
## 颜面尽失句子 (56句)

1. 他的脸涨得通红,羞愧难当,简直颜面尽失。

His face flushed red with shame, he was utterly humiliated.

2. 这次事件让他颜面尽失,从此一蹶不振。

This incident completely destroyed his reputation and he never recovered.

3. 他被人当众揭穿谎言,颜面尽失,羞愧地逃离了现场。

He was publicly exposed for his lies, utterly humiliated, and fled the scene in shame.

4. 他犯下如此严重的错误,不仅自己颜面尽失,还连累了整个家族。

He made such a grave mistake, not only ruining his own reputation, but also bringing shame upon his entire family.

5. 为了挽回颜面,他不得不向所有人道歉。

To save face, he had to apologize to everyone.

6. 他在公众场合失态,颜面尽失,从此成了人们的笑柄。

He acted disgracefully in public, losing face and becoming a laughingstock.

7. 他本以为能赢得比赛,没想到却惨败,颜面尽失。

He thought he would win the competition, but ended up losing badly, losing face.

8. 他的计划彻底失败,让他颜面尽失,也让他对未来充满了迷茫。

His plan failed completely, causing him to lose face and leaving him lost and confused about the future.

9. 他被人揭穿了秘密,颜面尽失,从此再也不敢跟人交谈。

His secret was exposed, he lost face, and he never dared to talk to people again.

10. 他的行为让所有的人都对他失望,颜面尽失,从此失去了所有朋友。

His actions disappointed everyone, he lost face, and he lost all his friends.

11. 这次失败让他颜面尽失,也让他对自己的能力产生了怀疑。

This failure caused him to lose face and made him question his own abilities.

12. 他被骗了,颜面尽失,也让他对人际关系失去了信任。

He was deceived, he lost face, and it made him lose trust in human relationships.

13. 他被人嘲笑,颜面尽失,他只能选择躲避现实,不愿面对任何人。

He was ridiculed, he lost face, and he could only choose to escape reality, refusing to face anyone.

14. 他在谈判中节节败退,颜面尽失,最终只能妥协。

He was defeated step by step in the negotiation, he lost face, and eventually had to compromise.

15. 他的错误让他颜面尽失,也让他失去了领导者的威信。

His mistakes caused him to lose face and also lost the credibility of a leader.

16. 他被指控犯下了错误,颜面尽失,但他始终坚称自己无辜。

He was accused of making mistakes, he lost face, but he insisted on his innocence.

17. 他原本是家族中的希望,却因为一次失败而颜面尽失,让家族蒙羞。

He was originally the hope of the family, but because of a failure, he lost face and brought shame upon the family.

18. 他被人背叛,颜面尽失,也让他对人性产生了怀疑。

He was betrayed, he lost face, and it made him question human nature.

19. 他被揭露了丑闻,颜面尽失,也让他失去了所有朋友和家人。

His scandal was exposed, he lost face, and he lost all his friends and family.

20. 他在工作中犯下了重大失误,颜面尽失,也让他失去了晋升的机会。

He made a major mistake at work, he lost face, and he also lost his chance for promotion.

21. 他原本是优秀的领导者,却因为一次错误决策而颜面尽失,最终失去了职位。

He was originally an excellent leader, but because of a wrong decision, he lost face and ultimately lost his position.

22. 他为了维护自己的面子,不惜撒谎,最终却导致了更大的麻烦,颜面尽失。

In order to save face, he lied, but eventually caused bigger trouble and lost face.

23. 他被拒绝了,颜面尽失,他只能独自一人默默承受着痛苦。

He was rejected, he lost face, and he could only silently endure the pain alone.

24. 他被人看不起,颜面尽失,他只能选择沉默,不再与任何人交流。

He was looked down upon, he lost face, and he could only choose to remain silent and no longer communicate with anyone.

25. 他被诬陷了,颜面尽失,但他始终相信正义会战胜邪恶。

He was framed, he lost face, but he always believed that justice would prevail over evil.

26. 他被嘲笑是失败者,颜面尽失,但他仍然坚持自己的梦想,永不放弃。

He was mocked as a loser, he lost face, but he still persisted in his dreams and never gave up.

27. 他被遗忘了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己存在的价值。

He was forgotten, he lost face, but he still believed in his own value.

28. 他被伤害了,颜面尽失,但他仍然选择宽恕,用爱去治愈伤痛。

He was hurt, he lost face, but he still chose to forgive, using love to heal the pain.

29. 他被孤立了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信友谊的力量,寻找着心灵的慰藉。

He was isolated, he lost face, but he still believed in the power of friendship, searching for comfort in his heart.

30. 他被抛弃了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信爱情的真谛,等待着真爱的降临。

He was abandoned, he lost face, but he still believed in the true meaning of love, waiting for true love to come.

31. 他被贬低了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的实力,不断努力,争取成功。

He was belittled, he lost face, but he still believed in his own strength, constantly striving for success.

32. 他被误解了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信真相终将大白,用行动证明自己的清白。

He was misunderstood, he lost face, but he still believed that the truth would come to light, using his actions to prove his innocence.

33. 他被陷害了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信正义的力量,用法律维护自己的尊严。

He was framed, he lost face, but he still believed in the power of justice, using the law to uphold his dignity.

34. 他被背叛了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信友谊的珍贵,用真诚的心去对待他人。

He was betrayed, he lost face, but he still believed in the preciousness of friendship, treating others with sincerity.

35. 他被嘲讽了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的价值,用实力证明自己的价值。

He was ridiculed, he lost face, but he still believed in his own value, using his strength to prove his value.

36. 他被抛弃了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信爱情的真谛,用真心去寻找真爱。

He was abandoned, he lost face, but he still believed in the true meaning of love, using his true heart to find true love.

37. 他被拒绝了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的魅力,不断提升自己,吸引他人的注意。

He was rejected, he lost face, but he still believed in his own charm, constantly improving himself to attract the attention of others.

38. 他被排挤了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的能力,不断努力,争取得到认可。

He was excluded, he lost face, but he still believed in his own abilities, constantly striving to be recognized.

39. 他被忽视了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的价值,不断努力,展现自己的才华。

He was ignored, he lost face, but he still believed in his own value, constantly striving to showcase his talent.

40. 他被误解了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的判断,不断努力,用行动证明自己的正确性。

He was misunderstood, he lost face, but he still believed in his own judgment, constantly striving to prove his correctness with actions.

41. 他被批评了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的能力,不断学习,提升自己,争取更好的表现。

He was criticized, he lost face, but he still believed in his own abilities, constantly learning and improving himself to strive for better performance.

42. 他被怀疑了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的忠诚,用行动证明自己的清白,维护自己的名誉。

He was doubted, he lost face, but he still believed in his own loyalty, using his actions to prove his innocence and maintain his reputation.

43. 他被陷害了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信真相终将大白,用证据证明自己的清白,洗刷自己的冤屈。

He was framed, he lost face, but he still believed that the truth would eventually come to light, using evidence to prove his innocence and clear his name.

44. 他被背叛了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信友谊的珍贵,用真诚的心去对待朋友,寻找真正的友谊。

He was betrayed, he lost face, but he still believed in the preciousness of friendship, treating friends with sincerity, and seeking true friendship.

45. 他被嘲讽了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的价值,用实力证明自己的价值,赢得他人的尊重。

He was ridiculed, he lost face, but he still believed in his own value, using his strength to prove his value and earn the respect of others.

46. 他被抛弃了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信爱情的真谛,用真心去寻找真爱,收获幸福的爱情。

He was abandoned, he lost face, but he still believed in the true meaning of love, using his true heart to find true love, and harvesting happy love.

47. 他被拒绝了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的魅力,不断提升自己,吸引他人的注意,获得幸福的爱情。

He was rejected, he lost face, but he still believed in his own charm, constantly improving himself to attract the attention of others, and gain happy love.

48. 他被排挤了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的能力,不断努力,争取得到认可,获得成功的事业。

He was excluded, he lost face, but he still believed in his own abilities, constantly striving to be recognized, and achieve a successful career.

49. 他被忽视了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的价值,不断努力,展现自己的才华,获得成功的舞台。

He was ignored, he lost face, but he still believed in his own value, constantly striving to showcase his talent, and gain a successful stage.

50. 他被误解了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的判断,不断努力,用行动证明自己的正确性,获得他人的信任。

He was misunderstood, he lost face, but he still believed in his own judgment, constantly striving to prove his correctness with actions, and gain the trust of others.

51. 他被批评了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的能力,不断学习,提升自己,争取更好的表现,获得更大的成功。

He was criticized, he lost face, but he still believed in his own abilities, constantly learning and improving himself to strive for better performance, and achieve greater success.

52. 他被怀疑了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的忠诚,用行动证明自己的清白,维护自己的名誉,获得他人的认可。

He was doubted, he lost face, but he still believed in his own loyalty, using his actions to prove his innocence, maintain his reputation, and gain recognition from others.

53. 他被陷害了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信真相终将大白,用证据证明自己的清白,洗刷自己的冤屈,重获名誉。

He was framed, he lost face, but he still believed that the truth would eventually come to light, using evidence to prove his innocence, clear his name, and regain his reputation.

54. 他被背叛了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信友谊的珍贵,用真诚的心去对待朋友,寻找真正的友谊,收获真挚的友情。

He was betrayed, he lost face, but he still believed in the preciousness of friendship, treating friends with sincerity, and seeking true friendship, harvesting sincere friendship.

55. 他被嘲讽了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信自己的价值,用实力证明自己的价值,赢得他人的尊重,获得成功的成就。

He was ridiculed, he lost face, but he still believed in his own value, using his strength to prove his value, earn the respect of others, and achieve successful achievements.

56. 他被抛弃了,颜面尽失,但他仍然相信爱情的真谛,用真心去寻找真爱,收获幸福的爱情,拥有美好的未来。

He was abandoned, he lost face, but he still believed in the true meaning of love, using his true heart to find true love, harvest happy love, and have a bright future.

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