
## 堂堂正正的句子 (67句)

1. 坦荡做人,光明磊落,不虚伪,不欺骗。

Be honest and upright, open and aboveboard, without hypocrisy or deceit.

2. 言行一致,表里如一,不做两面人。

Be consistent in words and deeds, be true to yourself, and don't be two-faced.

3. 心存善念,与人为善,宽容待人。

Have good intentions, be kind to others, and be tolerant.

4. 自强不息,努力拼搏,不甘平庸。

Be self-reliant and persistent, strive for excellence, and never be complacent.

5. 勇于担当,敢于负责,不推卸责任。

Be courageous and take responsibility, don't shirk your duties.

6. 正直不阿,坚持原则,不为私利所动。

Be upright and incorruptible, adhere to principles, and don't be swayed by personal gain.

7. 知错就改,勇于认错,不掩饰错误。

Admit mistakes when you make them, be brave enough to acknowledge them, and don't cover them up.

8. 勤奋刻苦,脚踏实地,不投机取巧。

Be diligent and hardworking, be down-to-earth, and don't resort to shortcuts.

9. 诚实守信,言出必行,不欺骗他人。

Be honest and trustworthy, keep your promises, and don't deceive others.

10. 尊重他人,平等相待,不歧视他人。

Respect others, treat them equally, and don't discriminate against them.

11. 乐观向上,积极进取,不消极悲观。

Be optimistic and positive, be proactive, and don't be negative or pessimistic.

12. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,不妄自尊大。

Be humble and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience, and don't be conceited.

13. 有容乃大,海纳百川,不心胸狭窄。

Be magnanimous, be broad-minded, and don't be narrow-minded.

14. 敢于创新,勇于尝试,不墨守成规。

Be daring to innovate, be brave to experiment, and don't be bound by tradition.

15. 追求卓越,精益求精,不满足现状。

Pursue excellence, strive for perfection, and don't be complacent with the status quo.

16. 真诚待人,真心相待,不虚情假意。

Be sincere and genuine, treat others with sincerity, and don't be insincere or hypocritical.

17. 坚强勇敢,不畏艰险,不屈服命运。

Be strong and brave, don't be afraid of hardship, and don't succumb to fate.

18. 独立自主,自力更生,不依赖他人。

Be independent and self-reliant, don't depend on others.

19. 善良正直,心怀仁爱,不冷酷无情。

Be kind and upright, be compassionate, and don't be cruel or heartless.

20. 勤俭节约,珍惜资源,不铺张浪费。

Be frugal and thrifty, cherish resources, and don't be extravagant or wasteful.

21. 孝敬父母,关爱家人,不冷落亲情。

Be filial to your parents, care for your family, and don't neglect your loved ones.

22. 热爱祖国,忠于人民,不背叛国家。

Love your country, be loyal to your people, and don't betray your nation.

23. 维护正义,伸张公平,不偏袒一方。

Uphold justice, advocate for fairness, and don't favor one side over the other.

24. 遵守规则,尊重法律,不违法乱纪。

Follow the rules, respect the law, and don't break the law or act recklessly.

25. 保护环境,爱护自然,不污染环境。

Protect the environment, cherish nature, and don't pollute the environment.

26. 诚实守信,言行一致,不欺骗别人。

Be honest and trustworthy, be consistent in words and deeds, and don't deceive others.

27. 勇于承担责任,不推卸责任,不逃避责任。

Be brave to take responsibility, don't shirk your duties, and don't evade responsibility.

28. 追求梦想,不懈奋斗,不轻易放弃。

Pursue your dreams, strive relentlessly, and don't give up easily.

29. 乐观向上,积极进取,不消极悲观。

Be optimistic and positive, be proactive, and don't be negative or pessimistic.

30. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,不妄自尊大。

Be humble and cautious, avoid arrogance and impatience, and don't be conceited.

31. 与人为善,宽容待人,不斤斤计较。

Be kind to others, be tolerant, and don't be petty.

32. 坚持原则,不畏强权,不屈服于压力。

Adhere to your principles, don't be afraid of power, and don't yield to pressure.

33. 知错就改,勇于认错,不掩饰错误。

Admit mistakes when you make them, be brave enough to acknowledge them, and don't cover them up.

34. 勤奋刻苦,脚踏实地,不投机取巧。

Be diligent and hardworking, be down-to-earth, and don't resort to shortcuts.

35. 尊重他人,平等相待,不歧视他人。

Respect others, treat them equally, and don't discriminate against them.

36. 勤俭节约,珍惜资源,不铺张浪费。

Be frugal and thrifty, cherish resources, and don't be extravagant or wasteful.

37. 保护环境,爱护自然,不污染环境。

Protect the environment, cherish nature, and don't pollute the environment.

38. 维护正义,伸张公平,不偏袒一方。

Uphold justice, advocate for fairness, and don't favor one side over the other.

39. 遵守规则,尊重法律,不违法乱纪。

Follow the rules, respect the law, and don't break the law or act recklessly.

40. 善良正直,心怀仁爱,不冷酷无情。

Be kind and upright, be compassionate, and don't be cruel or heartless.

41. 孝敬父母,关爱家人,不冷落亲情。

Be filial to your parents, care for your family, and don't neglect your loved ones.

42. 热爱祖国,忠于人民,不背叛国家。

Love your country, be loyal to your people, and don't betray your nation.

43. 敢于创新,勇于尝试,不墨守成规。

Be daring to innovate, be brave to experiment, and don't be bound by tradition.

44. 追求卓越,精益求精,不满足现状。

Pursue excellence, strive for perfection, and don't be complacent with the status quo.

45. 独立自主,自力更生,不依赖他人。

Be independent and self-reliant, don't depend on others.

46. 坦诚相待,真心交流,不虚情假意。

Be honest and open, communicate sincerely, and don't be insincere or hypocritical.

47. 坚强勇敢,不畏艰险,不屈服命运。

Be strong and brave, don't be afraid of hardship, and don't succumb to fate.

48. 言出必行,信守承诺,不言而无信。

Keep your word, honor your promises, and don't make promises you can't keep.

49. 坚持不懈,永不放弃,不轻易言败。

Be persistent, never give up, and don't admit defeat easily.

50. 正直无私,不为私利所动,不徇私情。

Be upright and selfless, don't be swayed by personal gain, and don't show favoritism.

51. 勤学好问,不断学习,不故步自封。

Be eager to learn and ask questions, continuously learn, and don't be complacent.

52. 严于律己,宽以待人,不苛责他人。

Be strict with yourself, be lenient with others, and don't be too demanding of others.

53. 勇于担当,敢于负责,不推卸责任。

Be courageous and take responsibility, don't shirk your duties.

54. 脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,不急功近利。

Be down-to-earth, take things one step at a time, and don't be impatient for success.

55. 不畏艰难,不惧风险,不甘于平庸。

Don't be afraid of hardship, don't be afraid of risk, and don't be content with mediocrity.

56. 明辨是非,坚持正义,不屈服于邪恶。

Distinguish right from wrong, uphold justice, and don't succumb to evil.

57. 乐于助人,帮助他人,不袖手旁观。

Be willing to help others, assist them, and don't stand idly by.

58. 淡泊名利,不为名利所累,不贪图享受。

Be indifferent to fame and fortune, don't be burdened by them, and don't seek enjoyment.

59. 团结协作,共同奋斗,不孤立自己。

Work together, strive together, and don't isolate yourself.

60. 胸怀大志,志存高远,不甘于平凡。

Have great aspirations, aim high, and don't be content with mediocrity.

61. 自强不息,永不放弃,不屈服于困难。

Be self-reliant and persistent, never give up, and don't succumb to difficulties.

62. 严谨细致,一丝不苟,不马虎大意。

Be rigorous and meticulous, be conscientious, and don't be careless or negligent.

63. 正直无私,不为利益所动,不损害他人利益。

Be upright and selfless, don't be swayed by personal gain, and don't harm the interests of others.

64. 包容理解,尊重差异,不固执己见。

Be tolerant and understanding, respect differences, and don't be stubborn.

65. 勤思善问,不断探索,不墨守成规。

Be diligent in thinking and asking questions, constantly explore, and don't be bound by tradition.

66. 心存感激,感恩生活,不抱怨命运。

Be grateful, appreciate life, and don't complain about fate.

67. 乐观自信,相信自己,不妄自菲薄。

Be optimistic and confident, believe in yourself, and don't belittle yourself.

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