
## 79句类似“纵有疾风起”的句子,并翻译成英文:

**1. 逆风而行,不负韶华。**

Go against the wind, don't waste your youth.

**2. 迎风破浪,勇往直前。**

Break through the waves, bravely forge ahead.

**3. 乘风破浪,追逐梦想。**

Ride the waves, chase your dreams.

**4. 疾风知劲草,板荡识忠臣。**

Only in strong winds can you tell the strength of a grass, and in troubled times can you see the loyalty of a minister.

**5. 迎风而立,傲视群雄。**

Stand tall against the wind, overlooking all.

**6. 纵使狂风骤雨,也要昂首挺胸。**

Even in the face of raging storms, stand tall and proud.

**7. 迎着风浪,勇敢前行。**

Face the waves, bravely move forward.

**8. 搏击风浪,成就梦想。**

Fight against the waves, achieve your dreams.

**9. 经历风雨,方能见彩虹。**

You must weather the storm to see the rainbow.

**10. 迎风而舞,自由飞翔。**

Dance in the wind, fly freely.

**11. 风雨过后,总会有晴天。**

After the storm, there will always be sunshine.

**12. 不畏风雨,勇攀高峰。**

Fear not the storm, bravely climb to the peak.

**13. 迎风而歌,唱响未来。**

Sing against the wind, sing for the future.

**14. 逆风前行,不屈不挠。**

Go against the wind, never give up.

**15. 乘风破浪,一往无前。**

Ride the waves, move forward without hesitation.

**16. 风雨无阻,追梦不停。**

No matter the weather, keep chasing your dreams.

**17. 逆风而上,奋勇争先。**

Go against the wind, strive to be the best.

**18. 迎着困难,勇往直前。**

Face difficulties, bravely forge ahead.

**19. 披荆斩棘,勇往直前。**

Cut through thorns and brambles, bravely forge ahead.

**20. 迎风而立,傲视苍穹。**

Stand tall against the wind, overlooking the sky.

**21. 不畏艰险,勇往直前。**

Fear not danger, bravely forge ahead.

**22. 逆流而上,奋勇拼搏。**

Go against the current, fight bravely.

**23. 迎风而飞,展翅高飞。**

Fly against the wind, spread your wings and soar high.

**24. 乘风破浪,扬帆起航。**

Ride the waves, set sail.

**25. 逆风前行,不负韶华。**

Go against the wind, don't waste your youth.

**26. 迎着风雨,坚定信念。**

Face the storm, hold firm your beliefs.

**27. 不畏挑战,勇攀高峰。**

Fear not challenges, bravely climb to the peak.

**28. 逆风而上,成就梦想。**

Go against the wind, achieve your dreams.

**29. 迎风而歌,唱响生命。**

Sing against the wind, sing for life.

**30. 乘风破浪,开拓未来。**

Ride the waves, pioneer the future.

**31. 不屈不挠,勇往直前。**

Unwavering, bravely forge ahead.

**32. 逆风而行,不畏艰险。**

Go against the wind, fear not danger.

**33. 迎着风浪,奋力拼搏。**

Face the waves, fight with all your might.

**34. 乘风破浪,无惧风雨。**

Ride the waves, fear not the storm.

**35. 不畏困难,勇攀高峰。**

Fear not difficulties, bravely climb to the peak.

**36. 逆风而行,坚定信念。**

Go against the wind, hold firm your beliefs.

**37. 迎着风雨,勇敢前行。**

Face the storm, bravely move forward.

**38. 乘风破浪,创造奇迹。**

Ride the waves, create miracles.

**39. 不屈不挠,开拓进取。**

Unwavering, be innovative and progressive.

**40. 逆风而上,勇攀高峰。**

Go against the wind, bravely climb to the peak.

**41. 迎着困难,奋勇争先。**

Face difficulties, strive to be the best.

**42. 乘风破浪,勇往直前。**

Ride the waves, bravely forge ahead.

**43. 不畏挑战,勇攀高峰。**

Fear not challenges, bravely climb to the peak.

**44. 逆风而行,不负韶华。**

Go against the wind, don't waste your youth.

**45. 迎着风雨,坚定信念。**

Face the storm, hold firm your beliefs.

**46. 乘风破浪,开拓未来。**

Ride the waves, pioneer the future.

**47. 不屈不挠,勇往直前。**

Unwavering, bravely forge ahead.

**48. 逆风而上,成就梦想。**

Go against the wind, achieve your dreams.

**49. 迎风而歌,唱响未来。**

Sing against the wind, sing for the future.

**50. 乘风破浪,无惧风雨。**

Ride the waves, fear not the storm.

**51. 不畏艰难,勇攀高峰。**

Fear not difficulties, bravely climb to the peak.

**52. 逆风前行,不负韶华。**

Go against the wind, don't waste your youth.

**53. 迎着挑战,奋勇争先。**

Face challenges, strive to be the best.

**54. 乘风破浪,勇往直前。**

Ride the waves, bravely forge ahead.

**55. 不屈不挠,开拓进取。**

Unwavering, be innovative and progressive.

**56. 逆风而行,不畏艰险。**

Go against the wind, fear not danger.

**57. 迎着风浪,奋力拼搏。**

Face the waves, fight with all your might.

**58. 乘风破浪,无惧风雨。**

Ride the waves, fear not the storm.

**59. 不畏困难,勇攀高峰。**

Fear not difficulties, bravely climb to the peak.

**60. 逆风而行,坚定信念。**

Go against the wind, hold firm your beliefs.

**61. 迎着风雨,勇敢前行。**

Face the storm, bravely move forward.

**62. 乘风破浪,创造奇迹。**

Ride the waves, create miracles.

**63. 不屈不挠,勇往直前。**

Unwavering, bravely forge ahead.

**64. 逆风而上,成就梦想。**

Go against the wind, achieve your dreams.

**65. 迎风而歌,唱响生命。**

Sing against the wind, sing for life.

**66. 乘风破浪,开拓未来。**

Ride the waves, pioneer the future.

**67. 不畏挑战,勇攀高峰。**

Fear not challenges, bravely climb to the peak.

**68. 逆风而行,不负韶华。**

Go against the wind, don't waste your youth.

**69. 迎着风雨,坚定信念。**

Face the storm, hold firm your beliefs.

**70. 乘风破浪,开拓未来。**

Ride the waves, pioneer the future.

**71. 不屈不挠,勇往直前。**

Unwavering, bravely forge ahead.

**72. 逆风而上,成就梦想。**

Go against the wind, achieve your dreams.

**73. 迎风而歌,唱响未来。**

Sing against the wind, sing for the future.

**74. 乘风破浪,无惧风雨。**

Ride the waves, fear not the storm.

**75. 不畏艰难,勇攀高峰。**

Fear not difficulties, bravely climb to the peak.

**76. 逆风前行,不负韶华。**

Go against the wind, don't waste your youth.

**77. 迎着挑战,奋勇争先。**

Face challenges, strive to be the best.

**78. 乘风破浪,勇往直前。**

Ride the waves, bravely forge ahead.

**79. 不屈不挠,开拓进取。**

Unwavering, be innovative and progressive.

以上就是关于纵有疾风起类似的句子79句(纵有疾风起类似的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
