
## 终结一吻句子 (77句)


Here are 77 sentences about a final kiss, translated into English:

1. 他们的吻,像是落幕的余晖,将最后的温暖留在了彼此的唇上。

Their kiss, like the fading afterglow of sunset, left the last warmth on each other's lips.

2. 这一吻,像是告别,也像是承诺,将他们的故事画上了一个圆满的句号。

This kiss, like a farewell and a promise, brought their story to a perfect conclusion.

3. 嘴唇轻轻触碰,像是羽毛划过,却留下了难以磨灭的印记。

Their lips touched lightly, like a feather brushing by, but left an indelible mark.

4. 一瞬间的温柔,像是冬日里的暖阳,驱散了所有寒冷,只留下无限的眷恋。

A moment of tenderness, like the warmth of the sun in winter, dispelled all the cold, leaving only endless longing.

5. 他们相视一笑,那一吻,像是无声的约定,将彼此的思念深深埋藏。

They smiled at each other, and that kiss, like a silent pact, buried their longing for each other deep within their hearts.

6. 时间仿佛静止,空气中弥漫着淡淡的香气,那一吻,像是永恒的纪念。

Time seemed to stand still, the air filled with a faint fragrance, and that kiss, like an eternal memory.

7. 那一吻,像是雨后的彩虹,短暂却美丽,将他们的爱情画上了完美的句号。

That kiss, like a rainbow after the rain, was short but beautiful, bringing their love to a perfect end.

8. 他们的吻,像是落叶归根,回归到了最初的起点,也预示着新的开始。

Their kiss, like leaves returning to their roots, returned to their original starting point, and foreshadowed a new beginning.

9. 轻轻触碰,像是微风拂过脸颊,带来一丝凉意,却也令人心醉。

A gentle touch, like a breeze brushing against the cheek, brought a touch of coolness, but also intoxication.

10. 一吻封存了所有回忆,将他们曾经的甜蜜和苦涩都深深地埋藏在了心底。

A kiss sealed all their memories, burying their past sweetness and bitterness deep in their hearts.

11. 那一吻,像是告别,也像是希望,将他们的故事留在了彼此的脑海里。

That kiss, like a farewell and a hope, left their story in each other's minds.

12. 他们彼此依偎,那一吻,像是最后的温柔,将他们的爱情留在了永恒的回忆里。

They leaned against each other, and that kiss, like a final act of tenderness, left their love in eternal memory.

13. 那一吻,像是星辰坠落,带走了所有光芒,却也留下了难以忘怀的星空。

That kiss, like a falling star, took away all the light, but also left behind an unforgettable starry sky.

14. 他们相视而笑,那一吻,像是无声的祝福,将彼此的未来留给了命运的安排。

They smiled at each other, and that kiss, like a silent blessing, left their futures to the arrangement of fate.

15. 那一吻,像是梦境的结束,却也像是新旅程的开始,带着希望和憧憬,他们挥手告别。

That kiss, like the end of a dream, but also the beginning of a new journey, they waved goodbye with hope and anticipation.

16. 他们的吻,像是沉默的告白,将所有未说出口的爱都融化在了那一瞬间。

Their kiss, like a silent confession, melted all the unspoken love into that moment.

17. 那一吻,像是最后的告别,却也像是永恒的承诺,将他们的爱情深深地刻在了彼此的心中。

That kiss, like a final farewell, but also an eternal promise, deeply engraved their love in each other's hearts.

18. 他们相依相偎,那一吻,像是时间静止,将他们的爱情定格在了最美好的时刻。

They clung to each other, and that kiss, like time standing still, froze their love in the most beautiful moment.

19. 那一吻,像是烟花绽放,瞬间的辉煌,却也留下了无尽的回味。

That kiss, like fireworks blooming, a moment of brilliance, but also left endless aftertaste.

20. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是春风拂过,带着淡淡的花香,也留下了无限的思念。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like a spring breeze, carried a faint scent of flowers, and also left endless longing.

21. 那一吻,像是落叶飘零,飘落在了时间的长河中,却也留下了永恒的印记。

That kiss, like falling leaves, drifted into the river of time, but also left an eternal mark.

22. 他们的吻,像是海誓山盟,将彼此的爱情深深地刻在了彼此的脑海里。

Their kiss, like vows made under heaven and earth, deeply engraved their love in each other's minds.

23. 那一吻,像是画卷的结尾,将他们曾经的故事画上了一个完美的句号。

That kiss, like the end of a painting, brought their story to a perfect conclusion.

24. 他们彼此相拥,那一吻,像是最后的温暖,驱散了所有寒冷,留下了无尽的思念。

They embraced each other, and that kiss, like the last warmth, dispelled all the cold, leaving endless longing.

25. 那一吻,像是星辰闪烁,点缀了夜空,也点亮了彼此的心房。

That kiss, like twinkling stars, adorned the night sky and illuminated each other's hearts.

26. 他们的吻,像是风吹过树叶,轻轻摇曳,却也留下了难以忘怀的回忆。

Their kiss, like the wind blowing through leaves, gently swaying, but also left unforgettable memories.

27. 那一吻,像是海浪拍打着海岸,轻轻地诉说着他们的爱情故事。

That kiss, like waves crashing against the shore, gently whispered their love story.

28. 他们的吻,像是雨滴落在荷叶上,轻轻地弹跳,却也留下了深深的印记。

Their kiss, like raindrops falling on lotus leaves, gently bouncing, but also left a deep mark.

29. 那一吻,像是花香弥漫,淡淡地萦绕在空气中,却也留下了无法忘怀的香气。

That kiss, like the fragrance of flowers, faintly lingered in the air, but also left an unforgettable scent.

30. 他们彼此依偎,那一吻,像是时间的凝固,将他们的爱情定格在了最美好的时刻。

They clung to each other, and that kiss, like time solidifying, froze their love in the most beautiful moment.

31. 那一吻,像是夕阳西下,将所有光芒都染成了金红色,也染红了彼此的脸庞。

That kiss, like the sun setting in the west, dyed all the light golden red, and also dyed each other's faces red.

32. 他们的吻,像是月光洒落,照亮了彼此的内心,也照亮了未来的道路。

Their kiss, like moonlight falling, illuminated each other's hearts and lit the path to the future.

33. 那一吻,像是雨后的清新,洗去了所有的尘埃,也洗去了所有的忧愁。

That kiss, like the freshness after rain, washed away all the dust and all the sorrow.

34. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是秋风送爽,带着丝丝凉意,也留下了无尽的思念。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like a refreshing autumn breeze, carried a hint of coolness, and also left endless longing.

35. 那一吻,像是花瓣凋零,落在了时间的长河中,却也留下了永恒的美丽。

That kiss, like withering petals, fell into the river of time, but also left eternal beauty.

36. 他们的吻,像是鸟儿歌唱,在枝头轻轻地吟唱,却也留下了动听的旋律。

Their kiss, like birds singing, gently singing on the branches, but also left a beautiful melody.

37. 那一吻,像是梦境般美好,短暂却又令人难以忘怀。

That kiss, like a dream, was beautiful, short yet unforgettable.

38. 他们彼此相爱,那一吻,像是无声的承诺,将彼此的未来都交给了命运的安排。

They loved each other, and that kiss, like a silent promise, entrusted their future to the arrangement of fate.

39. 那一吻,像是夏日的凉风,吹散了所有炎热,也吹散了所有的烦恼。

That kiss, like a summer breeze, dispelled all the heat and all the worries.

40. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是冬日的暖阳,驱散了所有寒冷,也驱散了所有的悲伤。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like the warmth of the sun in winter, dispelled all the cold and all the sadness.

41. 那一吻,像是海上的灯塔,指引着彼此前行的方向,也照亮了未来的道路。

That kiss, like a lighthouse at sea, guided each other's direction and illuminated the path to the future.

42. 他们的吻,像是月光洒下,照亮了彼此的心房,也照亮了未来的路程。

Their kiss, like moonlight falling, illuminated each other's hearts and lit the path to the future.

43. 那一吻,像是花香弥漫,淡淡地萦绕在空气中,也萦绕在彼此的心中。

That kiss, like the fragrance of flowers, faintly lingered in the air and in each other's hearts.

44. 他们彼此相拥,那一吻,像是时间的凝固,将他们的爱情定格在了最美好的时刻。

They clung to each other, and that kiss, like time solidifying, froze their love in the most beautiful moment.

45. 那一吻,像是雨后彩虹,短暂却美丽,也留下了无限的感动。

That kiss, like a rainbow after the rain, was short but beautiful, and also left endless emotion.

46. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是秋风送爽,带着丝丝凉意,也留下了无尽的思念。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like a refreshing autumn breeze, carried a hint of coolness, and also left endless longing.

47. 那一吻,像是花瓣凋零,落在了时间的长河中,却也留下了永恒的美丽。

That kiss, like withering petals, fell into the river of time, but also left eternal beauty.

48. 他们的吻,像是鸟儿歌唱,在枝头轻轻地吟唱,却也留下了动听的旋律。

Their kiss, like birds singing, gently singing on the branches, but also left a beautiful melody.

49. 那一吻,像是梦境般美好,短暂却又令人难以忘怀。

That kiss, like a dream, was beautiful, short yet unforgettable.

50. 他们彼此相爱,那一吻,像是无声的承诺,将彼此的未来都交给了命运的安排。

They loved each other, and that kiss, like a silent promise, entrusted their future to the arrangement of fate.

51. 那一吻,像是夏日的凉风,吹散了所有炎热,也吹散了所有的烦恼。

That kiss, like a summer breeze, dispelled all the heat and all the worries.

52. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是冬日的暖阳,驱散了所有寒冷,也驱散了所有的悲伤。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like the warmth of the sun in winter, dispelled all the cold and all the sadness.

53. 那一吻,像是海上的灯塔,指引着彼此前行的方向,也照亮了未来的道路。

That kiss, like a lighthouse at sea, guided each other's direction and illuminated the path to the future.

54. 他们的吻,像是月光洒下,照亮了彼此的心房,也照亮了未来的路程。

Their kiss, like moonlight falling, illuminated each other's hearts and lit the path to the future.

55. 那一吻,像是花香弥漫,淡淡地萦绕在空气中,也萦绕在彼此的心中。

That kiss, like the fragrance of flowers, faintly lingered in the air and in each other's hearts.

56. 他们彼此相拥,那一吻,像是时间的凝固,将他们的爱情定格在了最美好的时刻。

They clung to each other, and that kiss, like time solidifying, froze their love in the most beautiful moment.

57. 那一吻,像是雨后彩虹,短暂却美丽,也留下了无限的感动。

That kiss, like a rainbow after the rain, was short but beautiful, and also left endless emotion.

58. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是秋风送爽,带着丝丝凉意,也留下了无尽的思念。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like a refreshing autumn breeze, carried a hint of coolness, and also left endless longing.

59. 那一吻,像是花瓣凋零,落在了时间的长河中,却也留下了永恒的美丽。

That kiss, like withering petals, fell into the river of time, but also left eternal beauty.

60. 他们的吻,像是鸟儿歌唱,在枝头轻轻地吟唱,却也留下了动听的旋律。

Their kiss, like birds singing, gently singing on the branches, but also left a beautiful melody.

61. 那一吻,像是梦境般美好,短暂却又令人难以忘怀。

That kiss, like a dream, was beautiful, short yet unforgettable.

62. 他们彼此相爱,那一吻,像是无声的承诺,将彼此的未来都交给了命运的安排。

They loved each other, and that kiss, like a silent promise, entrusted their future to the arrangement of fate.

63. 那一吻,像是夏日的凉风,吹散了所有炎热,也吹散了所有的烦恼。

That kiss, like a summer breeze, dispelled all the heat and all the worries.

64. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是冬日的暖阳,驱散了所有寒冷,也驱散了所有的悲伤。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like the warmth of the sun in winter, dispelled all the cold and all the sadness.

65. 那一吻,像是海上的灯塔,指引着彼此前行的方向,也照亮了未来的道路。

That kiss, like a lighthouse at sea, guided each other's direction and illuminated the path to the future.

66. 他们的吻,像是月光洒下,照亮了彼此的心房,也照亮了未来的路程。

Their kiss, like moonlight falling, illuminated each other's hearts and lit the path to the future.

67. 那一吻,像是花香弥漫,淡淡地萦绕在空气中,也萦绕在彼此的心中。

That kiss, like the fragrance of flowers, faintly lingered in the air and in each other's hearts.

68. 他们彼此相拥,那一吻,像是时间的凝固,将他们的爱情定格在了最美好的时刻。

They clung to each other, and that kiss, like time solidifying, froze their love in the most beautiful moment.

69. 那一吻,像是雨后彩虹,短暂却美丽,也留下了无限的感动。

That kiss, like a rainbow after the rain, was short but beautiful, and also left endless emotion.

70. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是秋风送爽,带着丝丝凉意,也留下了无尽的思念。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like a refreshing autumn breeze, carried a hint of coolness, and also left endless longing.

71. 那一吻,像是花瓣凋零,落在了时间的长河中,却也留下了永恒的美丽。

That kiss, like withering petals, fell into the river of time, but also left eternal beauty.

72. 他们的吻,像是鸟儿歌唱,在枝头轻轻地吟唱,却也留下了动听的旋律。

Their kiss, like birds singing, gently singing on the branches, but also left a beautiful melody.

73. 那一吻,像是梦境般美好,短暂却又令人难以忘怀。

That kiss, like a dream, was beautiful, short yet unforgettable.

74. 他们彼此相爱,那一吻,像是无声的承诺,将彼此的未来都交给了命运的安排。

They loved each other, and that kiss, like a silent promise, entrusted their future to the arrangement of fate.

75. 那一吻,像是夏日的凉风,吹散了所有炎热,也吹散了所有的烦恼。

That kiss, like a summer breeze, dispelled all the heat and all the worries.

76. 他们轻轻地吻别,那一吻,像是冬日的暖阳,驱散了所有寒冷,也驱散了所有的悲伤。

They kissed goodbye gently, and that kiss, like the warmth of the sun in winter, dispelled all the cold and all the sadness.

77. 那一吻,像是海上的灯塔,指引着彼此前行的方向,也照亮了未来的道路。

That kiss, like a lighthouse at sea, guided each other's direction and illuminated the path to the future.

以上就是关于终结一吻句子77句(终结一吻句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
