
## 用桥梁出句子,85句

1. 桥梁连接了两个岸,也连接了两个世界。
> The bridge connects two shores, and it also connects two worlds.

2. 古老的石桥,见证了岁月的流逝。
> The old stone bridge has witnessed the passage of time.

3. 桥梁是城市发展的象征,也是文明进步的标志。
> Bridges are symbols of urban development and signs of civilization's progress.

4. 跨越江河的桥梁,承载着希望和梦想。
> Bridges that span rivers carry hope and dreams.

5. 桥梁的建设,凝聚着无数人的智慧和汗水。
> The construction of bridges embodies the wisdom and sweat of countless people.

6. 走在桥上,感受着清风拂面,心旷神怡。
> Walking on the bridge, feeling the gentle breeze, I feel refreshed and relaxed.

7. 桥梁是交通的重要枢纽,为人们出行提供了便利。
> Bridges are important transportation hubs, providing convenience for people's travel.

8. 桥梁的造型各异,有的雄伟壮观,有的精巧玲珑。
> Bridges come in different shapes and sizes, some are grand and majestic, others are delicate and exquisite.

9. 桥梁的灯光璀璨,照亮了夜空,也照亮了人们回家的路。
> The lights of the bridge are dazzling, illuminating the night sky and also the way home for people.

10. 桥梁连接了城市与乡村,缩短了彼此的距离。
> Bridges connect cities and villages, shortening the distance between them.

11. 桥梁是通往未来之路,承载着人们对美好生活的期盼。
> Bridges are the path to the future, carrying people's aspirations for a better life.

12. 桥梁的坚固,代表着国家的强大。
> The solidity of bridges represents the strength of the nation.

13. 桥梁的建设,促进了经济的发展,改善了人民的生活。
> Bridge construction has promoted economic development and improved people's lives.

14. 桥梁是历史的见证者,记录着时代的变迁。
> Bridges are witnesses of history, recording the changes of the times.

15. 桥梁是文化的载体,传承着民族的精神和智慧。
> Bridges are carriers of culture, inheriting the spirit and wisdom of the nation.

16. 桥梁是城市的灵魂,彰显着城市的魅力和活力。
> Bridges are the soul of the city, showcasing the city's charm and vitality.

17. 桥梁是艺术的杰作,展现着人类的创造力和智慧。
> Bridges are masterpieces of art, showcasing human creativity and intelligence.

18. 桥梁的建设,离不开科学技术的进步。
> The construction of bridges relies on the progress of science and technology.

19. 桥梁的维护,需要付出辛勤的劳动。
> The maintenance of bridges requires hard work.

20. 桥梁的安全,关系到人民的生命财产安全。
> The safety of bridges is related to the safety of people's lives and property.

21. 桥梁是城市的重要景观,吸引着来自四面八方的游客。
> Bridges are important landmarks of the city, attracting tourists from all over the world.

22. 桥梁是连接梦想的纽带,指引着人们前进的方向。
> Bridges are ties that connect dreams, guiding people in the right direction.

23. 桥梁的跨越,象征着人们战胜困难的决心。
> The spanning of bridges symbolizes people's determination to overcome difficulties.

24. 桥梁的建设,展现了人类的勇气和智慧。
> The construction of bridges showcases human courage and intelligence.

25. 桥梁是生命的象征,连接着生命的各个阶段。
> Bridges are symbols of life, connecting different stages of life.

26. 桥梁是爱的桥梁,连接着两颗彼此相爱的心。
> Bridges are bridges of love, connecting two hearts that love each other.

27. 桥梁是梦想的桥梁,连接着人们对美好未来的憧憬。
> Bridges are bridges of dreams, connecting people's aspirations for a bright future.

28. 桥梁是希望的桥梁,连接着人们对美好生活的期盼。
> Bridges are bridges of hope, connecting people's aspirations for a better life.

29. 桥梁是友谊的桥梁,连接着不同国家和民族之间的情谊。
> Bridges are bridges of friendship, connecting the affection between different countries and nations.

30. 桥梁是和平的桥梁,连接着不同的文化和文明。
> Bridges are bridges of peace, connecting different cultures and civilizations.

31. 桥梁是沟通的桥梁,连接着不同的人和事。
> Bridges are bridges of communication, connecting different people and things.

32. 桥梁是理解的桥梁,连接着彼此之间的理解和尊重。
> Bridges are bridges of understanding, connecting mutual understanding and respect.

33. 桥梁是团结的桥梁,连接着共同的目标和梦想。
> Bridges are bridges of unity, connecting shared goals and dreams.

34. 桥梁是合作的桥梁,连接着不同的力量和资源。
> Bridges are bridges of cooperation, connecting different forces and resources.

35. 桥梁是发展的桥梁,连接着不同的机遇和挑战。
> Bridges are bridges of development, connecting different opportunities and challenges.

36. 桥梁是进步的桥梁,连接着不同的时代和文明。
> Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting different eras and civilizations.

37. 桥梁是创新的桥梁,连接着不同的思想和理念。
> Bridges are bridges of innovation, connecting different ideas and concepts.

38. 桥梁是未来的桥梁,连接着人们对美好未来的憧憬。
> Bridges are bridges of the future, connecting people's aspirations for a bright future.

39. 桥梁是梦想的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的梦想。
> Bridges are bridges of dreams, connecting people's dreams for the future.

40. 桥梁是希望的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的希望。
> Bridges are bridges of hope, connecting people's hope for the future.

41. 桥梁是爱的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的爱。
> Bridges are bridges of love, connecting people's love for the future.

42. 桥梁是生命的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的生命。
> Bridges are bridges of life, connecting people's lives for the future.

43. 桥梁是前进的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的前进。
> Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting people's progress for the future.

44. 桥梁是成功的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的成功。
> Bridges are bridges of success, connecting people's success for the future.

45. 桥梁是幸福的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的幸福。
> Bridges are bridges of happiness, connecting people's happiness for the future.

46. 桥梁是和谐的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的和谐。
> Bridges are bridges of harmony, connecting people's harmony for the future.

47. 桥梁是友谊的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的友谊。
> Bridges are bridges of friendship, connecting people's friendship for the future.

48. 桥梁是和平的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的和平。
> Bridges are bridges of peace, connecting people's peace for the future.

49. 桥梁是沟通的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的沟通。
> Bridges are bridges of communication, connecting people's communication for the future.

50. 桥梁是理解的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的理解。
> Bridges are bridges of understanding, connecting people's understanding for the future.

51. 桥梁是团结的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的团结。
> Bridges are bridges of unity, connecting people's unity for the future.

52. 桥梁是合作的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的合作。
> Bridges are bridges of cooperation, connecting people's cooperation for the future.

53. 桥梁是发展的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的发展。
> Bridges are bridges of development, connecting people's development for the future.

54. 桥梁是进步的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的进步。
> Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting people's progress for the future.

55. 桥梁是创新的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的创新。
> Bridges are bridges of innovation, connecting people's innovation for the future.

56. 桥梁是梦想的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的梦想。
> Bridges are bridges of dreams, connecting people's dreams for the future.

57. 桥梁是希望的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的希望。
> Bridges are bridges of hope, connecting people's hope for the future.

58. 桥梁是爱的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的爱。
> Bridges are bridges of love, connecting people's love for the future.

59. 桥梁是生命的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的生命。
> Bridges are bridges of life, connecting people's lives for the future.

60. 桥梁是前进的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的前进。
> Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting people's progress for the future.

61. 桥梁是成功的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的成功。
> Bridges are bridges of success, connecting people's success for the future.

62. 桥梁是幸福的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的幸福。
> Bridges are bridges of happiness, connecting people's happiness for the future.

63. 桥梁是和谐的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的和谐。
> Bridges are bridges of harmony, connecting people's harmony for the future.

64. 桥梁是友谊的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的友谊。
> Bridges are bridges of friendship, connecting people's friendship for the future.

65. 桥梁是和平的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的和平。
> Bridges are bridges of peace, connecting people's peace for the future.

66. 桥梁是沟通的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的沟通。
> Bridges are bridges of communication, connecting people's communication for the future.

67. 桥梁是理解的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的理解。
> Bridges are bridges of understanding, connecting people's understanding for the future.

68. 桥梁是团结的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的团结。
> Bridges are bridges of unity, connecting people's unity for the future.

69. 桥梁是合作的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的合作。
> Bridges are bridges of cooperation, connecting people's cooperation for the future.

70. 桥梁是发展的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的发展。
> Bridges are bridges of development, connecting people's development for the future.

71. 桥梁是进步的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的进步。
> Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting people's progress for the future.

72. 桥梁是创新的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的创新。
> Bridges are bridges of innovation, connecting people's innovation for the future.

73. 桥梁是梦想的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的梦想。
> Bridges are bridges of dreams, connecting people's dreams for the future.

74. 桥梁是希望的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的希望。
> Bridges are bridges of hope, connecting people's hope for the future.

75. 桥梁是爱的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的爱。
> Bridges are bridges of love, connecting people's love for the future.

76. 桥梁是生命的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的生命。
> Bridges are bridges of life, connecting people's lives for the future.

77. 桥梁是前进的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的前进。
> Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting people's progress for the future.

78. 桥梁是成功的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的成功。
> Bridges are bridges of success, connecting people's success for the future.

79. 桥梁是幸福的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的幸福。
> Bridges are bridges of happiness, connecting people's happiness for the future.

80. 桥梁是和谐的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的和谐。
> Bridges are bridges of harmony, connecting people's harmony for the future.

81. 桥梁是友谊的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的友谊。
> Bridges are bridges of friendship, connecting people's friendship for the future.

82. 桥梁是和平的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的和平。
> Bridges are bridges of peace, connecting people's peace for the future.

83. 桥梁是沟通的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的沟通。
> Bridges are bridges of communication, connecting people's communication for the future.

84. 桥梁是理解的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的理解。
> Bridges are bridges of understanding, connecting people's understanding for the future.

85. 桥梁是团结的桥梁,连接着人们对未来的团结。
> Bridges are bridges of unity, connecting people's unity for the future.

## 句子翻译成英文并加P标签

The bridge connects two shores, and it also connects two worlds.

The old stone bridge has witnessed the passage of time.

Bridges are symbols of urban development and signs of civilization's progress.

Bridges that span rivers carry hope and dreams.

The construction of bridges embodies the wisdom and sweat of countless people.

Walking on the bridge, feeling the gentle breeze, I feel refreshed and relaxed.

Bridges are important transportation hubs, providing convenience for people's travel.

Bridges come in different shapes and sizes, some are grand and majestic, others are delicate and exquisite.

The lights of the bridge are dazzling, illuminating the night sky and also the way home for people.

Bridges connect cities and villages, shortening the distance between them.

Bridges are the path to the future, carrying people's aspirations for a better life.

The solidity of bridges represents the strength of the nation.

Bridge construction has promoted economic development and improved people's lives.

Bridges are witnesses of history, recording the changes of the times.

Bridges are carriers of culture, inheriting the spirit and wisdom of the nation.

Bridges are the soul of the city, showcasing the city's charm and vitality.

Bridges are masterpieces of art, showcasing human creativity and intelligence.

The construction of bridges relies on the progress of science and technology.

The maintenance of bridges requires hard work.

The safety of bridges is related to the safety of people's lives and property.

Bridges are important landmarks of the city, attracting tourists from all over the world.

Bridges are ties that connect dreams, guiding people in the right direction.

The spanning of bridges symbolizes people's determination to overcome difficulties.

The construction of bridges showcases human courage and intelligence.

Bridges are symbols of life, connecting different stages of life.

Bridges are bridges of love, connecting two hearts that love each other.

Bridges are bridges of dreams, connecting people's aspirations for a bright future.

Bridges are bridges of hope, connecting people's aspirations for a better life.

Bridges are bridges of friendship, connecting the affection between different countries and nations.

Bridges are bridges of peace, connecting different cultures and civilizations.

Bridges are bridges of communication, connecting different people and things.

Bridges are bridges of understanding, connecting mutual understanding and respect.

Bridges are bridges of unity, connecting shared goals and dreams.

Bridges are bridges of cooperation, connecting different forces and resources.

Bridges are bridges of development, connecting different opportunities and challenges.

Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting different eras and civilizations.

Bridges are bridges of innovation, connecting different ideas and concepts.

Bridges are bridges of the future, connecting people's aspirations for a bright future.

Bridges are bridges of dreams, connecting people's dreams for the future.

Bridges are bridges of hope, connecting people's hope for the future.

Bridges are bridges of love, connecting people's love for the future.

Bridges are bridges of life, connecting people's lives for the future.

Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting people's progress for the future.

Bridges are bridges of success, connecting people's success for the future.

Bridges are bridges of happiness, connecting people's happiness for the future.

Bridges are bridges of harmony, connecting people's harmony for the future.

Bridges are bridges of friendship, connecting people's friendship for the future.

Bridges are bridges of peace, connecting people's peace for the future.

Bridges are bridges of communication, connecting people's communication for the future.

Bridges are bridges of understanding, connecting people's understanding for the future.

Bridges are bridges of unity, connecting people's unity for the future.

Bridges are bridges of cooperation, connecting people's cooperation for the future.

Bridges are bridges of development, connecting people's development for the future.

Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting people's progress for the future.

Bridges are bridges of innovation, connecting people's innovation for the future.

Bridges are bridges of dreams, connecting people's dreams for the future.

Bridges are bridges of hope, connecting people's hope for the future.

Bridges are bridges of love, connecting people's love for the future.

Bridges are bridges of life, connecting people's lives for the future.

Bridges are bridges of progress, connecting people's progress for the future.

Bridges are bridges of success, connecting people's success for the future.

Bridges are bridges of happiness, connecting people's happiness for the future.

Bridges are bridges of harmony, connecting people's harmony for the future.

Bridges are bridges of friendship, connecting people's friendship for the future.

Bridges are bridges of peace, connecting people's peace for the future.

Bridges are bridges of communication, connecting people's communication for the future.

Bridges are bridges of understanding, connecting people's understanding for the future.

Bridges are bridges of unity, connecting people's unity for the future.

以上就是关于用桥梁出句子85句(用桥梁出句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
