
## 莫欺少年穷 相似句子 (71句)

**1. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble.

**2. 少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行。**

A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship.

**3. 莫道少年穷,前途似锦绣。**

Don't belittle the young for their poverty, their future is as bright as brocade.

**4. 莫把少年轻,志存高远去。**

Don't underestimate the young, their ambitions soar high.

**5. 莫笑少年穷,有志终登峰。**

Don't laugh at the young for their poverty, those with ambition will eventually reach the peak.

**6. 莫道少年穷,壮志凌云霄。**

Don't think the young are poor, their aspirations reach for the clouds.

**7. 莫欺少年穷,十年寒窗苦。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, they have endured years of hardship studying.

**8. 莫道少年穷,十年磨一剑。**

Don't think the young are poor, they have been sharpening their skills for years.

**9. 少年穷且志,莫负壮年时。**

The young may be poor, but they have ambitions, don't waste their prime years.

**10. 莫笑少年穷,十年磨一剑,锋芒自出鞘。**

Don't laugh at the young for their poverty, they have been sharpening their skills for years, and their brilliance will eventually emerge.

**11. 少年穷,志不穷。**

The young may be poor, but their spirits are not.

**12. 少年穷,志更坚。**

The young may be poor, but their resolve is even stronger.

**13. 莫道少年穷,自有凌云志。**

Don't think the young are poor, they have their own ambitions to reach for the clouds.

**14. 少年穷,志不穷,终有出头日。**

The young may be poor, but their spirits are not, and they will eventually rise to the top.

**15. 莫欺少年穷,锋芒在今朝。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, their sharpness is present today.

**16. 少年穷,志不穷,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材。**

The young may be poor, but their spirits are not, after years of hardship studying, they will eventually become pillars of society.

**17. 莫道少年穷,天将降大任。**

Don't think the young are poor, Heaven will bestow great responsibility on them.

**18. 少年穷,志不穷,终有凌云志。**

The young may be poor, but their spirits are not, they will eventually reach for the clouds.

**19. 莫笑少年穷,将来必成器。**

Don't laugh at the young for their poverty, they will eventually become talented individuals.

**20. 莫道少年穷,志在四方行。**

Don't think the young are poor, their ambitions lie in traveling far and wide.

**21. 少年穷,志不穷,壮志凌云霄。**

The young may be poor, but their spirits are not, their ambitions reach for the clouds.

**22. 莫欺少年穷,自有凌云志,终成大器。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, they have their own ambitions to reach for the clouds, and they will eventually achieve greatness.

**23. 莫道少年穷,一朝飞黄腾达。**

Don't think the young are poor, they may rise to prominence overnight.

**24. 莫笑少年穷,十年磨一剑,一鸣惊人。**

Don't laugh at the young for their poverty, they have been sharpening their skills for years, and they will make a resounding success.

**25. 莫道少年穷,前途似锦绣,未来不可限量。**

Don't think the young are poor, their future is as bright as brocade, and their potential is limitless.

**26. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Heaven will bestow great responsibility on such a person, and will first test their mind and body, make them endure hardship, hunger, and deprivation, and disrupt their plans. In this way, they will cultivate a strong will and endure hardship, and increase their abilities.

**27. 莫道少年穷,志存高远,心怀天下。**

Don't think the young are poor, their ambitions are high, and their hearts encompass the world.

**28. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end.

**29. 莫道少年穷,自有凌云志,十年寒窗苦,终成大器。**

Don't think the young are poor, they have their own ambitions to reach for the clouds, after years of hardship studying, they will eventually achieve greatness.

**30. 莫笑少年穷,锋芒已露头。**

Don't laugh at the young for their poverty, their sharpness has already emerged.

**31. 少年穷,志不穷,莫负好时光。**

The young may be poor, but their spirits are not, don't waste their good time.

**32. 莫道少年穷,志在四方,心怀梦想。**

Don't think the young are poor, their ambitions lie in traveling far and wide, and they hold dreams in their hearts.

**33. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. The road ahead is long and arduous, but I will seek it from top to bottom.

**34. 莫道少年穷,自有凌云志,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材。**

Don't think the young are poor, they have their own ambitions to reach for the clouds, after years of hardship studying, they will eventually become pillars of society.

**35. 莫笑少年穷,自有出头日。**

Don't laugh at the young for their poverty, they will eventually rise to the top.

**36. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time.

**37. 莫欺少年穷,志存高远,莫负韶华。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, their ambitions are high, don't waste their youth.

**38. 莫道少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. Even if I spend all my wealth, it will come back to me.

**39. 莫道少年穷,志在四方,心怀梦想,终成大器。**

Don't think the young are poor, their ambitions lie in traveling far and wide, they hold dreams in their hearts, and they will eventually achieve greatness.

**40. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. Even if I spend all my wealth, it will come back to me. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship.

**41. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,十年磨一剑,锋芒自出鞘。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. They have been sharpening their skills for years, and their brilliance will eventually emerge.

**42. 莫道少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索,莫负韶华。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. The road ahead is long and arduous, but I will seek it from top to bottom. Don't waste your youth.

**43. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负好时光。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your good time.

**44. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,志存高远,心怀梦想,终成大器。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts, and they will eventually achieve greatness.

**45. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. After years of hardship studying, they will eventually become pillars of society.

**46. 莫道少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成,莫负韶华。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end. Don't waste your youth.

**47. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble.

**48. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use.

**49. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition.

**50. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship.

**51. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth.

**52. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,志存高远。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. Their ambitions are high.

**53. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,志存高远,心怀梦想。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts.

**54. 莫道少年穷,莫负好时光,莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,志存高远,心怀梦想,终成大器。**

Don't think the young are poor, don't waste their good time. Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts, and they will eventually achieve greatness.

**55. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成,莫负韶华,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end. Don't waste your youth. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship.

**56. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成,莫负韶华,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,天生我才必有用。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end. Don't waste your youth. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use.

**57. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成,莫负韶华,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,天生我才必有用,十年寒窗苦。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end. Don't waste your youth. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. They have endured years of hardship studying.

**58. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成,莫负韶华,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,天生我才必有用,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end. Don't waste your youth. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society.

**59. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成,莫负韶华,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,天生我才必有用,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end. Don't waste your youth. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high.

**60. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成,莫负韶华,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,天生我才必有用,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远,心怀梦想。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end. Don't waste your youth. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts.

**61. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,有志者事竟成,莫负韶华,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,天生我才必有用,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远,心怀梦想,终成大器。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. Those with ambition will succeed in the end. Don't waste your youth. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts, and they will eventually achieve greatness.

**62. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society.

**63. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high.

**64. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远,心怀梦想。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts.

**65. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,天生我才必有用,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远,心怀梦想,终成大器。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts, and they will eventually achieve greatness.

**66. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society.

**67. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high.

**68. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远,心怀梦想。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts.

**69. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,十年寒窗苦,终成栋梁材,志存高远,心怀梦想,终成大器。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. They have endured years of hardship studying, and they will eventually become pillars of society. Their ambitions are high, they hold dreams in their hearts, and they will eventually achieve greatness.

**70. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,天生我才必有用。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use.

**71. 莫欺少年穷,莫笑人贫贱,少年何曾无志气,莫道穷途无路行,莫负韶华,天生我才必有用,十年寒窗苦。**

Don't despise the young for their poverty, don't laugh at those who are poor and humble. A young man has ambition, don't think there's no way to go when facing hardship. Don't waste your youth. I was born with talent, I will surely be of use. They have endured years of hardship studying.

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