
## 电线上鸟窝句子,62句

**1. 电线杆上,一只鸟窝静静地筑在最顶端,像一颗小小的星星,闪烁着生命的希望。**

On the top of the electric pole, a bird's nest sits quietly, like a small star, twinkling with the hope of life.

**2. 阳光下,鸟窝在电线上投下淡淡的阴影,仿佛在诉说着一段关于生命的传奇。**

Under the sunshine, the bird's nest casts a faint shadow on the power line, as if telling a legend about life.

**3. 清晨,鸟窝里传来清脆的鸟鸣声,那是生命在电线杆上奏响的晨曲。**

In the morning, a clear bird song comes from the nest, it is the morning song that life plays on the electric pole.

**4. 电线杆上的鸟窝,见证了城市日新月异的变化,也见证了生命的顽强与坚韧。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole has witnessed the rapid changes of the city and the tenacity of life.

**5. 细细的电线上,鸟窝像一颗珍珠,点缀着这灰色的城市,也点缀着人们的生活。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest is like a pearl, decorating the gray city and people's lives.

**6. 电线杆上的鸟窝,仿佛是城市中的一抹绿色,为钢筋水泥的丛林增添了一丝生机。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is like a touch of green in the city, adding a touch of life to the jungle of steel and concrete.

**7. 傍晚,夕阳余晖洒落在鸟窝上,仿佛为它披上了一层金色的外衣。**

In the evening, the setting sun casts its afterglow on the bird's nest, as if cloaking it in a golden garment.

**8. 鸟窝在电线杆上摇摇欲坠,却依然坚守着自己的家园,守护着生命的传承。**

The bird's nest is precariously perched on the electric pole, yet it still holds fast to its home and protects the legacy of life.

**9. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与城市和谐共处的象征。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a symbol of harmony between nature and the city.

**10. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的希望,也承载着人们对美好生活的向往。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the hope of life, as well as people's yearning for a better life.

**11. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生命可以战胜一切困难,在任何地方都能找到自己的家园。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life can overcome all difficulties and find its home anywhere.

**12. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一道风景线,吸引着人们驻足观赏,感受生命的奇妙。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a scenic spot in the city, attracting people to stop and admire the wonders of life.

**13. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的重量,也承载着人们对未来的期盼。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the weight of life, as well as people's expectations for the future.

**14. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹亮色,为人们的生活增添了一份温暖。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of color in the city, adding warmth to people's lives.

**15. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要勇气,需要勇敢地面对一切挑战。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs courage and the bravery to face all challenges.

**16. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的力量,是自然与人类和谐共处的见证。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is the power of life, a testament to the harmony between nature and humanity.

**17. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的梦想,也承载着人们对幸福的追求。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the dreams of life, as well as people's pursuit of happiness.

**18. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹绿色,为人们的生活增添了一份希望。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of green in the city, adding hope to people's lives.

**19. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要智慧,需要用自己的智慧创造美好的未来。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs wisdom and the use of one's wisdom to create a brighter future.

**20. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的美好,是自然与人类和谐共处的体现。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is the beauty of life, a manifestation of the harmony between nature and humanity.

**21. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的奇迹,也承载着人们对未来的期许。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the miracles of life, as well as people's expectations for the future.

**22. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹亮色,为人们的生活增添了一份生机。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of color in the city, adding vitality to people's lives.

**23. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要坚持,需要用自己的坚持创造美好的明天。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs persistence and the use of one's persistence to create a brighter tomorrow.

**24. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的体现。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a manifestation of the harmony between nature and humanity.

**25. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的希望,也承载着人们对未来的憧憬。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the hope of life, as well as people's dreams for the future.

**26. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹绿色,为人们的生活增添了一份宁静。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of green in the city, adding tranquility to people's lives.

**27. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要乐观,需要用自己的乐观战胜一切困难。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs optimism and the use of one's optimism to overcome all difficulties.

**28. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的象征。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a symbol of harmony between nature and humanity.

**29. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的梦想,也承载着人们对未来的向往。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the dreams of life, as well as people's yearning for the future.

**30. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹亮色,为人们的生活增添了一份美好。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of color in the city, adding beauty to people's lives.

**31. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要爱,需要用自己的爱温暖这个世界。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs love and the use of one's love to warm the world.

**32. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的体现。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a manifestation of the harmony between nature and humanity.

**33. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的重量,也承载着人们对未来的期盼。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the weight of life, as well as people's expectations for the future.

**34. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹绿色,为人们的生活增添了一份生机。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of green in the city, adding vitality to people's lives.

**35. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要勇气,需要勇敢地面对一切挑战。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs courage and the bravery to face all challenges.

**36. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的象征。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a symbol of harmony between nature and humanity.

**37. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的希望,也承载着人们对未来的憧憬。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the hope of life, as well as people's dreams for the future.

**38. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹亮色,为人们的生活增添了一份美好。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of color in the city, adding beauty to people's lives.

**39. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要坚持,需要用自己的坚持创造美好的明天。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs persistence and the use of one's persistence to create a brighter tomorrow.

**40. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的体现。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a manifestation of the harmony between nature and humanity.

**41. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的梦想,也承载着人们对未来的向往。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the dreams of life, as well as people's yearning for the future.

**42. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹绿色,为人们的生活增添了一份生机。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of green in the city, adding vitality to people's lives.

**43. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要爱,需要用自己的爱温暖这个世界。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs love and the use of one's love to warm the world.

**44. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的体现。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a manifestation of the harmony between nature and humanity.

**45. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的希望,也承载着人们对未来的憧憬。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the hope of life, as well as people's dreams for the future.

**46. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹亮色,为人们的生活增添了一份美好。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of color in the city, adding beauty to people's lives.

**47. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要智慧,需要用自己的智慧创造美好的未来。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs wisdom and the use of one's wisdom to create a brighter future.

**48. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的象征。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a symbol of harmony between nature and humanity.

**49. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的重量,也承载着人们对未来的期盼。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the weight of life, as well as people's expectations for the future.

**50. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹绿色,为人们的生活增添了一份宁静。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of green in the city, adding tranquility to people's lives.

**51. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要乐观,需要用自己的乐观战胜一切困难。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs optimism and the use of one's optimism to overcome all difficulties.

**52. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的体现。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a manifestation of the harmony between nature and humanity.

**53. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的梦想,也承载着人们对未来的向往。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the dreams of life, as well as people's yearning for the future.

**54. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹亮色,为人们的生活增添了一份美好。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of color in the city, adding beauty to people's lives.

**55. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要爱,需要用自己的爱温暖这个世界。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs love and the use of one's love to warm the world.

**56. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的体现。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a manifestation of the harmony between nature and humanity.

**57. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的希望,也承载着人们对未来的憧憬。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the hope of life, as well as people's dreams for the future.

**58. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹亮色,为人们的生活增添了一份美好。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of color in the city, adding beauty to people's lives.

**59. 鸟儿在电线杆上筑巢,仿佛在告诉人们,生活需要坚持,需要用自己的坚持创造美好的明天。**

Birds build their nests on electric poles, as if telling people that life needs persistence and the use of one's persistence to create a brighter tomorrow.

**60. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是生命的奇迹,是自然与人类和谐共处的体现。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a miracle of life, a manifestation of the harmony between nature and humanity.

**61. 细细的电线上,鸟窝承载着生命的梦想,也承载着人们对未来的向往。**

On the thin power lines, the bird's nest carries the dreams of life, as well as people's yearning for the future.

**62. 电线杆上的鸟窝,是城市中的一抹绿色,为人们的生活增添了一份生机。**

The bird's nest on the electric pole is a touch of green in the city, adding vitality to people's lives.

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