
## 反而适句子,75句

**1. 他的批评,反而激发了我的斗志。**

His criticism, on the contrary, ignited my fighting spirit.

**2. 这件事看起来很麻烦,但反而给了我锻炼的机会。**

This matter seems troublesome, but it has given me an opportunity to exercise.

**3. 我本以为他会很生气,但他反而很冷静。**

I thought he would be angry, but he was surprisingly calm.

**4. 他的坦白,反而让大家对他更加信任。**

His confession, on the contrary, made everyone trust him even more.

**5. 她越是想逃避,反而越是被困住。**

The more she tried to escape, the more trapped she felt.

**6. 这场失败,反而让他更加坚强。**

This failure, on the contrary, made him stronger.

**7. 他的沉默,反而让她更加好奇。**

His silence, on the contrary, made her even more curious.

**8. 他的帮助,反而让我更加自卑。**

His help, on the contrary, made me even more self-conscious.

**9. 这项政策,反而阻碍了经济发展。**

This policy, on the contrary, hindered economic development.

**10. 这本书,反而让我对这个话题更感兴趣了。**

This book, on the contrary, made me even more interested in this topic.

**11. 他越是想隐藏,反而越是被发现。**

The more he tried to hide, the more likely he was to be discovered.

**12. 这件衣服,反而衬托出她的气质。**

This dress, on the contrary, highlighted her temperament.

**13. 他越是想要解释,反而越让人觉得他在撒谎。**

The more he tried to explain, the more people thought he was lying.

**14. 这场雨,反而洗去了城市的尘埃。**

This rain, on the contrary, washed away the dust of the city.

**15. 他的离开,反而让我更加思念他。**

His departure, on the contrary, made me miss him even more.

**16. 这段经历,反而让我更加成熟。**

This experience, on the contrary, made me more mature.

**17. 这件事,反而让我更加了解了人性。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me understand human nature better.

**18. 他越是想逃避责任,反而越是被推到风口浪尖。**

The more he tried to shirk responsibility, the more he was pushed into the spotlight.

**19. 这件事,反而激发了我的潜能。**

This matter, on the contrary, unleashed my potential.

**20. 他越是想证明自己,反而越是被怀疑。**

The more he tried to prove himself, the more he was doubted.

**21. 这场考试,反而让我更加自信了。**

This exam, on the contrary, made me more confident.

**22. 他的批评,反而让我更加努力。**

His criticism, on the contrary, made me work harder.

**23. 这本书,反而让我更加了解了历史。**

This book, on the contrary, made me understand history better.

**24. 这部电影,反而让我更加珍惜生活。**

This film, on the contrary, made me cherish life more.

**25. 这首歌,反而让我更加想念家乡。**

This song, on the contrary, made me miss home even more.

**26. 他的鼓励,反而让我更加勇敢。**

His encouragement, on the contrary, made me braver.

**27. 这件事,反而让我更加珍惜朋友。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me cherish my friends more.

**28. 他越是想隐瞒,反而越是被揭穿。**

The more he tried to conceal, the more likely he was to be exposed.

**29. 这件事,反而让我更加坚定了信念。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me even more determined in my beliefs.

**30. 他的离开,反而让我更加独立。**

His departure, on the contrary, made me more independent.

**31. 这段旅程,反而让我更加了解自己。**

This journey, on the contrary, made me understand myself better.

**32. 这场比赛,反而让我更加热爱运动。**

This competition, on the contrary, made me love sports even more.

**33. 这本书,反而让我更加了解了人生。**

This book, on the contrary, made me understand life better.

**34. 这场辩论,反而让我更加理性思考。**

This debate, on the contrary, made me think more rationally.

**35. 这件事,反而让我更加珍惜时间。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me cherish time more.

**36. 他的帮助,反而让我更加懂得感恩。**

His help, on the contrary, made me more grateful.

**37. 这首歌,反而让我更加思念家人。**

This song, on the contrary, made me miss my family even more.

**38. 这件事,反而让我更加明白责任的意义。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me understand the meaning of responsibility better.

**39. 他的沉默,反而让我更加担心。**

His silence, on the contrary, made me even more worried.

**40. 这件衣服,反而衬托出她的美丽。**

This dress, on the contrary, highlighted her beauty.

**41. 他越是想要解释,反而越让人觉得他在掩饰。**

The more he tried to explain, the more people thought he was covering something up.

**42. 这场暴风雨,反而洗刷了城市的喧嚣。**

This storm, on the contrary, washed away the city's noise.

**43. 他的离开,反而让我更加坚强。**

His departure, on the contrary, made me stronger.

**44. 这段经历,反而让我更加勇敢。**

This experience, on the contrary, made me braver.

**45. 这件事,反而让我更加了解了社会。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me understand society better.

**46. 他越是想逃避问题,反而越是被问题困扰。**

The more he tried to escape problems, the more he was troubled by them.

**47. 这件事,反而激发了我的创造力。**

This matter, on the contrary, ignited my creativity.

**48. 他越是想证明自己,反而越是被打击。**

The more he tried to prove himself, the more he was hit.

**49. 这场考试,反而让我更加冷静了。**

This exam, on the contrary, made me calmer.

**50. 他的批评,反而让我更加进步。**

His criticism, on the contrary, made me progress even more.

**51. 这本书,反而让我更加了解了人生的意义。**

This book, on the contrary, made me understand the meaning of life better.

**52. 这部电影,反而让我更加珍惜眼前人。**

This film, on the contrary, made me cherish the people around me more.

**53. 这首歌,反而让我更加思念过去。**

This song, on the contrary, made me miss the past even more.

**54. 他的鼓励,反而让我更加努力。**

His encouragement, on the contrary, made me work harder.

**55. 这件事,反而让我更加珍惜亲人。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me cherish my family more.

**56. 他越是想隐瞒,反而越是被戳穿。**

The more he tried to conceal, the more likely he was to be exposed.

**57. 这件事,反而让我更加坚定了目标。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me even more determined in my goals.

**58. 他的离开,反而让我更加珍惜自由。**

His departure, on the contrary, made me cherish freedom more.

**59. 这段旅程,反而让我更加热爱生活。**

This journey, on the contrary, made me love life even more.

**60. 这场比赛,反而让我更加懂得团队合作。**

This competition, on the contrary, made me understand teamwork better.

**61. 这本书,反而让我更加了解了社会现象。**

This book, on the contrary, made me understand social phenomena better.

**62. 这场辩论,反而让我更加理解不同观点。**

This debate, on the contrary, made me understand different points of view better.

**63. 这件事,反而让我更加珍惜时间去陪伴家人。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me cherish the time I spend with my family more.

**64. 他的帮助,反而让我更加懂得独立思考。**

His help, on the contrary, made me understand the importance of independent thinking better.

**65. 这首歌,反而让我更加思念故乡。**

This song, on the contrary, made me miss my hometown even more.

**66. 这件事,反而让我更加明白人生的无常。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me understand the impermanence of life better.

**67. 他的沉默,反而让我更加疑惑。**

His silence, on the contrary, made me even more confused.

**68. 这件衣服,反而衬托出她的优雅。**

This dress, on the contrary, highlighted her elegance.

**69. 他越是想要解释,反而越让人觉得他在心虚。**

The more he tried to explain, the more people thought he was nervous.

**70. 这场暴风雨,反而让天空更加蔚蓝。**

This storm, on the contrary, made the sky even bluer.

**71. 他的离开,反而让我更加珍惜朋友的陪伴。**

His departure, on the contrary, made me cherish the companionship of my friends more.

**72. 这段经历,反而让我更加懂得珍惜当下。**

This experience, on the contrary, made me understand the importance of cherishing the present moment better.

**73. 这件事,反而让我更加了解了人性的复杂。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me understand the complexity of human nature better.

**74. 他越是想逃避责任,反而越是被责任追赶。**

The more he tried to shirk responsibility, the more he was chased by it.

**75. 这件事,反而让我更加懂得人生的真谛。**

This matter, on the contrary, made me understand the true meaning of life better.

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