
## 骨瘦如柴句子 (67句)

1. 他瘦得像一根竹竿。

He was as thin as a bamboo pole.

2. 她瘦得皮包骨头。

She was so thin her bones were practically showing through her skin.

3. 他瘦得让人心疼。

He was so thin it was heartbreaking to look at him.

4. 他的脸颊凹陷,颧骨突出。

His cheeks were sunken and his cheekbones protruded.

5. 他的身体就像一根干枯的树枝。

His body resembled a dried-up branch.

6. 她瘦得连衣服都撑不起来。

She was so thin her clothes wouldn't even fit properly.

7. 他的骨骼清晰可见。

His bones were clearly visible.

8. 他瘦得像个骷髅。

He was as thin as a skeleton.

9. 她瘦得像一阵风就能吹倒。

She was so thin she looked like she could be blown over by a gust of wind.

10. 他瘦得让人怀疑他还能不能活下去。

He was so thin it was questionable whether he could even survive.

11. 她瘦得让人想起饥荒年代。

She was so thin it reminded one of the famine years.

12. 他的身体瘦弱无力。

His body was weak and frail.

13. 她瘦得连影子都像要消失一样。

She was so thin even her shadow seemed to fade away.

14. 他瘦得衣服仿佛要从他身上掉下来。

He was so thin his clothes looked like they were about to fall off him.

15. 她瘦得像一只干枯的树叶。

She was as thin as a dried-up leaf.

16. 他瘦得让人怀疑他是否还活着。

He was so thin it made one wonder if he was still alive.

17. 她瘦得连骨头都清晰可见。

She was so thin even her bones were clearly visible.

18. 他瘦得让人想起一张白纸。

He was so thin it reminded one of a blank sheet of paper.

19. 她瘦得像一根细细的绳子。

She was as thin as a thin string.

20. 他瘦得让人怀疑他是不是得了什么病。

He was so thin it made one wonder if he was sick.

21. 她瘦得像一只风干的鱼。

She was as thin as a dried fish.

22. 他瘦得像一根针一样细。

He was as thin as a needle.

23. 她瘦得连衣服都穿不上。

She was so thin she couldn't even fit into her clothes.

24. 他的身体瘦弱得像一个孩子。

His body was weak and frail like a child's.

25. 她瘦得像一朵枯萎的花。

She was as thin as a withered flower.

26. 他瘦得让人怀疑他是否还能站立。

He was so thin it made one wonder if he could even stand up.

27. 她瘦得像一只被风吹走的羽毛。

She was as thin as a feather blown away by the wind.

28. 他瘦得像一根被风吹弯的树枝。

He was as thin as a branch bent by the wind.

29. 她瘦得连影子都看不清。

She was so thin her shadow was barely visible.

30. 他瘦得让人觉得他随时都会倒下。

He was so thin it made one feel like he could collapse at any moment.

31. 她瘦得像一架空空的骨架。

She was as thin as an empty skeleton.

32. 他瘦得像一只枯萎的藤蔓。

He was as thin as a withered vine.

33. 她瘦得像一缕青烟。

She was as thin as a wisp of smoke.

34. 他瘦得像一只被风吹散的沙尘。

He was as thin as a dust cloud blown away by the wind.

35. 她瘦得像一株被太阳晒干的野草。

She was as thin as a weed dried by the sun.

36. 他瘦得像一根被折断的木棍。

He was as thin as a broken stick.

37. 她瘦得让人想起一只干瘪的袋子。

She was as thin as a deflated bag.

38. 他瘦得像一只被遗忘的木偶。

He was as thin as a forgotten puppet.

39. 她瘦得像一只被风吹落的树叶。

She was as thin as a leaf blown off a tree.

40. 他瘦得像一只被遗弃的鸟巢。

He was as thin as an abandoned bird's nest.

41. 她瘦得像一只被雨淋湿的纸片。

She was as thin as a piece of paper soaked in the rain.

42. 他瘦得像一只被风吹散的云朵。

He was as thin as a cloud blown away by the wind.

43. 她瘦得像一株被霜冻打败的庄稼。

She was as thin as a crop defeated by frost.

44. 他瘦得像一只被遗弃的皮鞋。

He was as thin as an abandoned shoe.

45. 她瘦得像一株被晒干的树枝。

She was as thin as a branch dried by the sun.

46. 他瘦得像一只被遗忘的书页。

He was as thin as a forgotten page in a book.

47. 她瘦得像一缕被风吹散的头发。

She was as thin as a strand of hair blown away by the wind.

48. 他瘦得像一只被遗弃的玩具。

He was as thin as an abandoned toy.

49. 她瘦得像一株被风吹弯的草。

She was as thin as a blade of grass bent by the wind.

50. 他瘦得像一只被遗忘的钥匙。

He was as thin as a forgotten key.

51. 她瘦得像一株被太阳晒干的树苗。

She was as thin as a sapling dried by the sun.

52. 他瘦得像一只被遗弃的衣架。

He was as thin as an abandoned clothes hanger.

53. 她瘦得像一株被霜冻打败的花朵。

She was as thin as a flower defeated by frost.

54. 他瘦得像一只被遗弃的玻璃瓶。

He was as thin as an abandoned glass bottle.

55. 她瘦得像一株被风吹散的沙子。

She was as thin as a grain of sand blown away by the wind.

56. 他瘦得像一只被遗忘的钟表。

He was as thin as a forgotten clock.

57. 她瘦得像一株被风吹弯的竹子。

She was as thin as a bamboo stalk bent by the wind.

58. 他瘦得像一只被遗弃的木板。

He was as thin as an abandoned wooden plank.

59. 她瘦得像一株被风吹散的羽毛。

She was as thin as a feather blown away by the wind.

60. 他瘦得像一只被遗忘的鞋子。

He was as thin as an abandoned shoe.

61. 她瘦得像一株被风吹弯的树枝。

She was as thin as a branch bent by the wind.

62. 他瘦得像一只被遗忘的镜子。

He was as thin as a forgotten mirror.

63. 她瘦得像一株被风吹弯的柳树。

She was as thin as a willow tree bent by the wind.

64. 他瘦得像一只被遗忘的笔。

He was as thin as a forgotten pen.

65. 她瘦得像一株被风吹弯的稻草。

She was as thin as a straw bent by the wind.

66. 他瘦得像一只被遗忘的钥匙。

He was as thin as a forgotten key.

67. 她瘦得像一株被风吹弯的树苗。

She was as thin as a sapling bent by the wind.

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