
## 卖火柴的小女孩精彩句子 77 句及英文翻译

**1. 凛冽的寒风像刀子一样割着她的脸颊。**

The biting wind cut into her cheeks like a knife.

**2. 她赤着双脚,冻得通红,像两块冰块。**

Her bare feet were red with cold, like two blocks of ice.

**3. 她的头发蓬乱不堪,像鸟窝一样。**

Her hair was unkempt and tangled, like a bird's nest.

**4. 她瘦弱的身躯瑟瑟发抖,像风中的树叶一样。**

Her frail body trembled, like a leaf in the wind.

**5. 她的小手冻得僵硬,几乎握不住火柴。**

Her small hands were frozen stiff, and she could barely hold the matches.

**6. 她渴望着一丝温暖,一丝光明,一丝希望。**

She yearned for a touch of warmth, a flicker of light, a spark of hope.

**7. 她拖着沉重的步伐,走过喧闹的街道。**

She dragged her heavy feet through the bustling streets.

**8. 她看到人们脸上洋溢着欢乐,心中却充满了悲伤。**

She saw the joy on people's faces, but her heart was filled with sorrow.

**9. 她看到孩子们在欢快的玩耍,却只能独自忍受寒冷。**

She saw children playing happily, but she had to endure the cold alone.

**10. 她看到人们围着炉火取暖,却只能站在寒风中瑟瑟发抖。**

She saw people gathered around fires, warming themselves, but she had to stand in the cold wind, shivering.

**11. 她的肚子在抗议着饥饿,但她的心却充满了希望。**

Her stomach protested with hunger, but her heart was filled with hope.

**12. 她看到一家窗台上放着闪闪发光的圣诞树,心中充满了羡慕。**

She saw a sparkling Christmas tree on a windowsill, and her heart filled with envy.

**13. 她想,如果她也能像那些孩子一样,拥有一个温暖的家,一个幸福的家庭。**

She thought, if only she could have a warm home, a loving family, like those children.

**14. 她想,如果她也能像那些大人一样,拥有一份工作,一份稳定的收入。**

She thought, if only she could have a job, a steady income, like those adults.

**15. 她想,如果她也能像那些老人一样,拥有一个舒适的床,一个温暖的被窝。**

She thought, if only she could have a comfortable bed, a warm blanket, like those old people.

**16. 她想,如果她也能像那些富人一样,拥有一件漂亮的新衣服,一双温暖的靴子。**

She thought, if only she could have a beautiful new dress, warm boots, like those rich people.

**17. 她想,如果她也能像那些天使一样,拥有美丽的天使翅膀,飞翔在天堂。**

She thought, if only she could have beautiful angel wings, and fly to heaven, like those angels.

**18. 她点燃了一根火柴,照亮了昏暗的街道。**

She lit a match, illuminating the dark street.

**19. 火柴的光芒温暖了她的手掌,也温暖了她的心。**

The match's light warmed her palm, and her heart.

**20. 她看到了一个温暖的炉火,火炉上烤着香喷喷的烤鸡。**

She saw a warm fireplace, with a delicious roast chicken cooking on it.

**21. 她仿佛看到了她慈祥的奶奶,奶奶慈祥的笑容,温暖了她的心。**

She almost saw her loving grandmother, her grandmother's kind smile warmed her heart.

**22. 她点燃了第二根火柴,照亮了周围的墙壁。**

She lit a second match, illuminating the surrounding walls.

**23. 她看到了一个盛大的圣诞晚餐,桌子上摆满了美味佳肴。**

She saw a grand Christmas dinner, with delicious food on the table.

**24. 她仿佛听到了家人欢快的笑声,笑声充满了温暖,充满了爱。**

She almost heard her family's cheerful laughter, laughter full of warmth, full of love.

**25. 她点燃了第三根火柴,照亮了夜空。**

She lit a third match, illuminating the night sky.

**26. 她看到了美丽的圣诞树,树上挂满了闪闪发光的彩灯。**

She saw a beautiful Christmas tree, adorned with sparkling lights.

**27. 她仿佛看到了许多美丽的玩具,玩具充满了欢乐,充满了幸福。**

She almost saw many beautiful toys, toys full of joy, full of happiness.

**28. 她点燃了第四根火柴,照亮了她的脸庞。**

She lit a fourth match, illuminating her face.

**29. 她看到了她最喜欢的玩具熊,玩具熊穿着红色的衣服,看起来很可爱。**

She saw her favorite teddy bear, dressed in red, looking very cute.

**30. 她仿佛听到了玩具熊对她说话,玩具熊的声音充满了爱,充满了温暖。**

She almost heard the teddy bear talking to her, the bear's voice was full of love, full of warmth.

**31. 她点燃了第五根火柴,照亮了整个街道。**

She lit a fifth match, illuminating the entire street.

**32. 她看到了她的父母,父母的脸上充满了慈祥的笑容,眼中充满了爱意。**

She saw her parents, their faces full of kind smiles, their eyes full of love.

**33. 她仿佛听到了父母对她说话,父母的声音充满了关怀,充满了温柔。**

She almost heard her parents talking to her, their voices full of concern, full of tenderness.

**34. 她点燃了第六根火柴,照亮了整个城市。**

She lit a sixth match, illuminating the entire city.

**35. 她看到了美丽的天使,天使的翅膀闪闪发光,天使的脸上充满了慈爱。**

She saw beautiful angels, their wings sparkling, their faces full of love.

**36. 她仿佛听到了天使对她说话,天使的声音充满了希望,充满了光明。**

She almost heard the angels talking to her, their voices full of hope, full of light.

**37. 她点燃了最后一根火柴,照亮了整个世界。**

She lit her last match, illuminating the entire world.

**38. 她看到了她自己,她不再是一个孤苦伶仃的小女孩,而是一个幸福的天使。**

She saw herself, no longer a lonely little girl, but a happy angel.

**39. 她笑着闭上了眼睛,心中充满了幸福,充满了温暖。**

She smiled and closed her eyes, her heart filled with happiness, filled with warmth.

**40. 她知道,她永远不会再寒冷,永远不会再孤单。**

She knew, she would never be cold again, never be lonely again.

**41. 她知道,她将会在天堂与她的奶奶团聚,他们将永远幸福地生活在一起。**

She knew, she would be reunited with her grandmother in heaven, and they would live happily ever after.

**42. 她的生命虽然短暂,但却充满了希望,充满了爱。**

Her life, though short, was full of hope, full of love.

**43. 她用自己微弱的光芒,照亮了黑暗的世界。**

With her faint light, she illuminated the dark world.

**44. 她用自己纯洁的爱,温暖了冰冷的寒冬。**

With her pure love, she warmed the icy winter.

**45. 她用自己勇敢的心,战胜了生活的苦难。**

With her brave heart, she overcame life's hardships.

**46. 她用自己无私的爱,温暖了每一个人的心。**

With her selfless love, she warmed everyone's hearts.

**47. 她虽然贫穷,但她却拥有最宝贵的财富,那就是爱。**

Though she was poor, she had the most valuable treasure, that is love.

**48. 她虽然渺小,但她却拥有巨大的力量,那就是希望。**

Though she was small, she had great power, that is hope.

**49. 她虽然弱小,但她却拥有坚定的意志,那就是爱。**

Though she was weak, she had a firm will, that is love.

**50. 她虽然孤独,但她却拥有温暖的内心,那就是爱。**

Though she was lonely, she had a warm heart, that is love.

**51. 她虽然无助,但她却拥有坚强的精神,那就是爱。**

Though she was helpless, she had a strong spirit, that is love.

**52. 她虽然贫困,但她却拥有丰富的内心,那就是爱。**

Though she was poor, she had a rich heart, that is love.

**53. 她虽然卑微,但她却拥有高贵的灵魂,那就是爱。**

Though she was humble, she had a noble soul, that is love.

**54. 她虽然不幸,但她却拥有美好的梦想,那就是爱。**

Though she was unfortunate, she had beautiful dreams, that is love.

**55. 她虽然可怜,但她却拥有坚强的内心,那就是爱。**

Though she was pitiful, she had a strong heart, that is love.

**56. 她虽然无依无靠,但她却拥有坚定的信念,那就是爱。**

Though she was helpless, she had a firm belief, that is love.

**57. 她虽然一无所有,但她却拥有最珍贵的财富,那就是爱。**

Though she had nothing, she had the most precious treasure, that is love.

**58. 她虽然被遗忘,但她却拥有永恒的生命,那就是爱。**

Though she was forgotten, she had eternal life, that is love.

**59. 她虽然死了,但她却永远活在我们心中,那就是爱。**

Though she died, she will forever live in our hearts, that is love.

**60. 她用自己的生命,诠释了爱的真谛。**

She used her life to interpret the meaning of love.

**61. 她用自己的故事,感动了无数的人。**

She used her story to touch countless people.

**62. 她用自己的灵魂,照亮了黑暗的世界。**

She used her soul to illuminate the dark world.

**63. 她用自己的生命,证明了爱是战胜一切的力量。**

She used her life to prove that love is the power to overcome everything.

**64. 她虽然离开了,但她留下的爱却永远存在。**

Though she is gone, the love she left behind will forever remain.

**65. 她虽然死了,但她却永远活在我们心中,她的爱永远不会消失。**

Though she died, she will forever live in our hearts, her love will never disappear.

**66. 她用自己的生命,教会了我们爱的真谛。**

She used her life to teach us the meaning of love.

**67. 她用自己的故事,告诉我们爱可以战胜一切。**

She used her story to tell us that love can overcome everything.

**68. 她用自己的灵魂,感动着我们每一个人。**

She used her soul to touch each and every one of us.

**69. 她用自己的生命,证明了爱是世界上最伟大的力量。**

She used her life to prove that love is the greatest power in the world.

**70. 她虽然走了,但她的爱永远留在了人间。**

Though she is gone, her love will forever remain on Earth.

**71. 她用自己的生命,创造了永恒的奇迹。**

She used her life to create eternal miracles.

**72. 她用自己的故事,告诉我们每个人都可以成为天使。**

She used her story to tell us that everyone can be an angel.

**73. 她用自己的灵魂,温暖了整个世界。**

She used her soul to warm the entire world.

**74. 她用自己的生命,证明了爱可以改变世界。**

She used her life to prove that love can change the world.

**75. 她虽然死了,但她却永远活在我们心中,她的爱永远不会消失。**

Though she died, she will forever live in our hearts, her love will never disappear.

**76. 她用自己的故事,告诉我们即使是最微弱的光芒,也能照亮黑暗的世界。**

She used her story to tell us that even the faintest light can illuminate the dark world.

**77. 她用自己的生命,诠释了爱的力量,也教会了我们希望的意义。**

She used her life to interpret the power of love, and also taught us the meaning of hope.

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