
## 72句方言哄睡句子及英文翻译

**1. 乖,睡觉觉啦,月亮都睡了,星星也睡了,就等你睡了。**

Good boy/girl, it's time to sleep. The moon is sleeping, the stars are sleeping, and we're waiting for you to sleep.

**2. 小乖乖,别闹了,快睡吧,明天还要早起呢。**

Sweet baby, don't be silly, go to sleep now, you have to wake up early tomorrow.

**3. 闭上眼睛,梦里全是糖果,香香甜甜的。**

Close your eyes, dream of all the candy, sweet and delicious.

**4. 乖,别动,梦里会飞,飞到月亮上去摘星星。**

Good boy/girl, be still, you'll fly in your dreams, fly to the moon and pick stars.

**5. 你要乖乖睡觉,梦里会看见小兔子,它会陪你玩。**

You need to sleep well, you'll see a little rabbit in your dreams, it will play with you.

**6. 睡觉觉,睡着觉,梦里会有小乌龟,驮着你去旅行。**

Go to sleep, sleep soundly, you'll dream of a little turtle, carrying you on a trip.

**7. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会下雨,下雨会洗掉你所有的烦恼。**

Close your eyes, it will rain in your dreams, the rain will wash away all your worries.

**8. 宝宝乖,睡觉觉,梦里会下雪,雪会给你带来快乐。**

Baby, be good, go to sleep, it will snow in your dreams, the snow will bring you happiness.

**9. 乖,闭眼睡觉,梦里会开满花,花香会让你心情好。**

Good boy/girl, close your eyes and sleep, the dream will be full of flowers, the fragrance of flowers will make you happy.

**10. 快睡觉吧,梦里会有一条小鱼,它会带你去看海底世界。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little fish in your dreams, it will take you to see the underwater world.

**11. 宝贝,别闹了,快睡觉吧,明天还要去幼儿园呢。**

Honey, stop making noise, go to sleep now, you have to go to kindergarten tomorrow.

**12. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小鸟,它会唱好听的歌给你听。**

Close your eyes, there will be little birds in your dreams, they will sing beautiful songs for you.

**13. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的,等你醒来一起去吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious food in your dreams, we'll go eat them together when you wake up.

**14. 快睡吧,梦里会有一条小河,河水清澈,流淌着幸福。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little river in your dreams, the river water is clear, flowing with happiness.

**15. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小熊,它会抱着你睡觉。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little bear in your dreams, it will hug you to sleep.

**16. 宝宝乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有一座城堡,城堡里住着美丽的公主。**

Baby, be good, go to sleep, there will be a castle in your dreams, the castle is home to a beautiful princess.

**17. 睡觉觉,睡着觉,梦里会有好多朋友,他们会陪你一起玩。**

Go to sleep, sleep soundly, there will be lots of friends in your dreams, they will play with you.

**18. 宝贝,别闹了,快睡觉吧,明天还要去游乐园呢。**

Honey, stop making noise, go to sleep now, we're going to the amusement park tomorrow.

**19. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小猫,它会陪你一起看月亮。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little cat in your dreams, it will watch the moon with you.

**20. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多礼物,等你醒来都送给你。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of gifts in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**21. 快睡吧,梦里会有一片森林,森林里住着小动物,它们会和你做朋友。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a forest in your dreams, the forest is home to small animals, they will be your friends.

**22. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小狗,它会陪你一起跑步。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little dog in your dreams, it will run with you.

**23. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的水果,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious fruits in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**24. 快睡吧,梦里会有一片海滩,海滩上有很多贝壳,你可以在海边玩沙。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a beach in your dreams, the beach has many shells, you can play in the sand by the sea.

**25. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小羊,它会陪你一起数星星。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little sheep in your dreams, it will count the stars with you.

**26. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多玩具,等你醒来都给你玩。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of toys in your dreams, I'll let you play with them all when you wake up.

**27. 快睡吧,梦里会有一架飞机,飞机会带你去旅行。**

Go to sleep now, there will be an airplane in your dreams, the airplane will take you on a trip.

**28. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小猴,它会陪你一起爬树。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little monkey in your dreams, it will climb trees with you.

**29. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的糖果,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious candy in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**30. 快睡吧,梦里会有一条彩虹,彩虹会带给你快乐。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a rainbow in your dreams, the rainbow will bring you happiness.

**31. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小兔子,它会陪你一起玩捉迷藏。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little rabbit in your dreams, it will play hide-and-seek with you.

**32. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的蛋糕,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious cakes in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**33. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小鸟,它会唱好听的歌给你听。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little bird in your dreams, it will sing beautiful songs for you.

**34. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小猫,它会陪你一起看星星。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little cat in your dreams, it will watch the stars with you.

**35. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的冰淇淋,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious ice cream in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**36. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小狗,它会陪你一起玩球。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little dog in your dreams, it will play ball with you.

**37. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小熊,它会陪你一起看月亮。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little bear in your dreams, it will watch the moon with you.

**38. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的巧克力,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious chocolate in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**39. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小猴,它会陪你一起玩游戏。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little monkey in your dreams, it will play games with you.

**40. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小兔子,它会陪你一起看云朵。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little rabbit in your dreams, it will watch the clouds with you.

**41. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的水果,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious fruits in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**42. 快睡吧,梦里会有一片草原,草原上有很多小动物,它们会和你做朋友。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a grassland in your dreams, the grassland has many small animals, they will be your friends.

**43. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小猫,它会陪你一起听音乐。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little cat in your dreams, it will listen to music with you.

**44. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的糖果,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious candy in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**45. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小狗,它会陪你一起散步。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little dog in your dreams, it will walk with you.

**46. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小熊,它会陪你一起看星星。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little bear in your dreams, it will watch the stars with you.

**47. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的蛋糕,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious cakes in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**48. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小猴,它会陪你一起荡秋千。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little monkey in your dreams, it will swing with you.

**49. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小兔子,它会陪你一起玩游戏。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little rabbit in your dreams, it will play games with you.

**50. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的巧克力,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious chocolate in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**51. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小鸟,它会唱好听的歌给你听。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little bird in your dreams, it will sing beautiful songs for you.

**52. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小猫,它会陪你一起看月亮。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little cat in your dreams, it will watch the moon with you.

**53. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的冰淇淋,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious ice cream in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**54. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小狗,它会陪你一起玩捉迷藏。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little dog in your dreams, it will play hide-and-seek with you.

**55. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小熊,它会陪你一起看云朵。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little bear in your dreams, it will watch the clouds with you.

**56. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的水果,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious fruits in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**57. 快睡吧,梦里会有一片草原,草原上有很多小动物,它们会和你做朋友。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a grassland in your dreams, the grassland has many small animals, they will be your friends.

**58. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小猫,它会陪你一起听音乐。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little cat in your dreams, it will listen to music with you.

**59. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的糖果,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious candy in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**60. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小狗,它会陪你一起散步。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little dog in your dreams, it will walk with you.

**61. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小熊,它会陪你一起看星星。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little bear in your dreams, it will watch the stars with you.

**62. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的蛋糕,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious cakes in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**63. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小猴,它会陪你一起荡秋千。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little monkey in your dreams, it will swing with you.

**64. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小兔子,它会陪你一起玩游戏。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little rabbit in your dreams, it will play games with you.

**65. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的巧克力,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious chocolate in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**66. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小鸟,它会唱好听的歌给你听。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little bird in your dreams, it will sing beautiful songs for you.

**67. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小猫,它会陪你一起看月亮。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little cat in your dreams, it will watch the moon with you.

**68. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的冰淇淋,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious ice cream in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**69. 快睡吧,梦里会有一只小狗,它会陪你一起玩捉迷藏。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a little dog in your dreams, it will play hide-and-seek with you.

**70. 眼睛闭起来,梦里会有小熊,它会陪你一起看云朵。**

Close your eyes, there will be a little bear in your dreams, it will watch the clouds with you.

**71. 乖,睡觉觉,梦里会有好多好吃的水果,等你醒来都给你吃。**

Good boy/girl, go to sleep, there will be lots of delicious fruits in your dreams, I'll give them all to you when you wake up.

**72. 快睡吧,梦里会有一片草原,草原上有很多小动物,它们会和你做朋友。**

Go to sleep now, there will be a grassland in your dreams, the grassland has many small animals, they will be your friends.

以上就是关于用方言哄别人睡觉的句子72句(用方言哄别人睡觉的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
