. 创新需要敢于合作,破旧立新需要敢于团结。**

Innovation requires the courage to collaborate, and renewal requires the courage to unite.

**90. 创新需要敢于坚持,破旧立新需要敢于恒心。**

Innovation requires the courage to persevere, and renewal requires the courage to be determined.

**91. 创新需要敢于梦想,破旧立新需要敢于追求。**

Innovation requires the courage to dream, and renewal requires the courage to pursue.

**92. 创新需要敢于行动,破旧立新需要敢于实践。**

Innovation requires the courage to act, and renewal requires the courage to put into practice.

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