
## 堂吉诃德经典句子(89句)

1. 世界上最勇敢的骑士,就是为了爱情而战的骑士。

The most valiant knight in the world is the one who fights for love.

2. 勇气不是没有恐惧,而是战胜恐惧。

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.

3. 骑士的职责,就是保护弱者,打击邪恶。

The duty of a knight is to protect the weak and fight evil.

4. 不要让梦想窒息,即使它们看起来荒谬。

Don't let your dreams suffocate, even if they seem absurd.

5. 即使世界不理解你,也要坚持自己的理想。

Even if the world doesn't understand you, stick to your ideals.

6. 真正的骑士,不是靠武力,而是靠正义。

A true knight is not defined by force, but by justice.

7. 为了理想,即使失败也值得。

Even failure is worth it for the sake of ideals.

8. 人生的道路,充满了荆棘,但我们依然要勇敢前行。

The path of life is full of thorns, but we must still move forward bravely.

9. 永远不要放弃希望,因为希望是人生的灯塔。

Never give up hope, for hope is the lighthouse of life.

10. 即使身处逆境,也要保持一颗善良的心。

Even in adversity, maintain a kind heart.

11. 善良是人类最宝贵的品质。

Kindness is the most precious quality of mankind.

12. 爱情是世界上最美好的东西。

Love is the most beautiful thing in the world.

13. 命运掌握在我们自己的手中。

Fate is in our own hands.

14. 即使是失败,也是一种宝贵的经验。

Even failure is a valuable experience.

15. 人生的意义,在于追求梦想。

The meaning of life lies in pursuing dreams.

16. 永远不要忘记初心。

Never forget your original intention.

17. 即使是微不足道的善行,也会改变世界。

Even the smallest act of kindness can change the world.

18. 真正的勇敢,不是不怕失败,而是敢于尝试。

True courage is not being afraid of failure, but being willing to try.

19. 不要害怕挑战,因为挑战才能让你成长。

Don't be afraid of challenges, because challenges make you grow.

20. 命运是不可预测的,但我们依然要勇敢面对。

Fate is unpredictable, but we must still face it bravely.

21. 人生的意义在于追求梦想,即使道路崎岖,也要坚持下去。

The meaning of life is to pursue dreams, even if the road is bumpy, you must persevere.

22. 不要轻易放弃,因为放弃就等于失败。

Don't give up easily, because giving up is equal to failure.

23. 即使身处逆境,也要保持一颗乐观的心。

Even in adversity, maintain an optimistic heart.

24. 真正的英雄,不是靠武力,而是靠内心。

True heroes are not defined by force, but by their inner self.

25. 不要让世俗的眼光束缚你,要勇敢地做自己。

Don't let worldly opinions restrain you, be brave and be yourself.

26. 每个人都有自己的价值,不要轻视自己。

Everyone has their own value, don't underestimate yourself.

27. 人生的道路,充满了选择,要选择自己喜欢的路。

The path of life is full of choices, choose the path you like.

28. 不要害怕孤独,因为孤独也是一种修行。

Don't be afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is also a kind of practice.

29. 人生的意义在于体验,要勇敢地尝试各种新鲜事物。

The meaning of life is to experience, be brave and try all kinds of new things.

30. 不要被世俗的欲望所控制,要追求内心的平静。

Don't be controlled by worldly desires, pursue inner peace.

31. 即使是失败,也是一种学习的机会。

Even failure is an opportunity to learn.

32. 不要害怕改变,因为改变是成长的必经之路。

Don't be afraid of change, because change is the inevitable path to growth.

33. 人生的意义在于奉献,要为他人做出贡献。

The meaning of life is to give, to contribute to others.

34. 不要被仇恨所蒙蔽,要学会宽恕。

Don't be blinded by hatred, learn to forgive.

35. 人生的道路,充满了挑战,要勇敢地面对。

The path of life is full of challenges, face them bravely.

36. 不要轻视任何人,因为每个人都有自己的故事。

Don't underestimate anyone, because everyone has their own story.

37. 人生的意义在于感受,要珍惜每一份真情。

The meaning of life is to feel, cherish every true feeling.

38. 不要被世俗的压力所压垮,要保持一颗自由的心。

Don't be crushed by worldly pressure, maintain a free heart.

39. 人生的意义在于追求完美,要不断地提升自己。

The meaning of life is to pursue perfection, to constantly improve yourself.

40. 不要害怕说出自己的想法,因为说出自己的想法是一种勇气。

Don't be afraid to speak your mind, because speaking your mind is a form of courage.

41. 即使是错误,也是一种宝贵的经验。

Even mistakes are a valuable experience.

42. 不要被过去的失败所困扰,要勇敢地展望未来。

Don't be haunted by past failures, bravely look to the future.

43. 人生的意义在于创造,要为世界留下自己的印记。

The meaning of life is to create, to leave your mark on the world.

44. 不要害怕孤独,因为孤独也是一种思考的机会。

Don't be afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is also a chance to think.

45. 人生的意义在于成长,要不断地学习和进步。

The meaning of life is to grow, to constantly learn and improve.

46. 不要被世俗的观念所束缚,要追求自己的幸福。

Don't be bound by worldly opinions, pursue your own happiness.

47. 即使是失败,也是一种成功的机会。

Even failure is an opportunity for success.

48. 不要害怕面对挑战,因为挑战才能让你变得更强大。

Don't be afraid to face challenges, because challenges make you stronger.

49. 人生的意义在于分享,要与他人分享你的快乐和悲伤。

The meaning of life is to share, to share your joys and sorrows with others.

50. 不要被外界的干扰所影响,要保持一颗平静的心。

Don't be affected by outside interference, maintain a peaceful heart.

51. 即使是微不足道的善举,也会带来巨大的改变。

Even the smallest act of kindness can bring about great change.

52. 不要害怕说出真相,因为真相最终会战胜谎言。

Don't be afraid to speak the truth, because truth will ultimately triumph over lies.

53. 人生的意义在于爱,要用心去爱身边的人。

The meaning of life is to love, to love those around you with your heart.

54. 不要被世俗的眼光所束缚,要追求自己的梦想。

Don't be bound by worldly opinions, pursue your dreams.

55. 即使是失败,也是一种前进的动力。

Even failure is a driving force for progress.

56. 不要害怕孤独,因为孤独也是一种思考的机会。

Don't be afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is also a chance to think.

57. 人生的意义在于寻找自我,要不断地探索自己。

The meaning of life is to find yourself, to constantly explore yourself.

58. 不要被过去的错误所困扰,要勇敢地展望未来。

Don't be haunted by past mistakes, bravely look to the future.

59. 人生的意义在于体验,要勇敢地尝试各种新鲜事物。

The meaning of life is to experience, be brave and try all kinds of new things.

60. 不要被世俗的压力所压垮,要保持一颗自由的心。

Don't be crushed by worldly pressure, maintain a free heart.

61. 即使是失败,也是一种成功的机会。

Even failure is an opportunity for success.

62. 不要害怕面对挑战,因为挑战才能让你变得更强大。

Don't be afraid to face challenges, because challenges make you stronger.

63. 人生的意义在于分享,要与他人分享你的快乐和悲伤。

The meaning of life is to share, to share your joys and sorrows with others.

64. 不要被外界的干扰所影响,要保持一颗平静的心。

Don't be affected by outside interference, maintain a peaceful heart.

65. 即使是微不足道的善举,也会带来巨大的改变。

Even the smallest act of kindness can bring about great change.

66. 不要害怕说出真相,因为真相最终会战胜谎言。

Don't be afraid to speak the truth, because truth will ultimately triumph over lies.

67. 人生的意义在于爱,要用心去爱身边的人。

The meaning of life is to love, to love those around you with your heart.

68. 不要被世俗的眼光所束缚,要追求自己的梦想。

Don't be bound by worldly opinions, pursue your dreams.

69. 即使是失败,也是一种前进的动力。

Even failure is a driving force for progress.

70. 不要害怕孤独,因为孤独也是一种思考的机会。

Don't be afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is also a chance to think.

71. 人生的意义在于寻找自我,要不断地探索自己。

The meaning of life is to find yourself, to constantly explore yourself.

72. 不要被过去的错误所困扰,要勇敢地展望未来。

Don't be haunted by past mistakes, bravely look to the future.

73. 人生的意义在于体验,要勇敢地尝试各种新鲜事物。

The meaning of life is to experience, be brave and try all kinds of new things.

74. 不要被世俗的压力所压垮,要保持一颗自由的心。

Don't be crushed by worldly pressure, maintain a free heart.

75. 即使是失败,也是一种成功的机会。

Even failure is an opportunity for success.

76. 不要害怕面对挑战,因为挑战才能让你变得更强大。

Don't be afraid to face challenges, because challenges make you stronger.

77. 人生的意义在于分享,要与他人分享你的快乐和悲伤。

The meaning of life is to share, to share your joys and sorrows with others.

78. 不要被外界的干扰所影响,要保持一颗平静的心。

Don't be affected by outside interference, maintain a peaceful heart.

79. 即使是微不足道的善举,也会带来巨大的改变。

Even the smallest act of kindness can bring about great change.

80. 不要害怕说出真相,因为真相最终会战胜谎言。

Don't be afraid to speak the truth, because truth will ultimately triumph over lies.

81. 人生的意义在于爱,要用心去爱身边的人。

The meaning of life is to love, to love those around you with your heart.

82. 不要被世俗的眼光所束缚,要追求自己的梦想。

Don't be bound by worldly opinions, pursue your dreams.

83. 即使是失败,也是一种前进的动力。

Even failure is a driving force for progress.

84. 不要害怕孤独,因为孤独也是一种思考的机会。

Don't be afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is also a chance to think.

85. 人生的意义在于寻找自我,要不断地探索自己。

The meaning of life is to find yourself, to constantly explore yourself.

86. 不要被过去的错误所困扰,要勇敢地展望未来。

Don't be haunted by past mistakes, bravely look to the future.

87. 人生的意义在于体验,要勇敢地尝试各种新鲜事物。

The meaning of life is to experience, be brave and try all kinds of new things.

88. 不要被世俗的压力所压垮,要保持一颗自由的心。

Don't be crushed by worldly pressure, maintain a free heart.

89. 即使是失败,也是一种成功的机会。

Even failure is an opportunity for success.

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