
## 知足才幸福平凡的句子 (88句)


1. 知足者常乐,不知足者常忧。

He who is content is always happy, while he who is not content is always worried.

2. 知足,是幸福的源泉。

Contentment is the source of happiness.

3. 知足者,不以物喜,不以己悲。

The contented person does not rejoice in material things, nor does he grieve for himself.

4. 知足是最好的财富。

Contentment is the best wealth.

5. 知足常乐,乐在其中。

Be content and happy, find joy in the present moment.


6. 平凡的生活,也能充满幸福。

Even an ordinary life can be filled with happiness.

7. 幸福不在于拥有多少,而在于是否知足。

Happiness lies not in how much you have, but in whether you are content.

8. 平凡的生活,只要用心感受,就能发现幸福。

An ordinary life, if you feel it with your heart, you will find happiness.

9. 幸福很简单,就是知足常乐。

Happiness is simple, it is contentment and joy.

10. 平凡的幸福,是生命中最珍贵的礼物。

Ordinary happiness is the most precious gift in life.


11. 知足,是一种智慧,也是一种境界。

Contentment is a wisdom, but also a realm.

12. 知足者,方能淡泊名利,安然度日。

Only the contented person can be indifferent to fame and fortune, and live a peaceful life.

13. 知足,是心灵的解脱。

Contentment is the liberation of the mind.

14. 知足,是人生的智慧。

Contentment is the wisdom of life.

15. 知足,是通往幸福的桥梁。

Contentment is the bridge to happiness.


16. 知足,就是珍惜当下。

Contentment is to cherish the present moment.

17. 知足,让我们学会感恩。

Contentment teaches us to be grateful.

18. 知足,让我们活得更轻松。

Contentment makes us live easier.

19. 知足,让我们更快乐。

Contentment makes us happier.

20. 知足,让我们更强大。

Contentment makes us stronger.


21. 知足不代表放弃梦想,而是用平和的心态去追寻。

Contentment does not mean giving up on dreams, but pursuing them with a peaceful mindset.

22. 知足,让我们更专注于梦想。

Contentment makes us more focused on our dreams.

23. 知足,让我们更有动力去追梦。

Contentment gives us more motivation to chase our dreams.

24. 知足,让我们更容易实现梦想。

Contentment makes it easier for us to realize our dreams.

25. 知足,是追梦路上最好的伴侣。

Contentment is the best companion on the journey of pursuing dreams.


26. 人生苦短,知足常乐。

Life is short, be content and happy.

27. 知足,是一种幸福,也是一种智慧。

Contentment is a happiness, but also a wisdom.

28. 知足,让我们活得更快乐,更充实。

Contentment makes us live happier and more fulfilling lives.

29. 知足,是人生的真谛。

Contentment is the true meaning of life.

30. 知足,是生命中最宝贵的财富。

Contentment is the most precious wealth in life.


31. 知足,让我们更容易与他人相处。

Contentment makes it easier for us to get along with others.

32. 知足,让我们更能包容他人。

Contentment makes us more tolerant of others.

33. 知足,让我们更能理解他人。

Contentment makes us more understanding of others.

34. 知足,让我们更能尊重他人。

Contentment makes us more respectful of others.

35. 知足,让我们更能爱他人。

Contentment makes us more able to love others.


36. 知足,让我们更积极向上。

Contentment makes us more positive.

37. 知足,让我们更乐观豁达。

Contentment makes us more optimistic and open-minded.

38. 知足,让我们更坚强勇敢。

Contentment makes us stronger and braver.

39. 知足,让我们更能面对挑战。

Contentment makes us more able to face challenges.

40. 知足,让我们更能享受生活。

Contentment makes us more able to enjoy life.


41. 知足,让我们内心平静。

Contentment brings peace to our minds.

42. 知足,让我们不再焦虑不安。

Contentment makes us no longer anxious and restless.

43. 知足,让我们更能享受宁静。

Contentment makes us more able to enjoy tranquility.

44. 知足,让我们更能找到生命的真谛。

Contentment makes us more able to find the true meaning of life.

45. 知足,让我们更能感受到幸福。

Contentment makes us more able to feel happiness.


46. 知足,拥有了幸福。

Contentment possesses happiness.

47. 知足,是通往幸福的钥匙。

Contentment is the key to happiness.

48. 知足,是幸福的源泉。

Contentment is the source of happiness.

49. 知足,是幸福的秘诀。

Contentment is the secret to happiness.

50. 知足,让我们拥有真正的幸福。

Contentment allows us to possess true happiness.


51. 平凡的生活,也有它独特的魅力。

Ordinary life has its own unique charm.

52. 平凡的日子,也能过得精彩纷呈。

Even ordinary days can be lived in a colorful way.

53. 平凡的人生,也能创造非凡的价值。

Even an ordinary life can create extraordinary value.

54. 平凡的幸福,是生命中最珍贵的礼物。

Ordinary happiness is the most precious gift in life.

55. 平凡中蕴藏着无限的可能。

There are infinite possibilities hidden in the ordinary.


56. 简单的生活,最能体现知足常乐。

A simple life best reflects contentment and joy.

57. 知足,让我们更懂得享受简单的生活。

Contentment makes us more able to appreciate the simple life.

58. 简单的生活,也能充满幸福。

Even a simple life can be filled with happiness.

59. 知足,让我们更珍惜简单的生活。

Contentment makes us more cherishing of the simple life.

60. 简单的生活,是人生的另一种精彩。

A simple life is another kind of splendor in life.


61. 知足,让我们更珍惜拥有的一切。

Contentment makes us more cherish what we have.

62. 知足,让我们懂得感恩。

Contentment teaches us to be grateful.

63. 知足,让我们更能感受到幸福。

Contentment makes us more able to feel happiness.

64. 知足,让我们更能享受生活。

Contentment makes us more able to enjoy life.

65. 知足,让我们活得更充实,更快乐。

Contentment makes us live more fulfilling and happier lives.


66. 知足,是心灵的富足。

Contentment is the richness of the soul.

67. 知足,让我们拥有内心的平静。

Contentment gives us inner peace.

68. 知足,让我们更能感受到生命的真谛。

Contentment makes us more able to feel the true meaning of life.

69. 知足,让我们活得更轻松,更快乐。

Contentment makes us live easier and happier.

70. 知足,让我们更能享受人生的乐趣。

Contentment makes us more able to enjoy the joys of life.


71. 知足,是人生的意义所在。

Contentment is the meaning of life.

72. 知足,让我们活得更充实,更有意义。

Contentment makes us live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

73. 知足,让我们更能体会生命的价值。

Contentment makes us more able to appreciate the value of life.

74. 知足,是人生的智慧,也是幸福的源泉。

Contentment is the wisdom of life, but also the source of happiness.

75. 知足,让我们更能找到人生的真谛。

Contentment makes us more able to find the true meaning of life.


76. 知足,让我们不求完美。

Contentment makes us not seek perfection.

77. 知足,让我们更能接受不完美。

Contentment makes us more able to accept imperfection.

78. 知足,让我们活得更轻松,更快乐。

Contentment makes us live easier and happier.

79. 知足,让我们更能享受人生的乐趣。

Contentment makes us more able to enjoy the joys of life.

80. 知足,让我们更能体会生命的价值。

Contentment makes us more able to appreciate the value of life.


81. 知足,是幸福的真谛。

Contentment is the true meaning of happiness.

82. 知足,让我们更能感受到幸福。

Contentment makes us more able to feel happiness.

83. 知足,让我们更能享受幸福。

Contentment makes us more able to enjoy happiness.

84. 知足,让我们拥有真正的幸福。

Contentment allows us to possess true happiness.

85. 知足,是通往幸福的道路。

Contentment is the path to happiness.


86. 知足常乐,是人生的真谛。

Contentment and joy are the true meaning of life.

87. 知足,让我们活得更快乐,更充实。

Contentment makes us live happier and more fulfilling lives.

88. 知足,是通往幸福的唯一途径。

Contentment is the only way to happiness.

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