
## 祭拜前任搞笑句子(77句)

1. 今天是祭拜前任的日子,烧点纸钱,希望你在那边过得比我好,因为我过得很好!

2. 亲爱的,今天我给你烧纸,希望你能在那边找到一个比我更爱你的人!

3. 前任啊前任,你到底去了哪里?我给你烧纸,你能不能回来告诉我密码!

4. 你还好吗?我很好,我已经找到比你更好了,你呢?

5. 今天我烧了你的照片,希望你能够早日投胎,不要再被我遇到!

6. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,别在那边没钱花!

7. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱够你挥霍一辈子的!

8. 你走了,我一点也不难过,只是有点想你,想念你曾经说过的话,想念你曾经做过的蠢事!

9. 今天我给你烧纸,希望你能在那边找到一个真心爱你的人,然后忘记我,永远不要再回来!

10. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我还一直留着你的照片,现在我把它烧给你,希望你在那边能够看到!

11. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱是真金白银换来的,希望你能够收着,不要再回来找我!

12. 你离开的时候我哭得稀里哗啦,现在我笑得合不拢嘴,因为我已经找到了比你更好的人!

13. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经好了,而且过得比以前更开心!

14. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得很好!

15. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我一直记得你,我给你烧纸,希望你能够安息!

16. 前任,你走了,我一点也不想你,只是有点想念你曾经说过的话,想念你曾经做过的蠢事!

17. 你走了,我失去了一个男朋友,但是我获得了自由!

18. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我终于找到了比你更好的人,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够祝福我!

19. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来纠缠我!

20. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经释怀了,因为我发现你根本不值得我伤心!

21. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得比我好!

22. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我一直没有忘记你,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够安息!

23. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来找我麻烦!

24. 你走了,我一点也不难过,因为我早已经把你忘记了!

25. 你走了,我失去了一个男朋友,但是我获得了自由,获得了幸福!

26. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我终于找到了比你更好的人,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够祝福我!

27. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来打扰我!

28. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经释怀了,因为我发现你根本不值得我伤心!

29. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得比我好!

30. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我一直没有忘记你,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够安息!

31. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来找我麻烦!

32. 你走了,我一点也不难过,因为我早已经把你忘记了!

33. 你走了,我失去了一个男朋友,但是我获得了自由,获得了幸福!

34. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我终于找到了比你更好的人,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够祝福我!

35. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来打扰我!

36. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经释怀了,因为我发现你根本不值得我伤心!

37. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得比我好!

38. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我一直没有忘记你,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够安息!

39. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来找我麻烦!

40. 你走了,我一点也不难过,因为我早已经把你忘记了!

41. 你走了,我失去了一个男朋友,但是我获得了自由,获得了幸福!

42. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我终于找到了比你更好的人,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够祝福我!

43. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来打扰我!

44. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经释怀了,因为我发现你根本不值得我伤心!

45. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得比我好!

46. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我一直没有忘记你,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够安息!

47. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来找我麻烦!

48. 你走了,我一点也不难过,因为我早已经把你忘记了!

49. 你走了,我失去了一个男朋友,但是我获得了自由,获得了幸福!

50. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我终于找到了比你更好的人,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够祝福我!

51. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来打扰我!

52. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经释怀了,因为我发现你根本不值得我伤心!

53. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得比我好!

54. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我一直没有忘记你,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够安息!

55. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来找我麻烦!

56. 你走了,我一点也不难过,因为我早已经把你忘记了!

57. 你走了,我失去了一个男朋友,但是我获得了自由,获得了幸福!

58. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我终于找到了比你更好的人,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够祝福我!

59. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来打扰我!

60. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经释怀了,因为我发现你根本不值得我伤心!

61. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得比我好!

62. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我一直没有忘记你,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够安息!

63. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来找我麻烦!

64. 你走了,我一点也不难过,因为我早已经把你忘记了!

65. 你走了,我失去了一个男朋友,但是我获得了自由,获得了幸福!

66. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我终于找到了比你更好的人,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够祝福我!

67. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来打扰我!

68. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经释怀了,因为我发现你根本不值得我伤心!

69. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得比我好!

70. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我一直没有忘记你,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够安息!

71. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来找我麻烦!

72. 你走了,我一点也不难过,因为我早已经把你忘记了!

73. 你走了,我失去了一个男朋友,但是我获得了自由,获得了幸福!

74. 亲爱的,你走了这么久,我终于找到了比你更好的人,现在我给你烧纸,希望你能够祝福我!

75. 前任,我给你烧的纸钱,希望你能够收着,不要再回来打扰我!

76. 你走了,我伤心了一段时间,现在我已经释怀了,因为我发现你根本不值得我伤心!

77. 你走的时候没带走什么,现在我给你送点纸钱,希望你在那边能够过得比我好!

## 英文翻译

1. Today is the day I pay homage to my ex. I'm burning some paper money, hoping you're doing better than me over there, because I'm doing great!

2. Darling, I'm burning some paper money for you today, hoping you can find someone who loves you more than I did over there!

3. Ex, oh ex, where did you go? I'm burning some paper money for you, can you come back and tell me the password?

4. How are you? I'm doing great, I've already found someone better than you, how about you?

5. Today I burned your picture, hoping you can reincarnate soon and I won't see you again!

6. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, don't run out of money over there!

7. Ex, the paper money I burned for you is enough for you to splurge for a lifetime!

8. I'm not sad at all that you left, I just miss you a little, miss the things you used to say, miss the stupid things you used to do!

9. Today I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can find someone who truly loves you over there, then forget me and never come back!

10. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I've kept your picture all this time, now I'm burning it for you, hoping you can see it over there!

11. Ex, the paper money I burned for you is real money, hoping you can take it and never come back to me!

12. When you left, I cried my eyes out, now I'm smiling from ear to ear, because I've found someone better than you!

13. You left, I was sad for a while, now I'm okay, and I'm happier than before!

14. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a good life over there!

15. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I've always remembered you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can rest in peace!

16. Ex, you left, I don't miss you at all, I just miss the things you used to say, miss the stupid things you used to do!

17. You left, I lost a boyfriend, but I gained freedom!

18. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I finally found someone better than you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can bless me!

19. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to haunt me!

20. You left, I was sad for a while, now I've let go, because I realized you weren't worth being sad about!

21. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a better life than me over there!

22. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I haven't forgotten you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can rest in peace!

23. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to bother me!

24. You left, I'm not sad at all, because I've already forgotten you!

25. You left, I lost a boyfriend, but I gained freedom, gained happiness!

26. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I finally found someone better than you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can bless me!

27. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to disturb me!

28. You left, I was sad for a while, now I've let go, because I realized you weren't worth being sad about!

29. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a better life than me over there!

30. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I haven't forgotten you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can rest in peace!

31. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to bother me!

32. You left, I'm not sad at all, because I've already forgotten you!

33. You left, I lost a boyfriend, but I gained freedom, gained happiness!

34. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I finally found someone better than you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can bless me!

35. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to disturb me!

36. You left, I was sad for a while, now I've let go, because I realized you weren't worth being sad about!

37. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a better life than me over there!

38. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I haven't forgotten you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can rest in peace!

39. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to bother me!

40. You left, I'm not sad at all, because I've already forgotten you!

41. You left, I lost a boyfriend, but I gained freedom, gained happiness!

42. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I finally found someone better than you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can bless me!

43. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to disturb me!

44. You left, I was sad for a while, now I've let go, because I realized you weren't worth being sad about!

45. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a better life than me over there!

46. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I haven't forgotten you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can rest in peace!

47. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to bother me!

48. You left, I'm not sad at all, because I've already forgotten you!

49. You left, I lost a boyfriend, but I gained freedom, gained happiness!

50. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I finally found someone better than you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can bless me!

51. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to disturb me!

52. You left, I was sad for a while, now I've let go, because I realized you weren't worth being sad about!

53. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a better life than me over there!

54. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I haven't forgotten you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can rest in peace!

55. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to bother me!

56. You left, I'm not sad at all, because I've already forgotten you!

57. You left, I lost a boyfriend, but I gained freedom, gained happiness!

58. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I finally found someone better than you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can bless me!

59. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to disturb me!

60. You left, I was sad for a while, now I've let go, because I realized you weren't worth being sad about!

61. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a better life than me over there!

62. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I haven't forgotten you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can rest in peace!

63. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to bother me!

64. You left, I'm not sad at all, because I've already forgotten you!

65. You left, I lost a boyfriend, but I gained freedom, gained happiness!

66. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I finally found someone better than you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can bless me!

67. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to disturb me!

68. You left, I was sad for a while, now I've let go, because I realized you weren't worth being sad about!

69. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a better life than me over there!

70. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I haven't forgotten you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can rest in peace!

71. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to bother me!

72. You left, I'm not sad at all, because I've already forgotten you!

73. You left, I lost a boyfriend, but I gained freedom, gained happiness!

74. Darling, you've been gone for so long, I finally found someone better than you, now I'm burning some paper money for you, hoping you can bless me!

75. Ex, I burned some paper money for you, hoping you can take it and never come back to disturb me!

76. You left, I was sad for a while, now I've let go, because I realized you weren't worth being sad about!

77. You didn't take anything when you left, now I'm sending you some paper money, hoping you can have a better life than me over there!

以上就是关于祭拜前任搞笑句子77句(祭拜前任搞笑句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
