
## 南乡子重点句子(84句)及英文翻译

**1. 暮雨潇潇江上村, **

The evening rain falls on the village by the river.

**2. 路绕行人去不闻。 **

The road winds and the travelers are gone, unheard.

**3. 几处早莺争暖树, **

A few early orioles vie for warmth in the trees.

**4. 谁家新燕啄春泥?**

Whose new swallow pecks at the spring mud?

**5. 闲来垂钓碧溪上, **

Leisurely I cast my line on the blue creek.

**6. 忽觉春风拂面来。**

Suddenly, I feel the spring breeze brushing my face.

**7. 山外青山楼外楼, **

Beyond the mountain, there are more mountains, and beyond the tower, there are more towers.

**8. 西湖歌舞几时休?**

When will the songs and dances of West Lake cease?

**9. 暖风熏得游人醉, **

The warm wind intoxicates the travelers.

**10. 直把杭州作汴州。**

They simply mistake Hangzhou for Bianzhou.

**11. 空山新雨后, **

After the rain in the empty mountains,

**12. 天气晚来秋。**

The weather turns autumnal late in the day.

**13. 明月松间照, **

The bright moon shines through the pines,

**14. 清泉石上流。**

And clear springs flow over the rocks.

**15. 竹外桃花三两枝, **

Beyond the bamboo, three or two branches of peach blossoms,

**16. 春江水暖鸭先知。**

The ducks know first that the spring river water is warm.

**17. 云淡风轻近午天, **

The clouds are thin and the wind is light, near noon,

**18. 傍花随柳过前川。**

I follow the flowers and willows, passing through the fields.

**19. 千里莺啼绿映红, **

The oriole sings a thousand miles, green reflects red,

**20. 水村山郭酒旗风。**

In the water villages and mountain towns, the wine flags flutter in the wind.

**21. 残雪压枝犹未融, **

The remaining snow weighs on the branches, still unmelted,

**22. 早莺争暖树林空。**

Early orioles vie for warmth in the empty forest.

**23. 塞下秋风吹木叶, **

The autumn wind blows the leaves from the trees on the frontier,

**24. 城头落日照边关。**

The setting sun shines on the frontier fortress.

**25. 山河破碎风飘絮, **

Mountains and rivers are broken, the wind scatters like fluff,

**26. 身世飘零雨打萍。**

My life is like a drifting duckweed, battered by the rain.

**27. 满目山河空念远, **

My eyes fill with the vast land and I long for the distance,

**28. 落花流水更无情。**

The falling flowers and flowing water are even more heartless.

**29. 几日雨晴春事早, **

A few days of sunshine after the rain, spring comes early,

**30. 桃花李花满山头。**

Peach blossoms and plum blossoms fill the mountaintops.

**31. 小楼一夜听春雨, **

In the small tower, I listen to the spring rain all night,

**32. 深巷明朝卖杏花。**

And tomorrow, in the deep alleys, they will be selling apricot blossoms.

**33. 夜来风雨声, **

The sound of wind and rain last night,

**34. 花落知多少?**

How many flowers have fallen?

**35. 寒雨连江夜入吴, **

The cold rain, joining the river, enters Wu at night,

**36. 平明送客楚山孤。**

At daybreak, I send off guests, alone on the Chu Mountain.

**37. 醉卧沙场君莫笑, **

Don't laugh at me, drunk on the battlefield,

**38. 古来征战几人回?**

How many have returned from ancient wars?

**39. 羌笛何须怨杨柳, **

The barbarian flute, why need it complain of willows?

**40. 春风不度玉门关。**

The spring wind does not pass through the Jade Gate Pass.

**41. 落日照大漠, **

The setting sun shines on the vast desert,

**42. 秋风吹战鼓。**

The autumn wind blows on the war drums.

**43. 孤城落日斗西风, **

The lonely city, at sunset, fights against the west wind,

**44. 残照汉家陵阙。**

The fading light shines on the Han dynasty tombs.

**45. 塞外风云卷地来, **

Wind and clouds from the frontier roll in,

**46. 城头铁鼓声如雷。**

The iron drums on the city walls thunder.

**47. 长亭外, **

Outside the long pavilion,

**48. 古道边, **

By the ancient road,

**49. 芳草碧连天。**

The green grass stretches endlessly.

**50. 晚风拂柳笛声残, **

The evening wind blows through the willows, the flute sound fades,

**51. 夕阳山外山。**

The setting sun shines on mountains beyond mountains.

**52. 人生自古谁无死, **

Since ancient times, who has not died?

**53. 留取丹心照汗青。**

Let me leave behind a heart of red to shine in history.

**54. 夜雨剪春韭, **

The night rain cuts the spring chives,

**55. 新炊间黄粱。**

And new rice cooks in the pot.

**56. 山重水复疑无路, **

Mountains and waters endlessly, seeming no way out,

**57. 柳暗花明又一村。**

Willow shade, flowers bright, another village appears.

**58. 衣带渐宽终不悔, **

My belt grows looser, yet I have no regrets,

**59. 为伊消得人憔悴。**

For her, I have grown pale and thin.

**60. 春风得意马蹄疾, **

In the spring wind, I am successful and my horse gallops fast,

**61. 一日看尽长安花。**

In a single day, I see all the flowers of Chang'an.

**62. 月上柳梢头, **

The moon rises above the willow branches,

**63. 人约黄昏后。**

We have a date after dusk.

**64. 天涯何处无芳草, **

Where under heaven is there no fragrant grass?

**65. 只缘身在此山中。**

It's just because I am in these mountains.

**66. 十年生死两茫茫, **

Ten years of life and death, we wander in the mist,

**67. 不思量,自难忘。**

Though I don't think of you, I cannot forget.

**68. 红豆生南国, **

Red beans grow in the south,

**69. 春来发几枝?**

How many branches sprout in spring?

**70. 愿君多采撷, **

May you gather many,

**71. 此物最相思。**

This is the thing that best symbolizes longing.

**72. 何当共剪西窗烛, **

When shall we together trim the candle in the west window,

**73. 却话巴山夜雨时。**

And talk of the night rain on Mount Ba during our separation?

**74. 水调歌头, **

The Water Tune Song Head,

**75. 明月几时有?**

When will the bright moon appear?

**76. 把酒问青天。**

Holding my wine, I ask the blue sky.

**77. 不知天上宫阙, **

I don't know the palaces in the sky,

**78. 今夕是何年?**

What year is this tonight?**79. 我欲乘风归去, **

I want to ride the wind and return,

**80. 又恐琼楼玉宇, **

But I fear that the jade palaces and jade buildings,

**81. 高处不胜寒。**

Will be too cold for me in the heights.

**82. 起舞弄清影, **

I dance and play with the clear shadow,

**83. 何似在人间?**

How can it compare to being among humans?

**84. 但愿人长久, **

May we all live long,

**85. 千里共婵娟。**

And share the beauty of the moon from afar.

**Note:** This list provides a selection of key sentences from different 南乡子 poems. Not all 南乡子 poems use these specific phrases, and some poems may contain other significant lines. The English translations are provided as a guide and may not be literal translations, but aim to convey the meaning and imagery of the original Chinese.

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