
## 移风易俗的句子 (55句)

1. 倡导文明新风尚,共建和谐社会。

Advocate civilized new customs, jointly build a harmonious society.

2. 摒弃陋习,弘扬正气。

Abandon bad habits and promote positive energy.

3. 移风易俗,文明乡风。

Change customs, promote civilized village customs.

4. 文明礼仪,从我做起。

Civilized etiquette, start with me.

5. 尊老爱幼,和睦邻里。

Respect the elderly and love the young, harmonious neighbors.

6. 崇尚科学,破除迷信。

Admire science, dispel superstition.

7. 移风易俗,共建美好家园。

Change customs, jointly build a beautiful home.

8. 节俭办喜事,文明树新风。

Thrifty wedding celebrations, civilized new customs.

9. 抵制婚丧陋习,倡导文明节俭。

Resist the bad habits of weddings and funerals, advocate civilized thrift.

10. 移风易俗,文明和谐。

Change customs, civilized and harmonious.

11. 破除陈规陋习,树立文明新风。

Break through old rules and bad habits, establish civilized new customs.

12. 移风易俗,共创美好生活。

Change customs, jointly create a better life.

13. 文明祭扫,缅怀先人。

Civilized sweeping, commemorating ancestors.

14. 树立文明新风,共建和谐社会。

Establish civilized new customs, jointly build a harmonious society.

15. 移风易俗,文明社会。

Change customs, civilized society.

16. 文明礼仪,人人践行。

Civilized etiquette, everyone practices it.

17. 崇尚科学,杜绝迷信。

Admire science, eliminate superstition.

18. 移风易俗,共创美好明天。

Change customs, jointly create a better tomorrow.

19. 节约资源,保护环境。

Save resources, protect the environment.

20. 移风易俗,社会进步。

Change customs, social progress.

21. 弘扬社会公德,倡导文明新风。

Promote social morality, advocate civilized new customs.

22. 文明出行,安全文明。

Civilized travel, safe and civilized.

23. 移风易俗,文明生活。

Change customs, civilized life.

24. 倡导文明新风,建设美好家园。

Advocate civilized new customs, build a beautiful home.

25. 移风易俗,共创和谐社会。

Change customs, jointly create a harmonious society.

26. 文明祭扫,倡导生态环保。

Civilized sweeping, advocating ecological environmental protection.

27. 破除陈规陋习,弘扬时代精神。

Break through old rules and bad habits, promote the spirit of the times.

28. 移风易俗,文明新风。

Change customs, civilized new customs.

29. 崇尚科学,反对迷信。

Admire science, oppose superstition.

30. 移风易俗,共建美好未来。

Change customs, jointly build a better future.

31. 文明礼仪,从我做起。

Civilized etiquette, start with me.

32. 移风易俗,文明社会。

Change customs, civilized society.

33. 崇尚科学,破除愚昧。

Admire science, dispel ignorance.

34. 移风易俗,共创美好家园。

Change customs, jointly create a beautiful home.

35. 文明祭扫,传承美德。

Civilized sweeping, inheriting virtues.

36. 移风易俗,文明和谐。

Change customs, civilized and harmonious.

37. 文明礼仪,人人皆知。

Civilized etiquette, everyone knows it.

38. 移风易俗,共建和谐社会。

Change customs, jointly build a harmonious society.

39. 文明祭扫,生态环保。

Civilized sweeping, ecological environmental protection.

40. 移风易俗,文明新风。

Change customs, civilized new customs.

41. 崇尚科学,反对迷信。

Admire science, oppose superstition.

42. 移风易俗,共创美好未来。

Change customs, jointly create a better future.

43. 文明出行,安全第一。

Civilized travel, safety first.

44. 移风易俗,文明生活。

Change customs, civilized life.

45. 崇尚科学,破除迷信。

Admire science, dispel superstition.

46. 移风易俗,社会进步。

Change customs, social progress.

47. 文明礼仪,人人践行。

Civilized etiquette, everyone practices it.

48. 移风易俗,文明社会。

Change customs, civilized society.

49. 文明祭扫,缅怀先人。

Civilized sweeping, commemorating ancestors.

50. 移风易俗,共建美好家园。

Change customs, jointly build a beautiful home.

51. 移风易俗,文明新风。

Change customs, civilized new customs.

52. 崇尚科学,反对迷信。

Admire science, oppose superstition.

53. 移风易俗,共创美好未来。

Change customs, jointly create a better future.

54. 文明礼仪,从我做起。

Civilized etiquette, start with me.

55. 移风易俗,文明社会。

Change customs, civilized society.

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