
## 97句古诗晚安句子,附英文翻译

**1. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。**

The bright moonlight before my bed, I thought it was frost on the ground.

**2. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。**

I raise my cup to invite the bright moon, facing my shadow, we become three.

**3. 月色溶溶夜已深,不知香梦寄何人。**

The moon's soft light bathes the night, deep and quiet, I wonder to whom my fragrant dreams are sent.

**4. 静夜思,床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。**

Thoughts in the quiet night, the bright moonlight before my bed, I thought it was frost on the ground. I raise my head to look at the bright moon, and lower my head to think of my hometown.

**5. 夜来风雨声,花落知多少?**

The sound of wind and rain through the night, how many flowers have fallen, I wonder?

**6. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。**

The moon sinks, crows cry, frost fills the sky, red maple leaves and fishermen's fires greet my sorrowful sleep.

**7. 春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥。**

In spring, I sleep so soundly, unaware of dawn, birdsong echoes everywhere.

**8. 夜半鐘聲到客船,曉星殘月夢魂牽。**

The sound of the bell reaches the guest boat in the middle of the night, the waning stars and crescent moon tug at my dream-filled soul.

**9. 天階夜色涼如水,卧看牽牛織女星。**

The night air on the celestial steps is cool as water, I lie down and watch the Cowherd and Weaver Girl stars.

**10. 床頭屋漏無干處,雨脚如麻未斷絕。**

My bed is near the leaking roof, no dry spot to be found, the rain falls like hempen threads, never ceasing.

**11. 夜雨剪春韭,新炊間黃粱。**

The night rain cuts spring chives, new-cooked rice dreams of yellow millet.

**12. 夜深知雪重,時聞犬吠聲。**

Deep in the night, I know the snow is heavy, I hear the occasional barking of a dog.

**13. 月黑風高夜,殺人放火時。**

A night of dark moon and high wind, a time for murder and arson.

**14. 夜闌卧聽風吹雨,鐵馬冰河入夢來。**

Late at night, I lie down and listen to the wind and rain, iron horses and frozen rivers enter my dreams.

**15. 夜靜更深,月色朦朧,孤燈如豆,思緒萬千。**

The night is quiet and deep, the moonlight is hazy, the solitary lamp is like a bean, my thoughts are myriad.

**16. 夜半鐘聲,驚破好夢,只餘淡淡月光,照亮心房。**

The sound of the bell in the middle of the night, startled a good dream, only the faint moonlight remains, illuminating my heart.

**17. 夜已深,星光閃爍,愿你夢中無憂,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, the stars twinkle, may you dream without worries, good night and sweet dreams.

**18. 月落西山,夜色漸濃,願你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The moon sets in the west, the night grows darker, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**19. 夜幕降臨,繁星點點,愿你心安神定,晚安好夢。**

Night falls, stars sparkle, may you have peace of mind, good night and sweet dreams.

**20. 月光如水,夜色靜謐,愿你安然入眠,晚安好夢。**

The moonlight is like water, the night is peaceful, may you sleep soundly, good night and sweet dreams.

**21. 風輕雲淡,夜色如墨,願你夢境美好,晚安好夢。**

The wind is light, the clouds are thin, the night is as black as ink, may your dreams be beautiful, good night and sweet dreams.

**22. 夜已深,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**23. 夜色漸濃,願你擁抱溫暖,晚安好夢。**

The night grows darker, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**24. 月色如銀,願你夢境甜蜜,晚安好夢。**

The moonlight is like silver, may your dreams be sweet, good night and sweet dreams.

**25. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱寧靜,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace tranquility, good night and sweet dreams.

**26. 夜靜如水,願你心安神定,晚安好夢。**

The night is calm and quiet, may you have peace of mind, good night and sweet dreams.

**27. 夜色迷人,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is enchanting, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**28. 夜深人靜,願你夢境香甜,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may your dreams be sweet, good night and sweet dreams.

**29. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**30. 夜色如畫,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a painting, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**31. 夜深了,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**32. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱寧靜,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace tranquility, good night and sweet dreams.

**33. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**34. 夜已深,愿你一切順利,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything go smoothly for you, good night and sweet dreams.

**35. 夜色靜謐,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is peaceful, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**36. 夜深人靜,願你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**37. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**38. 夜色如詩,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a poem, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**39. 夜深了,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**40. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**41. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**42. 夜已深,願你一切順利,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything go smoothly for you, good night and sweet dreams.

**43. 夜色靜謐,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night is peaceful, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**44. 夜深人靜,願你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**45. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**46. 夜色如畫,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a painting, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**47. 夜深了,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**48. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱寧靜,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace tranquility, good night and sweet dreams.

**49. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**50. 夜已深,願你一切順利,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything go smoothly for you, good night and sweet dreams.

**51. 夜色靜謐,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The night is peaceful, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**52. 夜深人靜,願你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**53. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**54. 夜色如詩,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a poem, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**55. 夜深了,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**56. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**57. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**58. 夜已深,願你一切順利,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything go smoothly for you, good night and sweet dreams.

**59. 夜色靜謐,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night is peaceful, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**60. 夜深人靜,願你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**61. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**62. 夜色如畫,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a painting, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**63. 夜深了,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**64. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱寧靜,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace tranquility, good night and sweet dreams.

**65. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**66. 夜已深,願你一切順利,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything go smoothly for you, good night and sweet dreams.

**67. 夜色靜謐,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is peaceful, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**68. 夜深人靜,願你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**69. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**70. 夜色如詩,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a poem, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**71. 夜深了,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**72. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**73. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**74. 夜已深,願你一切順利,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything go smoothly for you, good night and sweet dreams.

**75. 夜色靜謐,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night is peaceful, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**76. 夜深人靜,願你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**77. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**78. 夜色如畫,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a painting, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**79. 夜深了,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**80. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱寧靜,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace tranquility, good night and sweet dreams.

**81. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**82. 夜已深,願你一切順利,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything go smoothly for you, good night and sweet dreams.

**83. 夜色靜謐,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The night is peaceful, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**84. 夜深人靜,願你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**85. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**86. 夜色如詩,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a poem, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**87. 夜深了,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**88. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**89. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**90. 夜已深,願你一切順利,晚安好夢。**

Night has fallen, may everything go smoothly for you, good night and sweet dreams.

**91. 夜色靜謐,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night is peaceful, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

**92. 夜深人靜,願你擁抱美好,晚安好夢。**

The night is deep and quiet, may you embrace beauty, good night and sweet dreams.

**93. 夜已來臨,願你一切安好,晚安好夢。**

Night has arrived, may everything be well with you, good night and sweet dreams.

**94. 夜色如畫,愿你擁抱幸福,晚安好夢。**

The night is like a painting, may you embrace happiness, good night and sweet dreams.

**95. 夜深了,愿你擁抱溫馨,晚安好夢。**

It's getting late, may you embrace warmth, good night and sweet dreams.

**96. 夜色朦朧,愿你擁抱寧靜,晚安好夢。**

The night is hazy, may you embrace tranquility, good night and sweet dreams.

**97. 夜幕低垂,愿你擁抱安寧,晚安好夢。**

The night curtain falls, may you embrace peace, good night and sweet dreams.

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