
## 研究生毕业的句子 (57句)


1. 告别了校园的青涩,怀揣着梦想,踏上新的征程。
> Farewell to the naivety of campus life, we embrace our dreams and embark on a new journey.

Farewell to the naivety of campus life, we embrace our dreams and embark on a new journey.

2. 曾经的迷茫,如今都化作了前进的动力。
> The confusion of the past has now become the driving force for progress.

The confusion of the past has now become the driving force for progress.

3. 收获了知识,收获了友谊,收获了成长。
> We have gained knowledge, friendships, and growth.

We have gained knowledge, friendships, and growth.

4. 带着对未来的期待,我们满怀希望地出发。
> With anticipation for the future, we set out with hope.

With anticipation for the future, we set out with hope.

5. 终点只是一个新的起点,人生的旅程才刚刚开始。
> The finish line is just a new starting point; the journey of life has just begun.

The finish line is just a new starting point; the journey of life has just begun.

6. 告别了熟悉的教室,迎接的是充满未知的挑战。
> We bid farewell to familiar classrooms and embrace the unknown challenges ahead.

We bid farewell to familiar classrooms and embrace the unknown challenges ahead.

7. 带着导师的教诲,带着同学的鼓励,我们勇敢前行。
> Guided by our mentors and encouraged by our classmates, we bravely move forward.

Guided by our mentors and encouraged by our classmates, we bravely move forward.

8. 感谢这段旅程,它让我们变得更加成熟、更加强大。
> We are grateful for this journey, which has made us more mature and stronger.

We are grateful for this journey, which has made us more mature and stronger.

9. 告别了青春的校园,我们带着梦想,踏上人生的舞台。
> Leaving behind the youthful campus, we step onto life's stage with our dreams.

Leaving behind the youthful campus, we step onto life's stage with our dreams.

10. 研究生的三年,是我人生中浓墨重彩的一笔。
> The three years of graduate school have been a vibrant stroke in my life.

The three years of graduate school have been a vibrant stroke in my life.

11. 不舍的,是这校园里的一切,是这青春的回忆。
> What we cherish are the memories of this campus and this youth.

What we cherish are the memories of this campus and this youth.

12. 从此,我们不再是学生,而是社会的一份子。
> From now on, we are no longer students, but members of society.

From now on, we are no longer students, but members of society.

13. 带着对未来的憧憬,我们扬帆起航。
> With aspirations for the future, we set sail.

With aspirations for the future, we set sail.

14. 研究生生活,是一段充满挑战和收获的旅程。
> Graduate school life is a journey filled with challenges and rewards.

Graduate school life is a journey filled with challenges and rewards.

15. 虽然毕业了,但我们依然会记得这段难忘的时光。
> Though we graduate, we will always remember this unforgettable time.

Though we graduate, we will always remember this unforgettable time.

16. 毕业,意味着新的开始,也意味着新的责任。
> Graduation signifies a new beginning and new responsibilities.

Graduation signifies a new beginning and new responsibilities.

17. 告别了熟悉的课堂,我们即将踏上新的征程。
> We bid farewell to familiar classrooms and are about to embark on a new journey.

We bid farewell to familiar classrooms and are about to embark on a new journey.

18. 感谢这段旅程,让我们收获了成长,也收获了友谊。
> Thanks to this journey, we have grown and forged friendships.

Thanks to this journey, we have grown and forged friendships.

19. 研究生生活,是人生中一段宝贵的经历。
> Graduate school life is a valuable experience in life.

Graduate school life is a valuable experience in life.

20. 我们将带着这段经历,去迎接未来的挑战。
> We will take this experience with us to face future challenges.

We will take this experience with us to face future challenges.


21. 感谢老师的悉心教诲,感谢同学们的陪伴。
> Thank you to our teachers for their guidance and our classmates for their companionship.

Thank you to our teachers for their guidance and our classmates for their companionship.

22. 感谢这段旅程,让我们收获了成长,也收获了友谊。
> Thanks to this journey, we have grown and forged friendships.

Thanks to this journey, we have grown and forged friendships.

23. 感谢这段难忘的时光,感谢所有帮助过我的人。
> Thank you for this unforgettable time and to everyone who has helped me along the way.

Thank you for this unforgettable time and to everyone who has helped me along the way.

24. 感谢学校,感谢导师,感谢同学们,你们是我人生中不可或缺的一部分。
> Thank you to the school, my mentors, and my classmates. You are all indispensable parts of my life.

Thank you to the school, my mentors, and my classmates. You are all indispensable parts of my life.

25. 怀念那些一起学习,一起奋斗的日子,谢谢你们。
> I miss those days when we studied and worked hard together. Thank you.

I miss those days when we studied and worked hard together. Thank you.

26. 感谢这段时光,让我学会了坚持,学会了成长。
> Thanks to this time, I have learned to persevere and to grow.

Thanks to this time, I have learned to persevere and to grow.

27. 感谢所有关心我的人,你们是我前进路上的动力。
> Thank you to everyone who cares about me. You are my motivation to move forward.

Thank you to everyone who cares about me. You are my motivation to move forward.

28. 毕业了,我们带着感谢,带着祝福,踏上新的征程。
> We graduate with gratitude and blessings, embarking on a new journey.

We graduate with gratitude and blessings, embarking on a new journey.

29. 感谢这段旅程,让我们拥有了更美好的未来。
> Thanks to this journey, we have a brighter future.

Thanks to this journey, we have a brighter future.

30. 感谢老师们的教诲,感谢同学们的陪伴,感谢所有帮助过我的人。
> Thank you to our teachers for their guidance, our classmates for their companionship, and to everyone who has helped me along the way.

Thank you to our teachers for their guidance, our classmates for their companionship, and to everyone who has helped me along the way.


31. 带着梦想,带着希望,我们勇敢前行。
> With dreams and hope, we bravely move forward.

With dreams and hope, we bravely move forward.

32. 未来充满未知,但我们充满信心,迎接挑战。
> The future is uncertain, but we are confident and ready to face challenges.

The future is uncertain, but we are confident and ready to face challenges.

33. 毕业是人生新的起点,我们将继续努力,创造更美好的未来。
> Graduation is a new starting point in life. We will continue to strive for a better future.

Graduation is a new starting point in life. We will continue to strive for a better future.

34. 带着这段经历,我们将继续追逐梦想,创造更美好的明天。
> With this experience, we will continue to chase our dreams and create a brighter tomorrow.

With this experience, we will continue to chase our dreams and create a brighter tomorrow.

35. 相信未来,我们一定会创造更精彩的人生。
> We believe in the future and are confident we will create a more fulfilling life.

We believe in the future and are confident we will create a more fulfilling life.

36. 毕业不是终点,而是新的开始,让我们一起创造辉煌的未来。
> Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning. Let's create a brilliant future together.

Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning. Let's create a brilliant future together.

37. 带着对未来的憧憬,我们满怀希望地出发。
> With aspirations for the future, we set out with hope.

With aspirations for the future, we set out with hope.

38. 未来充满挑战,但我们相信,只要努力,就能创造奇迹。
> The future is full of challenges, but we believe that with hard work, we can create miracles.

The future is full of challenges, but we believe that with hard work, we can create miracles.

39. 毕业,是人生新的篇章,我们将用行动书写未来的故事。
> Graduation is a new chapter in life, and we will write the story of our future with our actions.

Graduation is a new chapter in life, and we will write the story of our future with our actions.

40. 带着对未来的期盼,我们满怀自信地向前迈进。
> With anticipation for the future, we confidently move forward.

With anticipation for the future, we confidently move forward.


41. 告别了熟悉的校园,告别了亲爱的老师和同学。
> Farewell to the familiar campus, and to our dear teachers and classmates.

Farewell to the familiar campus, and to our dear teachers and classmates.

42. 难忘那些一起学习,一起奋斗的时光。
> I will never forget those times when we studied and worked hard together.

I will never forget those times when we studied and worked hard together.

43. 毕业了,我们要各奔东西,但这份情谊,永远不会忘记。
> We graduate and go our separate ways, but this friendship will never be forgotten.

We graduate and go our separate ways, but this friendship will never be forgotten.

44. 我们将带着这段回忆,带着对未来的期盼,继续前行。
> We will take these memories and our hopes for the future with us as we continue forward.

We will take these memories and our hopes for the future with us as we continue forward.

45. 虽然毕业了,但我们依然会记得这段难忘的时光。
> Though we graduate, we will always remember this unforgettable time.

Though we graduate, we will always remember this unforgettable time.

46. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,取得更大的成就。
> May we all achieve even greater success in our future endeavors.

May we all achieve even greater success in our future endeavors.

47. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,保持初心,永不放弃。
> May we all stay true to our original aspirations and never give up on our journey.

May we all stay true to our original aspirations and never give up on our journey.

48. 虽然要告别了,但这份友谊,会永远珍藏在心中。
> Though we must say goodbye, this friendship will be forever cherished in my heart.

Though we must say goodbye, this friendship will be forever cherished in my heart.

49. 毕业了,我们挥手告别,但我们还会再见。
> We graduate and wave goodbye, but we will see each other again.

We graduate and wave goodbye, but we will see each other again.

50. 难忘那些一起哭过,一起笑过的日子。
> I will never forget those days when we cried and laughed together.

I will never forget those days when we cried and laughed together.


51. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,乘风破浪,勇往直前。
> May we all sail through life's challenges and move forward bravely.

May we all sail through life's challenges and move forward bravely.

52. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,收获成功,实现梦想。
> May we all achieve success and realize our dreams in the future.

May we all achieve success and realize our dreams in the future.

53. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,找到属于自己的幸福。
> May we all find our own happiness on our future paths.

May we all find our own happiness on our future paths.

54. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,创造属于自己的精彩。
> May we all create our own amazing stories on our future journeys.

May we all create our own amazing stories on our future journeys.

55. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,拥有美好的未来。
> May we all have a bright future on our paths ahead.

May we all have a bright future on our paths ahead.

56. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,活出精彩,活出自我。
> May we all live life to the fullest and be true to ourselves in the future.

May we all live life to the fullest and be true to ourselves in the future.

57. 愿我们都能在未来的道路上,永远保持一颗勇敢的心。
> May we all maintain a brave heart forever on our journeys ahead.

May we all maintain a brave heart forever on our journeys ahead.

以上就是关于研究生毕业的句子57句(研究生毕业的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
