
## 硝烟组的句子,62句

1. 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞。 / The air was thick with smoke and the battlefield was ablaze.
2. 战场硝烟,英雄辈出。 / The battlefield, shrouded in smoke, gave birth to countless heroes.
3. 硝烟散尽,英雄魂归。 / The smoke cleared, leaving behind the souls of fallen heroes.
4. 硝烟滚滚,战鼓雷鸣。 / The smoke billowed and the drums of war thundered.
5. 硝烟过后,是胜利的喜悦。 / After the smoke cleared, there was the joy of victory.
6. 硝烟之中,英雄奋战。 / Amidst the smoke, heroes fought bravely.
7. 硝烟散去,和平降临。 / The smoke dissipated, and peace descended upon the land.
8. 硝烟遮蔽了天空,也遮蔽了未来。 / The smoke obscured the sky, and also obscured the future.
9. 硝烟的味道,永远铭刻在人们心中。 / The scent of gunpowder will forever be etched in people's memories.
10. 硝烟过后,英雄的鲜血染红了大地。 / The smoke cleared, leaving behind a battlefield stained red with the blood of heroes.
11. 硝烟散尽,战败者的哀嚎声回荡在战场上。 / The smoke cleared, leaving behind the cries of the defeated echoing across the battlefield.
12. 硝烟弥漫,人们在战火中挣扎求生。 / The smoke billowed, and people struggled to survive amidst the flames of war.
13. 硝烟散去,人们终于可以喘息片刻。 / The smoke cleared, and people were finally able to catch their breath.
14. 硝烟过后,家园已成废墟。 / The smoke cleared, leaving behind a home turned to ruins.
15. 硝烟中,人们的命运紧紧相连。 / In the smoke, people's destinies were intertwined.
16. 硝烟弥漫,战争的阴影笼罩着大地。 / The smoke billowed, and the shadow of war loomed over the land.
17. 硝烟散尽,人们开始重建家园。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to rebuild their homes.
18. 硝烟过后,人们的内心充满了悲伤和愤怒。 / After the smoke cleared, people's hearts were filled with sadness and anger.
19. 硝烟散去,历史的教训却永不磨灭。 / The smoke cleared, but the lessons of history would never be forgotten.
20. 硝烟中,人们的意志坚定不移。 / In the smoke, people's will was unwavering.
21. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平。 / After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace more than ever.
22. 硝烟散去,人们开始反思战争的残酷。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to reflect on the cruelty of war.
23. 硝烟弥漫,战争的残酷无处不在。 / The smoke billowed, and the cruelty of war was evident everywhere.
24. 硝烟散去,人们开始渴望和平与安宁。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to yearn for peace and tranquility.
25. 硝烟中,人们的希望之光依然闪烁。 / In the smoke, the light of hope still flickered.
26. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜生命的宝贵。 / After the smoke cleared, people treasured life more than ever.
27. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻找新的方向。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new directions.
28. 硝烟弥漫,战争的伤痕难以磨灭。 / The smoke billowed, and the scars of war were indelible.
29. 硝烟散去,人们开始思考战争的意义。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to ponder the meaning of war.
30. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的来之不易。 / After the smoke cleared, people cherished peace even more for its hard-earned nature.
31. 硝烟弥漫,战争的残酷让人不寒而栗。 / The smoke billowed, and the cruelty of war sent shivers down one's spine.
32. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生活方式。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to seek new ways of life.
33. 硝烟中,人们的勇气和智慧得到了考验。 / In the smoke, people's courage and wisdom were tested.
34. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜彼此之间的友谊。 / After the smoke cleared, people cherished the friendships they shared even more.
35. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻找失散的亲人。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to search for lost loved ones.
36. 硝烟弥漫,战争的阴影笼罩着整个世界。 / The smoke billowed, and the shadow of war hung over the entire world.
37. 硝烟散去,人们开始重建家园,也重建希望。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to rebuild their homes, and also rebuild their hope.
38. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的珍贵。 / After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace even more for its preciousness.
39. 硝烟散去,人们开始反思战争带来的伤害。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to reflect on the harm caused by war.
40. 硝烟中,人们的信念更加坚定。 / In the smoke, people's beliefs were even stronger.
41. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜生命的意义。 / After the smoke cleared, people treasured the meaning of life even more.
42. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生活目标。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new life goals.
43. 硝烟弥漫,战争的残酷无情。 / The smoke billowed, and the cruelty of war was relentless.
44. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生存之道。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new ways to survive.
45. 硝烟中,人们的命运交织在一起。 / In the smoke, people's destinies were intertwined.
46. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的宝贵。 / After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace even more for its preciousness.
47. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻找新的希望。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new hope.
48. 硝烟弥漫,战争的阴影笼罩着整个世界。 / The smoke billowed, and the shadow of war hung over the entire world.
49. 硝烟散去,人们开始重建家园,也重建未来。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to rebuild their homes, and also rebuild their future.
50. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的珍贵。 / After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace even more for its preciousness.
51. 硝烟散去,人们开始反思战争带来的痛苦。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to reflect on the pain caused by war.
52. 硝烟中,人们的意志更加坚强。 / In the smoke, people's will was even stronger.
53. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜生命的宝贵。 / After the smoke cleared, people treasured life even more for its preciousness.
54. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生活意义。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new meaning in life.
55. 硝烟弥漫,战争的残酷无处不在。 / The smoke billowed, and the cruelty of war was evident everywhere.
56. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生活方式。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to seek new ways of life.
57. 硝烟中,人们的勇气和智慧得到了考验。 / In the smoke, people's courage and wisdom were tested.
58. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜彼此之间的感情。 / After the smoke cleared, people cherished their feelings for each other even more.
59. 硝烟散去,人们开始寻找失散的家人。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to search for lost family members.
60. 硝烟弥漫,战争的阴影笼罩着整个世界。 / The smoke billowed, and the shadow of war hung over the entire world.
61. 硝烟散去,人们开始重建家园,也重建未来。 / The smoke cleared, and people began to rebuild their homes, and also rebuild their future.
62. 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的珍贵。 / After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace even more for its preciousness.

## 英文翻译

1. The air was thick with smoke and the battlefield was ablaze. / 硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞。

2. The battlefield, shrouded in smoke, gave birth to countless heroes. / 战场硝烟,英雄辈出。

3. The smoke cleared, leaving behind the souls of fallen heroes. / 硝烟散尽,英雄魂归。

4. The smoke billowed and the drums of war thundered. / 硝烟滚滚,战鼓雷鸣。

5. After the smoke cleared, there was the joy of victory. / 硝烟过后,是胜利的喜悦。

6. Amidst the smoke, heroes fought bravely. / 硝烟之中,英雄奋战。

7. The smoke dissipated, and peace descended upon the land. / 硝烟散去,和平降临。

8. The smoke obscured the sky, and also obscured the future. / 硝烟遮蔽了天空,也遮蔽了未来。

9. The scent of gunpowder will forever be etched in people's memories. / 硝烟的味道,永远铭刻在人们心中。

10. The smoke cleared, leaving behind a battlefield stained red with the blood of heroes. / 硝烟过后,英雄的鲜血染红了大地。

11. The smoke cleared, leaving behind the cries of the defeated echoing across the battlefield. / 硝烟散尽,战败者的哀嚎声回荡在战场上。

12. The smoke billowed, and people struggled to survive amidst the flames of war. / 硝烟弥漫,人们在战火中挣扎求生。

13. The smoke cleared, and people were finally able to catch their breath. / 硝烟散去,人们终于可以喘息片刻。

14. The smoke cleared, leaving behind a home turned to ruins. / 硝烟过后,家园已成废墟。

15. In the smoke, people's destinies were intertwined. / 硝烟中,人们的命运紧紧相连。

16. The smoke billowed, and the shadow of war loomed over the land. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的阴影笼罩着大地。

17. The smoke cleared, and people began to rebuild their homes. / 硝烟散去,人们开始重建家园。

18. After the smoke cleared, people's hearts were filled with sadness and anger. / 硝烟过后,人们的内心充满了悲伤和愤怒。

19. The smoke cleared, but the lessons of history would never be forgotten. / 硝烟散去,历史的教训却永不磨灭。

20. In the smoke, people's will was unwavering. / 硝烟中,人们的意志坚定不移。

21. After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace more than ever. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平。

22. The smoke cleared, and people began to reflect on the cruelty of war. / 硝烟散去,人们开始反思战争的残酷。

23. The smoke billowed, and the cruelty of war was evident everywhere. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的残酷无处不在。

24. The smoke cleared, and people began to yearn for peace and tranquility. / 硝烟散去,人们开始渴望和平与安宁。

25. In the smoke, the light of hope still flickered. / 硝烟中,人们的希望之光依然闪烁。

26. After the smoke cleared, people treasured life more than ever. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜生命的宝贵。

27. The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new directions. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻找新的方向。

28. The smoke billowed, and the scars of war were indelible. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的伤痕难以磨灭。

29. The smoke cleared, and people began to ponder the meaning of war. / 硝烟散去,人们开始思考战争的意义。

30. After the smoke cleared, people cherished peace even more for its hard-earned nature. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的来之不易。

31. The smoke billowed, and the cruelty of war sent shivers down one's spine. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的残酷让人不寒而栗。

32. The smoke cleared, and people began to seek new ways of life. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生活方式。

33. In the smoke, people's courage and wisdom were tested. / 硝烟中,人们的勇气和智慧得到了考验。

34. After the smoke cleared, people cherished the friendships they shared even more. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜彼此之间的友谊。

35. The smoke cleared, and people began to search for lost loved ones. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻找失散的亲人。

36. The smoke billowed, and the shadow of war hung over the entire world. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的阴影笼罩着整个世界。

37. The smoke cleared, and people began to rebuild their homes, and also rebuild their hope. / 硝烟散去,人们开始重建家园,也重建希望。

38. After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace even more for its preciousness. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的珍贵。

39. The smoke cleared, and people began to reflect on the harm caused by war. / 硝烟散去,人们开始反思战争带来的伤害。

40. In the smoke, people's beliefs were even stronger. / 硝烟中,人们的信念更加坚定。

41. After the smoke cleared, people treasured the meaning of life even more. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜生命的意义。

42. The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new life goals. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生活目标。

43. The smoke billowed, and the cruelty of war was relentless. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的残酷无情。

44. The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new ways to survive. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生存之道。

45. In the smoke, people's destinies were intertwined. / 硝烟中,人们的命运交织在一起。

46. After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace even more for its preciousness. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的宝贵。

47. The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new hope. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻找新的希望。

48. The smoke billowed, and the shadow of war hung over the entire world. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的阴影笼罩着整个世界。

49. The smoke cleared, and people began to rebuild their homes, and also rebuild their future. / 硝烟散去,人们开始重建家园,也重建未来。

50. After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace even more for its preciousness. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的珍贵。

51. The smoke cleared, and people began to reflect on the pain caused by war. / 硝烟散去,人们开始反思战争带来的痛苦。

52. In the smoke, people's will was even stronger. / 硝烟中,人们的意志更加坚强。

53. After the smoke cleared, people treasured life even more for its preciousness. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜生命的宝贵。

54. The smoke cleared, and people began to search for new meaning in life. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生活意义。

55. The smoke billowed, and the cruelty of war was evident everywhere. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的残酷无处不在。

56. The smoke cleared, and people began to seek new ways of life. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻求新的生活方式。

57. In the smoke, people's courage and wisdom were tested. / 硝烟中,人们的勇气和智慧得到了考验。

58. After the smoke cleared, people cherished their feelings for each other even more. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜彼此之间的感情。

59. The smoke cleared, and people began to search for lost family members. / 硝烟散去,人们开始寻找失散的家人。

60. The smoke billowed, and the shadow of war hung over the entire world. / 硝烟弥漫,战争的阴影笼罩着整个世界。

61. The smoke cleared, and people began to rebuild their homes, and also rebuild their future. / 硝烟散去,人们开始重建家园,也重建未来。

62. After the smoke cleared, people treasured peace even more for its preciousness. / 硝烟过后,人们更加珍惜和平的珍贵。

以上就是关于硝烟组的句子62句(硝烟组的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
