
## 骨灰领取句子 (93句)


1. 今天,我们怀着无比沉痛的心情,来领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰。

Today, we come to collect the ashes of **[deceased name]** with immense sorrow.

2. **[逝者姓名]**走了,留下无尽的思念,我们永远不会忘记他/她。

**[Deceased name]** is gone, leaving behind endless longing. We will never forget him/her.

3. 虽然**[逝者姓名]**离开了我们,但他/她的精神将永远与我们同在。

Although **[deceased name]** has left us, his/her spirit will forever be with us.

4. **[逝者姓名]**,一路走好,我们会永远怀念你。

**[Deceased name]**, may you rest in peace, we will forever cherish your memory.

5. 我们深切地怀念着**[逝者姓名]**,他/她的音容笑貌永远刻在我们的脑海里。

We deeply cherish the memory of **[deceased name]**, his/her voice, appearance, and laughter are forever etched in our minds.

6. 失去**[逝者姓名]**,我们心中充满了悲痛,但我们会坚强地活下去。

We are filled with sorrow at the loss of **[deceased name]**, but we will live on bravely.

7. **[逝者姓名]**,你永远活在我们心中,我们会永远爱你。

**[Deceased name]**, you will forever live in our hearts, and we will always love you.

8. 我们无法想象没有**[逝者姓名]**的生活,但我们会努力适应,并带着对他的/她的爱继续生活。

We can't imagine life without **[deceased name]**, but we will try to adapt and continue living with love for him/her.

9. 愿**[逝者姓名]**在天堂安息,我们会永远记得他/她。

May **[deceased name]** rest in peace in heaven, we will always remember him/her.

10. 虽然**[逝者姓名]**离开了我们,但我们相信他/她会以另一种方式陪伴着我们。

Although **[deceased name]** has left us, we believe he/she will accompany us in another way.


11. 感谢**[逝者姓名]**在我们生命中的陪伴,他/她教会了我们很多。

Thank you, **[deceased name]**, for your companionship in our lives. You taught us a lot.

12. 我们永远不会忘记**[逝者姓名]**对我们的爱和付出,他/她永远是我们心中的英雄。

We will never forget **[deceased name]'s** love and dedication to us. He/she will forever be a hero in our hearts.

13. **[逝者姓名]**,您是一位伟大的灵魂,您的精神将永远激励着我们。

**[Deceased name]**, you were a great soul, your spirit will forever inspire us.

14. 我们怀着敬佩的心情来领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰,他/她的一生充满了意义。

We come to collect the ashes of **[deceased name]** with admiration. His/her life was full of meaning.

15. **[逝者姓名]**,您的爱和善良永远铭刻在我们心中。

**[Deceased name]**, your love and kindness will forever be etched in our hearts.

16. 我们感谢**[逝者姓名]**为我们所做的一切,他/她的奉献精神值得我们永远铭记。

We are grateful for everything **[deceased name]** did for us. His/her dedication deserves to be forever remembered.

17. **[逝者姓名]**,您是我们的榜样,我们会努力活出您期望的样子。

**[Deceased name]**, you are our role model, we will strive to live as you expected.

18. 我们敬佩**[逝者姓名]**的坚强和乐观,他/她用行动教会了我们如何面对人生的挑战。

We admire **[deceased name]'s** strength and optimism. He/she taught us through action how to face life's challenges.

19. **[逝者姓名]**,您的离开让我们感到无比痛心,但我们会努力继承您的精神,将您的爱传递下去。

**[Deceased name]**, your departure saddens us deeply, but we will strive to inherit your spirit and pass on your love.

20. 虽然**[逝者姓名]**离开了我们,但他的/她的精神将永远激励着我们,指引我们前行。

Although **[deceased name]** has left us, his/her spirit will forever inspire us and guide us forward.


21. 我们会将**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰安放在**[地点]**,希望他/她能够在那里安息。

We will place the ashes of **[deceased name]** in **[location]**, hoping he/she can rest there peacefully.

22. 我们会永远记得**[逝者姓名]**,并带着他的/她的爱继续生活。

We will always remember **[deceased name]** and continue to live with his/her love.

23. 我们相信**[逝者姓名]**会永远守护着我们,指引我们走向美好未来。

We believe **[deceased name]** will forever protect us and guide us towards a brighter future.

24. 我们会努力活出**[逝者姓名]**期望的样子,不辜负他/她对我们的爱。

We will strive to live up to **[deceased name]'s** expectations and not disappoint his/her love for us.

25. 虽然**[逝者姓名]**离开了我们,但我们会带着他的/她的精神继续前进,创造属于我们自己的美好未来。

Although **[deceased name]** has left us, we will move forward with his/her spirit and create a beautiful future of our own.

26. 我们会将**[逝者姓名]**的爱和教诲铭记于心,并将之传递给下一代。

We will keep **[deceased name]'s** love and teachings in our hearts and pass them on to the next generation.

27. 我们相信**[逝者姓名]**会永远陪伴着我们,即使他/她已经离开了。

We believe **[deceased name]** will forever accompany us, even though he/she is gone.

28. 我们会努力将**[逝者姓名]**的梦想延续下去,让他的/她的精神永存。

We will strive to continue **[deceased name's]** dreams and let his/her spirit live on.

29. 我们会用行动来纪念**[逝者姓名]**,让他的/她的爱和精神永远活在我们心中。

We will honor **[deceased name]** with our actions, letting his/her love and spirit forever live in our hearts.

30. 虽然**[逝者姓名]**离开了我们,但我们相信他/她会以另一种方式陪伴着我们,让我们拥有更美好的未来。

Although **[deceased name]** has left us, we believe he/she will accompany us in another way, giving us a brighter future.


31. 愿**[逝者姓名]**一路走好,在天堂安息。

May **[deceased name]** rest in peace in heaven.

32. 希望**[逝者姓名]**在另一个世界里能够找到快乐。

We hope **[deceased name]** can find happiness in the other world.

33. 祝愿**[逝者姓名]**在天堂一切安好。

We wish **[deceased name]** well in heaven.

34. 我们相信**[逝者姓名]**会永远幸福快乐。

We believe **[deceased name]** will be forever happy and content.

35. 愿**[逝者姓名]**的灵魂在天堂得到安宁。

May **[deceased name]'s** soul find peace in heaven.

36. 我们会永远怀念**[逝者姓名]**,并祝福他/她在天堂一切安好。

We will forever cherish the memory of **[deceased name]** and wish him/her well in heaven.

37. 希望**[逝者姓名]**在另一个世界里没有痛苦和悲伤。

We hope **[deceased name]** is free from pain and sorrow in the other world.

38. 我们相信**[逝者姓名]**会在天堂找到幸福,并永远快乐地生活。

We believe **[deceased name]** will find happiness in heaven and live happily ever after.

39. 愿**[逝者姓名]**的灵魂在天堂得到安息,并永远快乐地生活。

May **[deceased name]'s** soul rest in peace in heaven and live happily ever after.

40. 我们会永远记得**[逝者姓名]**,并祝福他/她在另一个世界里一切安好。

We will always remember **[deceased name]** and wish him/her well in the other world.


41. 虽然**[逝者姓名]**离开了我们,但我们会带着他的/她的爱继续生活下去。

Although **[deceased name]** has left us, we will continue to live with his/her love.

42. 我们会努力活出**[逝者姓名]**期望的样子,并带着对他的/她的爱继续前行。

We will strive to live up to **[deceased name's]** expectations and continue to move forward with love for him/her.

43. 失去**[逝者姓名]**,我们感到无比悲伤,但我们会坚强地活下去,并带着对他的/她的爱继续生活。

We are incredibly saddened by the loss of **[deceased name]**, but we will live bravely and continue our lives with love for him/her.

44. 我们会将**[逝者姓名]**的教诲铭记于心,并以此作为我们人生的指南。

We will keep **[deceased name's]** teachings in our hearts and use them as our guide in life.

45. 我们会努力将**[逝者姓名]**的爱和精神传递下去,让他的/她的爱永远陪伴着我们。

We will strive to pass on **[deceased name's]** love and spirit, letting his/her love forever accompany us.

46. 我们会带着**[逝者姓名]**对生活的热爱和热情继续前行,创造属于我们自己的美好生活。

We will continue to move forward with **[deceased name's]** love and passion for life, creating a beautiful life of our own.

47. 虽然**[逝者姓名]**离开了我们,但我们会带着他的/她的精神继续奋斗,创造属于我们自己的未来。

Although **[deceased name]** has left us, we will continue to strive with his/her spirit and create a future of our own.

48. 我们会将**[逝者姓名]**的爱和教诲作为我们人生的灯塔,指引我们走向更美好的未来。

We will use **[deceased name's]** love and teachings as a lighthouse in our lives, guiding us towards a brighter future.

49. 我们相信**[逝者姓名]**会永远守护着我们,让我们拥有更美好的未来。

We believe **[deceased name]** will forever protect us, giving us a brighter future.

50. 虽然**[逝者姓名]**离开了我们,但我们会带着他的/她的爱和精神,勇敢地面对未来。

Although **[deceased name]** has left us, we will face the future bravely with his/her love and spirit.


51. 我们会永远怀念**[逝者姓名]**,他/她的音容笑貌永远刻在我们的心中。

We will forever cherish the memory of **[deceased name]**, his/her voice, appearance, and laughter are forever etched in our hearts.

52. 我们无法忘记**[逝者姓名]**对我们的爱和关怀,他/她永远是我们生命中不可或缺的一部分。

We cannot forget **[deceased name's]** love and care for us. He/she will always be an indispensable part of our lives.

53. **[逝者姓名]**,您的离开让我们感到无比悲伤,但我们会永远记得您,并带着对您的爱继续生活。

**[Deceased name]**, your departure saddens us deeply, but we will always remember you and continue to live with love for you.

54. 我们会永远怀念**[逝者姓名]**,他/她的精神将永远指引着我们前行。

We will forever cherish the memory of **[deceased name]**, his/her spirit will forever guide us forward.

55. **[逝者姓名]**,您的音容笑貌永远留存在我们的记忆中,我们会永远怀念您。

**[Deceased name]**, your voice, appearance, and laughter will forever remain in our memories. We will forever cherish your memory.

56. 我们会永远记得**[逝者姓名]**,并带着对他的/她的爱和思念继续生活。

We will always remember **[deceased name]** and continue to live with love and longing for him/her.

57. **[逝者姓名]**,您的离去让我们感到无比痛心,但我们会永远记得您的爱,并带着您的爱继续生活。

**[Deceased name]**, your departure saddens us deeply, but we will always remember your love and continue to live with it.

58. 我们会将**[逝者姓名]**的音容笑貌永远珍藏在心中,并带着对他的/她的爱继续生活。

We will forever cherish the memory of **[deceased name]**, his/her voice, appearance, and laughter in our hearts and continue to live with love for him/her.

59. 我们会永远记得**[逝者姓名]**,他/她对我们的爱和关怀将永远激励着我们。

We will always remember **[deceased name]**, his/her love and care for us will forever inspire us.

60. 我们会永远怀念**[逝者姓名]**,他/她的精神将永远陪伴着我们。

We will forever cherish the memory of **[deceased name]**, his/her spirit will forever accompany us.


61. 我们深切地理解**[家属姓名]**此刻的心情,并希望能够给予您们最大的支持和帮助。

We deeply understand the feelings of **[family name]** at this time and hope to give you the greatest support and help.

62. 我们会尽力陪伴**[家属姓名]**,帮助您们渡过这段艰难的时期。

We will do our best to accompany **[family name]** and help you through this difficult time.

63. **[逝者姓名]**的离开让我们感到无比悲伤,我们也深切地感受到**[家属姓名]**的痛苦,愿您们能够坚强地挺过去。

We are incredibly saddened by the departure of **[deceased name]**, and we deeply feel the pain of **[family name]**. May you all be strong and overcome this.

64. 请**[家属姓名]**节哀,我们都会陪伴着您们。

Please **[family name]**, take heart. We will all be with you.

65. 愿**[逝者姓名]**的灵魂得到安息,并希望**[家属姓名]**能够早日走出悲伤。

May **[deceased name]'s** soul find peace, and we hope **[family name]** can overcome the grief soon.

66. 我们会永远记得**[逝者姓名]**,并会永远支持**[家属姓名]**。

We will always remember **[deceased name]** and will always support **[family name]**.

67. 我们深切地感受到**[家属姓名]**的悲伤,愿您们能够早日走出痛苦。

We deeply feel the sadness of **[family name]**. May you all overcome the pain soon.

68. 愿**[逝者姓名]**的灵魂得到安宁,并希望**[家属姓名]**能够尽快恢复正常的生活。

May **[deceased name]'s** soul find peace, and we hope **[family name]** can return to normal life as soon as possible.

69. 我们会永远记得**[逝者姓名]**,并会永远支持**[家属姓名]**,帮助您们度过这段艰难的时期。

We will always remember **[deceased name]** and will always support **[family name]**, helping you through this difficult time.

70. 我们深切地理解**[家属姓名]**此刻的心情,并希望能够给予您们最大的支持和帮助,让您们能够早日走出悲伤。

We deeply understand the feelings of **[family name]** at this time and hope to give you the greatest support and help, so that you can overcome the grief soon.


71. 我们今天来领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰,请问领取流程是什么?

We are here today to collect the ashes of **[deceased name]**. Could you please tell us what the procedure is?

72. 请问**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰存放地点在哪里?

Where are the ashes of **[deceased name]** being kept?

73. 我们需要准备哪些材料来领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰?

What documents do we need to collect the ashes of **[deceased name]**?

74. 请问领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰需要预约吗?

Do we need to make an appointment to collect the ashes of **[deceased name]**?

75. 我们想将**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰安放在**[地点]**,请问需要办理哪些手续?

We would like to place the ashes of **[deceased name]** in **[location]**. What procedures need to be followed?

76. 我们想将**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰带回家,请问需要准备什么容器?

We would like to take the ashes of **[deceased name]** home. What kind of container do we need?

77. 请问领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰需要支付哪些费用?

What fees are associated with collecting the ashes of **[deceased name]**?

78. 请问领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰需要多久时间?

How long does it take to collect the ashes of **[deceased name]**?

79. 我们想了解一下**[逝者姓名]**的遗物存放地点,请问可以告知吗?

We would like to know where the belongings of **[deceased name]** are stored. Could you please let us know?

80. 请问领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰需要哪些人到场?

Who needs to be present to collect the ashes of **[deceased name]**?


81. 我们来领取**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰,请您帮忙办理一下手续。

We are here to collect the ashes of **[deceased name]**. Could you please help us with the paperwork?

82. 请问**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰什么时候可以领取?

When can we collect the ashes of **[deceased name]**?

83. 我们想为**[逝者姓名]**举行一个简单的追悼会,请问您有什么建议吗?

We would like to hold a simple memorial service for **[deceased name]**. Do you have any suggestions?

84. 我们想将**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰安放在**[地点]**,请问您有什么建议吗?

We would like to place the ashes of **[deceased name]** in **[location]**. Do you have any suggestions?

85. 请问您有关于骨灰安放的资料吗?

Do you have any information on ash placement?

86. 我们想了解一下**[逝者姓名]**的遗物处理方式,请问您能提供一些建议吗?

We would like to understand how to handle the belongings of **[deceased name]**. Could you offer some advice?

87. 请问您有关于丧葬礼仪的资料吗?

Do you have any information on funeral customs?

88. 我们想咨询一下关于**[相关事宜]**的问题,请问您能帮助我们吗?

We would like to ask some questions about **[related matter]**. Could you please help us?

89. 我们想感谢您对**[逝者姓名]**的照顾,并感谢您对我们的帮助。

We would like to thank you for taking care of **[deceased name]** and for your help to us.

90. 我们希望**[逝者姓名]**能够安息,也希望**[家属姓名]**能够尽快走出悲伤。

We hope **[deceased name]** can rest in peace and hope **[family name]** can overcome the grief soon.

91. 我们会永远记得**[逝者姓名]**,并会带着他的/她的爱和教诲继续生活。

We will always remember **[deceased name]** and continue to live with his/her love and teachings.

92. 我们会将**[逝者姓名]**的骨灰安放在**[地点]**,希望他/她能够在那里安息。

We will place the ashes of **[deceased name]** in **[location]**, hoping he/she can rest there peacefully.

93. 我们会永远怀念**[逝者姓名]**,并带着对他的/她的爱和思念继续生活。

We will forever cherish the memory of **[deceased name]** and continue to live with love and longing for him/her.

以上就是关于骨灰领取句子93句(骨灰领取句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
