
## 纷争即将开始句子 (66句)


1. 战争的阴云笼罩着大地,一场血腥的冲突即将爆发。
2. 硝烟弥漫,战鼓擂响,一场旷日持久的战争即将拉开序幕。
3. 两军对峙,剑拔弩张,一场惨烈的战斗即将展开。
4. 愤怒的火焰在心中燃烧,一场不可避免的纷争即将开始。
5. 矛盾日益激化,冲突一触即发,一场血雨腥风的战斗即将打响。
6. 战争的号角已经吹响,一场惊天动地的战争即将到来。
7. 仇恨的种子已经播下,一场血腥的报复即将开始。
8. 命运的齿轮开始转动,一场决定命运的战争即将上演。
9. 暴风雨前的宁静,一场惊天动地的战争即将爆发。
10. 杀戮的号角已经吹响,一场腥风血雨的战争即将开始。
11. 战争的阴影笼罩着大地,一场血腥的屠杀即将开始。
12. 愤怒的火焰在心中熊熊燃烧,一场不可避免的冲突即将爆发。
13. 两军对峙,剑拔弩张,一场血腥的战斗即将展开。
14. 战争的号角已经吹响,一场决定命运的战争即将开始。
15. 矛盾激化,冲突一触即发,一场血腥的战斗即将打响。
16. 命运的齿轮开始转动,一场决定胜负的战争即将上演。
17. 战争的阴云笼罩着大地,一场血腥的战斗即将爆发。
18. 硝烟弥漫,战鼓擂响,一场旷日持久的战争即将开始。
19. 两军对峙,剑拔弩张,一场决定命运的战斗即将展开。
20. 愤怒的火焰在心中燃烧,一场不可避免的冲突即将开始。
21. 矛盾日益激化,冲突一触即发,一场惨烈的战斗即将打响。
22. 战争的号角已经吹响,一场惊天动地的战争即将到来。
23. 仇恨的种子已经播下,一场血腥的报复即将开始。
24. 命运的齿轮开始转动,一场决定胜负的战争即将上演。
25. 暴风雨前的宁静,一场惊天动地的战争即将爆发。
26. 杀戮的号角已经吹响,一场腥风血雨的战争即将开始。
27. 战争的阴影笼罩着大地,一场血腥的屠杀即将开始。
28. 愤怒的火焰在心中熊熊燃烧,一场不可避免的冲突即将爆发。
29. 两军对峙,剑拔弩张,一场血腥的战斗即将展开。
30. 战争的号角已经吹响,一场决定命运的战争即将开始。
31. 矛盾激化,冲突一触即发,一场血腥的战斗即将打响。
32. 命运的齿轮开始转动,一场决定胜负的战争即将上演。
33. 战争的阴云笼罩着大地,一场血腥的战斗即将爆发。
34. 硝烟弥漫,战鼓擂响,一场旷日持久的战争即将开始。
35. 两军对峙,剑拔弩张,一场决定命运的战斗即将展开。
36. 愤怒的火焰在心中燃烧,一场不可避免的冲突即将开始。
37. 矛盾日益激化,冲突一触即发,一场惨烈的战斗即将打响。
38. 战争的号角已经吹响,一场惊天动地的战争即将到来。
39. 仇恨的种子已经播下,一场血腥的报复即将开始。
40. 命运的齿轮开始转动,一场决定胜负的战争即将上演。
41. 暴风雨前的宁静,一场惊天动地的战争即将爆发。
42. 杀戮的号角已经吹响,一场腥风血雨的战争即将开始。
43. 战争的阴影笼罩着大地,一场血腥的屠杀即将开始。
44. 愤怒的火焰在心中熊熊燃烧,一场不可避免的冲突即将爆发。
45. 两军对峙,剑拔弩张,一场血腥的战斗即将展开。
46. 战争的号角已经吹响,一场决定命运的战争即将开始。
47. 矛盾激化,冲突一触即发,一场血腥的战斗即将打响。
48. 命运的齿轮开始转动,一场决定胜负的战争即将上演。
49. 战争的阴云笼罩着大地,一场血腥的战斗即将爆发。
50. 硝烟弥漫,战鼓擂响,一场旷日持久的战争即将开始。
51. 两军对峙,剑拔弩张,一场决定命运的战斗即将展开。
52. 愤怒的火焰在心中燃烧,一场不可避免的冲突即将开始。
53. 矛盾日益激化,冲突一触即发,一场惨烈的战斗即将打响。
54. 战争的号角已经吹响,一场惊天动地的战争即将到来。
55. 仇恨的种子已经播下,一场血腥的报复即将开始。
56. 命运的齿轮开始转动,一场决定胜负的战争即将上演。
57. 暴风雨前的宁静,一场惊天动地的战争即将爆发。
58. 杀戮的号角已经吹响,一场腥风血雨的战争即将开始。
59. 战争的阴影笼罩着大地,一场血腥的屠杀即将开始。
60. 愤怒的火焰在心中熊熊燃烧,一场不可避免的冲突即将爆发。
61. 两军对峙,剑拔弩张,一场血腥的战斗即将展开。
62. 战争的号角已经吹响,一场决定命运的战争即将开始。
63. 矛盾激化,冲突一触即发,一场血腥的战斗即将打响。
64. 命运的齿轮开始转动,一场决定胜负的战争即将上演。
65. 战争的阴云笼罩着大地,一场血腥的战斗即将爆发。
66. 硝烟弥漫,战鼓擂响,一场旷日持久的战争即将开始。


1. The clouds of war hang heavy over the land, a bloody conflict is about to erupt.

2. Smoke fills the air, war drums beat, a protracted war is about to begin.

3. Two armies face each other, swords drawn, a brutal battle is about to unfold.

4. Flames of anger burn in their hearts, an inevitable conflict is about to begin.

5. Contradictions intensify, conflict is imminent, a bloody battle is about to be fought.

6. The war horn has been sounded, a earth-shattering war is about to come.

7. Seeds of hatred have been sown, a bloody revenge is about to begin.

8. The gears of fate begin to turn, a war that will determine destiny is about to be staged.

9. The calm before the storm, a earth-shattering war is about to erupt.

10. The horn of slaughter has been sounded, a bloody war is about to begin.

11. The shadow of war hangs over the land, a bloody massacre is about to begin.

12. Flames of anger burn fiercely in their hearts, an inevitable conflict is about to erupt.

13. Two armies face each other, swords drawn, a bloody battle is about to unfold.

14. The war horn has been sounded, a war that will determine destiny is about to begin.

15. Contradictions intensify, conflict is imminent, a bloody battle is about to be fought.

16. The gears of fate begin to turn, a war that will decide the outcome is about to be staged.

17. The clouds of war hang heavy over the land, a bloody battle is about to erupt.

18. Smoke fills the air, war drums beat, a protracted war is about to begin.

19. Two armies face each other, swords drawn, a battle that will determine destiny is about to unfold.

20. Flames of anger burn in their hearts, an inevitable conflict is about to begin.

21. Contradictions intensify, conflict is imminent, a brutal battle is about to be fought.

22. The war horn has been sounded, a earth-shattering war is about to come.

23. Seeds of hatred have been sown, a bloody revenge is about to begin.

24. The gears of fate begin to turn, a war that will decide the outcome is about to be staged.

25. The calm before the storm, a earth-shattering war is about to erupt.

26. The horn of slaughter has been sounded, a bloody war is about to begin.

27. The shadow of war hangs over the land, a bloody massacre is about to begin.

28. Flames of anger burn fiercely in their hearts, an inevitable conflict is about to erupt.

29. Two armies face each other, swords drawn, a bloody battle is about to unfold.

30. The war horn has been sounded, a war that will determine destiny is about to begin.

31. Contradictions intensify, conflict is imminent, a bloody battle is about to be fought.

32. The gears of fate begin to turn, a war that will decide the outcome is about to be staged.

33. The clouds of war hang heavy over the land, a bloody battle is about to erupt.

34. Smoke fills the air, war drums beat, a protracted war is about to begin.

35. Two armies face each other, swords drawn, a battle that will determine destiny is about to unfold.

36. Flames of anger burn in their hearts, an inevitable conflict is about to begin.

37. Contradictions intensify, conflict is imminent, a brutal battle is about to be fought.

38. The war horn has been sounded, a earth-shattering war is about to come.

39. Seeds of hatred have been sown, a bloody revenge is about to begin.

40. The gears of fate begin to turn, a war that will decide the outcome is about to be staged.

41. The calm before the storm, a earth-shattering war is about to erupt.

42. The horn of slaughter has been sounded, a bloody war is about to begin.

43. The shadow of war hangs over the land, a bloody massacre is about to begin.

44. Flames of anger burn fiercely in their hearts, an inevitable conflict is about to erupt.

45. Two armies face each other, swords drawn, a bloody battle is about to unfold.

46. The war horn has been sounded, a war that will determine destiny is about to begin.

47. Contradictions intensify, conflict is imminent, a bloody battle is about to be fought.

48. The gears of fate begin to turn, a war that will decide the outcome is about to be staged.

49. The clouds of war hang heavy over the land, a bloody battle is about to erupt.

50. Smoke fills the air, war drums beat, a protracted war is about to begin.

51. Two armies face each other, swords drawn, a battle that will determine destiny is about to unfold.

52. Flames of anger burn in their hearts, an inevitable conflict is about to begin.

53. Contradictions intensify, conflict is imminent, a brutal battle is about to be fought.

54. The war horn has been sounded, a earth-shattering war is about to come.

55. Seeds of hatred have been sown, a bloody revenge is about to begin.

56. The gears of fate begin to turn, a war that will decide the outcome is about to be staged.

57. The calm before the storm, a earth-shattering war is about to erupt.

58. The horn of slaughter has been sounded, a bloody war is about to begin.

59. The shadow of war hangs over the land, a bloody massacre is about to begin.

60. Flames of anger burn fiercely in their hearts, an inevitable conflict is about to erupt.

61. Two armies face each other, swords drawn, a bloody battle is about to unfold.

62. The war horn has been sounded, a war that will determine destiny is about to begin.

63. Contradictions intensify, conflict is imminent, a bloody battle is about to be fought.

64. The gears of fate begin to turn, a war that will decide the outcome is about to be staged.

65. The clouds of war hang heavy over the land, a bloody battle is about to erupt.

66. Smoke fills the air, war drums beat, a protracted war is about to begin.

以上就是关于纷争即将开始句子66句(纷争即将开始句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
