
## 神印王座句子,52句,中英翻译

1. **命运,就是你无法抗拒的安排。**

Destiny is an arrangement that you cannot resist.

2. **每个人都有自己的命运,没有人可以逃脱。**

Everyone has their own destiny, and no one can escape it.

3. **强者,永远是强者,即使他曾经跌倒过。**

The strong will always be strong, even if they have fallen.

4. **弱者,永远是弱者,即使他曾经辉煌过。**

The weak will always be weak, even if they have once been glorious.

5. **生命,是宝贵的,但它也脆弱。**

Life is precious, but it is also fragile.

6. **死亡,是生命的终点,但它也可能是新的开始。**

Death is the end of life, but it can also be a new beginning.

7. **爱,是世间最美好的东西,但它也是最危险的东西。**

Love is the most beautiful thing in the world, but it is also the most dangerous.

8. **恨,是世间最丑陋的东西,但它也是最强大的东西。**

Hate is the ugliest thing in the world, but it is also the most powerful.

9. **梦想,是希望的灯塔,指引着我们前进。**

Dreams are lighthouses of hope, guiding us forward.

10. **信念,是坚强的支柱,支撑着我们不倒。**

Belief is a strong pillar that supports us.

11. **勇气,是战胜恐惧的武器,让我们无所畏惧。**

Courage is a weapon to overcome fear, making us fearless.

12. **智慧,是洞察事物的眼睛,让我们明辨是非。**

Wisdom is the eye that sees through things, allowing us to distinguish right from wrong.

13. **力量,是改变命运的手,让我们掌握自己的未来。**

Strength is the hand that changes destiny, allowing us to control our own future.

14. **时间,是无情的河流,带走了我们的一切。**

Time is a relentless river that takes away everything we have.

15. **命运,是无法改变的,但我们可以选择如何面对它。**

Destiny is unchangeable, but we can choose how to face it.

16. **生命,是一场旅程,我们必须不断前行。**

Life is a journey, and we must keep moving forward.

17. **梦想,是通往未来的桥梁,让我们跨越障碍。**

Dreams are bridges to the future, allowing us to overcome obstacles.

18. **信念,是希望的种子,让我们充满力量。**

Belief is the seed of hope, filling us with strength.

19. **勇气,是克服困难的动力,让我们勇往直前。**

Courage is the driving force to overcome difficulties, allowing us to forge ahead.

20. **智慧,是解决问题的钥匙,让我们化解危机。**

Wisdom is the key to solving problems, allowing us to resolve crises.

21. **力量,是创造奇迹的力量,让我们实现梦想。**

Strength is the power to create miracles, allowing us to achieve our dreams.

22. **时间,是宝贵的资源,我们必须珍惜它。**

Time is a precious resource, and we must cherish it.

23. **命运,是不可预知的,但我们可以努力创造它。**

Destiny is unpredictable, but we can strive to create it.

24. **生命,是一场游戏,我们必须学会玩它。**

Life is a game, and we must learn to play it.

25. **梦想,是人生的指路明灯,照亮我们前行的道路。**

Dreams are the guiding lights of life, illuminating the path ahead.

26. **信念,是精神支柱,支撑着我们不屈不挠。**

Belief is the spiritual pillar that supports our resilience.

27. **勇气,是战胜恐惧的良药,让我们无所畏惧。**

Courage is the antidote to fear, making us fearless.

28. **智慧,是洞察事物的明灯,让我们明辨是非。**

Wisdom is the guiding light that sees through things, allowing us to distinguish right from wrong.

29. **力量,是改变世界的武器,让我们创造美好未来。**

Strength is the weapon that changes the world, allowing us to create a better future.

30. **时间,是生命的河流,流逝着我们的青春。**

Time is the river of life, flowing away our youth.

31. **命运,是生命的剧本,我们必须演好它。**

Destiny is the script of life, and we must play it well.

32. **生命,是一场冒险,我们必须勇敢面对。**

Life is an adventure, and we must face it bravely.

33. **梦想,是未来之光,照亮我们前行的道路。**

Dreams are the light of the future, illuminating the path ahead.

34. **信念,是精神之火,燃烧着我们的激情。**

Belief is the fire of the spirit, igniting our passion.

35. **勇气,是战胜困难的利器,让我们克服一切。**

Courage is the sharp weapon to overcome difficulties, allowing us to conquer everything.

36. **智慧,是解决问题的良方,让我们化解危机。**

Wisdom is the remedy for solving problems, allowing us to resolve crises.

37. **力量,是创造奇迹的源泉,让我们实现梦想。**

Strength is the source of creating miracles, allowing us to achieve our dreams.

38. **时间,是宝贵的礼物,我们必须珍惜它。**

Time is a precious gift, and we must cherish it.

39. **命运,是不可抗拒的,但我们可以选择如何面对它。**

Destiny is irresistible, but we can choose how to face it.

40. **生命,是一场考验,我们必须不断进步。**

Life is a test, and we must constantly improve ourselves.

41. **梦想,是人生的指南针,指引着我们前进的方向。**

Dreams are the compass of life, guiding us in the right direction.

42. **信念,是精神之灯,照亮我们前行的道路。**

Belief is the light of the spirit, illuminating the path ahead.

43. **勇气,是战胜恐惧的武器,让我们无所畏惧。**

Courage is a weapon to overcome fear, making us fearless.

44. **智慧,是解决问题的钥匙,让我们化解危机。**

Wisdom is the key to solving problems, allowing us to resolve crises.

45. **力量,是改变命运的力量,让我们掌控自己的未来。**

Strength is the power to change destiny, allowing us to control our own future.

46. **时间,是生命的河流,流逝着我们的青春。**

Time is the river of life, flowing away our youth.

47. **命运,是不可预知的,但我们可以努力创造它。**

Destiny is unpredictable, but we can strive to create it.

48. **生命,是一场游戏,我们必须学会玩它。**

Life is a game, and we must learn to play it.

49. **梦想,是通往未来的桥梁,让我们跨越障碍。**

Dreams are bridges to the future, allowing us to overcome obstacles.

50. **信念,是希望的种子,让我们充满力量。**

Belief is the seed of hope, filling us with strength.

51. **勇气,是克服困难的动力,让我们勇往直前。**

Courage is the driving force to overcome difficulties, allowing us to forge ahead.

52. **智慧,是洞察事物的眼睛,让我们明辨是非。**

Wisdom is the eye that sees through things, allowing us to distinguish right from wrong.

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