
## 电影《末日救援》句子 (59句)

**中文** | **英文**
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1. 我们不是英雄,我们是地球的最后希望。


We are not heroes, we are the last hope of Earth.

2. 为了人类的未来,我们必须拼尽全力。


For the future of humanity, we must fight with all our might.

3. 地球已经病了,我们必须找到治愈它的方法。


The Earth is sick, and we must find a cure for it.

4. 人类不应该放弃,我们有能力改变未来。


Humanity should not give up, we have the power to change the future.

5. 希望仍然存在,只要我们坚持信念。


Hope still exists, as long as we hold onto our beliefs.

6. 灾难面前,我们必须团结一致。


In the face of disaster, we must stand together.

7. 我们不能让地球毁灭,这是我们的责任。


We cannot let Earth perish, it's our responsibility.

8. 即使只有一线希望,我们也要坚持下去。


Even if there's only a sliver of hope, we must persevere.

9. 我们必须做出牺牲,才能拯救地球。


We must make sacrifices to save the Earth.

10. 我们不能逃避现实,必须面对挑战。


We can't escape reality, we must face the challenge.

11. 没有人能独自完成任务,我们需要团队的力量。


No one can do this alone, we need the strength of a team.

12. 我们必须相信自己,相信未来。


We must believe in ourselves, and believe in the future.

13. 地球是我们的家园,我们必须守护它。


Earth is our home, we must protect it.

14. 为了下一代,我们必须努力。


For the next generation, we must strive.

15. 即使失败,我们也要尽力而为。


Even if we fail, we must do our best.

16. 我们不能眼睁睁看着地球毁灭。


We cannot stand by and watch Earth be destroyed.

17. 希望是人类的最后一道防线。


Hope is the last line of defense for humanity.

18. 绝望只会加速地球的毁灭。


Despair will only accelerate Earth's destruction.

19. 我们必须找到解决问题的方法,而不是逃避问题。


We must find solutions to our problems, not escape them.

20. 即使面对绝望,我们也要坚持希望。


Even in the face of despair, we must cling to hope.

21. 我们是地球的守护者,我们有责任保护它。


We are the guardians of Earth, we have a responsibility to protect it.

22. 为了人类的未来,我们必须战胜困难。


For the future of humanity, we must overcome adversity.

23. 我们不能让地球成为一个无人居住的星球。


We cannot let Earth become an uninhabited planet.

24. 即使面对重重困难,我们也要坚定信心。


Even in the face of insurmountable difficulties, we must remain confident.

25. 我们必须记住,地球是我们的家园,我们只有一颗地球。


We must remember, Earth is our home, we only have one Earth.

26. 为了保护地球,我们必须改变我们的生活方式。


To protect Earth, we must change our lifestyles.

27. 我们不能让历史重演,我们必须吸取教训。


We cannot let history repeat itself, we must learn from our mistakes.

28. 地球的未来掌握在我们手中,我们必须负起责任。


The future of Earth is in our hands, we must take responsibility.

29. 我们是地球的最后希望,我们必须竭尽全力。


We are the last hope for Earth, we must do everything we can.

30. 我们必须找到一种可持续发展的未来。


We must find a sustainable future.

31. 我们不能让地球成为一个死寂的世界。


We cannot let Earth become a silent world.

32. 我们必须团结一致,共同面对挑战。


We must stand together, united against the challenge.

33. 我们必须保护地球的自然资源,为子孙后代留下一个美好的家园。


We must protect Earth's natural resources, leaving a beautiful home for future generations.

34. 我们不能放弃,我们必须继续战斗。


We cannot give up, we must continue to fight.

35. 我们必须相信科学,相信技术的力量。


We must believe in science, believe in the power of technology.

36. 我们必须找到一种平衡,在发展经济的同时保护环境。


We must find a balance, protecting the environment while developing the economy.

37. 我们必须为子孙后代负责。


We must be responsible for future generations.

38. 我们必须勇敢面对挑战,迎接未来的考验。


We must bravely face the challenges and welcome the tests of the future.

39. 我们必须相信,人类可以战胜一切困难。


We must believe that humanity can overcome any obstacle.

40. 我们必须保护地球,因为它是我们唯一的家园。


We must protect Earth because it is our only home.

41. 我们必须团结一致,共同创造一个更加美好的未来。


We must unite and work together to create a better future.

42. 我们必须相信,人类有能力改变未来。


We must believe that humanity has the power to change the future.

43. 我们必须找到解决问题的办法,而不是逃避问题。


We must find solutions to our problems, not escape them.

44. 我们必须为未来而战,为地球而战。


We must fight for the future, fight for Earth.

45. 我们必须相信,希望仍然存在。


We must believe that hope still exists.

46. 我们必须努力改变,改变我们的生活方式,改变我们的思维方式。


We must strive to change, change our way of life, change our way of thinking.

47. 我们必须记住,我们只有一个地球,我们必须保护它。


We must remember, we only have one Earth, we must protect it.

48. 我们必须找到一种与地球和谐相处的方式。


We must find a way to live in harmony with Earth.

49. 我们必须相信,人类有能力创造一个更加美好的未来。


We must believe that humanity has the power to create a better future.

50. 我们必须行动起来,为地球的未来而奋斗。


We must act, fight for the future of Earth.

51. 我们必须相信,我们的努力不会白费。


We must believe that our efforts will not be in vain.

52. 我们必须找到一种可持续发展的模式,才能保护地球的未来。


We must find a sustainable development model to protect Earth's future.

53. 我们必须记住,地球是我们的家园,我们必须保护它,就像保护我们自己的家一样。


We must remember, Earth is our home, we must protect it, just like we protect our own home.

54. 我们必须相信,人类的智慧可以解决任何问题。


We must believe that human intelligence can solve any problem.

55. 我们必须相信,人类有能力改变未来。


We must believe that humanity has the power to change the future.

56. 我们必须找到一种平衡,在发展经济的同时保护环境。


We must find a balance, protecting the environment while developing the economy.

57. 我们必须相信,人类可以战胜一切困难。


We must believe that humanity can overcome any obstacle.

58. 我们必须保护地球,因为它是我们唯一的家园。


We must protect Earth because it is our only home.

59. 我们必须团结一致,共同创造一个更加美好的未来。


We must unite and work together to create a better future.

以上就是关于电影末日救援句子59句(电影末日救援句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
