
## 羊马吃草句子,56句

1. 小羊羔在青青的草地上欢快地吃着嫩草。

The little lamb happily eats the tender grass on the green meadow.

2. 马儿低头吃着草,耳朵轻轻地抖动着。

The horse eats the grass with its head down, its ears twitching gently.

3. 羊群悠闲地漫步在草原上,一边吃着草,一边咩咩叫着。

The flock of sheep strolls leisurely across the grassland, munching on grass and bleating happily.

4. 马儿吃饱了草,就跑到河边去喝水。

After eating its fill of grass, the horse goes to the river to drink water.

5. 羊儿们在山坡上吃着青草,享受着温暖的阳光。

The sheep graze on the hillside, enjoying the warm sunshine.

6. 马儿吃草的时候,总是喜欢用蹄子将草踩倒。

The horse always likes to trample the grass with its hooves when it eats.

7. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里。

When eating grass, the sheep use their tongues to roll the grass into their mouths.

8. 马儿吃草的速度很快,一会儿就吃了一大片。

The horse eats grass very quickly, devouring a large patch in a short time.

9. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍。

The sheep accompany each other and play together while grazing.

10. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道。

The horse sniffs the smell of the grass with its nose when it eats.

11. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用牙齿将草剪断。

The sheep use their teeth to cut the grass when they graze.

12. 马儿吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后慢慢咀嚼。

The horse uses its tongue to roll the grass into its mouth and then chews slowly.

13. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会发出“咩咩”的声音,好像在唱歌一样。

The sheep bleat"baa baa" while eating, as if they were singing.

14. 马儿吃草的时候,会用尾巴赶走烦人的苍蝇。

The horse uses its tail to chase away pesky flies while grazing.

15. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃。

The sheep smell the grass with their noses before deciding whether to eat it.

16. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface while grazing.

17. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues and then chew it with their teeth.

18. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it.

19. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息。

The sheep accompany each other, play, and rest together while grazing.

20. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze.

21. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, and then swallow it.

22. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it.

23. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, and evade predators together while grazing.

24. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze and also easier for itself to rest.

25. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去,然后继续寻找新的草地。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, swallow it, and then continue to search for new grass patches.

26. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃,如果味道不好,就会摇摇头走开。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it. If it doesn't like the smell, it will shake its head and walk away.

27. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌,一起寻找新的草地。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, evade predators, and search for new grass patches together while grazing.

28. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息,也方便自己奔跑。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze, easier for itself to rest, and easier for itself to run.

29. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去,然后继续寻找新的草地,直到吃饱为止。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, swallow it, and then continue to search for new grass patches until they are full.

30. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃,如果味道不好,就会摇摇头走开,寻找更美味的草地。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it. If it doesn't like the smell, it will shake its head and walk away, searching for more delicious grass patches.

31. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌,一起寻找新的草地,一起分享美味的食物。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, evade predators, search for new grass patches, and share delicious food together while grazing.

32. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息,也方便自己奔跑,也方便自己寻找水源。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze, easier for itself to rest, easier for itself to run, and easier for itself to find water sources.

33. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去,然后继续寻找新的草地,直到吃饱为止,然后回到羊圈休息。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, swallow it, and then continue to search for new grass patches until they are full, and then return to the sheepfold to rest.

34. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃,如果味道不好,就会摇摇头走开,寻找更美味的草地,直到找到满意的草地为止。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it. If it doesn't like the smell, it will shake its head and walk away, searching for more delicious grass patches until it finds a satisfactory one.

35. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌,一起寻找新的草地,一起分享美味的食物,一起享受阳光和微风。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, evade predators, search for new grass patches, share delicious food, and enjoy the sunshine and breeze together while grazing.

36. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息,也方便自己奔跑,也方便自己寻找水源,也方便自己寻找伴侣。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze, easier for itself to rest, easier for itself to run, easier for itself to find water sources, and easier for itself to find a mate.

37. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去,然后继续寻找新的草地,直到吃饱为止,然后回到羊圈休息,等待着牧羊人的归来。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, swallow it, and then continue to search for new grass patches until they are full, and then return to the sheepfold to rest, waiting for the shepherd's return.

38. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃,如果味道不好,就会摇摇头走开,寻找更美味的草地,直到找到满意的草地为止,然后开始津津有味地吃起来。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it. If it doesn't like the smell, it will shake its head and walk away, searching for more delicious grass patches until it finds a satisfactory one, and then begins to eat with gusto.

39. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌,一起寻找新的草地,一起分享美味的食物,一起享受阳光和微风,一起感受大自然的美丽。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, evade predators, search for new grass patches, share delicious food, and enjoy the sunshine, breeze, and beauty of nature together while grazing.

40. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息,也方便自己奔跑,也方便自己寻找水源,也方便自己寻找伴侣,也方便自己感受大自然的宁静。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze, easier for itself to rest, easier for itself to run, easier for itself to find water sources, easier for itself to find a mate, and easier for itself to feel the tranquility of nature.

41. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去,然后继续寻找新的草地,直到吃饱为止,然后回到羊圈休息,等待着牧羊人的归来,期待着下一天的美好生活。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, swallow it, and then continue to search for new grass patches until they are full, and then return to the sheepfold to rest, waiting for the shepherd's return and looking forward to another beautiful day.

42. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃,如果味道不好,就会摇摇头走开,寻找更美味的草地,直到找到满意的草地为止,然后开始津津有味地吃起来,享受着大自然的馈赠。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it. If it doesn't like the smell, it will shake its head and walk away, searching for more delicious grass patches until it finds a satisfactory one, and then begins to eat with gusto, enjoying the gifts of nature.

43. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌,一起寻找新的草地,一起分享美味的食物,一起享受阳光和微风,一起感受大自然的美丽,一起体验生命的快乐。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, evade predators, search for new grass patches, share delicious food, and enjoy the sunshine, breeze, and beauty of nature together while grazing, experiencing the joy of life.

44. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息,也方便自己奔跑,也方便自己寻找水源,也方便自己寻找伴侣,也方便自己感受大自然的宁静,也方便自己感受生命的意义。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze, easier for itself to rest, easier for itself to run, easier for itself to find water sources, easier for itself to find a mate, easier for itself to feel the tranquility of nature, and easier for itself to feel the meaning of life.

45. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去,然后继续寻找新的草地,直到吃饱为止,然后回到羊圈休息,等待着牧羊人的归来,期待着下一天的美好生活,期待着与同伴们一起度过快乐的时光。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, swallow it, and then continue to search for new grass patches until they are full, and then return to the sheepfold to rest, waiting for the shepherd's return and looking forward to another beautiful day and spending happy times with their companions.

46. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃,如果味道不好,就会摇摇头走开,寻找更美味的草地,直到找到满意的草地为止,然后开始津津有味地吃起来,享受着大自然的馈赠,感受着生命的活力。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it. If it doesn't like the smell, it will shake its head and walk away, searching for more delicious grass patches until it finds a satisfactory one, and then begins to eat with gusto, enjoying the gifts of nature and feeling the vitality of life.

47. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌,一起寻找新的草地,一起分享美味的食物,一起享受阳光和微风,一起感受大自然的美丽,一起体验生命的快乐,一起感受友谊的力量。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, evade predators, search for new grass patches, share delicious food, and enjoy the sunshine, breeze, and beauty of nature together while grazing, experiencing the joy of life and the strength of friendship.

48. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息,也方便自己奔跑,也方便自己寻找水源,也方便自己寻找伴侣,也方便自己感受大自然的宁静,也方便自己感受生命的意义,也方便自己感受自由的快乐。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze, easier for itself to rest, easier for itself to run, easier for itself to find water sources, easier for itself to find a mate, easier for itself to feel the tranquility of nature, easier for itself to feel the meaning of life, and easier for itself to feel the joy of freedom.

49. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去,然后继续寻找新的草地,直到吃饱为止,然后回到羊圈休息,等待着牧羊人的归来,期待着下一天的美好生活,期待着与同伴们一起度过快乐的时光,期待着未来充满希望。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, swallow it, and then continue to search for new grass patches until they are full, and then return to the sheepfold to rest, waiting for the shepherd's return and looking forward to another beautiful day, spending happy times with their companions, and hoping for a hopeful future.

50. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃,如果味道不好,就会摇摇头走开,寻找更美味的草地,直到找到满意的草地为止,然后开始津津有味地吃起来,享受着大自然的馈赠,感受着生命的活力,感受着自由的快乐,感受着世界的奇妙。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it. If it doesn't like the smell, it will shake its head and walk away, searching for more delicious grass patches until it finds a satisfactory one, and then begins to eat with gusto, enjoying the gifts of nature, feeling the vitality of life, feeling the joy of freedom, and feeling the wonders of the world.

51. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌,一起寻找新的草地,一起分享美味的食物,一起享受阳光和微风,一起感受大自然的美丽,一起体验生命的快乐,一起感受友谊的力量,一起感受团队的合作。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, evade predators, search for new grass patches, share delicious food, and enjoy the sunshine, breeze, and beauty of nature together while grazing, experiencing the joy of life, the strength of friendship, and the cooperation of teamwork.

52. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息,也方便自己奔跑,也方便自己寻找水源,也方便自己寻找伴侣,也方便自己感受大自然的宁静,也方便自己感受生命的意义,也方便自己感受自由的快乐,也方便自己感受世界的广阔。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze, easier for itself to rest, easier for itself to run, easier for itself to find water sources, easier for itself to find a mate, easier for itself to feel the tranquility of nature, easier for itself to feel the meaning of life, easier for itself to feel the joy of freedom, and easier for itself to feel the vastness of the world.

53. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会用舌头将草卷进嘴里,然后用牙齿将草嚼碎,最后吞下去,然后继续寻找新的草地,直到吃饱为止,然后回到羊圈休息,等待着牧羊人的归来,期待着下一天的美好生活,期待着与同伴们一起度过快乐的时光,期待着未来充满希望,期待着世界充满美好。

The sheep roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, chew it with their teeth, swallow it, and then continue to search for new grass patches until they are full, and then return to the sheepfold to rest, waiting for the shepherd's return and looking forward to another beautiful day, spending happy times with their companions, hoping for a hopeful future, and hoping for a beautiful world.

54. 马儿吃草的时候,会用鼻子闻闻草的味道,然后才决定要不要吃,如果味道不好,就会摇摇头走开,寻找更美味的草地,直到找到满意的草地为止,然后开始津津有味地吃起来,享受着大自然的馈赠,感受着生命的活力,感受着自由的快乐,感受着世界的奇妙,感受着人生的意义。

The horse sniffs the grass with its nose before deciding whether to eat it. If it doesn't like the smell, it will shake its head and walk away, searching for more delicious grass patches until it finds a satisfactory one, and then begins to eat with gusto, enjoying the gifts of nature, feeling the vitality of life, feeling the joy of freedom, feeling the wonders of the world, and feeling the meaning of life.

55. 羊儿们吃草的时候,会互相陪伴,一起玩耍,一起休息,一起躲避天敌,一起寻找新的草地,一起分享美味的食物,一起享受阳光和微风,一起感受大自然的美丽,一起体验生命的快乐,一起感受友谊的力量,一起感受团队的合作,一起感受生命的奇妙。

The sheep accompany each other, play, rest, evade predators, search for new grass patches, share delicious food, and enjoy the sunshine, breeze, and beauty of nature together while grazing, experiencing the joy of life, the strength of friendship, the cooperation of teamwork, and the wonders of life.

56. 马儿吃草的时候,会用蹄子将草地踩得平平的,方便其他马儿吃草,也方便自己休息,也方便自己奔跑,也方便自己寻找水源,也方便自己寻找伴侣,也方便自己感受大自然的宁静,也方便自己感受生命的意义,也方便自己感受自由的快乐,也方便自己感受世界的广阔,也方便自己感受人生的意义。

The horse uses its hooves to trample the grass into a flat surface, making it easier for other horses to graze, easier for itself to rest, easier for itself to run, easier for itself to find water sources, easier for itself to find a mate, easier for itself to feel the tranquility of nature, easier for itself to feel the meaning of life, easier for itself to feel the joy of freedom, easier for itself to feel the vastness of the world, and easier for itself to feel the meaning of life.

以上就是关于羊马吃草句子56句(羊马吃草句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
