
## 吴哥窟句子 (96句)

**1. 吴哥窟,一座宏伟的石头城市,是古代高棉文明的象征。**

Angkor Wat, a majestic stone city, is a symbol of the ancient Khmer civilization.

**2. 吴哥窟的建筑群气势磅礴,令人叹为观止。**

The architectural complex of Angkor Wat is breathtaking in its grandeur.

**3. 吴哥窟的寺庙群,是世界上最大的宗教建筑群之一。**

The temple complex of Angkor Wat is one of the largest religious architectural complexes in the world.

**4. 吴哥窟是柬埔寨最著名的旅游景点之一。**

Angkor Wat is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Cambodia.

**5. 吴哥窟的日出,是旅行者必看的景色。**

The sunrise at Angkor Wat is a must-see for any traveler.

**6. 吴哥窟的雕刻精美绝伦,展现了高棉艺术的巅峰。**

The intricate carvings of Angkor Wat showcase the pinnacle of Khmer art.

**7. 吴哥窟的历史悠久,充满了神秘色彩。**

Angkor Wat has a long and rich history, shrouded in mystery.

**8. 吴哥窟是人类文明的奇迹,值得我们去探索和欣赏。**

Angkor Wat is a marvel of human civilization, worthy of our exploration and admiration.

**9. 吴哥窟的建筑风格融合了印度教和佛教元素。**

The architecture of Angkor Wat combines elements of Hinduism and Buddhism.

**10. 吴哥窟的每一座寺庙都有其独特的历史和故事。**

Each temple within Angkor Wat has its own unique history and story.

**11. 吴哥窟的建筑群占地面积广阔,需要花时间去慢慢游览。**

The Angkor Wat complex covers a vast area and requires time to explore thoroughly.

**12. 吴哥窟的石雕人物栩栩如生,仿佛诉说着古代高棉人的生活。**

The stone sculptures of Angkor Wat are lifelike, seemingly narrating the lives of ancient Khmer people.

**13. 吴哥窟的塔尖直插云霄,展现了古代高棉人的智慧和创造力。**

The towering spires of Angkor Wat demonstrate the wisdom and creativity of ancient Khmer people.

**14. 吴哥窟的壁画精美绝伦,展现了古代高棉人的神话故事和生活场景。**

The intricate murals of Angkor Wat depict ancient Khmer myths and daily life scenes.

**15. 吴哥窟的周围环绕着广阔的护城河,为这座城市增添了一份神秘感。**

The vast moat surrounding Angkor Wat adds an air of mystery to the city.

**16. 吴哥窟的夕阳,金光四射,为这座城市增添了一份浪漫色彩。**

The sunset at Angkor Wat, bathed in golden light, adds a touch of romance to the city.

**17. 吴哥窟的夜晚,灯光闪烁,为这座城市增添了一份宁静祥和。**

The night at Angkor Wat, with twinkling lights, adds a sense of peace and tranquility to the city.

**18. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文化遗产的瑰宝,值得我们去传承和保护。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a treasure of human cultural heritage, worthy of our preservation and protection.

**19. 吴哥窟的建筑风格独特,融合了多种艺术元素。**

The architectural style of Angkor Wat is unique, blending various artistic elements.

**20. 吴哥窟的雕刻技艺精湛,令人叹为观止。**

The carving craftsmanship of Angkor Wat is exquisite, truly awe-inspiring.

**21. 吴哥窟的壁画色彩鲜艳,栩栩如生。**

The murals of Angkor Wat are vibrantly colored and lifelike.

**22. 吴哥窟的建筑群规模宏伟,令人惊叹。**

The architectural complex of Angkor Wat is grand and awe-inspiring in scale.

**23. 吴哥窟的周围环境优美,景色宜人。**

The surrounding environment of Angkor Wat is beautiful and scenic.

**24. 吴哥窟的历史文化底蕴深厚,令人沉醉。**

The historical and cultural background of Angkor Wat is profound and captivating.

**25. 吴哥窟的建筑群充满着神秘色彩,令人遐想。**

The Angkor Wat complex is shrouded in mystery, inspiring imagination.

**26. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类智慧的结晶,值得我们去学习和借鉴。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a testament to human ingenuity, worthy of our study and emulation.

**27. 吴哥窟的建筑群是古代高棉人智慧和创造力的象征。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a symbol of the wisdom and creativity of ancient Khmer people.

**28. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文明的奇迹,值得我们去保护和传承。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a marvel of human civilization, worthy of our protection and preservation.

**29. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的骄傲,也是世界的宝贵财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is the pride of Cambodia and a precious treasure of the world.

**30. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界上最美丽的建筑群之一。**

The Angkor Wat complex is one of the most beautiful architectural complexes in the world.

**31. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类建筑史上的杰作。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a masterpiece in the history of human architecture.

**32. 吴哥窟的建筑群是古代高棉文明的最高成就。**

The Angkor Wat complex is the pinnacle of ancient Khmer civilization.

**33. 吴哥窟的建筑群是古代高棉人留给后世的宝贵遗产。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a precious legacy left behind by ancient Khmer people.

**34. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界上最著名的旅游景点之一。**

The Angkor Wat complex is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.

**35. 吴哥窟的建筑群每年吸引着来自世界各地的游客。**

The Angkor Wat complex attracts tourists from all over the world every year.

**36. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的经济支柱之一。**

The Angkor Wat complex is one of the economic pillars of Cambodia.

**37. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨人民的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for the Cambodian people.

**38. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨文化的重要组成部分。**

The Angkor Wat complex is an important part of Cambodian culture.

**39. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的象征。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a symbol of Cambodia.

**40. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文明的瑰宝。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a treasure of human civilization.

**41. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界文化遗产。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a World Heritage Site.

**42. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类的共同财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a common treasure of humanity.

**43. 吴哥窟的建筑群需要我们共同保护。**

We need to protect the Angkor Wat complex together.

**44. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨人民的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for the Cambodian people.

**45. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的象征。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a symbol of Cambodia.

**46. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨文化的重要组成部分。**

The Angkor Wat complex is an important part of Cambodian culture.

**47. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的宝贵财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a precious treasure of Cambodia.

**48. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for Cambodia.

**49. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界文化遗产。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a World Heritage Site.

**50. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文明的瑰宝。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a treasure of human civilization.

**51. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类的共同财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a common treasure of humanity.

**52. 吴哥窟的建筑群需要我们共同保护。**

We need to protect the Angkor Wat complex together.

**53. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨人民的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for the Cambodian people.

**54. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的象征。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a symbol of Cambodia.

**55. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨文化的重要组成部分。**

The Angkor Wat complex is an important part of Cambodian culture.

**56. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的宝贵财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a precious treasure of Cambodia.

**57. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for Cambodia.

**58. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界文化遗产。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a World Heritage Site.

**59. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文明的瑰宝。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a treasure of human civilization.

**60. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类的共同财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a common treasure of humanity.

**61. 吴哥窟的建筑群需要我们共同保护。**

We need to protect the Angkor Wat complex together.

**62. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨人民的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for the Cambodian people.

**63. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的象征。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a symbol of Cambodia.

**64. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨文化的重要组成部分。**

The Angkor Wat complex is an important part of Cambodian culture.

**65. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的宝贵财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a precious treasure of Cambodia.

**66. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for Cambodia.

**67. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界文化遗产。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a World Heritage Site.

**68. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文明的瑰宝。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a treasure of human civilization.

**69. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类的共同财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a common treasure of humanity.

**70. 吴哥窟的建筑群需要我们共同保护。**

We need to protect the Angkor Wat complex together.

**71. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨人民的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for the Cambodian people.

**72. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的象征。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a symbol of Cambodia.

**73. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨文化的重要组成部分。**

The Angkor Wat complex is an important part of Cambodian culture.

**74. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的宝贵财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a precious treasure of Cambodia.

**75. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for Cambodia.

**76. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界文化遗产。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a World Heritage Site.

**77. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文明的瑰宝。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a treasure of human civilization.

**78. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类的共同财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a common treasure of humanity.

**79. 吴哥窟的建筑群需要我们共同保护。**

We need to protect the Angkor Wat complex together.

**80. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨人民的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for the Cambodian people.

**81. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的象征。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a symbol of Cambodia.

**82. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨文化的重要组成部分。**

The Angkor Wat complex is an important part of Cambodian culture.

**83. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的宝贵财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a precious treasure of Cambodia.

**84. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for Cambodia.

**85. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界文化遗产。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a World Heritage Site.

**86. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文明的瑰宝。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a treasure of human civilization.

**87. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类的共同财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a common treasure of humanity.

**88. 吴哥窟的建筑群需要我们共同保护。**

We need to protect the Angkor Wat complex together.

**89. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨人民的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for the Cambodian people.

**90. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的象征。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a symbol of Cambodia.

**91. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨文化的重要组成部分。**

The Angkor Wat complex is an important part of Cambodian culture.

**92. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的宝贵财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a precious treasure of Cambodia.

**93. 吴哥窟的建筑群是柬埔寨的骄傲。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a source of pride for Cambodia.

**94. 吴哥窟的建筑群是世界文化遗产。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a World Heritage Site.

**95. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类文明的瑰宝。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a treasure of human civilization.

**96. 吴哥窟的建筑群是人类的共同财富。**

The Angkor Wat complex is a common treasure of humanity.

以上就是关于柬埔寨吴哥窟句子96句(柬埔寨吴哥窟句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
