
## 纸是包不住火的句子(94句)

**1. 纸是包不住火的,真相终将大白。**

Truth will out, no matter how you try to hide it.

**2. 纸包不住火,再隐瞒下去也无济于事。**

The truth will come out eventually, no matter how hard you try to conceal it.

**3. 纸包不住火,迟早会被人发现。**

The truth will come to light sooner or later.

**4. 谎言就像纸张一样,总会被揭穿。**

Lies are like paper, they will always be exposed.

**5. 即使你再怎么掩盖,事实也总会浮出水面。**

No matter how much you try to cover it up, the truth will always come out.

**6. 纸包不住火,真相终究会显现。**

The truth will eventually shine through, no matter how hard you try to hide it.

**7. 谎言是纸做的,总会被风吹散。**

Lies are made of paper and will always be blown away by the wind.

**8. 欲盖弥彰,纸包不住火。**

Trying to cover up the truth only makes it more obvious.

**9. 谎言就像纸张,一旦被戳破,就再也无法恢复。**

Once a lie is exposed, it can never be put back together.

**10. 真相就像阳光,总会照亮黑暗。**

Truth is like sunlight, it will always illuminate the darkness.

**11. 纸包不住火,谣言终将不攻自破。**

Rumours will eventually be exposed as false.

**12. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加显眼。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more apparent.

**13. 谎言就像泡沫,终究会破灭。**

Lies are like bubbles, they will eventually burst.

**14. 纸包不住火,真金不怕火炼。**

Truth will prevail, just like gold will withstand fire.

**15. 谎言是无法长久的,迟早会被揭穿。**

Lies cannot last forever, they will eventually be revealed.

**16. 即使你再怎么狡猾,也无法永远瞒天过海。**

No matter how cunning you are, you can't deceive everyone forever.

**17. 纸包不住火,真相迟早会水落石出。**

The truth will eventually come out, no matter how long it takes.

**18. 谎言就像毒药,迟早会害了自己。**

Lies are like poison, they will eventually harm yourself.

**19. 纸包不住火,事实终究会摆在眼前。**

The truth will eventually be laid bare before you.

**20. 真相就像星辰,即使被遮蔽,也会闪耀光芒。**

Truth is like a star, even if it's hidden, it will still shine.

**21. 掩耳盗铃,纸包不住火。**

Trying to fool yourself won't stop the truth from coming out.

**22. 真相永远不会消失,它只会等待时机显露。**

The truth will never disappear, it will simply wait for its moment to be revealed.

**23. 谎言就像一颗定时炸弹,迟早会爆炸。**

Lies are like a ticking time bomb, they will eventually explode.

**24. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人震惊。**

Trying to cover up the truth only makes it more shocking when it comes out.

**25. 纸包不住火,真相终究会浮出水面。**

The truth will eventually come to the surface, no matter how deep you bury it.

**26. 谎言就像一团乱麻,越理越乱。**

Lies are like a tangled mess, the more you try to untangle them, the more tangled they become.

**27. 真相就像一束光,总会穿透黑暗。**

Truth is like a beam of light, it will always shine through the darkness.

**28. 掩盖真相只会加重罪责。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes your guilt heavier.

**29. 谎言就像一个滚雪球,越滚越大。**

Lies are like a snowball, they keep growing bigger and bigger.

**30. 真相就像一颗种子,总会生根发芽。**

Truth is like a seed, it will always take root and grow.

**31. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加难以接受。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it harder to accept when it comes out.

**32. 谎言就像一座空中楼阁,最终会坍塌。**

Lies are like a castle in the air, they will eventually crumble.

**33. 真相就像一盏明灯,总会照亮前路。**

Truth is like a beacon of light, it will always guide you forward.

**34. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人反感。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more repulsive when it comes out.

**35. 谎言就像一张薄纸,经不起时间的考验。**

Lies are like a thin sheet of paper, they cannot withstand the test of time.

**36. 真相就像一粒珍珠,总会闪耀光芒。**

Truth is like a pearl, it will always shine brightly.

**37. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人绝望。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more desperate when it comes out.

**38. 谎言就像一棵毒树,最终会枯萎。**

Lies are like a poisonous tree, they will eventually wither and die.

**39. 真相就像一朵鲜花,总会散发芬芳。**

Truth is like a flower, it will always bloom and spread its fragrance.

**40. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加难以弥补。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it harder to make amends when it comes out.

**41. 谎言就像一场梦,最终会醒来。**

Lies are like a dream, you will eventually wake up.

**42. 真相就像一滴水,总会汇聚成河。**

Truth is like a drop of water, it will eventually join together to form a river.

**43. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人痛恨。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more hateful when it comes out.

**44. 谎言就像一团烟雾,最终会散去。**

Lies are like smoke, they will eventually dissipate.

**45. 真相就像一缕阳光,总会驱散阴霾。**

Truth is like a ray of sunshine, it will always dispel the gloom.

**46. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人恐惧。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more terrifying when it comes out.

**47. 谎言就像一座沙堡,最终会坍塌。**

Lies are like a sandcastle, they will eventually crumble.

**48. 真相就像一首歌,总会被人传唱。**

Truth is like a song, it will always be sung by others.

**49. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人厌恶。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more abhorrent when it comes out.

**50. 谎言就像一块石头,最终会沉入海底。**

Lies are like a stone, they will eventually sink to the bottom of the sea.

**51. 真相就像一朵云,总会飘过天空。**

Truth is like a cloud, it will always float across the sky.

**52. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人恶心。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more disgusting when it comes out.

**53. 谎言就像一团火焰,最终会熄灭。**

Lies are like a flame, they will eventually be extinguished.

**54. 真相就像一棵大树,总会枝繁叶茂。**

Truth is like a tree, it will always grow strong and tall.

**55. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人绝望。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more desperate when it comes out.

**56. 谎言就像一张蜘蛛网,最终会破裂。**

Lies are like a spider web, they will eventually be torn apart.

**57. 真相就像一艘船,总会航行到彼岸。**

Truth is like a ship, it will always sail to the other side.

**58. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人恐惧。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more frightening when it comes out.

**59. 谎言就像一场游戏,最终会结束。**

Lies are like a game, they will eventually come to an end.

**60. 真相就像一粒种子,总会开花结果。**

Truth is like a seed, it will always blossom and bear fruit.

**61. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人厌恶。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more loathsome when it comes out.

**62. 谎言就像一场梦,最终会醒来。**

Lies are like a dream, you will eventually wake up.

**63. 真相就像一面镜子,总会照出真相。**

Truth is like a mirror, it will always reflect the truth.

**64. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加难以置信。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it harder to believe when it comes out.

**65. 谎言就像一阵风,最终会消散。**

Lies are like the wind, they will eventually blow away.

**66. 真相就像一座灯塔,总会指引方向。**

Truth is like a lighthouse, it will always guide you towards safety.

**67. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人震惊。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more shocking when it comes out.

**68. 谎言就像一张面具,最终会掉落。**

Lies are like a mask, they will eventually fall off.

**69. 真相就像一朵玫瑰,总会散发芬芳。**

Truth is like a rose, it will always bloom and spread its fragrance.

**70. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加难以接受。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it harder to accept when it comes out.

**71. 谎言就像一团乌云,最终会散开。**

Lies are like a cloud, they will eventually disperse.

**72. 真相就像一扇门,总会通往光明。**

Truth is like a door, it will always lead to light.

**73. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人反感。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more repulsive when it comes out.

**74. 谎言就像一块冰,最终会融化。**

Lies are like ice, they will eventually melt away.

**75. 真相就像一粒种子,总会生根发芽。**

Truth is like a seed, it will always take root and grow.

**76. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加难以弥补。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it harder to make amends when it comes out.

**77. 谎言就像一座空中楼阁,最终会坍塌。**

Lies are like a castle in the air, they will eventually crumble.

**78. 真相就像一盏明灯,总会照亮前路。**

Truth is like a beacon of light, it will always guide you forward.

**79. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人反感。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more repulsive when it comes out.

**80. 谎言就像一张薄纸,经不起时间的考验。**

Lies are like a thin sheet of paper, they cannot withstand the test of time.

**81. 真相就像一粒珍珠,总会闪耀光芒。**

Truth is like a pearl, it will always shine brightly.

**82. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人绝望。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more desperate when it comes out.

**83. 谎言就像一棵毒树,最终会枯萎。**

Lies are like a poisonous tree, they will eventually wither and die.

**84. 真相就像一朵鲜花,总会散发芬芳。**

Truth is like a flower, it will always bloom and spread its fragrance.

**85. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加难以弥补。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it harder to make amends when it comes out.

**86. 谎言就像一场梦,最终会醒来。**

Lies are like a dream, you will eventually wake up.

**87. 真相就像一滴水,总会汇聚成河。**

Truth is like a drop of water, it will eventually join together to form a river.

**88. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人痛恨。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more hateful when it comes out.

**89. 谎言就像一团烟雾,最终会散去。**

Lies are like smoke, they will eventually dissipate.

**90. 真相就像一缕阳光,总会驱散阴霾。**

Truth is like a ray of sunshine, it will always dispel the gloom.

**91. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人恐惧。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more terrifying when it comes out.

**92. 谎言就像一座沙堡,最终会坍塌。**

Lies are like a sandcastle, they will eventually crumble.

**93. 真相就像一首歌,总会被人传唱。**

Truth is like a song, it will always be sung by others.

**94. 掩盖真相只会让真相更加令人厌恶。**

Trying to hide the truth only makes it more abhorrent when it comes out.

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