
## 节水节电节粮句子(53句)


1. 一滴水,一粒米,珍惜粮食,节约用水。
2. 珍惜每一滴水,让生命之泉流淌更久。
3. 节约用水,从我做起,共建节水型社会。
4. 滴水穿石,节约用水,功在千秋。
5. 珍惜每一滴水,让地球充满生机。
6. 节约用水,让蓝色的星球永葆青春。
7. 少用一度电,多用一滴水,为子孙后代留一片蓝天。
8. 节约用水,从点滴做起,让水资源永续利用。
9. 水是生命之源,节约用水,人人有责。
10. 珍惜水资源,让地球充满活力。


11. 随手关灯,节约用电,保护环境。
12. 节约用电,从我做起,共建绿色家园。
13. 珍惜每一瓦电,让生活更加美好。
14. 节约用电,为地球减负,为未来添彩。
15. 电能宝贵,节约用电,人人有责。
16. 节约用电,让绿色生活永续发展。
17. 少开空调,多用电扇,节约用电,保护地球。
18. 节约用电,从点滴做起,让电能更加节约。
19. 珍惜每一度电,让我们的生活更加明亮。
20. 节约用电,从现在做起,为子孙后代留下美好家园。


21. 珍惜粮食,从我做起,杜绝浪费。
22. 一粒米,千滴汗,珍惜粮食,爱惜劳动。
23. 节约粮食,从娃娃抓起,共建节约型社会。
24. 食不厌精,脍不厌细,但要杜绝浪费。
25. 珍惜粮食,让每一粒米都充满价值。
26. 节约粮食,让餐桌更加干净。
27. 粮食来之不易,节约粮食,人人有责。
28. 珍惜每一粒米,让我们的生活更加充实。
29. 节约粮食,从点滴做起,让我们的生活更加美好。
30. 珍惜粮食,让我们的生活更加幸福。


31. 节约水电,珍惜粮食,共建和谐社会。
32. 节约资源,从我做起,为地球添绿。
33. 节约水电,珍惜粮食,让生活更加美好。
34. 一滴水,一度电,一粒米,都是宝贵的资源。
35. 节约水电,珍惜粮食,为子孙后代留下一片绿洲。
36. 节约资源,保护环境,从点滴做起。
37. 节约水电,珍惜粮食,让我们的生活更加美好。
38. 节约资源,保护环境,共建美好未来。
39. 节约水电,珍惜粮食,为地球减负,为未来添彩。
40. 节约水电,珍惜粮食,让我们的生活更加幸福。


**Save Water**

1. A drop of water, a grain of rice, cherish food, save water.

2. Cherish every drop of water, let the spring of life flow longer.

3. Save water, start with me, build a water-saving society together.

4. Water drops can wear away a stone, save water, the merit will last for generations.

5. Cherish every drop of water, let the earth be full of life.

6. Saving water, let the blue planet stay young forever.

7. Use less electricity, use more water, leave a blue sky for future generations.

8. Save water, start from the little things, let water resources be used sustainably.

9. Water is the source of life, saving water is everyone's responsibility.

10. Cherish water resources, let the earth be full of vitality.

**Save Electricity**

11. Turn off the lights, save electricity, protect the environment.

12. Save electricity, start with me, build a green home together.

13. Cherish every watt of electricity, let life be more beautiful.

14. Saving electricity, reducing the burden on the earth, adding color to the future.

15. Electricity is precious, saving electricity is everyone's responsibility.

16. Saving electricity, let green life continue to develop.

17. Use less air conditioning, use more fans, save electricity, protect the earth.

18. Saving electricity, start from the little things, let electricity be more economical.

19. Cherish every kilowatt-hour of electricity, let our life be brighter.

20. Save electricity, start from now, leave a beautiful home for future generations.

**Save Food**

21. Cherish food, start with me, eliminate waste.

22. A grain of rice, a thousand drops of sweat, cherish food, cherish labor.

23. Saving food, start from the children, build a resource-saving society together.

24. Food is not averse to being refined, and meat is not averse to being fine, but waste must be eliminated.

25. Cherish food, let every grain of rice be full of value.

26. Saving food, let the dining table be cleaner.

27. Food is hard-earned, saving food is everyone's responsibility.

28. Cherish every grain of rice, let our life be more fulfilling.

29. Saving food, start from the little things, let our life be more beautiful.

30. Cherish food, let our life be more happy.


31. Save water and electricity, cherish food, build a harmonious society together.

32. Save resources, start with me, add green to the earth.

33. Save water and electricity, cherish food, let life be more beautiful.

34. A drop of water, a kilowatt-hour of electricity, a grain of rice, are all precious resources.

35. Save water and electricity, cherish food, leave an oasis for future generations.

36. Save resources, protect the environment, start from the little things.

37. Save water and electricity, cherish food, let our life be more beautiful.

38. Save resources, protect the environment, build a better future together.

39. Save water and electricity, cherish food, reduce the burden on the earth, add color to the future.

40. Save water and electricity, cherish food, let our life be more happy.

以上就是关于节水节电节粮句子53句(节水节电节粮句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
