
## 霸气纹身句子 (87句)


1. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。

Rather be a broken jade than a complete tile.

2. 逆境出英雄。

Heroes are born out of adversity.

3. 生死看淡,不服就干。

Don't be afraid of life or death, just fight if you're not convinced.

4. 不疯魔不成活。

You can't live without madness.

5. 天生我才必有用。

I was born with talent, I must be useful.

6. 我命由我不由天。

My fate is in my hands, not in the heavens.

7. 强者无惧,弱者无求。

The strong fear nothing, the weak desire nothing.

8. 败而不馁,胜而不骄。

Not discouraged by defeat, not arrogant in victory.

9. 敢爱敢恨,不负此生。

Dare to love, dare to hate, don't waste this life.

10. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

Life is short, enjoy it while you can.


11. 爱你所爱,恨你所恨。

Love what you love, hate what you hate.

12. 永不放弃爱情。

Never give up on love.

13. 为爱而生,为爱而死。

Born for love, die for love.

14. 爱情是永恒的主题。

Love is an eternal theme.

15. 执子之手,与子偕老。

Hold your hand, grow old together.

16. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。

May I find one heart, and we will never be separated until the end of our lives.

17. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。

May I find one heart, and we will never be separated until the end of our lives.

18. 我心永恒。

My heart will go on.

19. 爱情是世界上最伟大的力量。

Love is the greatest power in the world.

20. 爱情是人生的意义。

Love is the meaning of life.


21. 努力奋斗,成就梦想。

Work hard and achieve your dreams.

22. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。

Perseverance can wear away even the hardest stone.

23. 只要坚持,梦想就会实现。

As long as you persevere, your dreams will come true.

24. 坚持梦想,永不言弃。

Stick to your dreams, never give up.

25. 成功源于奋斗,辉煌来自拼搏。

Success comes from struggle, brilliance comes from fighting.

26. 勇攀高峰,成就自我。

Climb to the top, achieve your potential.

27. 脚踏实地,仰望星空。

Keep your feet on the ground, look up at the stars.

28. 奋斗不止,人生无限。

Never stop striving, life is limitless.

29. 相信自己,你一定能行。

Believe in yourself, you can do it.

30. 无论前路如何,都要勇往直前。

No matter what lies ahead, you must move forward bravely.


31. 追求自由,放飞梦想。

Pursue freedom, set your dreams free.

32. 自由是生命最宝贵的财富。

Freedom is the most precious treasure of life.

33. 无拘无束,自由飞翔。

Unbound, fly freely.

34. 心之所向,身之所往。

Where the heart goes, the body follows.

35. 做自己的主人。

Be your own master.

36. 飞翔吧,我的梦想。

Fly, my dream.

37. 自由,是一种无形的翅膀。

Freedom is an invisible wing.

38. 追求自由,永远不会停止。

The pursuit of freedom never ends.

39. 自由,就是做自己。

Freedom is being yourself.

40. 无拘无束,放飞自我。

Unbound, let yourself go.


41. 我命由我不由天。

My fate is in my hands, not in the heavens.

42. 强者无惧,弱者无求。

The strong fear nothing, the weak desire nothing.

43. 我是自己的英雄。

I am my own hero.

44. 无坚不摧,百折不挠。

Unbreakable, unyielding.

45. 战无不胜,攻无不克。

Invincible in battle, insurmountable in attack.

46. 力量源于内心。

Strength comes from within.

47. 坚强,是我的铠甲。

Strength is my armor.

48. 我要成为最强的自己。

I will become the strongest version of myself.

49. 无论遇到什么困难,都要勇敢面对。

No matter what challenges you face, you must face them bravely.

50. 我要掌控自己的命运。

I will control my own destiny.


51. 特立独行,与众不同。

Be independent, be different.

52. 我就是我,不一样的烟火。

I am me, a different kind of firework.

53. 做最真实的自己。

Be your truest self.

54. 坚持自我,不被世俗所困。

Stay true to yourself, don't be bound by the world.

55. 个性,是人生的标签。

Personality is the label of life.

56. 我不愿平凡,我要与众不同。

I don't want to be ordinary, I want to be different.

57. 做自己喜欢的事,走自己想走的路。

Do what you love, walk the path you want to walk.

58. 用自己的方式,活出精彩人生。

Live a wonderful life in your own way.

59. 每个人都是独一无二的。

Everyone is unique.

60. 不为世俗所累,活出自我。

Don't be weighed down by the world, live for yourself.


61. 时间是最宝贵的财富。

Time is the most precious treasure.

62. 时间不等人,抓住当下。

Time waits for no one, seize the moment.

63. 珍惜当下,活在当下。

Cherish the present, live in the moment.

64. 时间如白驹过隙。

Time flies like an arrow.

65. 过去无法改变,未来可以创造。

The past cannot be changed, the future can be created.

66. 时间会证明一切。

Time will tell.

67. 时间的脚步不会停止。

The march of time will not stop.

68. 把握现在,展望未来。

Seize the present, look to the future.

69. 让时间见证我的成长。

Let time witness my growth.

70. 时间的价值,在于如何使用它。

The value of time lies in how you use it.


71. 目标明确,才能百战百胜。

A clear goal is the key to victory.

72. 有目标,才会有方向。

With a goal, there will be direction.

73. 目标是前进的动力。

Goals are the driving force for progress.

74. 梦想指引着前进的道路。

Dreams guide the path forward.

75. 为梦想而奋斗,永不放弃。

Strive for your dreams, never give up.

76. 向着目标,勇往直前。

Move forward bravely towards your goal.

77. 梦想照亮前行的路。

Dreams illuminate the path ahead.

78. 人生的意义,在于实现目标。

The meaning of life is to achieve your goals.

79. 目标就是方向,行动就是力量。

The goal is the direction, action is the power.

80. 永不放弃梦想,终将实现目标。

Never give up on your dreams, you will eventually achieve your goals.


81. 生而为人,当有所为。

Born as a human, you must do something.

82. 宁可站着死,不可跪着生。

Better to die standing than live kneeling.

83. 要么出众,要么出局。

Either stand out or be eliminated.

84. 人生短暂,不要浪费时间。

Life is short, don't waste time.

85. 活出精彩,活出自我。

Live a wonderful life, live for yourself.

86. 人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。

There are no rehearsals in life, every day is a live broadcast.

87. 不负韶华,活出精彩人生。

Don't waste your youth, live a wonderful life.

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