
## 架子十足句子 (62句)

**1. 他总是摆出一副高高在上的样子,仿佛全世界都欠他似的。**

He always puts on an air of superiority, as if the whole world owes him something.

**2. 她说话的语气轻蔑,让人感觉她对我们不屑一顾。**

She spoke with a condescending tone that made us feel she looked down upon us.

**3. 他那副盛气凌人的样子,让人忍不住想反驳他。**

His arrogant demeanor made people want to argue with him.

**4. 她总是爱炫耀自己的财富和地位,让人觉得她很势利眼。**

She always brags about her wealth and status, making people think she's materialistic.

**5. 他那副趾高气昂的样子,让人感觉他很自负。**

His haughty attitude makes people feel he's very conceited.

**6. 她总是爱摆弄她的名牌包包,仿佛它能给她带来荣耀。**

She loves to flaunt her designer handbag, as if it can bring her glory.

**7. 他说话的时候总是带着一股优越感,让人很不舒服。**

He always speaks with a sense of superiority that makes people uncomfortable.

**8. 她总是爱批评别人,仿佛她自己就是完美无缺的。**

She loves to criticize others, as if she herself is perfect.

**9. 他总是爱命令别人,仿佛他是这个世界的主人。**

He loves to command others, as if he's the master of the world.

**10. 她总是爱指手画脚,仿佛她无所不能。**

She loves to meddle, as if she can do anything.

**11. 他总是爱摆出一副不耐烦的样子,让人觉得他很傲慢。**

He always puts on an impatient facade, making people think he's arrogant.

**12. 她总是爱挑剔别人,仿佛她对一切都要求苛刻。**

She's always nitpicking, as if she has a high standard for everything.

**13. 他总是爱贬低别人,仿佛他比别人更优秀。**

He loves to belittle others, as if he's better than them.

**14. 她总是爱说些酸溜溜的话,仿佛她很嫉妒别人。**

She loves to say snide remarks, as if she's envious of others.

**15. 他总是爱吹嘘自己,仿佛他是世界上最厉害的人。**

He loves to boast, as if he's the most powerful person in the world.

**16. 她总是爱摆出一副清高自傲的样子,让人觉得她很虚伪。**

She always puts on a facade of aloofness and pride, making people think she's hypocritical.

**17. 他总是爱表现出自己很了解很多东西,仿佛他是一个百科全书。**

He loves to show off his knowledge, as if he's an encyclopedia.

**18. 她总是爱说一些让人难堪的话,仿佛她想以此显示自己的优越感。**

She always says things that make people embarrassed, as if she wants to show off her superiority.

**19. 他总是爱指责别人,仿佛他就是正义的化身。**

He loves to point fingers at others, as if he's the embodiment of justice.

**20. 她总是爱对别人的生活指指点点,仿佛她有权利干涉别人的生活。**

She loves to interfere in others' lives, as if she has the right to intervene.

**21. 他总是爱说些刻薄的话,仿佛他很享受伤害别人。**

He loves to say mean things, as if he enjoys hurting people.

**22. 她总是爱表现出自己很可怜,仿佛她需要别人的同情。**

She loves to portray herself as a victim, as if she needs others' sympathy.

**23. 他总是爱抱怨别人,仿佛他才是最倒霉的人。**

He loves to complain about others, as if he's the most unfortunate person.

**24. 她总是爱炫耀自己的成就,仿佛她才是最成功的人。**

She loves to boast about her achievements, as if she's the most successful person.

**25. 他总是爱吹嘘自己的关系,仿佛他认识很多重要人物。**

He loves to brag about his connections, as if he knows a lot of important people.

**26. 她总是爱表现出自己很忙,仿佛她很了不起。**

She loves to show off how busy she is, as if she's very important.

**27. 他总是爱摆出一副无所谓的样子,仿佛他不在乎别人的看法。**

He always puts on an indifferent facade, as if he doesn't care what others think.

**28. 她总是爱批评别人的穿着,仿佛她才是时尚的代言人。**

She loves to criticize people's clothes, as if she's the spokesperson for fashion.

**29. 他总是爱说些大道理,仿佛他很懂得人生哲理。**

He loves to spout platitudes, as if he understands the philosophy of life.

**30. 她总是爱表现出自己很博学,仿佛她什么都懂。**

She loves to show off her knowledge, as if she knows everything.

**31. 他总是爱用高深的词汇,仿佛他想要显示自己的学识。**

He loves to use sophisticated vocabulary, as if he wants to show off his knowledge.

**32. 她总是爱说些让人摸不着头脑的话,仿佛她想要显示自己的与众不同。**

She always says things that are confusing, as if she wants to show off her uniqueness.

**33. 他总是爱用一些冷冰冰的语气,仿佛他一点也不关心别人。**

He always speaks in a cold and distant tone, as if he doesn't care about others.

**34. 她总是爱用一些刻意的语气,仿佛她想要引起别人的注意。**

She always speaks in a deliberate tone, as if she wants to attract attention.

**35. 他总是爱说些不切实际的话,仿佛他生活在童话世界里。**

He always says unrealistic things, as if he lives in a fairy tale.

**36. 她总是爱说些虚情假意的话,仿佛她很善良。**

She always says insincere things, as if she's very kind.

**37. 他总是爱说些模棱两可的话,仿佛他想要逃避责任。**

He always says ambiguous things, as if he wants to avoid responsibility.

**38. 她总是爱说些自以为是的话,仿佛她很聪明。**

She always says self-righteous things, as if she's very smart.

**39. 他总是爱用一些高深的理论,仿佛他想要显示自己的智慧。**

He loves to use complex theories, as if he wants to show off his intelligence.

**40. 她总是爱说些让人难以理解的话,仿佛她想要显示自己的神秘。**

She always says things that are hard to understand, as if she wants to show off her mystery.

**41. 他总是爱表现出自己很痛苦,仿佛他需要别人的同情。**

He always portrays himself as suffering, as if he needs others' sympathy.

**42. 她总是爱表现出自己很坚强,仿佛她不需要别人的帮助。**

She always portrays herself as strong, as if she doesn't need help from others.

**43. 他总是爱表现出自己很孤独,仿佛他需要别人的陪伴。**

He always portrays himself as lonely, as if he needs others' company.

**44. 她总是爱表现出自己很害怕,仿佛她需要别人的保护。**

She always portrays herself as scared, as if she needs others' protection.

**45. 他总是爱说些让人反感的话,仿佛他不在乎别人的感受。**

He always says things that are offensive, as if he doesn't care about others' feelings.

**46. 她总是爱说些让人尴尬的话,仿佛她想要制造话题。**

She always says things that are awkward, as if she wants to create a topic of conversation.

**47. 他总是爱说些让人生气的话,仿佛他想要激怒别人。**

He always says things that make people angry, as if he wants to provoke others.

**48. 她总是爱说些让人沮丧的话,仿佛她想要打击别人。**

She always says things that make people feel discouraged, as if she wants to bring others down.

**49. 他总是爱说些让人失望的话,仿佛他想要让别人对他失去信心。**

He always says things that make people feel disappointed, as if he wants to make others lose faith in him.

**50. 她总是爱说些让人感到绝望的话,仿佛她想要让人感到绝望。**

She always says things that make people feel hopeless, as if she wants to make people feel despair.

**51. 他总是爱说些让人感到害怕的话,仿佛他想要让人感到恐惧。**

He always says things that make people feel afraid, as if he wants to make people feel fear.

**52. 她总是爱说些让人感到难过的话,仿佛她想要让人感到悲伤。**

She always says things that make people feel sad, as if she wants to make people feel grief.

**53. 他总是爱说些让人感到羞愧的话,仿佛他想要让人感到羞耻。**

He always says things that make people feel ashamed, as if he wants to make people feel humiliation.

**54. 她总是爱说些让人感到愤怒的话,仿佛她想要让人感到愤怒。**

She always says things that make people feel angry, as if she wants to make people feel rage.

**55. 他总是爱说些让人感到厌恶的话,仿佛他想要让人感到厌恶。**

He always says things that make people feel disgusted, as if he wants to make people feel abhorrence.

**56. 她总是爱说些让人感到恶心的话,仿佛她想要让人感到恶心。**

She always says things that make people feel nauseous, as if she wants to make people feel repulsed.

**57. 他总是爱说些让人感到恐惧的话,仿佛他想要让人感到恐惧。**

He always says things that make people feel terrified, as if he wants to make people feel horror.

**58. 她总是爱说些让人感到厌烦的话,仿佛她想要让人感到厌烦。**

She always says things that make people feel bored, as if she wants to make people feel annoyance.

**59. 他总是爱说些让人感到无聊的话,仿佛他想要让人感到无聊。**

He always says things that make people feel uninterested, as if he wants to make people feel apathy.

**60. 她总是爱说些让人感到心烦的话,仿佛她想要让人感到心烦。**

She always says things that make people feel irritated, as if she wants to make people feel frustration.

**61. 他总是爱说些让人感到失望的话,仿佛他想要让人感到失望。**

He always says things that make people feel let down, as if he wants to make people feel disappointment.

**62. 她总是爱说些让人感到难过的话,仿佛她想要让人感到难过。**

She always says things that make people feel upset, as if she wants to make people feel sorrow.

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