
## 知青对联 好句子 59 句

**1. 上联:** 挥洒青春汗水,播种希望田野。
**下联:** 扎根乡土情怀,奉献赤诚真心。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring youthful sweat, sowing seeds of hope in the fields.

Lower Couplet: Rooted in the love for the land, dedicating sincere devotion.

**2. 上联:** 忆当年,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目春光。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of spring.

**3. 上联:** 远走他乡,青春无悔,奉献赤诚。
**下联:** 扎根基层,情谊难忘,收获硕果。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Leaving for distant lands, youth without regrets, offering sincere devotion.

Lower Couplet: Rooted in the grassroots, unforgettable bonds, reaping the fruits of labor.

**4. 上联:** 忆往昔,青春岁月,挥汗田野。
**下联:** 望今朝,硕果累累,满目欣荣。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youthful years, toiling in the fields with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, abundant fruits, a scene of prosperity.

**5. 上联:** 知青岁月,挥洒青春,奉献热血。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,收获成长。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, pouring out youth, offering blood and sweat.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, gaining growth.

**6. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根乡土。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月留痕,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the countryside.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, the passage of time leaves its mark, a landscape of change.

**7. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根基层,情系乡土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the grassroots, hearts connected to the countryside.

**8. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目繁荣。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**9. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献一生。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, dedicating a lifetime.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, hearts connected to our homeland.

**10. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根基层。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月流逝,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the grassroots.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, time has flown, a landscape of change.

**11. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根乡土,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the countryside, hearts connected to our homeland.

**12. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目昌盛。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**13. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献赤诚。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,收获成长。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, offering sincere devotion.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, gaining growth.

**14. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根乡土。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月留痕,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the countryside.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, the passage of time leaves its mark, a landscape of change.

**15. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根基层,情系乡土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the grassroots, hearts connected to the countryside.

**16. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目繁荣。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**17. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献一生。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, dedicating a lifetime.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, hearts connected to our homeland.

**18. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根基层。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月流逝,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the grassroots.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, time has flown, a landscape of change.

**19. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根乡土,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the countryside, hearts connected to our homeland.

**20. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目昌盛。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**21. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献赤诚。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,收获成长。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, offering sincere devotion.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, gaining growth.

**22. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根乡土。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月留痕,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the countryside.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, the passage of time leaves its mark, a landscape of change.

**23. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根基层,情系乡土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the grassroots, hearts connected to the countryside.

**24. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目繁荣。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**25. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献一生。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, dedicating a lifetime.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, hearts connected to our homeland.

**26. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根基层。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月流逝,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the grassroots.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, time has flown, a landscape of change.

**27. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根乡土,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the countryside, hearts connected to our homeland.

**28. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目昌盛。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**29. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献赤诚。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,收获成长。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, offering sincere devotion.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, gaining growth.

**30. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根乡土。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月留痕,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the countryside.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, the passage of time leaves its mark, a landscape of change.

**31. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根基层,情系乡土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the grassroots, hearts connected to the countryside.

**32. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目繁荣。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**33. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献一生。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, dedicating a lifetime.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, hearts connected to our homeland.

**34. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根基层。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月流逝,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the grassroots.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, time has flown, a landscape of change.

**35. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根乡土,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the countryside, hearts connected to our homeland.

**36. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目昌盛。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**37. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献赤诚。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,收获成长。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, offering sincere devotion.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, gaining growth.

**38. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根乡土。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月留痕,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the countryside.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, the passage of time leaves its mark, a landscape of change.

**39. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根基层,情系乡土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the grassroots, hearts connected to the countryside.

**40. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目繁荣。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**41. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献一生。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, dedicating a lifetime.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, hearts connected to our homeland.

**42. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根基层。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月流逝,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the grassroots.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, time has flown, a landscape of change.

**43. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根乡土,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the countryside, hearts connected to our homeland.

**44. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目昌盛。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**45. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献赤诚。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,收获成长。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, offering sincere devotion.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, gaining growth.

**46. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根乡土。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月留痕,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the countryside.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, the passage of time leaves its mark, a landscape of change.

**47. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根基层,情系乡土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the grassroots, hearts connected to the countryside.

**48. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目繁荣。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**49. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献一生。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, dedicating a lifetime.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, hearts connected to our homeland.

**50. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根基层。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月流逝,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the grassroots.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, time has flown, a landscape of change.

**51. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根乡土,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the countryside, hearts connected to our homeland.

**52. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目昌盛。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**53. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献赤诚。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,收获成长。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, offering sincere devotion.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, gaining growth.

**54. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根乡土。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月留痕,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the countryside.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, the passage of time leaves its mark, a landscape of change.

**55. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根基层,情系乡土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the grassroots, hearts connected to the countryside.

**56. 上联:** 忆往昔,荒山野岭,挥汗耕耘。
**下联:** 望今朝,沃野千里,满目繁荣。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, in the wild mountains and fields, we toiled with sweat.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, vast fields stretching far, a landscape of prosperity.

**57. 上联:** 知青岁月,青春无悔,奉献一生。
**下联:** 乡土情结,难忘初心,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Years as an educated youth, youth without regrets, dedicating a lifetime.

Lower Couplet: Feelings for the countryside, unforgettable初心, hearts connected to our homeland.

**58. 上联:** 忆当年,青春无悔,扎根基层。
**下联:** 看今朝,岁月流逝,满目沧桑。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Looking back, youth without regrets, rooted in the grassroots.

Lower Couplet: Looking at today, time has flown, a landscape of change.

**59. 上联:** 挥洒汗水,播种希望,建设家园。
**下联:** 奉献青春,扎根乡土,情系故土。

**English Translation:**

Upper Couplet: Pouring out sweat, sowing seeds of hope, building our homeland.

Lower Couplet: Offering our youth, rooted in the countryside, hearts connected to our homeland.

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