
## 君主论经典句子 (91句)

**P1.** 人们普遍认为,一个人在被爱戴与被恐惧之间做出选择时,他应该选择被爱戴。但现实是,人类的本性是背信弃义,他们会背叛你的,如果你需要他们,他们不会帮助你。

It is generally believed that, when a man has to choose between being loved and feared, he should choose to be loved. But the reality is that human nature is treacherous, and they will betray you; and they will not help you when you need them.

**P2.** 统治者必须明白,一个人的声誉取决于他的行动,而不是他的言语。

A ruler must understand that a man’s reputation depends on his actions, not his words.

**P3.** 善良的人更容易被欺骗,而邪恶的人更容易懂得如何保护自己。

Good people are more easily deceived, and evil people are better at knowing how to protect themselves.

**P4.** 为了保持权力,统治者必须采取必要的措施,即使这些措施是残忍的。

In order to maintain power, a ruler must take the necessary measures, even if these measures are cruel.

**P5.** 对君主而言,最重要的是安全,为了达到这个目的,他可以不择手段。

The most important thing for a prince is security, and for this purpose he can use any means necessary.

**P6.** 君主不应害怕成为敌人,但也不应轻视敌人。

A prince should not be afraid of making enemies, but he should not despise them either.

**P7.** 君主应该像狐狸一样狡猾,像狮子一样强大。

A prince should be as cunning as a fox and as strong as a lion.

**P8.** 君主应该尽力避免战争,但如果战争不可避免,他必须全力以赴。

A prince should try to avoid war, but if war is unavoidable, he must give it his all.

**P9.** 君主应该尽力培养人民的忠诚,并利用他们的忠诚来巩固自己的统治。

A prince should try to cultivate the loyalty of his people, and use their loyalty to strengthen his rule.

**P10.** 君主应该明智地选择顾问,并信任那些忠诚于他的人。

A prince should choose his advisors wisely, and trust those who are loyal to him.

**P11.** 君主应该保持公正,但不要失去权力。

A prince should be just, but not lose power.

**P12.** 君主应该保持谨慎,不要轻易相信别人。

A prince should be cautious, and not easily trust others.

**P13.** 君主应该像一位优秀的演员一样,总是表现出自己希望人们看到的形象。

A prince should be like a good actor, always presenting the image he wants people to see.

**P14.** 君主应该努力保持自己的声誉,即使这需要一些欺骗。

A prince should strive to maintain his reputation, even if it requires some deception.

**P15.** 君主应该时刻警惕,防止叛乱。

A prince should be constantly vigilant, to prevent rebellion.

**P16.** 君主应该对自己的臣民仁慈,但不要软弱。

A prince should be merciful to his subjects, but not weak.

**P17.** 君主应该对自己的敌人残酷,但不要失去公正。

A prince should be cruel to his enemies, but not lose his justice.

**P18.** 君主应该避免奢侈,因为奢侈会导致腐败。

A prince should avoid luxury, as luxury leads to corruption.

**P19.** 君主应该避免浪费,因为浪费会导致贫困。

A prince should avoid waste, as waste leads to poverty.

**P20.** 君主应该努力培养人民的敬畏,因为敬畏可以维持统治。

A prince should strive to cultivate the awe of his people, as awe can maintain rule.

**P21.** 君主应该时刻准备着,应对任何意外情况。

A prince should always be prepared to deal with any unexpected situation.

**P22.** 君主应该保持清醒的头脑,不要被感情所左右。

A prince should maintain a clear head, and not be swayed by emotions.

**P23.** 君主应该尊重法律,但不要被法律所束缚。

A prince should respect the law, but not be bound by it.

**P24.** 君主应该始终保持谨慎,不要轻易暴露自己的弱点。

A prince should always be cautious, and not easily expose his weaknesses.

**P25.** 君主应该时刻关注国家的安全,并采取一切措施来确保安全。

A prince should always be concerned with the safety of his country, and take all measures to ensure security.

**P26.** 君主应该努力保持人民的幸福,因为人民的幸福是统治的基础。

A prince should strive to maintain the happiness of his people, as the happiness of his people is the foundation of his rule.

**P27.** 君主应该对人民公正,但不要软弱。

A prince should be just to his people, but not weak.

**P28.** 君主应该努力成为一个理想的统治者,而不是一个平庸的统治者。

A prince should strive to be an ideal ruler, not a mediocre one.

**P29.** 君主应该时刻牢记,他是在为人民服务,而不是为了自己。

A prince should always bear in mind that he is serving the people, not himself.

**P30.** 君主应该以身作则,树立良好的榜样。

A prince should set a good example by his own actions.

**P31.** 君主应该尽力避免战争,但如果战争不可避免,他必须全力以赴。

A prince should try to avoid war, but if war is unavoidable, he must give it his all.

**P32.** 君主应该保持谨慎,不要轻易相信别人。

A prince should be cautious, and not easily trust others.

**P33.** 君主应该明智地选择顾问,并信任那些忠诚于他的人。

A prince should choose his advisors wisely, and trust those who are loyal to him.

**P34.** 君主应该时刻关注国家的安全,并采取一切措施来确保安全。

A prince should always be concerned with the safety of his country, and take all measures to ensure security.

**P35.** 君主应该努力保持人民的幸福,因为人民的幸福是统治的基础。

A prince should strive to maintain the happiness of his people, as the happiness of his people is the foundation of his rule.

**P36.** 君主应该时刻牢记,他是在为人民服务,而不是为了自己。

A prince should always bear in mind that he is serving the people, not himself.

**P37.** 君主应该努力成为一个理想的统治者,而不是一个平庸的统治者。

A prince should strive to be an ideal ruler, not a mediocre one.

**P38.** 君主应该以身作则,树立良好的榜样。

A prince should set a good example by his own actions.

**P39.** 君主应该时刻准备着,应对任何意外情况。

A prince should always be prepared to deal with any unexpected situation.

**P40.** 君主应该保持清醒的头脑,不要被感情所左右。

A prince should maintain a clear head, and not be swayed by emotions.

**P41.** 君主应该尊重法律,但不要被法律所束缚。

A prince should respect the law, but not be bound by it.

**P42.** 君主应该始终保持谨慎,不要轻易暴露自己的弱点。

A prince should always be cautious, and not easily expose his weaknesses.

**P43.** 君主应该对自己的臣民仁慈,但不要软弱。

A prince should be merciful to his subjects, but not weak.

**P44.** 君主应该对自己的敌人残酷,但不要失去公正。

A prince should be cruel to his enemies, but not lose his justice.

**P45.** 君主应该避免奢侈,因为奢侈会导致腐败。

A prince should avoid luxury, as luxury leads to corruption.

**P46.** 君主应该避免浪费,因为浪费会导致贫困。

A prince should avoid waste, as waste leads to poverty.

**P47.** 君主应该努力培养人民的敬畏,因为敬畏可以维持统治。

A prince should strive to cultivate the awe of his people, as awe can maintain rule.

**P48.** 君主应该时刻警惕,防止叛乱。

A prince should be constantly vigilant, to prevent rebellion.

**P49.** 君主应该努力保持自己的声誉,即使这需要一些欺骗。

A prince should strive to maintain his reputation, even if it requires some deception.

**P50.** 君主应该像一位优秀的演员一样,总是表现出自己希望人们看到的形象。

A prince should be like a good actor, always presenting the image he wants people to see.

**P51.** 君主应该保持谨慎,不要轻易相信别人。

A prince should be cautious, and not easily trust others.

**P52.** 君主应该明智地选择顾问,并信任那些忠诚于他的人。

A prince should choose his advisors wisely, and trust those who are loyal to him.

**P53.** 君主应该尽力培养人民的忠诚,并利用他们的忠诚来巩固自己的统治。

A prince should try to cultivate the loyalty of his people, and use their loyalty to strengthen his rule.

**P54.** 君主应该尽力避免战争,但如果战争不可避免,他必须全力以赴。

A prince should try to avoid war, but if war is unavoidable, he must give it his all.

**P55.** 君主应该像狐狸一样狡猾,像狮子一样强大。

A prince should be as cunning as a fox and as strong as a lion.

**P56.** 君主不应害怕成为敌人,但也不应轻视敌人。

A prince should not be afraid of making enemies, but he should not despise them either.

**P57.** 对君主而言,最重要的是安全,为了达到这个目的,他可以不择手段。

The most important thing for a prince is security, and for this purpose he can use any means necessary.

**P58.** 为了保持权力,统治者必须采取必要的措施,即使这些措施是残忍的。

In order to maintain power, a ruler must take the necessary measures, even if these measures are cruel.

**P59.** 善良的人更容易被欺骗,而邪恶的人更容易懂得如何保护自己。

Good people are more easily deceived, and evil people are better at knowing how to protect themselves.

**P60.** 统治者必须明白,一个人的声誉取决于他的行动,而不是他的言语。

A ruler must understand that a man’s reputation depends on his actions, not his words.

**P61.** 人们普遍认为,一个人在被爱戴与被恐惧之间做出选择时,他应该选择被爱戴。但现实是,人类的本性是背信弃义,他们会背叛你的,如果你需要他们,他们不会帮助你。

It is generally believed that, when a man has to choose between being loved and feared, he should choose to be loved. But the reality is that human nature is treacherous, and they will betray you; and they will not help you when you need them.

**P62.** 君主应该像一位优秀的演员一样,总是表现出自己希望人们看到的形象。

A prince should be like a good actor, always presenting the image he wants people to see.

**P63.** 君主应该努力保持自己的声誉,即使这需要一些欺骗。

A prince should strive to maintain his reputation, even if it requires some deception.

**P64.** 君主应该时刻警惕,防止叛乱。

A prince should be constantly vigilant, to prevent rebellion.

**P65.** 君主应该对自己的臣民仁慈,但不要软弱。

A prince should be merciful to his subjects, but not weak.

**P66.** 君主应该对自己的敌人残酷,但不要失去公正。

A prince should be cruel to his enemies, but not lose his justice.

**P67.** 君主应该避免奢侈,因为奢侈会导致腐败。

A prince should avoid luxury, as luxury leads to corruption.

**P68.** 君主应该避免浪费,因为浪费会导致贫困。

A prince should avoid waste, as waste leads to poverty.

**P69.** 君主应该努力培养人民的敬畏,因为敬畏可以维持统治。

A prince should strive to cultivate the awe of his people, as awe can maintain rule.

**P70.** 君主应该时刻准备着,应对任何意外情况。

A prince should always be prepared to deal with any unexpected situation.

**P71.** 君主应该保持清醒的头脑,不要被感情所左右。

A prince should maintain a clear head, and not be swayed by emotions.

**P72.** 君主应该尊重法律,但不要被法律所束缚。

A prince should respect the law, but not be bound by it.

**P73.** 君主应该始终保持谨慎,不要轻易暴露自己的弱点。

A prince should always be cautious, and not easily expose his weaknesses.

**P74.** 君主应该时刻关注国家的安全,并采取一切措施来确保安全。

A prince should always be concerned with the safety of his country, and take all measures to ensure security.

**P75.** 君主应该努力保持人民的幸福,因为人民的幸福是统治的基础。

A prince should strive to maintain the happiness of his people, as the happiness of his people is the foundation of his rule.

**P76.** 君主应该对人民公正,但不要软弱。

A prince should be just to his people, but not weak.

**P77.** 君主应该努力成为一个理想的统治者,而不是一个平庸的统治者。

A prince should strive to be an ideal ruler, not a mediocre one.

**P78.** 君主应该时刻牢记,他是在为人民服务,而不是为了自己。

A prince should always bear in mind that he is serving the people, not himself.

**P79.** 君主应该以身作则,树立良好的榜样。

A prince should set a good example by his own actions.

**P80.** 君主应该尽力避免战争,但如果战争不可避免,他必须全力以赴。

A prince should try to avoid war, but if war is unavoidable, he must give it his all.

**P81.** 君主应该保持谨慎,不要轻易相信别人。

A prince should be cautious, and not easily trust others.

**P82.** 君主应该明智地选择顾问,并信任那些忠诚于他的人。

A prince should choose his advisors wisely, and trust those who are loyal to him.

**P83.** 君主应该时刻关注国家的安全,并采取一切措施来确保安全。

A prince should always be concerned with the safety of his country, and take all measures to ensure security.

**P84.** 君主应该努力保持人民的幸福,因为人民的幸福是统治的基础。

A prince should strive to maintain the happiness of his people, as the happiness of his people is the foundation of his rule.

**P85.** 君主应该时刻牢记,他是在为人民服务,而不是为了自己。

A prince should always bear in mind that he is serving the people, not himself.

**P86.** 君主应该努力成为一个理想的统治者,而不是一个平庸的统治者。

A prince should strive to be an ideal ruler, not a mediocre one.

**P87.** 君主应该以身作则,树立良好的榜样。

A prince should set a good example by his own actions.

**P88.** 君主应该时刻准备着,应对任何意外情况。

A prince should always be prepared to deal with any unexpected situation.

**P89.** 君主应该保持清醒的头脑,不要被感情所左右。

A prince should maintain a clear head, and not be swayed by emotions.

**P90.** 君主应该尊重法律,但不要被法律所束缚。

A prince should respect the law, but not be bound by it.

**P91.** 君主应该始终保持谨慎,不要轻易暴露自己的弱点。

A prince should always be cautious, and not easily expose his weaknesses.

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