
## 芙蕖顶真句子,86句

1. **荷叶田田,田田荷叶,叶叶相连。**

The lotus leaves are so wide, they spread across the pond, each one connected to the next.

2. **花开满池,池满花开,香飘四溢。**

The lotus flowers fill the pond, the pond is full of blooming flowers, their fragrance drifts everywhere.

3. **清风徐来,来风清徐,荷香阵阵。**

A gentle breeze blows, the breeze is fresh and cool, carrying the scent of lotus.

4. **碧水荡漾,漾波碧水,映照荷花。**

The clear water ripples, the rippling water reflects the lotus blossoms.

5. **亭亭玉立,立玉亭亭,美不胜收。**

The lotus stands tall and graceful, its beauty is overwhelming.

6. **出淤泥而不染,染而不污,濯清涟而不妖。**

It rises from the mud, yet remains untainted, pure and unblemished, cleansed by the clear water, yet free from any hint of vanity.

7. **风吹荷叶动,动叶荷风,声声入耳。**

The wind blows, the lotus leaves sway, the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze fills the air.

8. **月色朦胧,胧月色朦,映照荷塘。**

The moonlight is soft and hazy, the hazy moonlight illuminates the lotus pond.

9. **夜静如水,水静如夜,荷香弥漫。**

The night is quiet as water, the water is still as the night, the fragrance of lotus fills the air.

10. **一池清荷,荷清一池,美不胜收。**

A pond full of beautiful lotus flowers, each flower a masterpiece, beauty beyond compare.

11. **荷花出水,水出荷花,清香四溢。**

The lotus emerges from the water, the water reflects the lotus, a fragrant aroma fills the air.

12. **清风拂面,面拂清风,心旷神怡。**

The cool breeze blows across my face, refreshing my mind and spirit.

13. **绿叶婆娑,娑叶婆绿,遮蔽骄阳。**

The green leaves dance in the breeze, their rustling a soothing melody, shielding the harsh sunlight.

14. **荷花娇艳,艳荷花娇,美不胜收。**

The lotus is beautiful and radiant, a feast for the eyes, its beauty is endless.

15. **花瓣轻盈,盈瓣花轻,随风飘舞。**

The petals are light and delicate, they dance gracefully in the wind.

16. **荷香满园,园满荷香,沁人心脾。**

The garden is filled with the sweet scent of lotus, its fragrance refreshes the soul.

17. **花开满枝,枝满花开,美不胜收。**

The branches are adorned with blooming flowers, a spectacle of beauty, its splendor is boundless.

18. **绿意盎然,然意盎绿,生机勃勃。**

The greenery is lush and vibrant, full of life and vitality.

19. **荷叶田田,田田荷叶,如诗如画。**

The lotus leaves are so wide, they spread across the pond, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

20. **花开满池,池满花开,如梦如幻。**

The lotus flowers fill the pond, the pond is full of blooming flowers, a dreamlike scene, a fantasy of beauty.

21. **清风徐来,来风清徐,如沐春风。**

A gentle breeze blows, the breeze is fresh and cool, like a gentle spring breeze.

22. **碧水荡漾,漾波碧水,如诗如画。**

The clear water ripples, the rippling water reflects the lotus blossoms, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

23. **亭亭玉立,立玉亭亭,如诗如画。**

The lotus stands tall and graceful, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

24. **出淤泥而不染,染而不污,如诗如画。**

It rises from the mud, yet remains untainted, pure and unblemished, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

25. **风吹荷叶动,动叶荷风,如诗如画。**

The wind blows, the lotus leaves sway, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

26. **月色朦胧,胧月色朦,如诗如画。**

The moonlight is soft and hazy, illuminating the lotus pond, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

27. **夜静如水,水静如夜,如诗如画。**

The night is quiet as water, the water is still as the night, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

28. **一池清荷,荷清一池,如诗如画。**

A pond full of beautiful lotus flowers, each flower a masterpiece, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

29. **荷花出水,水出荷花,如诗如画。**

The lotus emerges from the water, the water reflects the lotus, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

30. **清风拂面,面拂清风,如沐春风。**

The cool breeze blows across my face, refreshing my mind and spirit, like a gentle spring breeze.

31. **绿叶婆娑,娑叶婆绿,如诗如画。**

The green leaves dance in the breeze, their rustling a soothing melody, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

32. **荷花娇艳,艳荷花娇,如诗如画。**

The lotus is beautiful and radiant, a feast for the eyes, a scene of beauty, a picture of tranquility.

33. **花瓣轻盈,盈瓣花轻,如梦如幻。**

The petals are light and delicate, they dance gracefully in the wind, a dreamlike scene, a fantasy of beauty.

34. **荷香满园,园满荷香,沁人心脾。**

The garden is filled with the sweet scent of lotus, its fragrance refreshes the soul.

35. **花开满枝,枝满花开,美不胜收。**

The branches are adorned with blooming flowers, a spectacle of beauty, its splendor is boundless.

36. **绿意盎然,然意盎绿,生机勃勃。**

The greenery is lush and vibrant, full of life and vitality.

37. **荷叶田田,田田荷叶,令人心旷神怡。**

The lotus leaves are so wide, they spread across the pond, refreshing the mind and spirit.

38. **花开满池,池满花开,让人心醉神迷。**

The lotus flowers fill the pond, the pond is full of blooming flowers, captivating the heart and soul.

39. **清风徐来,来风清徐,令人心旷神怡。**

A gentle breeze blows, the breeze is fresh and cool, refreshing the mind and spirit.

40. **碧水荡漾,漾波碧水,让人心旷神怡。**

The clear water ripples, the rippling water reflects the lotus blossoms, refreshing the mind and spirit.

41. **亭亭玉立,立玉亭亭,令人心旷神怡。**

The lotus stands tall and graceful, refreshing the mind and spirit.

42. **出淤泥而不染,染而不污,令人心旷神怡。**

It rises from the mud, yet remains untainted, pure and unblemished, refreshing the mind and spirit.

43. **风吹荷叶动,动叶荷风,令人心旷神怡。**

The wind blows, the lotus leaves sway, refreshing the mind and spirit.

44. **月色朦胧,胧月色朦,令人心旷神怡。**

The moonlight is soft and hazy, illuminating the lotus pond, refreshing the mind and spirit.

45. **夜静如水,水静如夜,令人心旷神怡。**

The night is quiet as water, the water is still as the night, refreshing the mind and spirit.

46. **一池清荷,荷清一池,令人心旷神怡。**

A pond full of beautiful lotus flowers, each flower a masterpiece, refreshing the mind and spirit.

47. **荷花出水,水出荷花,令人心旷神怡。**

The lotus emerges from the water, the water reflects the lotus, refreshing the mind and spirit.

48. **清风拂面,面拂清风,令人心旷神怡。**

The cool breeze blows across my face, refreshing my mind and spirit.

49. **绿叶婆娑,娑叶婆绿,令人心旷神怡。**

The green leaves dance in the breeze, their rustling a soothing melody, refreshing the mind and spirit.

50. **荷花娇艳,艳荷花娇,令人心旷神怡。**

The lotus is beautiful and radiant, a feast for the eyes, refreshing the mind and spirit.

51. **花瓣轻盈,盈瓣花轻,令人心旷神怡。**

The petals are light and delicate, they dance gracefully in the wind, refreshing the mind and spirit.

52. **荷香满园,园满荷香,令人心旷神怡。**

The garden is filled with the sweet scent of lotus, its fragrance refreshes the soul.

53. **花开满枝,枝满花开,令人心旷神怡。**

The branches are adorned with blooming flowers, a spectacle of beauty, refreshing the mind and spirit.

54. **绿意盎然,然意盎绿,令人心旷神怡。**

The greenery is lush and vibrant, full of life and vitality, refreshing the mind and spirit.

55. **荷叶田田,田田荷叶,让人心生向往。**

The lotus leaves are so wide, they spread across the pond, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

56. **花开满池,池满花开,让人心生向往。**

The lotus flowers fill the pond, the pond is full of blooming flowers, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

57. **清风徐来,来风清徐,让人心生向往。**

A gentle breeze blows, the breeze is fresh and cool, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

58. **碧水荡漾,漾波碧水,让人心生向往。**

The clear water ripples, the rippling water reflects the lotus blossoms, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

59. **亭亭玉立,立玉亭亭,让人心生向往。**

The lotus stands tall and graceful, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

60. **出淤泥而不染,染而不污,让人心生向往。**

It rises from the mud, yet remains untainted, pure and unblemished, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

61. **风吹荷叶动,动叶荷风,让人心生向往。**

The wind blows, the lotus leaves sway, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

62. **月色朦胧,胧月色朦,让人心生向往。**

The moonlight is soft and hazy, illuminating the lotus pond, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

63. **夜静如水,水静如夜,让人心生向往。**

The night is quiet as water, the water is still as the night, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

64. **一池清荷,荷清一池,让人心生向往。**

A pond full of beautiful lotus flowers, each flower a masterpiece, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

65. **荷花出水,水出荷花,让人心生向往。**

The lotus emerges from the water, the water reflects the lotus, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

66. **清风拂面,面拂清风,让人心生向往。**

The cool breeze blows across my face, refreshing my mind and spirit, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

67. **绿叶婆娑,娑叶婆绿,让人心生向往。**

The green leaves dance in the breeze, their rustling a soothing melody, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

68. **荷花娇艳,艳荷花娇,让人心生向往。**

The lotus is beautiful and radiant, a feast for the eyes, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

69. **花瓣轻盈,盈瓣花轻,让人心生向往。**

The petals are light and delicate, they dance gracefully in the wind, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

70. **荷香满园,园满荷香,让人心生向往。**

The garden is filled with the sweet scent of lotus, its fragrance refreshes the soul, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

71. **花开满枝,枝满花开,让人心生向往。**

The branches are adorned with blooming flowers, a spectacle of beauty, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

72. **绿意盎然,然意盎绿,让人心生向往。**

The greenery is lush and vibrant, full of life and vitality, evoking a longing for beauty and tranquility.

73. **荷叶田田,田田荷叶,令人心生敬畏。**

The lotus leaves are so wide, they spread across the pond, inspiring awe and respect.

74. **花开满池,池满花开,令人心生敬畏。**

The lotus flowers fill the pond, the pond is full of blooming flowers, inspiring awe and respect.

75. **清风徐来,来风清徐,令人心生敬畏。**

A gentle breeze blows, the breeze is fresh and cool, inspiring awe and respect.

76. **碧水荡漾,漾波碧水,令人心生敬畏。**

The clear water ripples, the rippling water reflects the lotus blossoms, inspiring awe and respect.

77. **亭亭玉立,立玉亭亭,令人心生敬畏。**

The lotus stands tall and graceful, inspiring awe and respect.

78. **出淤泥而不染,染而不污,令人心生敬畏。**

It rises from the mud, yet remains untainted, pure and unblemished, inspiring awe and respect.

79. **风吹荷叶动,动叶荷风,令人心生敬畏。**

The wind blows, the lotus leaves sway, inspiring awe and respect.

80. **月色朦胧,胧月色朦,令人心生敬畏。**

The moonlight is soft and hazy, illuminating the lotus pond, inspiring awe and respect.

81. **夜静如水,水静如夜,令人心生敬畏。**

The night is quiet as water, the water is still as the night, inspiring awe and respect.

82. **一池清荷,荷清一池,令人心生敬畏。**

A pond full of beautiful lotus flowers, each flower a masterpiece, inspiring awe and respect.

83. **荷花出水,水出荷花,令人心生敬畏。**

The lotus emerges from the water, the water reflects the lotus, inspiring awe and respect.

84. **清风拂面,面拂清风,令人心生敬畏。**

The cool breeze blows across my face, refreshing my mind and spirit, inspiring awe and respect.

85. **绿叶婆娑,娑叶婆绿,令人心生敬畏。**

The green leaves dance in the breeze, their rustling a soothing melody, inspiring awe and respect.

86. **荷花娇艳,艳荷花娇,令人心生敬畏。**

The lotus is beautiful and radiant, a feast for the eyes, inspiring awe and respect.

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