
## 岁月在脸上留下痕迹的句子 (99句)

**1. 岁月是一把刻刀,在脸上留下岁月的痕迹。**

Time is a carving knife, leaving its mark on our faces.

**2. 年轮在眼角刻下细密的纹路,诉说着岁月的流逝。**

The rings of time etch fine lines around the eyes, narrating the passage of years.

**3. 眉宇间淡淡的笑纹,记录着人生的喜怒哀乐。**

The faint smile lines around the brow record the joys and sorrows of life.

**4. 脸上爬满了岁月的风霜,那是人生的阅历和沉淀。**

The face is etched with the frost of time, reflecting life's experiences and sediment.

**5. 岁月在脸上刻下故事,每一个皱纹都是一个章节。**

Time carves stories onto our faces, each wrinkle a chapter.

**6. 昔日的容颜已逝,但岁月的痕迹却更显珍贵。**

The youthful face has faded, but the marks of time are even more precious.

**7. 脸上留下的不是衰老,而是成熟和智慧的光芒。**

What remains on the face is not aging, but the glow of maturity and wisdom.

**8. 岁月的痕迹是人生的宝藏,记录着生命的历程。**

The marks of time are life's treasure, recording the journey of life.

**9. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是生命的流淌和沉淀。**

The face flows with the river of time, reflecting the flow and sediment of life.

**10. 岁月是一把梳子,梳理着人生的沧桑。**

Time is a comb, brushing through the vicissitudes of life.

**11. 年轮在脸上刻下深深浅浅的痕迹,记录着人生的起落。**

The rings of time etch deep and shallow marks on the face, recording the ups and downs of life.

**12. 脸上留下的斑点,是岁月留下的礼物。**

The spots left on the face are gifts from time.

**13. 每一根银丝都是岁月的勋章,记录着生命的荣耀。**

Each strand of silver hair is a badge of honor, recording life's glory.

**14. 岁月在脸上留下故事,每一个皱纹都是一个故事。**

Time leaves stories on the face, each wrinkle a tale.

**15. 脸上流淌着岁月的痕迹,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the marks of time, a river of life.

**16. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的印记。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the imprint of life.

**17. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个故事。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a story.

**18. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的智慧。**

The face flows with the river of time, the wisdom of life.

**19. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是人生的旅程。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the journey of life.

**20. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个章节。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a chapter.

**21. 脸上留下的斑点,是岁月留下的印记。**

The spots left on the face are the imprint of time.

**22. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的沧桑。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the vicissitudes of life.

**23. 每一根银丝都是岁月的见证,记录着人生的历程。**

Each strand of silver hair is a witness to time, recording the journey of life.

**24. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的珍宝。**

The stories left on the face are treasures left by time.

**25. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的阅历。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the experience of life.

**26. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个片段。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a fragment.

**27. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的经历。**

The face flows with the river of time, the experiences of life.

**28. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是人生的沉淀。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the sediment of life.

**29. 每一根银丝都是岁月的礼物,记录着生命的价值。**

Each strand of silver hair is a gift from time, recording the value of life.

**30. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的祝福。**

The stories left on the face are blessings left by time.

**31. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的美丽。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the beauty of life.

**32. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个印记。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle an imprint.

**33. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**34. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的旅程。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the journey of life.

**35. 每一根银丝都是岁月的痕迹,记录着人生的轨迹。**

Each strand of silver hair is a mark of time, recording the trajectory of life.

**36. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的记忆。**

The stories left on the face are memories left by time.

**37. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的沧桑。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the vicissitudes of life.

**38. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个刻度。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a scale.

**39. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的历程。**

The face flows with the river of time, the journey of life.

**40. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的画卷。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the canvas of life.

**41. 每一根银丝都是岁月的见证,记录着人生的智慧。**

Each strand of silver hair is a witness to time, recording the wisdom of life.

**42. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的财富。**

The stories left on the face are wealth left by time.

**43. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的价值。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the value of life.

**44. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个篇章。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a chapter.

**45. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**46. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的印记。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the imprint of life.

**47. 每一根银丝都是岁月的礼物,记录着生命的荣耀。**

Each strand of silver hair is a gift from time, recording life's glory.

**48. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的回忆。**

The stories left on the face are memories left by time.

**49. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的宝藏。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the treasure of life.

**50. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个印记。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle an imprint.

**51. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**52. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的旅程。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the journey of life.

**53. 每一根银丝都是岁月的见证,记录着人生的历程。**

Each strand of silver hair is a witness to time, recording the journey of life.

**54. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的财富。**

The stories left on the face are wealth left by time.

**55. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的价值。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the value of life.

**56. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个篇章。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a chapter.

**57. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**58. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的印记。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the imprint of life.

**59. 每一根银丝都是岁月的礼物,记录着生命的荣耀。**

Each strand of silver hair is a gift from time, recording life's glory.

**60. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的回忆。**

The stories left on the face are memories left by time.

**61. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的宝藏。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the treasure of life.

**62. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个印记。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle an imprint.

**63. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**64. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的旅程。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the journey of life.

**65. 每一根银丝都是岁月的见证,记录着人生的历程。**

Each strand of silver hair is a witness to time, recording the journey of life.

**66. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的财富。**

The stories left on the face are wealth left by time.

**67. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的价值。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the value of life.

**68. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个篇章。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a chapter.

**69. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**70. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的印记。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the imprint of life.

**71. 每一根银丝都是岁月的礼物,记录着生命的荣耀。**

Each strand of silver hair is a gift from time, recording life's glory.

**72. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的回忆。**

The stories left on the face are memories left by time.

**73. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的宝藏。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the treasure of life.

**74. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个印记。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle an imprint.

**75. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**76. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的旅程。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the journey of life.

**77. 每一根银丝都是岁月的见证,记录着人生的历程。**

Each strand of silver hair is a witness to time, recording the journey of life.

**78. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的财富。**

The stories left on the face are wealth left by time.

**79. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的价值。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the value of life.

**80. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个篇章。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a chapter.

**81. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**82. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的印记。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the imprint of life.

**83. 每一根银丝都是岁月的礼物,记录着生命的荣耀。**

Each strand of silver hair is a gift from time, recording life's glory.

**84. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的回忆。**

The stories left on the face are memories left by time.

**85. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的宝藏。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the treasure of life.

**86. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个印记。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle an imprint.

**87. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**88. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的旅程。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the journey of life.

**89. 每一根银丝都是岁月的见证,记录着人生的历程。**

Each strand of silver hair is a witness to time, recording the journey of life.

**90. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的财富。**

The stories left on the face are wealth left by time.

**91. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的价值。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the value of life.

**92. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个篇章。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle a chapter.

**93. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

**94. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的印记。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the imprint of life.

**95. 每一根银丝都是岁月的礼物,记录着生命的荣耀。**

Each strand of silver hair is a gift from time, recording life's glory.

**96. 脸上留下的故事,是岁月留下的回忆。**

The stories left on the face are memories left by time.

**97. 岁月在脸上留下痕迹,那是生命的宝藏。**

Time leaves its mark on the face, the treasure of life.

**98. 年轮在脸上刻下故事,每一根皱纹都是一个印记。**

The rings of time etch stories on the face, each wrinkle an imprint.

**99. 脸上流淌着岁月的河流,那是人生的河流。**

The face flows with the river of time, the river of life.

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