
## 莫言风格句子,88句(中英双语)

**1. 夕阳像一块血红的布,染红了整个天空,也染红了我的心。**

The setting sun, like a crimson cloth, stained the entire sky, and my heart as well.

**2. 那是一条蜿蜒的小路,通往记忆深处,通往我再也回不去的童年。**

It was a winding path, leading to the depths of my memory, to my childhood I could never return to.

**3. 风在耳边低吟,像是在讲述一个古老的传说,一个关于爱与恨的故事。**

The wind whispered in my ear, as if telling an ancient legend, a story about love and hate.

**4. 雨滴落在屋顶上,发出轻微的敲击声,仿佛时间在慢慢流逝。**

Raindrops fell on the roof, making a gentle tapping sound, as if time was slowly slipping away.

**5. 老井里爬满了青苔,像一张张皱巴巴的脸,诉说着岁月的沧桑。**

The old well was covered in moss, like wrinkled faces, telling tales of time's passage.

**6. 那是一棵老树,枝繁叶茂,像一个饱经沧桑的老人,静静地守护着这片土地。**

It was an old tree, with lush branches and leaves, like a weather-beaten elder, silently guarding this land.

**7. 夜色深沉,星星像一颗颗闪亮的珍珠,点缀着漆黑的夜空。**

The night was deep, and the stars, like twinkling pearls, adorned the pitch-black sky.

**8. 我仿佛看到了一群孩子,在月光下追逐着蝴蝶,他们的笑声在夜空中回荡。**

I seemed to see a group of children chasing butterflies in the moonlight, their laughter echoing in the night.

**9. 炊烟袅袅升起,带着泥土的气息和家的味道,飘向远方。**

The smoke from the cooking fire rose in curls, carrying the scent of earth and home, drifting towards the distance.

**10. 夕阳西下,余晖洒落在河面上,泛起金色的涟漪。**

As the sun set in the west, its rays fell on the river, creating golden ripples.

**11. 月光如水,洒落在村庄的屋顶上,也洒落在我的心头。**

The moonlight, like water, fell on the village rooftops and my heart.

**12. 老人们围坐在火炉旁,讲述着过去的往事,他们的声音在夜空中飘荡。**

The elders gathered around the stove, recounting tales of the past, their voices drifting through the night.

**13. 那是一首古老的歌谣,在岁月的长河中流传,至今仍在耳边回响。**

It was an ancient ballad, passed down through the river of time, still echoing in my ears.

**14. 风吹过麦田,麦浪翻滚,像是金色的海洋在起伏。**

The wind blew through the wheat fields, the waves of wheat rolled, like a golden ocean surging.

**15. 雨后的天空格外晴朗,阳光普照大地,万物充满了生机。**

The sky after rain was exceptionally clear, the sun shone over the earth, and everything was full of life.

**16. 我走在乡间小路上,耳边是鸟鸣声,眼前是绿油油的田野,心中充满了宁静。**

I walked along the country path, the birds singing in my ears, the green fields before me, my heart filled with peace.

**17. 那是一条古老的河流,见证了岁月的变迁,也见证了人们的悲欢离合。**

It was an ancient river, a witness to the passage of time, and the joys and sorrows of humanity.

**18. 记忆像一张泛黄的照片,随着时间的推移,逐渐模糊。**

Memories, like a yellowed photograph, become increasingly blurred with time.

**19. 我仿佛看到了一位老人,坐在树下,静静地思考着人生的意义。**

I seemed to see an old man, sitting under a tree, silently pondering the meaning of life.

**20. 岁月像流水一样,匆匆而过,留下的只是回忆和遗憾。**

Time, like flowing water, rushes by, leaving only memories and regrets.

**21. 那是一片荒芜的土地,充满了神秘的气息,仿佛隐藏着无数的秘密。**

It was a desolate land, filled with a mysterious aura, as if concealing countless secrets.

**22. 我闭上眼睛,仿佛听到了远处的海浪声,像是在呼唤着我的名字。**

I closed my eyes and seemed to hear the sound of distant waves, calling my name.

**23. 那是一座古老的城墙,经历了无数的风风雨雨,依然屹立在原处。**

It was an ancient city wall, having weathered countless storms, still standing in its place.

**24. 月光照耀着小村庄,像一层薄薄的银纱,覆盖在田野上。**

The moonlight shone on the small village, like a thin layer of silver gauze, covering the fields.

**25. 我仿佛看到了一个孩子,在田野里奔跑,他的欢笑声在风中飘荡。**

I seemed to see a child running in the fields, his laughter carried away by the wind.

**26. 夜空中繁星点点,像一颗颗闪亮的珍珠,点缀着漆黑的夜空。**

The night sky was dotted with stars, like twinkling pearls, adorning the pitch-black sky.

**27. 风吹过树林,树叶沙沙作响,像是在演奏着一首古老的曲子。**

The wind blew through the forest, the leaves rustling, as if playing an ancient melody.

**28. 那是一座古老的寺院,香火旺盛,香气弥漫,让人心生敬畏。**

It was an ancient temple, bustling with incense, the aroma filling the air, inspiring awe.

**29. 我仿佛看到了一位僧人,在寺院里打坐,他的脸上充满了宁静。**

I seemed to see a monk meditating in the temple, his face filled with tranquility.

**30. 雨滴落在窗台上,发出清脆的响声,像是在演奏着一首优美的曲子。**

Raindrops fell on the windowsill, making a clear sound, as if playing a beautiful melody.

**31. 那是一张老照片,上面的人已经模糊不清,但他们的笑容依然灿烂。**

It was an old photograph, the people in it blurred, but their smiles still shone brightly.

**32. 我仿佛看到了一群孩子,在河边玩耍,他们的欢笑声在河面上回荡。**

I seemed to see a group of children playing by the river, their laughter echoing over the water.

**33. 夕阳余晖洒落在村庄的屋顶上,像一层薄薄的金色纱,覆盖在田野上。**

The setting sun's rays fell on the village rooftops, like a thin layer of golden gauze, covering the fields.

**34. 那是一座古老的桥,见证了岁月的变迁,也见证了人们的悲欢离合。**

It was an ancient bridge, a witness to the passage of time, and the joys and sorrows of humanity.

**35. 我仿佛看到了一个老人,坐在桥上,静静地望着远方。**

I seemed to see an old man, sitting on the bridge, silently gazing into the distance.

**36. 月光如水,洒落在河面上,泛起银色的涟漪。**

The moonlight, like water, fell on the river, creating silver ripples.

**37. 我仿佛听到了远处的音乐声,像是在呼唤着我的名字。**

I seemed to hear music in the distance, calling my name.

**38. 那是一场梦,一个美丽的梦,一个关于爱与希望的梦。**

It was a dream, a beautiful dream, a dream of love and hope.

**39. 我仿佛看到了一个女孩,在梦中翩翩起舞,她的笑容像阳光一样灿烂。**

I seemed to see a girl dancing in my dream, her smile as bright as sunshine.

**40. 雨后的泥土散发着清新的香味,让人心旷神怡。**

The earth after rain exhaled a refreshing scent, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

**41. 我仿佛看到了一个孩子,在雨中奔跑,他的身影像一道彩虹。**

I seemed to see a child running in the rain, his figure like a rainbow.

**42. 那是一条蜿蜒的小路,通往未知的领域,通往梦想的彼岸。**

It was a winding path, leading to an unknown realm, to the shores of dreams.

**43. 我仿佛看到了一个行者,在路上行走,他的脚步坚定而有力。**

I seemed to see a traveler walking on the road, his steps firm and strong.

**44. 夕阳像一颗金色的宝石,镶嵌在西边的天空。**

The setting sun, like a golden jewel, was embedded in the western sky.

**45. 我仿佛看到了一个女孩,在夕阳下奔跑,她的身影像一道金色的光芒。**

I seemed to see a girl running in the sunset, her figure like a golden ray of light.

**46. 夜色深沉,星星像一颗颗闪亮的钻石,点缀着漆黑的夜空。**

The night was deep, and the stars, like twinkling diamonds, adorned the pitch-black sky.

**47. 我仿佛看到了一位老人,在星空下仰望,他的脸上充满了沧桑。**

I seemed to see an old man looking up at the starry sky, his face etched with time.

**48. 风在树叶间穿梭,发出沙沙的响声,像是在演奏着一首神秘的曲子。**

The wind weaved through the leaves, making a rustling sound, as if playing a mysterious melody.

**49. 那是一棵古老的树,枝繁叶茂,像一个饱经沧桑的老人,静静地守护着这片土地。**

It was an old tree, with lush branches and leaves, like a weather-beaten elder, silently guarding this land.

**50. 我仿佛看到了一个孩子,在树下玩耍,他的笑声在林间回荡。**

I seemed to see a child playing under the tree, his laughter echoing through the forest.

**51. 那是一片古老的森林,充满了神秘的气息,仿佛隐藏着无数的秘密。**

It was an ancient forest, filled with a mysterious aura, as if concealing countless secrets.

**52. 我仿佛看到了一个猎人,在林中穿行,他的目光锐利而坚定。**

I seemed to see a hunter traversing the forest, his gaze sharp and resolute.

**53. 雨后的空气格外清新,让人心旷神怡。**

The air after rain was exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

**54. 我仿佛看到了一座古老的城堡,矗立在山顶上,它的周围环绕着神秘的雾气。**

I seemed to see an ancient castle standing on the mountaintop, surrounded by mysterious mist.

**55. 那是一条古老的街道,见证了岁月的变迁,也见证了人们的悲欢离合。**

It was an ancient street, a witness to the passage of time, and the joys and sorrows of humanity.

**56. 我仿佛看到了一个老人,在街道上行走,他的步伐缓慢而沉稳。**

I seemed to see an old man walking on the street, his steps slow and steady.

**57. 夕阳西下,余晖洒落在街道上,将一切都染上了金色的光芒。**

As the sun set in the west, its rays fell on the street, casting everything in a golden glow.

**58. 我仿佛听到了远处的钟声,像是在提醒着我时间的流逝。**

I seemed to hear a bell ringing in the distance, reminding me of the passage of time.

**59. 那是一座古老的教堂,充满了神圣的气息,让人心生敬畏。**

It was an ancient church, filled with a sacred aura, inspiring awe.

**60. 我仿佛看到了一个牧师,在教堂里祈祷,他的声音充满了虔诚。**

I seemed to see a priest praying in the church, his voice filled with devotion.

**61. 雨滴落在教堂的屋顶上,发出清脆的响声,像是在演奏着一首庄严的曲子。**

Raindrops fell on the roof of the church, making a clear sound, as if playing a solemn melody.

**62. 我仿佛看到了一个女孩,在教堂里唱歌,她的歌声像天使一样美妙。**

I seemed to see a girl singing in the church, her voice as beautiful as an angel's.

**63. 那是一片荒芜的沙漠,充满了神秘的气息,仿佛隐藏着无数的秘密。**

It was a desolate desert, filled with a mysterious aura, as if concealing countless secrets.

**64. 我仿佛看到了一个探险家,在沙漠中行走,他的目光锐利而坚定。**

I seemed to see an explorer traversing the desert, his gaze sharp and resolute.

**65. 夕阳照耀着沙漠,将一切都染上了金色的光芒。**

The setting sun shone on the desert, casting everything in a golden glow.

**66. 我仿佛听到了远处的风沙声,像是在诉说着一个古老的传说。**

I seemed to hear the sound of wind and sand in the distance, telling an ancient legend.

**67. 那是一条古老的河流,见证了岁月的变迁,也见证了人们的悲欢离合。**

It was an ancient river, a witness to the passage of time, and the joys and sorrows of humanity.

**68. 我仿佛看到了一个渔夫,在河边垂钓,他的脸上充满了平静。**

I seemed to see a fisherman angling by the river, his face filled with serenity.

**69. 夕阳照耀着河流,将一切都染上了金色的光芒。**

The setting sun shone on the river, casting everything in a golden glow.

**70. 我仿佛听到了远处的鸟鸣声,像是在欢呼着新的一天。**

I seemed to hear birds singing in the distance, celebrating a new day.

**71. 那是一座古老的城墙,经历了无数的风风雨雨,依然屹立在原处。**

It was an ancient city wall, having weathered countless storms, still standing in its place.

**72. 我仿佛看到了一个士兵,在城墙上守卫,他的目光坚定而锐利。**

I seemed to see a soldier guarding the city wall, his gaze firm and sharp.

**73. 夕阳照耀着城墙,将一切都染上了金色的光芒。**

The setting sun shone on the city wall, casting everything in a golden glow.

**74. 我仿佛听到了远处的号角声,像是在提醒着我历史的沧桑。**

I seemed to hear a bugle sounding in the distance, reminding me of the passage of history.

**75. 那是一片古老的田野,见证了岁月的变迁,也见证了人们的辛勤劳作。**

It was an ancient field, a witness to the passage of time, and the hard work of people.

**76. 我仿佛看到了一个农民,在田野里耕作,他的脸上充满了汗水和笑容。**

I seemed to see a farmer working in the fields, his face covered in sweat and smiles.

**77. 夕阳照耀着田野,将一切都染上了金色的光芒。**

The setting sun shone on the fields, casting everything in a golden glow.

**78. 我仿佛听到了远处的风声,像是在诉说着一个古老的传说。**

I seemed to hear the wind blowing in the distance, telling an ancient legend.

**79. 那是一片古老的草原,充满了生机和活力,仿佛隐藏着无数的秘密。**

It was an ancient grassland, full of life and energy, as if concealing countless secrets.

**80. 我仿佛看到了一个牧羊人,在草原上放牧,他的脸上充满了平静和祥和。**

I seemed to see a shepherd grazing sheep on the grassland, his face filled with peace and tranquility.

**81. 夕阳照耀着草原,将一切都染上了金色的光芒。**

The setting sun shone on the grassland, casting everything in a golden glow.

**82. 我仿佛听到了远处的马蹄声,像是在呼唤着我的名字。**

I seemed to hear the sound of horses' hooves in the distance, calling my name.

**83. 那是一条古老的道路,见证了岁月的变迁,也见证了人们的悲欢离合。**

It was an ancient road, a witness to the passage of time, and the joys and sorrows of humanity.

**84. 我仿佛看到了一个旅行者,在路上行走,他的步伐坚定而有力。**

I seemed to see a traveler walking on the road, his steps firm and strong.

**85. 夕阳照耀着道路,将一切都染上了金色的光芒。**

The setting sun shone on the road, casting everything in a golden glow.

**86. 我仿佛听到了远处的歌声,像是在诉说着一个古老的传说。**

I seemed to hear a song in the distance, telling an ancient legend.

**87. 那是一片古老的海洋,充满了神秘的气息,仿佛隐藏着无数的秘密。**

It was an ancient ocean, filled with a mysterious aura, as if concealing countless secrets.

**88. 我仿佛看到了一个水手,在海上航行,他的脸上充满了希望和梦想。**

I seemed to see a sailor sailing on the sea, his face filled with hope and dreams.

以上就是关于莫言风格句子88句(莫言风格句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
