
## 疗愈你的内在小孩句子 (63句)

1. 我允许自己感受到所有情绪,无论它们是快乐还是悲伤。

2. 我爱护我的内在小孩,就像我爱护任何一个孩子一样。

3. 我原谅自己过去犯的所有错误。

4. 我值得被爱和被尊重。

5. 我有能力克服任何挑战。

6. 我允许自己感到快乐和自由。

7. 我值得拥有美好的生活。

8. 我相信自己,我相信我的能力。

9. 我值得被照顾,被保护,被理解。

10. 我允许自己犯错,从错误中学习,并继续前进。

11. 我是安全的,我被爱着,我被支持着。

12. 我值得拥有爱,快乐和幸福。

13. 我选择原谅自己,选择释放过去。

14. 我允许自己表达我的感受,无论它们是什么。

15. 我值得拥有安全感和稳定感。

16. 我允许自己享受生活,享受快乐。

17. 我值得被听到,被理解,被重视。

18. 我允许自己变得脆弱,并寻求帮助时。

19. 我值得拥有自信和勇气。

20. 我允许自己犯错,并从中学习。

21. 我值得拥有梦想,并为之奋斗。

22. 我选择原谅那些伤害过我的人,包括我自己。

23. 我允许自己感到平静和放松。

24. 我值得拥有一个充满爱和快乐的家。

25. 我相信自己能够创造美好的未来。

26. 我允许自己感受悲伤,并从中成长。

27. 我值得拥有一个健康的和快乐的关系。

28. 我允许自己表达我的创造力和想象力。

29. 我值得被欣赏和被尊重。

30. 我允许自己感到愤怒,并以健康的方式表达它。

31. 我值得拥有一个有意义的人生。

32. 我选择关注积极的一面,并相信美好将会发生。

33. 我允许自己休息和放松。

34. 我值得拥有一个安全和舒适的环境。

35. 我相信自己能够克服恐惧和焦虑。

36. 我允许自己追求自己的兴趣和爱好。

37. 我值得拥有一个充满爱和支持的朋友圈。

38. 我选择关注自己的需求和愿望。

39. 我允许自己感到喜悦和幸福。

40. 我值得拥有一个健康的和平衡的生活方式。

41. 我选择关注自己的优势和才能。

42. 我允许自己感到感激和满足。

43. 我值得拥有一个充满希望和梦想的未来。

44. 我选择关注自己的目标和梦想。

45. 我允许自己感到和平和宁静。

46. 我值得拥有一个充满爱和欢笑的家。

47. 我选择关注自己的成长和发展。

48. 我允许自己感到自信和力量。

49. 我值得拥有一个充满意义和价值的人生。

50. 我选择关注自己的内心声音和直觉。

51. 我允许自己感到快乐和兴奋。

52. 我值得拥有一个充满爱和支持的家庭。

53. 我选择关注自己的健康和福祉。

54. 我允许自己感到自由和独立。

55. 我值得拥有一个充满成就感和满足感的人生。

56. 我选择关注自己的才能和潜力。

57. 我允许自己感到勇敢和无畏。

58. 我值得拥有一个充满希望和梦想的未来。

59. 我选择关注自己的目标和愿景。

60. 我允许自己感到平静和祥和。

61. 我值得拥有一个充满爱和快乐的家。

62. 我选择关注自己的成长和发展。

63. 我允许自己感到自信和力量。

## 英文翻译

1. I allow myself to feel all my emotions, whether they are happy or sad.

2. I care for my inner child as much as I would care for any child.

3. I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made in the past.

4. I am worthy of love and respect.

5. I am capable of overcoming any challenge.

6. I allow myself to feel happy and free.

7. I deserve to have a good life.

8. I believe in myself, and I believe in my abilities.

9. I deserve to be taken care of, protected, and understood.

10. I allow myself to make mistakes, learn from them, and move on.

11. I am safe, I am loved, and I am supported.

12. I deserve love, joy, and happiness.

13. I choose to forgive myself and release the past.

14. I allow myself to express my feelings, no matter what they are.

15. I deserve to feel safe and secure.

16. I allow myself to enjoy life and experience joy.

17. I deserve to be heard, understood, and valued.

18. I allow myself to be vulnerable and to ask for help when I need it.

19. I deserve to have confidence and courage.

20. I allow myself to make mistakes and learn from them.

21. I deserve to have dreams and to strive for them.

22. I choose to forgive those who have hurt me, including myself.

23. I allow myself to feel calm and relaxed.

24. I deserve to have a loving and happy home.

25. I believe that I can create a wonderful future for myself.

26. I allow myself to feel sadness and to grow from it.

27. I deserve to have a healthy and happy relationship.

28. I allow myself to express my creativity and imagination.

29. I deserve to be appreciated and respected.

30. I allow myself to feel anger and to express it in a healthy way.

31. I deserve to have a meaningful life.

32. I choose to focus on the positive and to believe that good things will happen.

33. I allow myself to rest and relax.

34. I deserve to have a safe and comfortable environment.

35. I believe that I can overcome fear and anxiety.

36. I allow myself to pursue my interests and hobbies.

37. I deserve to have a loving and supportive circle of friends.

38. I choose to pay attention to my needs and desires.

39. I allow myself to feel joy and happiness.

40. I deserve to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

41. I choose to focus on my strengths and talents.

42. I allow myself to feel gratitude and contentment.

43. I deserve to have a future filled with hope and dreams.

44. I choose to focus on my goals and dreams.

45. I allow myself to feel peace and tranquility.

46. I deserve to have a home filled with love and laughter.

47. I choose to focus on my growth and development.

48. I allow myself to feel confident and powerful.

49. I deserve to have a life filled with meaning and purpose.

50. I choose to pay attention to my inner voice and intuition.

51. I allow myself to feel happy and excited.

52. I deserve to have a loving and supportive family.

53. I choose to focus on my health and well-being.

54. I allow myself to feel free and independent.

55. I deserve to have a life filled with accomplishment and fulfillment.

56. I choose to focus on my talents and potential.

57. I allow myself to feel brave and fearless.

58. I deserve to have a future filled with hope and dreams.

59. I choose to focus on my goals and visions.

60. I allow myself to feel peaceful and serene.

61. I deserve to have a home filled with love and happiness.

62. I choose to focus on my growth and development.

63. I allow myself to feel confident and powerful.

以上就是关于疗愈你的内在小孩句子63句(疗愈你的内在小孩句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
