
## 申论结尾万能句子 (92句)


1. 综上所述,**只有**(措施一)**,才能**(目标一)**;只有**(措施二)**,才能**(目标二)**;只有**(措施三)**,才能**(目标三)**,最终实现**(最终目标)**。
2. 一言以蔽之,**解决**(问题)**的关键在于**(措施)**,只有这样,才能**(目标)**。
3. 总而言之,**要**(目标)**,就必须**(措施)**,只有这样,才能**(最终目标)**。
4. 由此可见,**要**(目标)**,需要**(措施一)**,更需要**(措施二)**,才能**(最终目标)**。
5. **通过以上分析,我们不难看出**(问题本质),**只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**。
6. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,这才是**(解决问题的根本)**。
7. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(社会和谐发展)**。
8. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(人民幸福安康)**。
9. **唯有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦)**。
10. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(建设社会主义现代化强国)**。
11. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化)**。
12. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(实现高质量发展)**。
13. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(促进社会公平正义)**。
14. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(推动共同富裕)**。
15. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(构建人类命运共同体)**。
16. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(实现中华民族伟大复兴)**。


17. **展望未来,**(问题)**的解决需要**(措施)**,相信**(目标)**定能实现。
18. **相信通过**(措施)**,**(问题)**将得到有效解决,**(目标)**将指日可待。
19. **相信在**(措施)**的指引下,**(目标)**定将实现,**(未来展望)**。
20. **让我们携手并进,**(措施)**,共创**(美好未来)**。
21. **让我们以更加积极的态度,**(措施)**,共同谱写**(美好未来)**的新篇章。
22. **让我们共同努力,**(措施)**,为实现**(目标)**而奋斗。
23. **让我们满怀信心,**(措施)**,**(目标)**的美好未来正等着我们去创造!
24. **让我们充满希望,**(措施)**,**(目标)**的美好明天一定会到来!


25. **让我们**(行动一)**,**(行动二)**,共同**(目标)**。
26. **让我们**(行动一)**,**(行动二)**,共同为**(目标)**贡献力量。
27. **让我们行动起来,**(措施)**,**(目标)**。
28. **让我们携手同行,**(措施)**,共创**(美好未来)**。
29. **让我们共同努力,**(措施)**,为实现**(目标)**而奋斗。
30. **让我们满怀信心,**(措施)**,**(目标)**的未来正在向我们招手!


31. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,这对于**(意义)**具有重大意义。
32. **实现**(目标)**,意义重大,**(意义阐述)**。
33. **解决**(问题)**,意义重大,**(意义阐述)**。
34. **促进**(目标)**,是**(意义)**的必然要求。
35. **实现**(目标)**,是**(意义)**的重要保障。
36. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,这对于**(意义)**具有深远影响。


37. **正如**(名言)**所说,**(分析名言)**,因此,**(措施)**。
38. **古人云:**(名言)**,**(分析名言)**,我们应**(措施)**。
39. **正如**(名人)**所说:**(名言)**,**(分析名言)**,因此,**(措施)**。
40. **正如**(名言)**所言,**(分析名言)**,我们要**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**。
41. **我们要牢记**(名言)**,**(分析名言)**,并**(措施)**。


42. **要**(目标)**,就如同**(比喻)**,需要**(措施)**,才能**(最终目标)**。
43. **实现**(目标)**,就像**(比喻)**,需要**(措施)**才能**(最终目标)**。
44. **解决**(问题)**,就好比**(比喻)**,需要**(措施)**才能**(最终目标)**。
45. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,就像**(比喻)**,才能**(最终目标)**。


46. **难道我们不应该**(措施)**吗?**
47. **难道我们不应该**(行动)**吗?**
48. **难道我们不应该为**(目标)**而努力吗?**
49. **难道我们不应该**(措施)**来解决**(问题)**吗?**
50. **难道我们不应该为**(目标)**贡献力量吗?**


51. **让我们共同行动起来,**(措施)**,共创**(美好未来)**。
52. **让我们携手并进,**(措施)**,为实现**(目标)**而奋斗!
53. **让我们共同努力,**(措施)**,共创**(美好未来)**!
54. **让我们共同行动,**(措施)**,为实现**(目标)**而努力!
55. **让我们一起**(措施)**,共创**(美好未来)**!


56. **一言以蔽之,**(措施)**是解决**(问题)**的关键所在。
57. **归根结底,**(措施)**才是**(目标)**的根本保障。
58. **最终而言,**(措施)**是实现**(目标)**的有效途径。
59. **总而言之,**(措施)**是实现**(目标)**的必然选择。
60. **一言蔽之,**(措施)**是实现**(目标)**的关键。


61. **尤其要强调的是,**(措施)**是实现**(目标)**的关键。
62. **必须重视**(措施)**,这是实现**(目标)**的重要前提。
63. **最重要的是要**(措施)**,这是实现**(目标)**的根本保证。
64. **重点在于**(措施)**,这是实现**(目标)**的关键环节。
65. **关键在于**(措施)**,这是实现**(目标)**的核心要素。


66. **时间不等人,**(措施)**刻不容缓。
67. **形势迫切,**(措施)**势在必行。
68. **时不我待,**(措施)**必须抓紧。
69. **刻不容缓,**(措施)**要立即行动。
70. **迫在眉睫,**(措施)**必须尽快实施。


71. **作为**(身份)**,我们有责任**(措施)**,为实现**(目标)**而努力。
72. **我们必须**(措施)**,这是**(身份)**的责任和担当。
73. **让我们共同肩负起**(责任)**,**(措施)**,共创**(美好未来)**。
74. **让我们以**(精神)**,**(措施)**,为实现**(目标)**而努力。
75. **让我们以**(行动)**,**(措施)**,为实现**(目标)**而奋斗!


76. **要实现**(目标)**,需要**(措施)**。
77. **要解决**(问题)**,必须**(措施)**。
78. **要**(目标)**,就必须**(措施)**。
79. **实现**(目标)**的关键在于**(措施)**。
80. **解决**(问题)**的关键在于**(措施)**。
81. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**。
82. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**。
83. **通过**(措施)**,可以有效地**(目标)**。
84. **采取**(措施)**,能够有效地**(目标)**。


85. **我们坚信,**(措施)**一定能**(目标)**!
86. **我们有信心,**(措施)**必将**(目标)**!
87. **我们决心,**(措施)**,为实现**(目标)**而奋斗!
88. **我们相信,**(措施)**定能**(目标)**!
89. **我们一定能够**(措施)**,**(目标)**!


90. **这是一个需要**(措施)**的时代,**(目标)**的未来等待我们去创造!
91. **让我们共同努力,**(措施)**,共创**(美好未来)**,实现**(目标)**!
92. **只有**(措施)**,才能**(目标)**,才能**(最终目标)**,才能**(实现中华民族伟大复兴)**!

## 英文翻译


1. In conclusion, **only by** (measure one) **can we achieve** (goal one); **only by** (measure two) **can we achieve** (goal two); **only by** (measure three) **can we achieve** (goal three), and finally realize (final goal).
2. In short, **the key to solving** (problem) **lies in** (measure). Only in this way can we (goal).
3. In summary, **to** (goal), **we must** (measure). Only then can we (final goal).
4. Therefore, **to achieve** (goal), **we need** (measure one) **and even more importantly, we need** (measure two) **in order to achieve** (final goal).
5. **Through the above analysis, it is not difficult to see that** (problem essence). **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal).
6. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal). This is the **fundamental solution to the problem**.
7. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (social harmony and development).
8. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (people's happiness and well-being).
9. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation).
10. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (the construction of a modern socialist country).
11. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (the modernization of the national governance system and capacity).
12. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (high-quality development).
13. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (social fairness and justice).
14. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (the promotion of common prosperity).
15. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (building a community with a shared future for mankind).
16. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal) **and ultimately achieve** (final goal), **leading to** (the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation).


17. **Looking ahead, the solution to** (problem) **requires** (measure), and we believe that (goal) will be achieved.
18. **We believe that through** (measure), **(problem) will be effectively solved, and (goal) will be within reach.**
19. **We believe that under the guidance of** (measure), **(goal) will surely be achieved, and (future outlook).**
20. **Let us work together, (measure), to create (a bright future).**
21. **Let us take a more proactive approach, (measure), to jointly write a new chapter in (a bright future).**
22. **Let us work together, (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal).**
23. **Let us be full of confidence, (measure), and the bright future of (goal) is waiting for us to create!**
24. **Let us be full of hope, (measure), and the bright tomorrow of (goal) will surely come!**


25. **Let us (action one), (action two), and together (goal).**
26. **Let us (action one), (action two), and together contribute to (goal).**
27. **Let us take action, (measure), (goal).**
28. **Let us walk hand in hand, (measure), to create (a bright future).**
29. **Let us work together, (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal).**
30. **Let us be full of confidence, (measure), and the future of (goal) is beckoning us!**


31. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal), which is of great significance for (meaning).
32. **The realization of** (goal) **is of great significance, (explanation of meaning).**
33. **Solving** (problem) **is of great significance, (explanation of meaning).**
34. **Promoting** (goal) **is a necessary requirement for (meaning).**
35. **The realization of** (goal) **is an important guarantee for (meaning).**
36. **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal), which has a profound impact on (meaning).


37. **As the saying goes: (proverb), (analysis of proverb). Therefore, (measure).**
38. **The ancients said: (proverb), (analysis of proverb). We should (measure).**
39. **As (famous person) said: (proverb), (analysis of proverb). Therefore, (measure).**
40. **As the saying goes: (proverb), (analysis of proverb). We must (measure) in order to achieve (goal).**
41. **We must remember (proverb), (analysis of proverb), and (measure).**


42. **To (goal) is like (metaphor), and we need (measure) to achieve (final goal).**
43. **Achieving (goal) is like (metaphor), and we need (measure) to achieve (final goal).**
44. **Solving (problem) is like (metaphor), and we need (measure) to achieve (final goal).**
45. **Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal), just like (metaphor), to achieve (final goal).**


46. **Shouldn't we (measure)?**
47. **Shouldn't we (action)?**
48. **Shouldn't we strive for (goal)?**
49. **Shouldn't we (measure) to solve (problem)?**
50. **Shouldn't we contribute to (goal)?**


51. **Let us take action together, (measure), to create (a bright future).**
52. **Let us work together, (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal)!**
53. **Let us work together, (measure), to create (a bright future)!**
54. **Let us take action together, (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal)!**
55. **Let's all (measure), to create (a bright future)!**


56. **In short, (measure) is the key to solving (problem).**
57. **Ultimately, (measure) is the fundamental guarantee for (goal).**
58. **In the end, (measure) is an effective way to achieve (goal).**
59. **In summary, (measure) is the inevitable choice for achieving (goal).**
60. **In short, (measure) is the key to achieving (goal).**


61. **It is particularly important to emphasize that (measure) is the key to achieving (goal).**
62. **We must pay attention to (measure), which is an important prerequisite for achieving (goal).**
63. **The most important thing is to (measure), which is the fundamental guarantee for achieving (goal).**
64. **The focus is on (measure), which is a key link in achieving (goal).**
65. **The key lies in (measure), which is a core element in achieving (goal).**


66. **Time waits for no one, (measure) is urgent.**
67. **The situation is urgent, (measure) is imperative.**
68. **Time is of the essence, (measure) must be taken quickly.**
69. **There is no time to lose, (measure) must be taken immediately.**
70. **It is imminent, (measure) must be implemented as soon as possible.**


71. **As (identity), we have the responsibility to (measure) and strive for the realization of (goal).**
72. **We must (measure), which is the responsibility and commitment of (identity).**
73. **Let us jointly shoulder (responsibility), (measure), and create (a bright future).**
74. **Let us (measure) with (spirit), to strive for the realization of (goal).**
75. **Let us (measure) with (action), to strive for the realization of (goal)!**


76. **To achieve (goal), we need (measure).**
77. **To solve (problem), we must (measure).**
78. **To (goal), we must (measure).**
79. **The key to achieving (goal) lies in (measure).**
80. **The key to solving (problem) lies in (measure).**
81. **Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal).**
82. **Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal).**
83. **Through (measure), we can effectively (goal).**
84. **Taking (measure) can effectively (goal).**


85. **We are confident that (measure) will surely achieve (goal)!**
86. **We are confident that (measure) will surely (goal)!**
87. **We are determined to (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal)!**
88. **We believe that (measure) will surely (goal)!**
89. **We will surely (measure) and (goal)!**


90. **This is an era that requires (measure), and the future of (goal) is waiting for us to create!**
91. **Let us work together, (measure), to create (a bright future) and achieve (goal)!**
92. **Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal), and ultimately achieve (final goal), and realize (the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation)!**

## HTML 格式


In conclusion, **only by** (measure one) **can we achieve** (goal one); **only by** (measure two) **can we achieve** (goal two); **only by** (measure three) **can we achieve** (goal three), and finally realize (final goal).

In short, **the key to solving** (problem) **lies in** (measure). Only in this way can we (goal).

In summary, **to** (goal), **we must** (measure). Only then can we (final goal).

Therefore, **to achieve** (goal), **we need** (measure one) **and even more importantly, we need** (measure two) **in order to achieve** (final goal).

Through the above analysis, it is not difficult to see that (problem essence). **Only by** (measure) **can we achieve** (goal).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal). This is the **fundamental solution to the problem**.

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (social harmony and development).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (people's happiness and well-being).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (the construction of a modern socialist country).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (the modernization of the national governance system and capacity).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (high-quality development).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (social fairness and justice).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (the promotion of common prosperity).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (building a community with a shared future for mankind).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal) and ultimately achieve (final goal), **leading to** (the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation).

Looking ahead, the solution to (problem) requires (measure), and we believe that (goal) will be achieved.

We believe that through (measure), (problem) will be effectively solved, and (goal) will be within reach.

We believe that under the guidance of (measure), (goal) will surely be achieved, and (future outlook).

Let us work together, (measure), to create (a bright future).

Let us take a more proactive approach, (measure), to jointly write a new chapter in (a bright future).

Let us work together, (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal).

Let us be full of confidence, (measure), and the bright future of (goal) is waiting for us to create!

Let us be full of hope, (measure), and the bright tomorrow of (goal) will surely come!

Let us (action one), (action two), and together (goal).

Let us (action one), (action two), and together contribute to (goal).

Let us take action, (measure), (goal).

Let us walk hand in hand, (measure), to create (a bright future).

Let us work together, (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal).

Let us be full of confidence, (measure), and the future of (goal) is beckoning us!

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal), which is of great significance for (meaning).

The realization of (goal) is of great significance, (explanation of meaning).

Solving (problem) is of great significance, (explanation of meaning).

Promoting (goal) is a necessary requirement for (meaning).

The realization of (goal) is an important guarantee for (meaning).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal), which has a profound impact on (meaning).

As the saying goes: (proverb), (analysis of proverb). Therefore, (measure).

The ancients said: (proverb), (analysis of proverb). We should (measure).

As (famous person) said: (proverb), (analysis of proverb). Therefore, (measure).

As the saying goes: (proverb), (analysis of proverb). We must (measure) in order to achieve (goal).

We must remember (proverb), (analysis of proverb), and (measure).

To (goal) is like (metaphor), and we need (measure) to achieve (final goal).

Achieving (goal) is like (metaphor), and we need (measure) to achieve (final goal).

Solving (problem) is like (metaphor), and we need (measure) to achieve (final goal).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal), just like (metaphor), to achieve (final goal).

Shouldn't we (measure)?

Shouldn't we (action)?

Shouldn't we strive for (goal)?

Shouldn't we (measure) to solve (problem)?

Shouldn't we contribute to (goal)?

Let us take action together, (measure), to create (a bright future).

Let us work together, (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal)!

Let us work together, (measure), to create (a bright future)!

Let us take action together, (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal)!

Let's all (measure), to create (a bright future)!

In short, (measure) is the key to solving (problem).

Ultimately, (measure) is the fundamental guarantee for (goal).

In the end, (measure) is an effective way to achieve (goal).

In summary, (measure) is the inevitable choice for achieving (goal).

In short, (measure) is the key to achieving (goal).

It is particularly important to emphasize that (measure) is the key to achieving (goal).

We must pay attention to (measure), which is an important prerequisite for achieving (goal).

The most important thing is to (measure), which is the fundamental guarantee for achieving (goal).

The focus is on (measure), which is a key link in achieving (goal).

The key lies in (measure), which is a core element in achieving (goal).

Time waits for no one, (measure) is urgent.

The situation is urgent, (measure) is imperative.

Time is of the essence, (measure) must be taken quickly.

There is no time to lose, (measure) must be taken immediately.

It is imminent, (measure) must be implemented as soon as possible.

As (identity), we have the responsibility to (measure) and strive for the realization of (goal).

We must (measure), which is the responsibility and commitment of (identity).

Let us jointly shoulder (responsibility), (measure), and create (a bright future).

Let us (measure) with (spirit), to strive for the realization of (goal).

Let us (measure) with (action), to strive for the realization of (goal)!

To achieve (goal), we need (measure).

To solve (problem), we must (measure).

To (goal), we must (measure).

The key to achieving (goal) lies in (measure).

The key to solving (problem) lies in (measure).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal).

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal).

Through (measure), we can effectively (goal).

Taking (measure) can effectively (goal).

We are confident that (measure) will surely achieve (goal)!

We are confident that (measure) will surely (goal)!

We are determined to (measure), to strive for the realization of (goal)!

We believe that (measure) will surely (goal)!

We will surely (measure) and (goal)!

This is an era that requires (measure), and the future of (goal) is waiting for us to create!

Let us work together, (measure), to create (a bright future) and achieve (goal)!

Only by (measure) can we achieve (goal), and ultimately achieve (final goal), and realize (the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation)!


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