
## 分开久了感情就淡了的句子 (59句)


1. 时间是最好的解药,也是最无情的杀手。
2. 距离产生美,也产生距离。
3. 曾经以为天荒地老,现在却只剩下物是人非。
4. 当初的誓言,在时间长河中,早已变得模糊不清。
5. 当初的甜蜜,在漫长的分离中,渐渐消失殆尽。
6. 曾经的热情,在时间的消磨下,慢慢冷却下来。
7. 曾经的牵挂,在岁月的流逝中,变得越来越淡。
8. 曾经的梦想,在现实的压力下,变得越来越渺茫。
9. 曾经的爱情,在距离的阻隔下,变得越来越脆弱。
10. 我们之间,只剩下回忆和遗憾。
11. 我们之间,隔着一道无法跨越的鸿沟。
12. 我们之间,只剩下无尽的沉默和冰冷。
13. 我们之间,曾经的爱情,已经变成了过眼云烟。
14. 时间,真的可以改变很多东西。
15. 距离,真的可以让人变得陌生。
16. 感情,真的经不起时间的考验。
17. 爱情,真的经不起距离的折磨。
18. 我们之间,只剩下一个冰冷的结局。
19. 我们之间,只剩下一个遥远的梦。
20. 我们之间,只剩下一个无法弥补的伤痕。
21. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法实现的承诺。
22. 我们之间,只剩下一个无尽的思念。
23. 我们之间,只剩下一个空荡荡的回忆。
24. 我们之间,只剩下一个无法挽回的过去。
25. 我们之间,只剩下一个无法改变的结局。
26. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法触碰的梦。
27. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法弥补的伤痛。
28. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法实现的愿望。
29. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法抹去的印记。
30. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法忘记的记忆。
31. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法改变的命运。
32. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法跨越的距离。
33. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法实现的梦。
34. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法弥补的遗憾。
35. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法挽回的过去。
36. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法改变的结局。
37. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法触碰的梦。
38. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法弥补的伤痛。
39. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法实现的愿望。
40. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法抹去的印记。
41. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法忘记的记忆。
42. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法改变的命运。
43. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法跨越的距离。
44. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法实现的梦。
45. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法弥补的遗憾。
46. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法挽回的过去。
47. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法改变的结局。
48. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法触碰的梦。
49. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法弥补的伤痛。
50. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法实现的愿望。
51. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法抹去的印记。
52. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法忘记的记忆。
53. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法改变的命运。
54. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法跨越的距离。
55. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法实现的梦。
56. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法弥补的遗憾。
57. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法挽回的过去。
58. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法改变的结局。
59. 我们之间,只剩下一个永远无法触碰的梦。


1. Time is the best cure, but also the most ruthless killer.

2. Distance creates beauty, but also distance.

3. We once thought it would last forever, but now it's just a matter of time.

4. The vows we made at the beginning have long been blurred in the river of time.

5. The sweetness we once had has gradually disappeared in the long separation.

6. The passion we once had has gradually cooled down over time.

7. The concern we once had has become fainter and fainter as the years go by.

8. The dreams we once had have become more and more distant under the pressure of reality.

9. The love we once had has become more and more fragile under the barrier of distance.

10. All we have left is memories and regrets.

11. There is an unbridgeable gulf between us.

12. All we have left is endless silence and coldness.

13. The love we once had has become a thing of the past.

14. Time can really change a lot of things.

15. Distance can really make people feel strange.

16. Feelings can't really withstand the test of time.

17. Love can't really withstand the torment of distance.

18. All we have left is a cold ending.

19. All we have left is a distant dream.

20. All we have left is an irreparable scar.

21. All we have left is an unfulfilled promise.

22. All we have left is an endless longing.

23. All we have left is an empty memory.

24. All we have left is an irretrievable past.

25. All we have left is an unchangeable ending.

26. All we have left is a dream we can never touch.

27. All we have left is a pain we can never heal.

28. All we have left is a wish we can never realize.

29. All we have left is a mark we can never erase.

30. All we have left is a memory we can never forget.

31. All we have left is an unchangeable destiny.

32. All we have left is an insurmountable distance.

33. All we have left is a dream we can never realize.

34. All we have left is a regret we can never make up for.

35. All we have left is an irretrievable past.

36. All we have left is an unchangeable ending.

37. All we have left is a dream we can never touch.

38. All we have left is a pain we can never heal.

39. All we have left is a wish we can never realize.

40. All we have left is a mark we can never erase.

41. All we have left is a memory we can never forget.

42. All we have left is an unchangeable destiny.

43. All we have left is an insurmountable distance.

44. All we have left is a dream we can never realize.

45. All we have left is a regret we can never make up for.

46. All we have left is an irretrievable past.

47. All we have left is an unchangeable ending.

48. All we have left is a dream we can never touch.

49. All we have left is a pain we can never heal.

50. All we have left is a wish we can never realize.

51. All we have left is a mark we can never erase.

52. All we have left is a memory we can never forget.

53. All we have left is an unchangeable destiny.

54. All we have left is an insurmountable distance.

55. All we have left is a dream we can never realize.

56. All we have left is a regret we can never make up for.

57. All we have left is an irretrievable past.

58. All we have left is an unchangeable ending.

59. All we have left is a dream we can never touch.

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