
## 山高路远句子,68句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的p标签

1. 山高路远,但心怀梦想,便无惧前行。

1. Mountains are high and the road is long, but with a dream in your heart, you will not fear to move forward.

2. 山高路远,但只要坚持,终将抵达彼岸。

2. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, you will eventually reach the other shore.

3. 山高路远,但相信自己,一定能克服困难。

3. Mountains are high and the road is long, but believe in yourself, and you will surely overcome the difficulties.

4. 山高路远,但只要有目标,便不会迷失方向。

4. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a goal, you will not lose your way.

5. 山高路远,但一路风景,令人沉醉。

5. Mountains are high and the road is long, but the scenery along the way is breathtaking.

6. 山高路远,但与朋友同行,便不再孤单。

6. Mountains are high and the road is long, but with friends by your side, you will no longer be alone.

7. 山高路远,但人生旅程,总要勇于攀登。

7. Mountains are high and the road is long, but in the journey of life, one must always be brave enough to climb.

8. 山高路远,但追逐梦想,值得付出一切。

8. Mountains are high and the road is long, but chasing your dreams is worth everything you put into it.

9. 山高路远,但只要心中有爱,便能战胜一切。

9. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have love in your heart, you can overcome everything.

10. 山高路远,但人生苦短,要活出精彩。

10. Mountains are high and the road is long, but life is short, so live it to the fullest.

11. 山高路远,但只要努力,总会有所收获。

11. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you work hard, you will always be rewarded.

12. 山高路远,但只要勇敢,就能抵达终点。

12. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you are brave, you will reach the finish line.

13. 山高路远,但只要坚持不懈,终会梦想成真。

13. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, your dreams will come true.

14. 山高路远,但只要心存希望,就能战胜一切困难。

14. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have hope in your heart, you can overcome all difficulties.

15. 山高路远,但只要有毅力,就能实现目标。

15. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have willpower, you can achieve your goals.

16. 山高路远,但只要有勇气,就能挑战极限。

16. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have courage, you can challenge your limits.

17. 山高路远,但只要有信念,就能抵达成功的彼岸。

17. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have faith, you will reach the shore of success.

18. 山高路远,但人生的精彩,就在于不断挑战自己。

18. Mountains are high and the road is long, but the beauty of life lies in constantly challenging yourself.

19. 山高路远,但只要脚踏实地,就能一步步走向成功。

19. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you are grounded, you will step by step towards success.

20. 山高路远,但只要不放弃,就能实现梦想。

20. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you don't give up, you can realize your dreams.

21. 山高路远,但只要坚持,就能创造奇迹。

21. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, you can create miracles.

22. 山高路远,但只要勇敢尝试,就能找到属于自己的答案。

22. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you are brave enough to try, you can find your own answers.

23. 山高路远,但只要不断学习,就能不断进步。

23. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you continue to learn, you can continue to improve.

24. 山高路远,但只要拥有梦想,就能照亮前方的道路。

24. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream, it will light up the path ahead.

25. 山高路远,但只要心怀感恩,就能收获更多快乐。

25. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you are grateful, you will reap more happiness.

26. 山高路远,但只要保持乐观,就能战胜一切困难。

26. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you remain optimistic, you can overcome all difficulties.

27. 山高路远,但只要坚持不懈,就能抵达成功的彼岸。

27. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, you will reach the shore of success.

28. 山高路远,但只要不断努力,就能实现人生的价值。

28. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you keep working hard, you can realize your life's value.

29. 山高路远,但只要拥有梦想,就能拥有无限可能。

29. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream, you will have infinite possibilities.

30. 山高路远,但只要有爱,就能战胜一切困难。

30. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have love, you can overcome all difficulties.

31. 山高路远,但只要心怀希望,就能创造更加美好的未来。

31. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have hope in your heart, you can create a better future.

32. 山高路远,但只要有坚定的信念,就能克服一切障碍。

32. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have firm belief, you can overcome all obstacles.

33. 山高路远,但只要有梦想,就能找到前进的方向。

33. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream, you can find your direction.

34. 山高路远,但只要有勇气,就能创造奇迹。

34. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have courage, you can create miracles.

35. 山高路远,但只要拥有梦想,就能拥有无限可能。

35. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream, you will have infinite possibilities.

36. 山高路远,但只要坚持不懈,就能实现人生的梦想。

36. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, you can achieve your life's dreams.

37. 山高路远,但只要心存善意,就能收获更多友谊。

37. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have kindness in your heart, you will reap more friendships.

38. 山高路远,但只要拥有目标,就能找到人生的意义。

38. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a goal, you can find the meaning of life.

39. 山高路远,但只要不断学习,就能不断成长。

39. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you continue to learn, you can continue to grow.

40. 山高路远,但只要心怀梦想,就能找到人生的精彩。

40. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream in your heart, you can find the excitement of life.

41. 山高路远,但只要坚持不懈,就能抵达成功的彼岸。

41. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, you will reach the shore of success.

42. 山高路远,但只要有爱,就能战胜一切困难。

42. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have love, you can overcome all difficulties.

43. 山高路远,但只要心怀感恩,就能收获更多快乐。

43. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you are grateful, you will reap more happiness.

44. 山高路远,但只要保持乐观,就能战胜一切困难。

44. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you remain optimistic, you can overcome all difficulties.

45. 山高路远,但只要拥有梦想,就能拥有无限可能。

45. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream, you will have infinite possibilities.

46. 山高路远,但只要坚持不懈,就能实现人生的梦想。

46. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, you can achieve your life's dreams.

47. 山高路远,但只要心存善意,就能收获更多友谊。

47. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have kindness in your heart, you will reap more friendships.

48. 山高路远,但只要拥有目标,就能找到人生的意义。

48. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a goal, you can find the meaning of life.

49. 山高路远,但只要不断学习,就能不断成长。

49. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you continue to learn, you can continue to grow.

50. 山高路远,但只要心怀梦想,就能找到人生的精彩。

50. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream in your heart, you can find the excitement of life.

51. 山高路远,但只要有坚定的信念,就能克服一切障碍。

51. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have firm belief, you can overcome all obstacles.

52. 山高路远,但只要有梦想,就能找到前进的方向。

52. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream, you can find your direction.

53. 山高路远,但只要有勇气,就能创造奇迹。

53. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have courage, you can create miracles.

54. 山高路远,但只要心怀希望,就能创造更加美好的未来。

54. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have hope in your heart, you can create a better future.

55. 山高路远,但只要不断努力,就能实现人生的价值。

55. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you keep working hard, you can realize your life's value.

56. 山高路远,但只要拥有梦想,就能拥有无限可能。

56. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream, you will have infinite possibilities.

57. 山高路远,但只要有爱,就能战胜一切困难。

57. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have love, you can overcome all difficulties.

58. 山高路远,但只要坚持,就能创造奇迹。

58. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, you can create miracles.

59. 山高路远,但只要勇敢尝试,就能找到属于自己的答案。

59. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you are brave enough to try, you can find your own answers.

60. 山高路远,但只要不断学习,就能不断进步。

60. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you continue to learn, you can continue to improve.

61. 山高路远,但只要拥有梦想,就能照亮前方的道路。

61. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have a dream, it will light up the path ahead.

62. 山高路远,但只要心怀感恩,就能收获更多快乐。

62. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you are grateful, you will reap more happiness.

63. 山高路远,但只要保持乐观,就能战胜一切困难。

63. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you remain optimistic, you can overcome all difficulties.

64. 山高路远,但只要坚持不懈,就能抵达成功的彼岸。

64. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you persevere, you will reach the shore of success.

65. 山高路远,但只要脚踏实地,就能一步步走向成功。

65. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you are grounded, you will step by step towards success.

66. 山高路远,但人生的精彩,就在于不断挑战自己。

66. Mountains are high and the road is long, but the beauty of life lies in constantly challenging yourself.

67. 山高路远,但只要有信念,就能抵达成功的彼岸。

67. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have faith, you will reach the shore of success.

68. 山高路远,但只要有勇气,就能挑战极限。

68. Mountains are high and the road is long, but as long as you have courage, you can challenge your limits.

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